This story takes place, when Cory is in the High School. Cory and Topanga have just broken up. Cory is very upset about Topanga and him breaking up.
Cory was in his room. He is sort of depressed about Topanga, breaking up with him.
**Someone knocks on the door**
Eric: Cory, are you alright?
Cory: Yes. Eric. I am sort of depressed because Topanga and I have broken up.
Eric: I’m so sorry. Maybe this will cheer you up. I am planning to go into the City. Would you like to come with me?
Cory: Sure.
Eric: My car is waiting outside.
Eric and Cory walk out the room and go outside where Eric’s car is waiting.
Chapter 2.
Cory: This is going to be fun. We really haven’t done nothing like this in a long time.
Eric: Yeah. I Know. Cory, Do you want to go chase girls, tonight?
Cory: I really don’t know.
Eric: You need to go date again, Cory.
Cory: I know. Topanga is the only one for me.
Eric: Cory, Look!!
Cory: What?
Eric: Girls!!!
Cory: Oh.
Eric quicky stops the car, where the girls where.
Eric: Hey, girls!! And who might you be?
Amanda: I’m Amanda. And these are my two friends, Lisa & Kimmy.
Eric: Hi! Cory, say Hi!
Cory: Hi girls.
Kimmy: What’s a matter with him?
Eric: He just broke up with his girlfriend.
Lisa: I’m so sorry.
Amanda: I know, It must be hard to break up with someone you had knowned for a long time.
Lisa: We have to be going now. We are going to a night club.
Cory: Bye.
Lisa,Amanda,&Kimmy: Bye, boys!
They quickly get into their car.
Eric: Lets go after them.
Cory: No.
Eric:Come on! You and Topanga are not together anymore.
Cory: Okay. I will.
Chapter 3.
Eric and Cory are driving town the highway.
Cory: Eric, stop!!!
Eric: Why?
Cory: Shawn is over there on the sidewalk.
Eric drives the car, where Shawn is.
Shawn: What’s up, guys?
Eric: We’re just chasing after girls.
Shawn: Really? Can I come?
Cory: Sure. Get in the back!!
Shawn:Yay!I hope Angela won’t mine.
Cory: She probably won’t.
Eric: Yeah.Right.
Shawn: Who are we chasing?
Eric: Their names are Lisa, Amanda, & Kimmy.
Shawn:Cool! Lets go!
Chapter 4.
Eric, Shawn & Cory are finally at the Night club, where the girls are.
Shawn: How do we get in? Me and Cory are under aged.
Eric: I have some fake ids.
Cory: Cool! You better not let , mom and dad know.
Eric: It’s a secret. Here you go guys.
Cory, Eric & Shawn walk up to the door.
Eric: Here’s our ids, so, we can get in.
Guy at the door: Sure. Come on in.
Shawn: Yay!!! We’re in!
Cory: Don’t be so loud.
Shawn: Okay!!
Eric: Hey, there’s the girls.
Shawn: Hi girls!!!
Kimmy: Hi! And who are you?
Shawn: I’m Shawn. Cory’s best friend.
Lisa: Oh. I remember , we met you earlier today.
Eric: Yeah. You did!
He smiles at the girls.
They smile back at him.
Cory: Do you girls want to dance?
Kimmy: Sure. I’ll dance with you.
Shawn: Amanda, would you like to dance?
Amanda: Sure!
Eric: Lisa, would you like to dance?
Lisa: Yes. I would.
**They all begin to dance**
Chapter 5.
It was 12:00 AM now.
Eric: We will have to go now.
Cory: We had a lovely time.
Amanda: We had a great time as well. I hope we can do it again sometime.
Eric: Sure, Will!
Cory: It was so nice meeting you, girls.
Kimmy: I hope you and your girlfriend will get back together.
Cory: Me too. She would have love being here in this night club.
**Cory, Shawn & Eric walk out the door**
Shawn: That was fun!!
Eric: Sure was!!!!
Cory: Tonight was wonderful. Eric , maybe, we could do this again.
Eric: I would love too.