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My Pyro Story

This is my own fanfic that I've come up with and it's a Pyro story. It is currently untitled so if you have a good title e-mail it to me and I will credit you. Also this is only the first section of it so far. I'm still working on it.

Chapter 1

Click, fwoosh.
Click, fwoosh.

"Geez, John! Do you always have to play with that lighter?" Bobby complained, interrupting his and Rogue's sweet conversation.
The trio was sitting in the food court of the museum the school had taken a special field trip to. They had gotten hungry and gotten permission to pay a visit to the cheap fast food available.
"Well if you weren't always friggin' groping each other maybe I wouldn't be so-," John stopped mid-sentence. Bobby and Rogue glanced to where John was staring. "Who is that?" John asked still staring at a girl standing near a television watching a clip on nature.
"That's Loren. She goes to our school, in fact she's in some of my classes," Rogue answered.
"Hmmmm...she's a mutant too. What's her power?" the intrigued Pyro asked.
"I'm not sure. I've only said hi to her a couple of times in the hallways. Why don't you go say hi to her? You're obviously way into her!" Rogue suggested.
John broke his gaze away from the girl named Loren, who was dressed in a plaid mini-skirt and a black sleeveless shirt. "It's a good idea, but I would have no clue what to say!" he comlained.
"Here, I'll introduce you guys. You're obviously not going to do anything until it's too late and she graduates from the school," Rogue said trying one last time to persuade John to talk to Loren himself.
He didn't take the hint. "You'll do that? Wow, that's amazing that you'll take some time away from your precious boyfriend," he teased.
"Hey watch it! I may take back my offer," Rogue warned as John eagerly got up. As he turned his backto his two best friends, Bobby whispered,"This wil be interesting." Rogue, in return, raised her eyebrows at him and make her way through the maze of tables, John following closely behind.

"Loren?" Rogue said, getting the girl's attention.
"Hey Rogue!" Lorensaid cheerfully, looking past the girl at Pyro, who was grinning shyly. "What's up?"
"Well Loren, John here," she began, gesturing to John behind her,"is a good friend of mine and snice you are fairly new here, I thought you would like to meet someone who may have a lot in common with you."
"Hey John!" Loren said giving him a small wave.
"Hi Loren," JOhn said suddenly getting calmer. "Do you want to go sit down and talk? You know, to see what all we have in common?"
"Sure, sounds great!" she replied.
"I'll be over there talking to Bobby," Rogue told them, pointing to the table Bobby was still sitting at.

"I'm surpresed that girl trusts that guy," Bobby joked as Rogue sat down again. "He may be my best friend and all, but c'mon! You gotta admit that boy is trouble!"
"Yeah, I know, but maybe this girl will keep him under control," she took Bobby's hand in her own gloved palm.
"Maybe. Wow! Look at them! They just met 5 minutes ago and they're already laughing! I've never thought of Johnny as funny...just as a smart ass!"
Rogue chuckled. "Maybewe just spent too much time around him. We're used to that side of him. Plus he has a crush on Loren, not us!"
"I sure hope so!" Bobby laughed as he gazed over at the two tennagers conversing. "Look at him! He has a different look to him now."
"It's kind of sweet! They look cute together," Rogue said tilting her head to one side as she viewed them. A glazed look appeared in her eyes, just for a moment, but then it vanished. It wasn't fast enough to go unnoticed by Bobby.
"Rogue, what is it?" he questioned.
"I just got a message from Jean telling us to meet the rest of the school at the bus. We're about to leave. Let's go get John," Rogue answered.

"I can't believe-," Loren was interrupted by an urgent message telling her and Pyro to make their way to the buses that would take them home. She told John what Dr. Jean Grey had sent telepathically.
"I guess we better make our way toteh bus then," he said, sighing.

On the way back to the school Loren and John sat behind Rogue and Bobby. The four had made plans to meetin the beautiful, exotic gardens located in the back of the mansion. They would meet during lunch break the following day. Only an hour was allotted for lunch, so John was disappointed that he couldn't spend more time with Loren.

"Hey Bobby?" John said, the next morning in their dorm room. "Does this look too dressy or should I just wear jeans?"
Bobby raised his eyebrows without taking his eyes away from his book. "Wow! You must REALLY like this girl! Yeah, that is too dressy! Just wear jeans and a t-shirt! You sound like Rogue before we go out somewhere!"
"Yeah, that is pretty bad," John laughed.
"If you don't hurry up, we'll be late for mechanics!" Bobby complained.

"Do you see her anywhere?" John asked Bobby anxiously, looking over the heads of students in teh cafeteria.
"She's supposed to be coming with Rogue. Why don't you just calm down a little? You're WAY too excited!" Bobby advised.
"I'll try. Oh! Look! There they are! C'mon!"
They walked towards the two girls wating for them.
"Hey Bobby! Hey John!" called Rogue, striding towards them, Loren following. "Are y'all ready to go out to the gardens?"
"Yeah, I think so," replied Bobby.
Loren glanced at John; they made eye contact. John flirtatiously winked at her. She shyly smiled at him.
"Hey Rogue? I'll be in the West end of the garden," she informed, hoping Pyro would take the hint.
"Yeah, me too!" John said. Loren smiled brightly. Rogue and Bobby looked at each other, hints of tny smiles forming on their lips.

"So what are your powers," Loren inquired as the two walked past extraordinary beautiful rose bushes.
"I can manipulate fire. Not too big, but it's still something that not everybody can do! What's your power?" answered John.
"I have some telepathic abilities, an enhanced memory and intellect, and limited martial arts."
"Wow! You make me sound normal!" John commented, the fact that he felt useless apparent in his voice and eyes.
Loren noticed it. She regretted saying all that she did. "Oh my gosh! I hurt his feelings, big time! Why do I have to be so damn boastful? What do I do now? Think fast Loren!" she thought to herself, contemplating on how to mend Pyro's hurt feelings.
"Oh, John! I'm so sorry!" she said quickly. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I get pretty cocky sometimes! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
He pondered a moment. Now was his chance to do what he had been wanting to do. He leaned in closer and looked her straight in the eye. He smiled. "You can kiss me," he answered.

That's it for now. E-mail me at to tell me what you thought of it. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon.