
Character: Guy Baran

"I'm a poor man guys. Consequence, as much as I'd like to, I can't afford to maintain a pool all summer, just for show."

"It's a sin to waste, aren't you the expert on sin?"

"Mia, well don't encourage them, use your great moral force on my behalf."

"Eat! Its perfect eatable. see.... Pick up your fork. Just pick up your fork,.. pick it up!! Take some food and put it in your mouth... That didn't kill you. Now Swallow! Swallow it!! Swallow it for once in your life."

"Mr. Catsmith will you please tell the table proctors, no student will be aloud to leave this room, till every plate is clean, Thank you."

"A child bride gentleman. That's what I married a child bride, and every year she grows younger and younger. She is worse then the boys she teaches."

"When you do things like that, you know how bad that makes me feel? You should think about me sometimes."

"You know me Mia. The problem is you don't understand me. Isn't that right? I know what my little nun likes!"

"Give me the goddamn drink!! Its for your own good. I'm a lot easier to handle with some of this in me right?"

"Do you want to talk? or do you want to stare at me all night?"

"You give me the school, I'll give you a divorce."

"Frankly, I didn't have to get married to have lousy sex."

"You try living with a fuckin angel, Its easier living with a dog!"

"Did you do something with your hair? Yea, you did something with your hair. Let me make you feel it like you know I can. Isn't that nice? You don't want to split up do you? But you can't let go."

"Do you feel that? do you feel it? what did you do for feelings before I came along mia?"

"Your a lot tougher then I thought, you little bitch!"

"Sucking on the douchebag hose for 8 hrs. That ride in the back. I still have a cold. I don't care what the doc's say, her fuckin heart was made of Iron."

"Come here, let me see your face. Was it a lonely week, Or did you two keep each other company?"

"How does it feel? After all these years of sainthood we're perfectly matched. Your just like me Soulmates!!!!!"

"You want to confess before you die? Say "I'm sorry guy!", maybe I'll forgive you even if god won't!"