Down to Earth

Charater: King

"Keyes, what's the problem?"

"Well I hate to break it to ya, chum, but uh your not dreamin. You dead. Kapish."

"Lance, c'mere. What's your feeling right now it totaly normal. For most people dying is a real shock to the system, but baby it's gonna get better."

"Heaven baby. The food is great, the women are beautiful, and the music, Lance, the music is hot. Yes the fun never stops."


"What am I gonna do wit you. First you make Frank Sinatra wait for a table."


"Lance, look, I pride myself on being a straight shooter. If the guy's lived a bad life, I don't mix words. I tell him to go to hell, litteraly. You on the other hand. I like you. You what you're very...uh...very what's the word...very...uh"

"No. You're spunky."

"Spunky. So here's the story. Your body's gone. Adios. Sianara. Comprende? But, I spoke to my boss..."

"Yeah. What we can do is put you in somebody else's body as long as no one knows he's dead yet. Okay?"

"Lance, look this is all part of some like grand plan."

"Yeah sure. Anyway, c'mon let's go find you a body."

"This one's kinda like uh fixerup."

"Alright how bout this one? He's physicaly fit, got nice pecks."

"It's you call."

"He's perfect. Picky, picky, realy picky."

"Charles Wellington, 15th richest man in America. He owns sporting teams, cable companies, health insurance companies, you name it. He just finished building this high tech luxury pen house controlled by super computers."

"I'm a freakin angel, I can do whatever I want."

"No. That's Winston Skylar, Wellington's privet secritary. They're waiting for Wellington's body to be discovered."

"They're tryin to kill him."


"No can do, Lance. The phone company doesn't provide service to dead people. You wanna make a call get a body."

"You got the hots for her, huh?"


"Lance Barton, Charles Wellington. Mr. Wellington, please don't get up."

"Yep. Nice bath tub."

"C'mon he looks funny to me."

"If you wanna meet the girl, you gotta take the body. Any moment someone will discover it and it will be to late."

"You mean take the body on load?"

"Well you know normally I would have a problem with that but since we screwed up. It's a deal."

"Hey it worked."

"Relax, I read the manual."

"You are you."

"You are Wellington."

"Look, Lance, to everyone else you look like Wellington, you sound like Wellington, you even smell like Wellington. But you see yourself. Simple, huh? Go ahead, you can answer it, go ahead."

"You'll be alright."

"Go ahead, Lance, take that corpse for a spin."

"See ya later, Lance. I'll get Keyes workin on a new body. Good luck."

"That was brutal. You gotta a nice touch wit the ladies, Lance."

"I'm workin on it. I was just in Havana. You want one?"

"What are you gettin tough wit me? I'm a freakin angel. You wanna be in heaven, you don't like it here, there is a third option, ya know."

"You gotta play by the rules, Lance, like everybody else."

"No one makes these rules, kid."

"This was just a temporary set up. The clock ran out."

"It makes no difference."

"This is bigger then that."

"This is fate."

"Sorry, Lance. I tried to warn you."

"No dice. We gotta deal."

"There'll be concicuences."

"This is your future, kid."

"That's the plan."

"That's his destany, this is yours. It'll all work out for the best."


"Lance we gotta talk. Remember our deal. Wellington was just a temporary set up. This is the real thing. This is your body. Its time to set up house, kid, cuz this is you."

"Kid, listen to me, when we leave you will be Joe Guy. You won't remember Keyes, you won't remember me."

"Lance, you not getting it. You see you won't remember, Charles Wellington, Sentee, you won't even remember Lance Barton. You will be Joe Guy."

"We're sorry, Lance."

"Lance, I can't take your soul. Nobody could do that. Where you're from, what you look like, that's just clothing."

"The funny thing about reincarnation, kid, even when you're not you, you're still you. Don't worry I got a good feeling about this."

"See you around, Joe."

"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on him.