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Season 4 Outline
The gang's junior year at high school serves as a re-building year for the show. There were major changes put into place here. First off, Topanga gets a make-over and brings her fashion statements up to date. Shawn Hunter is reunited with his mom and dad, Virna and Chet Hunter. Cory's family takes a risk, venturing out of the grocery business and open their own wilderness store, which Alan, Eric, and another new character, Lonnie Boden, all work. Lonnie adds brief comic moments with her unique personality. Meanwhile with the absence of Mr. Williams, Mr. Feeny and Mr. Turner continue to educate Cory, Topanga, and Shawn in the ways of the world. It's eleventh grade and SAT time for the gang, if they can handle the pressure.
Fun Facts
! - In the episode "I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More", there is a line that contains an obvious joke and an inside joke. Shawn gets mad at Cory for buying a burger in front of him. The obvious part: Shawn is poor and can't afford a burger. The inside joke: This was the year that Rider Strong (Shawn) became a vegetarian.
! - Another inside joke lies within the episode "I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More". Mr. Feeny explains that he can't afford socks because he is a "teacher, not a heart surgeon!" William Daniels (Feeny) was indeed a heart surgeon when he played Dr. Mark Craig in "St. Elsewhere".
! - The episode "Shallow Boy" is perhaps the best episode in the series and is absolutley the most famous. This episode contains the biggest inside joke of them all. Prior to the airing of this episode, ABC had yet again moved "Boy Meets World" from it's 8:30 time-slot to a 9:30 time-slot. In this episode, Cory helps Topanga baby sit a boy named Billy. During the episode, Billy complains about his favorite show on the Fiday night line up - starring a goofy, curly haired kid - being pushed back to 9:30 with no apparent reason. This was a direct plea to ABC from the producers of "Boy Meets World" to stop trying to kill it by moving it back to late at night. Shortly after this episode aired, ABC moved "Boy Meets World" back up to it's 8:30 slot where it rightfully belonged.
! - In the episode "Wheels", Dan Lauria guest starrs. Dan Lauria is most famous for his role as Fred Savage's father in "The Wonder Years". An inside joke is revealed when Dan's character gives Alan Matthews advice about raising teenagers. In "The Wonder Years", Kevin (Fred Savage) had a brother and a sister. In "Boy Meets World", Cory (Ben Savage) had a brother and a sister.
! - In the episode "Long Walk to Pittsburgh Part II", Topanga says to Cory that her aunt will be of no help because she won't even know who Romeo and Juliet were. The actress who played Topanga's aunt was most famous for her role as Juliet in 1966's Romeo & Juliet.
! - Also in the episode "Long Walk to Pittsburgh Part II", the writer's of the show have made a continuity goof. Cory says he was 13 years old when Topanga gave him his first kiss. Actually, Cory was 11 years old when that happened. Ben Savage was 13 years old.
! - Another inside joke lies in the title of the episode "Quiz Show". Boy Meets World's producer, Michael Jacobs, also produced the movie, Quiz Show.
! - One last inside joke occurrs in the episode "Learning to Fly", when Mr. Feeny says that Dean Bolander has been after him for years. William Daniels (Mr. Feeny) and Bonnie Bartlett (Dean Bolander) are a real life married couple of several years.

Most Memorable Moments
1) Mr. Turner's motorcycle accident
2) Topanga moving away and then coming back
3) Eric's "Good Lookin Guy" theme song
4) Cory and Shawn again dressed as girls
5) Cory and Shawn's bed and breakfast

Awards For This Season
Nom: Youth in Film Awards: Best Performance in a t.v. Comedy- Leading Young Performer (Ben Savage)

Regular Cast
Ben Savage
Danielle Fishel
William Russ
Betsy Randle
Will Friedle
Rider Strong
Lindsay Ridgeway
William Daniels
Anthony Tyler Quinn
Cory A. Matthews
Topanga Lawrence
Alan Matthews
Amy Matthews
Eric Randall Matthews
Shawn Patrick Hunter
Morgan Matthews
Mr. George Feeny
Mr. Johnathan Turner

Reoccurring Cast
Blake Clark
Ethan Suplee
Jen Campbell
Chet Hunter
Frankie "The Enforcer" Sticchino
Lonnie Boden

Fourth Season Episode Guide
September 20, 1996 -- Episode #68: "You Can Go Home Again"
Cory agrees to a final pit stop on the way home from a summer road trip - without realizing that Eric intends to make the stop a permanent one because he's "not ready for the summer to end." Meanwhile, Alan reconsiders his career choice after he gets a company award.

