Bullets Over Broadway

Character: Cheech

"I got to go shoot crap, I promised Bobby Doyle."

"He's got a game at the site I got to go."

"Hey I promised Bobby Doyle. I can't do nothing, alright. I got to shoot a game here."

"His girl friend's a pain in my ass."



"Mr. V. look it's not that I don't wanna do it..."

"I know."

"Mr. V. said I stay close."

"I'm with her."

"Yeah, where she goes I go."

"What? What did you say?"

"Hey who are you, huh, who are you?"

"Who is this? Who is this?"

"Cheech, the name's Cheech."

"No hey not Mr. Cheech, you hear me? Cheech."

"Simple, Cheech."

"I'll be over there."

"I don't fuckin believe this"



"Yeah but Nick..."

"Listen Nick I'm not to good at this memorizin and I got a date. Alright?"

"What kind of erand?"

"I am, pretell."

"It don't say ha."

"What do you mean you added it? Are you allowed to do that?"

"How could you just add something? You can't do that."

"You can't do that."

"I think the whole thing stinks, alright?"

"You shut up, I'm warning you.

"Shut up!

"Your lucky you're Nick's girl."

"What endeves you to concocked a theory so teneous?"

"Hey did you hear what she said? She doesn't what her speech taken away from her, alright?"

"Look I'd rather be shootin crap myself but Mr. V. told me that she's gotta be up there a lot."

"I don't care. You want to get slapped here or you want me to take ya outside, and we'll straighten it out there? It's up to you."

"Your writtin stinks."

"It's a stupid way of talkin and nobody talks like that."

"Listen I can't stand to listen to this garbage. Everyday I sit back there and hear the same bull shit over and over again."

"A maze be sert by brutal pitfalls. Hey Olive, I memorized it, and I'm tellin ya it comes to me all the time, and it stinks on fuckin hot ice."


"I'll tell you what's wrong."

"Look she shouldn't leave the guy. She souldn't leave the guy. She should stick with him and then when the leutenant has that fight with his wife and walks out he should notice her. That way it won't be boring."

"It's a hell of a lot better than what you got."

"The leutenant notices her, right, and then he goes after her. I mean that's the way it would happen in real life. He goes after her, c'mon."

"Well if he quits then I'm outta here."

"Well I'm gonna go shoot crap everybody that's it."

"I got to go shoot crap."

"Say hello to violet."

"He's a writer."

"You wanna know what the problem with your story is?"

"Sit down take a load off your feet, alright?"

"Moe, c'mon, c'mere get him a beer."


"Do me a favor shut up, alright?"

"Alright, number one. See I don't believe she loves the guy right from the start. She's too on uhhh on top of him all the time. That's not love, that's like keepin somebody in prison, but if you could change it, right, and she left him. Than she would feel so bad about it that she would have a nervous break down and go nuts. Tulio listen, I got to see you later I wanna get down with the cartons with a double header, alright?"


"Teach your friend some manners and get him outta here."

"Alright so..."

"Right, alright, so if the doctor feels what Sylvia's feelin...that's her name Sylvia...right there's a Sylvia in my neighborhood."

"Yeah. What was her name uhhh Sylvia Pinkers."

"Sylvia Pinkers, big fat, Jewish Broad had a lil tiny husband. She chopped him up with a axe, and mailed his pieces all over the country. I don't know what she was trying to prove?"

"Hey relax."

"Don't interupt me."

"Right so...if the doctor feels what Sylvia's feelin..know what I mean?"

"Right this way when she gets jeolous it makes sense, right?"

"There's gotta be a time when the leutenant has it out wit the doctor. Why isn't that in there?"

"Deffinatly, think about it."

"Uhhh...I don't know...uhhh...wait a minute yeah wait yeah wait you could work it out maybe you you could hear what she's thinkin."

"Sure it's a play anyhow it don't have to be real, but it would be stronger, you think about that. And you don't interupt me any more."

"You missed the idea."

"Yeah you did. Plus nobody talks like that, you really got that problem. You don't write like people talk."

"Poetic license, bull shit. People believe what they see when the actors sound real. Gimmie that. Let me show you."

"What's it look like I'm doin?"

"Hey what am I a fuckin idiot?"

"They taught me to read and write in school before I burnt it down.

"Yeah it was Lincolns Birthday. There was nobody there."

"Look I know who people talk. Alright? Go shoot a rack and let me do this."

"Don't worry about it, I ain't gonna tell anybody."

"No, I saw you playin big shot. I know what it's all about. Where I come from nobody squeals. Go shoot a rack."

"I was thinkin bout when Sylvia's in the crazy house."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah she gets to be teasing she sees things."

"No she sees things you know like visions."

"Like her dead husband and then they have that talk. She could face up to it...thats right she could face up to when he was alive."

"It is great."

"Joe, give me a beer."

"What's a matta? Wanna take a break?"


"Come here long time."


"New York. Born and raised. West 45th street."

"No I got a sister who lives in Jersey. I had a brother but he got killed."

"It's alright. He was on some shalocks, they took him out to Kanase an shot him through the head."


"My line of work?"

"My father, we he tough."

"Like what?"


"C'mon I've been clippen for the mob since I was 16."

"Yeah, sure?"

"Let me tell you something."

"Listen to me, your play was very good."

