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Theme Songs
Boy Meets World Theme Song
Eric's Good Looking Guy Theme
Eric and Feeny argue
Feeny reads "Teen Beat"
On March 20, 1998, ABC first aired the night Danielle Fischel hosted the TGIF evening line up. As part of the Friday night special, they aired a video featurette of Danielle visiting her hometown of Yorba Linda, California. The video was very entertaining, and now, thanks to "" we are able to bring it to you eight years later! As a special bonus, the video includes a teaser commercial for that night's episode, which just happens to be "If You Can't Be With the One You Love..." which you all know is one of the three infamously banned episodes. Niether of these things have been aired since that night, so if you missed it back in '98, here's your chance to sit back and enjoy!