September 27, 1996 -- Episode #69: "Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow"
As Cory's insecurity about his curly hair grows, Topanga tries to show how meaningless appearance is by cutting her own tresses, a deed she instantly regrets. Cory feels insecure about his looks, so Topanga hacks off six inches of her hair in an attempt to prove to him that inner beauty is more important than physical appearance. Her plan backfires when she gets a glimpse of her new 'do' and heads straight to the hair salon to rectify the situation. When Topanga emerges with her new look, she gets caught up in the attention she receives, and she quickly loses sight of the point she was trying to make with Cory. Will her friends be able to bring her back down to Earth?

October 4, 1996 -- Episode #70: "I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More"
Alan decides to demand a raise - then stuns the family by announcing that he has quit his job as supermarket manager. Sparks fly when Amy becomes furious that Alan has made a decision that affects their lives without consulting her. Eric now feels responsible for supporting the family, even though he doesn't have a job yet! A panicky Cory enlists Shawn's help in learning to cope with poverty while Alan takes Eric camping to clear his head; but Mr. Feeny saves the day by sending the family to a camping goods store he happens to know is for sale. Amy decides to buy it without telling Alan - so Alan will realize his dream of owning his own business and also learn what it's like to be on the receiving end of a unilateral decision. Just as Mr. Feeny thinks he is finally rid of Eric, the repentant young man approaches his former principal for tutoring to help his dad run the family business.

October 11, 1996 -- Episode #71: "Fishing For Virna"
Cory's newfound appreciation for the meaning of family prompts him to help reunite a hopeful Shawn with his mother, Virna, who has come back to town after searching for a better life. Cory also explores ways to honor the memory of Brenda, the beloved and devoted cafeteria lady.

October 18, 1996 -- Episode #72: "Shallow Boy"
When Eric offends Corinna, a perky but weird girl who writes strange lyrics, she composes a nasty song about him, and he becomes famous as the motivation behind her hit record. Meanwhile, a bickering Cory and Topanga fear their differing viewpoints on child rearing could affect their long-term future.

October 25, 1996 -- Episode #73: "Janitor Dad"
When Virna gives Chet an ultimatum about find work, he lands a job as the school janitor, to Shaun's humiliation. Meanwhile, Alan and Eric look for experienced help at the store, and a bizarre mountain man answers their ad.

November 1, 1996 -- Episode #74: "Singled Out"
Eric lies to get on a MTV dating game; Shawn scares Cory about getting his tonsils removed.

November 8, 1996 -- Episode #75: "Dangerous Secret"
When Cory discovers that attractive Claire has been sleeping over at Shawn's place, he jumps to the obvious conclusion, especially when Shawn swears him to secrecy. But the two teens aren't sleeping together: she's terrified to go home because her father physically abuses her. When Cory learns the truth, he lets Claire sleep in the living room for a couple of nights - and then his parents discover her.

November 15, 1996 -- Episode #76: "Sixteen Candles and Four-Hundred-Pound Men"
Cory faces a time-space dilemma: how to be simultaneously present at Frankie's father's big wrestling match and Topanga's sweet sixteen party without letting anyone down.

November 22, 1996 -- Episode #77: "Turkey Day"
Cory and Shawn hope the Thanksgiving spirit will encourage their families to be better friends, but having the holiday feast at the Hunters' trailer park home is not what the reluctant Matthews family had in mind.

November 29, 1996 -- Episode #78: "An Affair to Forget"
Shawn is in a state of shock when his very beautiful, very haughty girlfriend, Jennifer, dumps him. She agrees to get back together on one condition: that Shawn has nothing to do with Cory ever again. This doesn't set well with either of them and the two friends begin seeing each other covertly to avoid Jennifer's wrath. Only the levelheaded Topanga has the insight to solve Cory and Shawn's dilemma. Meanwhile, Eric thinks he's onto a get-rich-quick scheme when he rents a theater for a one-man show he's written called Look at Me, Look at Me, and charges $30 a ticket.