"You play was very good. You just didn't use your head. Sometimes people don't think."

"Let me tell you something about teachers. I hate teachers. Those blue haired bitches used to whack us with rulers. Forget teachers."


"I used to wanna dance, you know that? I mean it, I wanted to dance. You've heard George Raft dance."


"What is this the 3rd degree? Huh?"

"Then why you sayin that for?"

"I took care of a few guys."

"Why? Why? I don't know why? You know they cheated Mr. V. They went back on a dept. I tell you one thing I never rubbed out a guy who didn't diserve it."


"Feels ok."


"First time...first time was a punk in prison. He squealed on me, and I stuck a ice pick in his back."

"An ice pick yeah. I had to do it over and over 40 times. It was a mess, forget about it."


"It's very nice."

"Alright we gonna dance I just gotta take care of some business. Wait a minute here he come."


"I'll take you dancin in a minute just stay there."

"Hey I wanna talk to you."

"Listen, usually I wouldn't give you no warning but you're a good actor and you're doin a good job and it would be a big problem if you're not around but I'm tellin you something right now. If you go near Nick Valenti's girl one more time I'm gonna stick my gun in your mouth and blow a whole the top of your head. Alright?"

"Listen to me I said don't gimmie no shit now. You hear me?"

"I know what's goin on."

"You understand."

"Alright. Next time I come back angry, you hear what I said? The next time you go near her you're a dead man."

"Now get outta here."

"It's her. I can't keep turning a blind eye. It's Olive."

"Yeah sure she's better but that don't mean she's good enough."


"Decent? Is that what you want? Decent ain't good enough, she's killin my words."


"Weak? Weak? I think she's doin more damage then you think."

"I can't have her ruining my show."

"Alright, alright, alright so it's our show, but I put a lot into this and it could've been perfect."

"She's not the best we could do for the part. I'm tellin you. There's plenty of other girls around."

"She throws the whole thing outta whack. Can't you see it, c'mon."

"Oh they know."

"They know. They don't know how to say it but they know. Everytime I hear that voice, it's like a knife in my fuckin heart."

"She can't act."

"Are you listening to me?"

"She makes stuff not work, stuff she ain't even in. It comes out all twisted."

"Hey don't...don't...don't yell at me."

"Leave me alone."

"Leave me alone I got a fuckin headache."

"Leave me alone."

"I got a headache."


"I don't know."

"We have to go pick up Nick, we'll be there in a minute."

"Yeah right..."

"No we just gotta meet him somewhere."

"Yeah we are Nick's got a suprise for you."

"Yeah c'mon, come with me. Your gonna really like it. It cost Nick a lot of dough to save views for you. C'mon."

"No, he wants to take you on...he wants to take you on, no he's got a moonlight cruise for you."

"A moonlight cruise."

"Just walk right over there, go ahead. He's right over there...just walk over there."


"I think you should know this. You're a horrible actress."

"Thank God I don't have to hear here voice any more."


"Hey Joe, get lost for a while."

"Nobody's gonna ruin my play."

"Alright our play. Didn't it cut you up inside to hear her say it? Huh?"

"Survive it?"

"Is that what you want when we had a great thing, a thing of beauty?"

"She was a tramp."

"Then leave me alone."

"The play was fine with the understudy."

"She was ruining it."

"There was no way to fire her."

"I think you better leave."

"You should be thankin me. We're both in this together."

"You choose her over the show?"

"You think it's right some tootsy walks in and messes up a beautiful thin like this? Huh?"

"No not as much."

"Yo who says? My father used to listen to the opera. He loved the opera but if a guy stunk..."

"One time in Portland."

"Yeah now what are you doin with Helen Sinclare?"

"Everybody know except maybe your girl friend. Who you think your foolin?"

"Listen to me you. You listen to me. Nobody, nobody is gonna ruin my work. You hear me? Huh?"

"What's up Mr. V."




"Yeah, it's alright I'm gonna take care of those Kostoheck guys."

"Well who else."


"Well I'll see what I can find out on the street, you know."

"Hey you know I told the guys in the show that I'd...uh...I'd stop by and wish them good luck you know. I got friendly with some of the stage hands."


"Why's that?"

"Well you know I see the same faces everyday you know."


"Me? Yeah I said I didn't I...uh...picked her up and dropped her off a few blocks from the theater. Why?"

"Olive? No I like Olive. Why?"

"Olive and I we got along good. You know Olive. Olive was good for a lot of laughs, right?"

"Right, Olive's you know we got along."

"Well she said you changed you mind and I should drop her off at the theater. Why?"




"Alright look I'm gonna level with you alright I had a crap game I didn't wanna miss it."


"Nick you wanna lay off, alright? I'm up to here in my depts I'm tryin to get even."


"Dice ain't been too lucky for me, you know. You know how it is. You keep tell me I got to quit. You know I should."

"Listen, listen I told the guys I'd wish them good luck in the show. They're very superstishious. I'm gonna find out who hit her, alright? I'll find out."

"Alright I'll see you later."


"How's it goin?"

"What's a matta?"

"It's goin great, huh?"

"Listen to that audience, huh. They got them right in the palm of their hands."

"No, no, no."

"Yeah great, great."

"David, the last line in the play tell Sylvia Posten to say she's pregnant. It'll be a great finish. No, don't speak."