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Alex BB3 Comic-Strips


The Week 2 Eviction --
Alex stays... Alison goes! Yippee!

The closest eviction result ever... and quite possibly the most satisfying too...
Personally I must admit I spent quite a bit of money on this vote -- but it was certainly worth it!  


The nominations from the nominees...

ALEX: Hello Big Brother.
My first nomination is Jonny, because he openly said that he urinates in the shower -- and I think it's disgusting.
My second nomination is Alison, because she too, also told us that she urinates in the shower. This too, I think is disgusting.

ALISON: The first nomination is Alex. And the reason is, I don't like some of his ways. One, I don't like the way he eats the food when we're cooking, and he doesn't leave too much for everyone else. I also don't like the way he uses the tea-towel to wipe his hands after he's washed his hands -- cos I think it's dirty.
My second one is Sandy, because I didn't like the way he stormed off last night because we couldn't decide whether to have an Indian or a Chinese. I also don't like the way he isolates himself from the group.

SANDY: My first nomination is Jonny, and the reason I nominate Jonny is because I find his toilet humour beginning to get a little bit tedious.
My second nomination is Alison. The reason I nominate Alison is because you can be sitting quietly somewhere and she decides to come over and starts singing, jumping around, singing the same songs that she's been singing for a week, it's quite tedious.


A pleasant surprise...

BB: This is Big Brother. The housemates who have been nominated for eviction this week are -- in alphabetical order:
ALEX: Me? How come?!
BB: ...and Alison
ALISON: Great.
BB: ...and Sandy
ALEX: Three?!
JADE: What?!
ALEX: Oh! Did I tell you Sandy, there would be three?
JADE: I'm really really, really really shocked.
ADELE: I'm shocked actually. I didn't expect those three.
ALEX: We expected two of them.
SANDY: We expected two of them. Come on guys, be honest with yourselves. Alex and me were obvious right from the start.
ALEX: Cos it's easier to pick us out. One's a nagger, one doesn't integrate.

(Alex walks outside with Sandy)

ALEX: I might even go for a swim. I bet she wasn't ready for that.
SANDY: No, fuckin' right she wasn't. That was a kick in the nuts for her, I tell you.
ALEX: Do you know what I said to Big Brother, Sandy, I said I thought for us we were ready for that, so in our mind I don't think we were that surprised. But for Alison... she's probably thinking 'Ooh -- I wonder who it was that voted...'
SANDY: Oh she'll know. I know who voted for me. Well I think I do. So I think personally, you know, pff...No, I'm completely not surprised.
ALEX: I'm pleasantly surprised. And I might even.... (takes a running jump, whoops and punches the air, walks on his hands, flops over onto the grass and moves his limbs in circles)


" If things were to go OK... "

BB: How are you feeling today?

ALEX: A little bit nervous. I wish I was like Sandy, cos to be honest with you I don't think Sandy's too bothered whether he comes or goes. But for me, cos I feel this is the first eviction as far as I'm concerned. I know Lynne went last week, but this is the first one where the group comes together and decides who they want out. So, erm..yeah, not too keen on being the first one out.

If things were to go OK, I'd be happy if Alison was to leave. Because I think it'd be easier in the group, and also I think... To be honest with you, she hasn't done anything wrong, apart from telling me that she peed in the shower. I know once she said she'd rather die than get married to me, which - well, I didn't take too seriously. But yes I think tensions would be a lot easier if she wasn't here.


Alison is evicted -- Someone out there knows the truth   ...

DAVINA: I can reveal that the second person to be evicted from the Big Brother House is.... Alison.
ALISON: Gutted.
DAVINA: Alison you have one hour to say your goodbyes and pack your bags

ALISON: I did have a feeling.
ADELE: I can't believe that
SOPHIE: I can't believe that, I'm really shocked. Well done guys
KATE: Well done
SANDY (pours himself and Alex a glass from his bottle of 1994 claret): Cheers mate. Here's to us.

(More 'well done' congratulations from the group)
ALEX: We didn't do anything
KATE: No, well done, cos you're here another week. I know we didn't do anything
SANDY: Someone out there knows the truth
KATE: What d'you mean? Someone knows the what?
SANDY: Someone out there knows the truth
KATE: What do you mean the truth? What's that all about?
SANDY: You'll find out
KATE: Somebody out there knows the truth? What do you mean? The truth about what?
SANDY: I'll tell you later

LEE: I'm glad you stayed in, man
ALEX: Thank you Lee. I'm glad we're both staying, me and Sandy.


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