
Character: Tony


"Shut up, bitch. Put your hands behind your back. C'mon! Put your hands in the rope here. C'mon! If a guy's married, but he's ugly, and he can't get anybody else, huh? Does that really make him faithful? If a woman's afraid to cheat on her husband because she knows he'll kill her if he finds out, does that really make her faithful? No. Faithful's when you got more to lose then gain. You think about doing it but you don't cheat. It's unnatural to be with one person the rest of your life. You know my uncle got divorced after forty-seven years, forty-seven years. I asked him one time why he did it; I'll never forget it. He was sitting in the kitchen, I walked over to him and I said 'Uncle Vinny, why, after forty-seven years you're finally getting a divorce?' He took a sip of coffee, put the cup down, looked me square in the eyes and said, 'because I fuckin' hate her.' Forty-seven years and now he hates her. He took off his watch and he gave it to me. He said, ' you see this watch, it's cracked.' Here looked at the crystal, here see it, here, c'mon look it, it's been cracked, see see. He said, ' it's been cracked for twenty years. You know how I cracked it? I said hell.' He said he threw a punch at my aunt and missed her and hit the refrigerator. But he never got it fixed, never. Because everytime he looks at his watch during the day, he wants it to remind him of how much he fuckin hates her."

"None of your business."

"I'm not afraid of nothing."

"Hey! Tony, my name's Tony. It doesn't matter anyway because you're gonna be dead soon."

"You should've been faithful."

"And you never did nothing?"

"Oh now the truth comes out."

"You're stupid. Ten years he's been doing it to you and you had the shot to do it, and didn't? Bad move."

"I've been in love."

"It didn't work out."

"I had to kill her father."

"I was honest with her."

"Kind of."

"I was faithful for six weeks."

"Yeah, to me that's a long time. Wait a minute when I was married I was faithful for two years."

"Yeah I was faithful for two years. Not counting blow jobs. Well I would get blowed by other women but blow jobs don't count."

"Absolutly not."


"Let me ask you something, when you and your husband got married, was it in a church?"

"Yeah. I could never understand how two people get married be for God and one of them hired a stranger to kill the other."



"Your really hung up on this blow job thing, aren't you? You coming on to me baby, huh, are you? Because if you are forget it, I was paid good money to kill you."

"Alot ."

"What? What are you saying to me?"

"Forget it. A deal's a deal. I never go back on my word."

"No. Your husband hired me cuz I'm the best. I have the reputation of a man who gets the job done. Never goes back on his word. I can't let you go."


"Well how do you know I won't take the money after your dead and not kill him."

"I am."

"I'll think about it."

"I'm just waiting for a call."

"Your husband."

"Well he doesn't wanna talk to you, and right now he's getting himself a nice alibi, and when he gets far enough away, he's gonna call and signal me by letting the phone ring twice. And that's when you die Maggie."

"This is 375 Chestnut Dr. right?"

"That's your name right?"

"That's weird. My mother's the only one that ever called me Anthony. She always said Tony sounded like a hoodlum's name."

"Hey, what do you want from me? Stop with all these questions now. C'mon, you sound like my shrink."

"I'm not ashamed to say I have problems like anybody else."

"It's a job."

"You got no ice."

"What's he gonna say?"

"Nah. A shrink can't tell anything what goes on between him and a patient. It's strictly confidential."

"What's he gonna say? I'll fuckin kill him if he opens his mouth."

"Three years, it hasn't cost me a dime."

"I needed that. My shrink's a degenerate gambler. I set him up with my cousin who's a book maker. I like this place. The doctor's a born loser. He couldn't pick his own birthday. I see him three times a week on the house. That's the bother system."

"You makin fun of him?"

"Huh? Yes you are. Hey everybody's got problems, baby. Hehe, look at you. You got all the money in the world, huh? It didn't make you happy. You see money takes away all your problems, then you got no choice but to look inside yourself and see how fucked up you are. Money changes people, usually for the worst."

"It's impossible for a man to be faithful to a woman today."

"Let me teach you something bout marriage. Many, many years ago, when this thing called marriage was invented. It was easy for a man to be faithful to one woman, cuz men only lived to be forty years old. It was easier back then."


"You got to many cocktail waitresses today."

"No, baby, you got it wrong. You're the one who's been good all these years. Don't you see what's happening, huh? I was sent here by your to kill you. To leave you dead and bleeding like some fuckin animal. I was told to make it look like a rape and a murder. You know there's a five million dollar like insurance policy on you?"