December 13, 1996 -- Episode #79: "Easy Street"
Comedy veterans Buddy Hackett and Soupy Sales play two businessmen of a shady sort who hire Cory and, subsequently, Shawn to run "errands" for them. Since it is just before Christmas, Cory decides he can use the money for his holiday shopping. However, Cory quits once he figures out that the two gents are not on the up-and-up. Shawn takes over, but Cory soon persuades his pal to quit as well, before he gets in over his head - or hit over the head.

January 10, 1997 -- Episode #80: "B & B's B 'n B"
Shawn, bent on proving to Feeny that he can make it in the business world, convinces Cory to turn Feeny's quaint home into a Bed & Breakfast Inn economics-class project while their unsuspecting teacher is out of town. Meanwhile, Eric and Feeny surprise each other when they end up better friends while on vacation at the same hotel - especially when Eric passes up a date with a female bartender to console Feeny over the failure of his long-term long distance romance.

January 17, 1997 -- Episode #81: "Wheels"
Alan finds himself at a crossroads when Cory, armed with a new driver's license on his 16th birthday, would rather celebrate with Shawn and Topanga than with him.

January 31, 1997 -- Episode #82: "Chick Like Me"
The war between the sexes starts heating up at John Adams High when the boys realize that girls expect different things when out on a date. When it is suggested to Cory that his school newspaper column is a tad boring, Shawn gives him a story idea on dating and sexual harassment based on the book they're reading in Mr. Feeny's class: Black Like Me. After Cory emerges from the bathroom in full regalia, it is decided that Shawn would make a better girl: he's studied them much more carefully. Making his debut at school, Shawn, now Veronica Wasboyski, immediately gets asked out by Gary, one of the school's more well-known Lotharios. Shawn soon finds out what it's like to push off a teen boy's advances. Meanwhile, Eric tries to teach mountain-reared Lonnie how to get along with city men.

February 7, 1997 -- Episode #83: "A Long Walk To Pittsburgh (part 1)"
When Cory discovers the reason why his girlfriend, Topanga, and Shawn are acting like more than just friends - in fact, kissing - he must come to grips with an important change in his life. What's worse than the peck is the reason behind it: Topanga's moving away to Pittsburgh.

February 14, 1997 -- Episode #84: "A Long Walk To Pittsburgh (part 2)"
A couple of surprise visitors may hold the cure for a lovesick Cory, who is trying to put his life back together now that his sweetheart, Topanga, has moved away. When she runs away to see him again, Cory must persuade his parents - and Topanga's prudish Aunt Prudence - that theirs is a true love. (Note: Guest Hussey is best known for her role as Juliet in Franco Zefferelli's famous 'teenage' Romeo & Juliet.)

February 28, 1997 -- Episode #85: "Uncle Daddy"
When Eric learns his new girlfriend Kelly has a son, he's confident he's mature enough to handle the responsibility - but too scared to tell his parents about it. Meanwhile, Cory and his friends prepare for the dreaded.

March 21, 1997 -- Episode #86: "Quiz Show"
The producers of a dull but prestigious academic bowl sense a hit after Cory, Shawn and Topanga become star contestants by enlivening the show with their humor and pop culture knowledge. But the price of success is changing the questions from brainy to brainless to allow Cory and Shawn to win.

April 4, 1997 -- Episode #87: "Security Guy"
Eric blames Amy rather than Alan after he's fired from the store; and when they pressure him to go to college, he gets a job as a security guard and moves out of the house. Meanwhile, Cory, Shawn and Topanga prepare to write their SATs, and Mr. Feeny tries to persuade Eric he should try again as well.

April 25, 1997 -- Episode #88: "Cult Fiction"
When a lonely Shawn starts hanging around with a new group of people he describes as "not a cult," Jonathan tries to stop him before it's too late.

May 2, 1997 -- Episode #89: "Learning to Fly"
Cory's in a jam when coed Mary Beth makes a pass at him while he's visiting a college with Shawn and Eric. Meanwhile, Eric considers attending an easy school.

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