A Bronx Tale

Character: Sonny

"Are you afraid of me?"

"See if you father can't pay the rent, go ask Mickey Mantle and see what he tells you. He don't care about you, why care about him? Nobody cares."

"I want you to throw the dice for me alright?"

"We've Been Mushed"

"The Door Test Kid, That's What Counts."

MARIO, MARIO'S A Fuckin PSYHCO why do you listen to him for?"


"Look At Me...I'm The One Who Did This To You...Remember Me..."

"Hey I don't want you money touching my money.. I don't want your money in the same neighborhood."

"Because you a fucking jinx that's why. Hey put him in the fuckin bathroom. Leave him in there. My fuckin jinx."

"Stop fuckin breathing on me, your fuckin killin me over here!"

"2-2 on the hard four. I say the kid makes the hard four."

"I don't want that face looking at that face, when he is throwing my dice. NO NO NO NO."

"Listen, we got to do something about your name. From now on your name is C."

"Hey, don't you see how i treat that kid? I treat that kid like he is my son."

"You get outta here, before I give you a fuckin slap."

"C'mon, Kryptonite, baby."

"Sometimes hurtin somebody ain't the answer."

"Yeah, if I was always right, I wouldn't have done ten years in the joint. There are only three things you can do in the joint kid.. Lift weights, play cards, or get into trouble."

"You know why I live in this neighborhood? Availability. I wanna stay close to everything. Because being on the spot I can see trouble immediately."

"Trouble is like cancer... ya gotta get it early.. If you don't get it early.. it gets too big and it kills you. That's why you gotta cut it out."

"Fear last longer then love.. friendships that are bought with money mean nothing... you see how it is around here..I make a joke everybody laughs. I know, I am funny, but I'm not THAT funny. Its fear that keeps them loyal to me, but the trick is not to be hated."

"Hey, that wasn't very nice... Now ya's gotta leave.."

"Are you fuckin stupied?"

"Let me tell ya something. I've seen more guys with guns wet the bed then anything. Its when the other guy has a gun and he pulls his out and then we see who the real tough guy is."

"That's right. Don't do what I do.. This is my life, not yours. I do what I have to do.. this is not for you."

"Nobody cares. The only thing that matters is what is good for you and how you feel about each other."

"Let me tell ya something.. There are only 3 great woman in your lifetime. Me? I had my three when I was 16, that happens."

"Maybe this girl, she'll put wind in your sails.. Maybe she's your first great one?"

"She's a good kid this girl?"

"Don't fuckin lie to me!"

"You put your hands on me and I'll stick ya in the fuckin ground."

"Next time find out whats going on before you open your mouth."

"For the last time, stay away from the this kid!"