Innocent Blood

Character: Tony

"What took you."

"Watch this."

"I love that."

"See we've come so far down, we're in China."

"Yeah but somebody ain't gettin up."

"Sal! Hey Sal calm down! Joey's one of us."

"Shut up, you can't even talk like that."

"This is war! We're soldiers! We kill to protect, what's ours."

"Joey, it's getting to the point. If your not a shooter you're shot, bang! You can't just sit around and watch anymore. You gotta get your hands in it."

"Now you go home and get your head straight. Go on go!"

"Do not touch the car, Do not touch the fuckin car!"

"Hey we're gettin soaked. What do ya I give ya a ride. Were ya goin?"

"Across the fuckin river."

"Hey, don't start on Sinatra."

"Hey yourself. I can tell your excited.

Not shy are ya? Come on baby, lets get in the back, and give ole Tony some room to get in some motion huh?"

" Ahhh, Hey what are you some kind of freak?"