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The Charlie Sheen N Emilio Estevez Family Ring

Welcome to the The Charlie Sheen & Emilio Estevez Family Ring, the only Sheen/Estevez Ring on the web. In order for your website to be added to this ring, it must be related to at least one of the following:

Charlie Sheen
Emilio Estevez
Martin Sheen
Ramon Estevez
Renee Estevez
Spin City
The West Wing
& Their Movies

If your site is on one of the above topics - and especially if it involves more than one of the above topics - Then You Can join the ring. Also, if you have a website dedicated to any of the cast your site submission will be accepted into the ring. I will be accepting any West Wing or Spin City related websites, including fan fiction sites. The only sites we will not accept are ones which barely deal with the above subject matter or ones which are pornographic in nature. (This meaning NO doctored images of Charlie, Emilio, Martin, Ramon or Renee's heads stuck on playboy playmate bodies. That would be Disrespectful & Not to Mention, Sick.)

Charlie Links:

Charlie Sheen Rules!

The Officially Unofficial Charlie Sheen Website

Charlie Sheen Fan Page

Save Ferris! : Charlie Sheen

Mr. Showbiz Celebrities: Charlie Sheen Profile

Charlie On TV

The Charlie Sheen Forum

Come in, we've been waiting...


Charlie Sheen pictures, photos, biography, wallpaper, filmography, movies

Charlie Sheen featured @'s 350+ celeb sites network!

Charlie Sheen: Pictures, stories, links, books, and more

Charlie Sheen

A Tribute to Charlie Sheen
A Great Tribute To Charlie!

Charlie Sheen Page

The Male Celebrity Archives - Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen adds spice to Mariners' batting practice
it's a Newspaper Articale About Charlie With the Seattle Mariners during BP!

Celebrity Central - Charlie Sheen - Pictures, Links, Biographies!

Emilio Links (Will be up soon. just hold your horses!)

This The Charlie Sheen N Emilio Estevez Family Ring site
owned by Charlie Sheen Fan

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