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Chapter 1.

Topanga was taking a walk in the park, one early afternoon.

Topanga: It’s so beautiful today! I am so glad I took this walk today.

Suddenly, she sees a little puppy in the bushes.

Topanga: Hi little one!

She picks up the puppy!

Topanga: Why are you doing out here ?

The puppy starts to act real sad.

Topanga: I bet you don’t have a home. You have no collar on you.

The puppy licks Topanga’s face.

Topanga: I’ll take you home with me.

Chapter 2.

Topanga was home now. She had gotten the puppy some stuff to play with.

Topanga: I wonder, if Cory, would mine me, having a puppy.

Cory comes in the door.

Cory: Hi Topanga! What’s up?

Topanga: Nothing much. Guess what happen today?

Cory: What? You got something for your hair.

Topanga: No.. I found a puppy, while, I was walking in the park today.

Cory: Topanga, you know we can’t keep him in the apartment.

Topanga: It’s weak, Cory. I bet it  hasn’t had food in a while.

Cory: If he gets better, we will get him a good home. You better not, let the landlord, know about the puppy.

Topanga: I won’t. I’ll try to be quiet.

Cory: Good! Have you came up with a name yet?

Topanga: Yeah. It’s Precious.

Cory: That sounds like a girl’s name.

Topanga: It is a girl.

Cory: Oh! I see now.

Chapter 3.

Topanga was trying so hard, to keep the puppy to get better. The puppy was doing better. It started to eat now and drink water.

**There’s a knock at the door**

Topanga: Come in!

Eric: Hey Topanga. What ya doin?

Topanga: Eric, be quiet.

Eric: Why? Oh. You have a puppy!!!

Topanga: Don’t me loud, Eric.

Eric: Does Cory know about the dog?

Topanga: Yes. He knows.

Eric: Cool ! How’s the little guy doing?

Topanga: She’s doing fine now. She was kinda sick when I found her.

Eric: Who do you think it belonged to?

Topanga: I don’t know. It probably,ran away, because someone was probably hurting her.

Eric: That’s so sad, Topanga.  I hope you’ll find a good home for her.

Topanga: She does have a good home. She’s with me.

Eric: You can’t keep a dog in a apartment.

Topanga: I don’t want to leave her.

Eric gives Topanga a hug.

Eric: She’ll be okay.  I bet whoever gets her, would let you come over and see her anytime you want too.

Topanga: You’re so sweet, Eric.

Chapter 4.

Meanwhile, at the Matthews’ home, Amy and Alan were sitting around in their kichen table.

Alan: Amy, what do you think about getting a dog?

Amy: I think that would be wonderful.

Alan: I wanted little Josh, to have a little puppy, so , he can play with.

Amy: Do you know of anyone who has a dog for sale?

Alan: No.

Cory comes in the house.

Amy: Hey Cory. What have you been up too?

Cory: Not much. I wanted to talk to you guys about something.

Alan: What, Cory?

Cory: See, Topanga found this puppy, who was weak, and it needs a good home.

Amy: Alan?

Alan: Cory, me and your mom have discuse, about getting a dog for little Josh.

Cory: That’s wonderful!!! I know a dog who needs a home.

Amy: We would very much like to have him or her.

Cory: I’ll go and tell, Topanga.

Chapter 5.

Cory got home real fast to tell Topanga the good news.

Cory: Guess what, Topanga?

Topanga: What?

Cory: I have found the puppy a home.It’s not just anyone, it’s my parents.

Topanga: Really?? That is wonderful. I’ll her , she’ll be happy there.

Cory: The dog is for Little Josh.

Topanga: He’ll love her. She’s very gentle.

Cory: I know he’ll love her.

Topanga: Could we go by there now, and give him the puppy?

Cory: Yes.We could.

Chapter 6.
 Cory and Topanga are on their way to give little Josh, the puppy.

Cory: Josh is going to love the puppy.

Topanga: I know he will.

Cory: I wonder, why my parents, didn’t get me a puppy?

Topanga: I don’t know, honey. This puppy is getting a great home, where she can run around and live a good life.

Cory: I know so.

Cory and Topanga pull up in the drive way.

Amy: Look, Josh. Cory and Topanga are here.

Little Josh: Cory and Topanga!!!!

Topanga: Hey, little guy. Guess what, I have for you?

Little Josh: What?

Topanga: Your own little puppy.

Little Josh smiles at her and gives her a hug.

Topanga hands him the puppy.

Topanga: You take real good care of her. She’s very special.

Little Josh: I will. What’s her name?

Topanga:Her name is Precious.

Little Josh: That’s a pretty name, just like yours.

Topanga: Thanks, Josh.

Little Josh goes plays with the puppy.

Amy: Thank you. Josh is so happy!!

Topanga: You’re welcome. I knewed that Josh would love her.