Topanga: Cory, do you have everything ready?
Cory: Sure. Honey!
Topanga: This will be my first time camping.
Cory: Are you scared, Topanga?
Topanga: Oh. Kinda.
Cory: Topanga? You scared? I can’t believe it.
Topanga: Don’t laugh at me, Cory.
Cory: Yes.Dear.
He heals down his head.
Chapter 2.
Eric and Shawn have arrived at their apartment.
Eric opens the door.
Eric: Anybody home?
Shawn: We’re here.
Cory: Finally. Eric must have been driving.
Eric: No. Actually, Shawn was.
Shawn: I drive slow.
Eric: HA HA HA!!!
Shawn: Real funny, Eric.
Eric: Are you guys ready to go now?
Topanga: Yes. We are.
Chapter 3.
At last, they are on their camping trip. Cory and Topanga were walking through the woods.
Topanga: These woods are so scary. I can’t believe, we are going to be sleeping here.
Cory:Yeah. They are kinda scary. Eric chose these woods.
Cory and Topanga walk over where Eric and Shawn were.
Shawn: Where’s the food at, Cory?
Cory:Food? What food?
Eric: I thought you were going to bring it.
Cory: I thought , me and Topanga were going to bring the tent.
Eric: I guess, we’ll have to go hunting.
Topanga: Hunting? Is there a store some where nearby?
Eric: Nope. It’s 100 miles , where the nearest store is.
**Topanga begins to cry**
Topanga: I knewed this trip would be terrible. Eric planned it.
Cory: Don’t cry, Topanga. Look , you guys, you made Topanga cry.
Shawn: I’m sorry.
Eric: Let’s go hunting. I bet there’s some good animals outthere.
Topanga: Then lets go. I am hungry.
Chapter 4.
Finally, they were in the woods trying to find food .
Cory: Eric, do you seen anything yet?
Eric: No. Oh, there’s something.
Topanga: What?
Eric: A big juicy rabbit.
Topanga: No! Don’t kill the rabbit. It has feelings as well.
Cory: Eric, don’t shoot it.
Shawn: Cory, I think you better bring Topanga back to the camp site. She doesn’t want us to kill anything.
Cory: Okay. Come on , Topanga.
It was a few hours later, and Eric and Shawn brung home a big possilm.
Eric: Guys! We got a possume.
Topanga: A possile?
Cory: Clumy!!!! Possume pie!!
Topanga:Oh gross. I think I am going to be sick.
Shawn: It’s good, Topanga.
Topanga: No. Thanks.
Cory: Come on, Topanga. It’s really good. The best I have eaten.
Topanga: Oh My god. I had rather eat that Rabbit than that possume.
Chapter 5.
It was night. Cory was helping Shawn and Eric, while, Topanga dranked some water, she had gotten out of the pond nearby , their camp site.
Cory: The tent is up.
Topanga: Goody. I’m so tired.
Quicky, they all get into the tent and goes to sleep.
Earlier the next morning, Eric heard some noises out side the tent.
Eric: Guys, Do you hear that?
Shawn: What?
Topanga: Could it be bears.
Cory: I’m so scared of bears.
Shawn: Lets get out of here.
Eric: That’s a good idea.
Cory: And when we get out, Lets go straight home.
Eric: Wonderful idea, Cory.
**They run out of the tent and head for their car.**