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About Me


My names Sarah and I'm from Maine I want to rip that picture up because my hair looks so bad. I just wanted to show you the tattoo, it's the same as Angelinas :) its not real I had it painted on. It was one of those days when you get out of the shower and forget to take the hair thing out so it crimps your hair. Ack! Anyways, I've made some other sites and I put them in the links page so you can take a look. I have some pictures on here if your interested.

I'm a sophomore in college and I've liked Angelina for a few years, I like meeting other Angelina fans, so I gave you my aim name which is laddertothestarz

I like all types of music but basically altenative but I'm just starting to get back into the R&B type of music so really I like everything. I like Nickelback, Stain'd, NIN, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Seether, Manson, some poppy stuff but I've always loved Madonna so basically I like a variety. Sorry this is boring but I don't know what else to write about myself so why dont ya look at some pics.... or IM me on msn at