"Oh no people die for a lot less."

"Yeah, then what is it?"

"Who the fuck is Debbie."

"Hehe, same old story. How'd you find out?"

"Well maybe he loves you but he's not in love with you. Hehe."

"I dunno. Some girl told me that once. I love you but I'm not in love with you. To me it's a nice way of telling someone to go fuck themselves."

"Yeah. I caught her in bed with my best friend. They were fucking when I walked in. It hurt me. But I got my revenge."

"No. I let him marry her. Now they're makin each other miserable."

"Why? Thinkin about killing someone?"

"Oh yeah, anybody can kill under the right conditions, even you. Me? I kill for money. Yeah, the people I kill are mostly killers themselves. I don't wanna know nothing about them. All I wanna know is their name and where they live. I wait by their house. I watch every move they make. What time they leave, what time they come back."

"Yes. I go into a trance. I get inside their heads. I see the whole killing in my mind before it happens. Taking out my gun, squeezing the trigger just an eighth of an inch. I watch their life just disappear in front of me. I collect my money, I wait for the next job. You know my shrink told me that…oh shit that reminds me. I gotta call him…I gotta call him."

"My shrink…oh I gotta call him. Hey listen your husband's gonna call…do you have call waiting?"

"Call waiting! You know if your husband calls I'll hear it."

"I hate it too. You pay five dollars a month to get fucking interrupted. It makes no sense. I never killed anyone be for waiting for a phone call."

"Doc? Yeah, hi doc, yeah it's Tony. I need a session right now."

"Alight listen doc, don't get mad but I took the job."

"What the fuck do you know, huh?"

"I know I was making break throughs, you're right, I know, I know."

"I know it's a set back but I gotta pay than back the money or I'm dead. They're gonna kill me, you hear me?"

"Just shut the fuck up about my sister! My sister was pure. You hear what I said? She never did nothing to nobody. You hear me? Just shut up about my sister."

"I know you have been there. I know, I know, but it's just that this job is different. This time it's a woman, and she's standing right in front of me. I never whacked a woman out, doc, and you know her husband, I'm supposed to wait for this phone call, I dunno."

"Her husband's gonna call and let the phone ring twice. That's what I'm supposed to do. Do you believe this?"

"You don't understand, listen, her husband's gonna call any minute. I gotta go, doc."

"I can't, I can't. I'm not gonna give you no number, doc."

"I can't give you…I…alright alright look when you call you gotta let the phone ring once. Then hang up, call back so I know it's you, okay?"

"Alright, doc…the number here is…it's 555-451…1…16?

"Thanks…1…1…15. I'm sorry 555-4515."

"I know we're makin progress."

"The number's 555-4515."


"What about it, doc?"

"So what, doc?"

"Just call me back."


"My mother and father are both dead. They died in a car accident when I was ten years old. I try not to think about it."

"Everybody's alone. You die in your own arms remember that."

"What do you know about my sister?"

"Well next time you mind your business about my sister. My sister was dating some young wise guy who got outta line, just like you. Certain people decided to have him killed. My sister just got in the way. It was just business."



"Cuz that second hand smoke will kill ya, that shit will kill ya, they can prove it."

"I said no."

"You're worse then a kid."

"Which way's the bathroom?"

"Go ahead. Go to the bathroom."

"I'm gonna untie you, but if you try anything I'm gonna kill ya right here. I'm not gonna wait for the phone. You hear what I said? I'll kill ya right here."

"Gotta go to the bathroom. You wanna cigarette."

"Shut up. I don't wanna hear your mouth right now. C'mon."

"I'm not leaving you alone."

"I'm not a pervert or nothing. I'm gonna be right out here. Just keep talking."

"Never mind what I said. I wanna make sure you're not trying anything. Just keep talking."

"Grrr…you're giving me a headache…ya know."


"I dunno I never killed a woman before."

"I stood up for a guy, and he turned out to be a piece of shit. I gotta pay him back the money or I'm dead. Your husband gave me a lot of money to do this, I'm sorry it had to be you."

"That's right, and fifty years from now when I'm dead and buried and somebody throws that last piece of sod on my face, ya know, and they say lets break for lunch. Who's really gonna care, huh? Who's really gonna give a shit. Faithful…it's all bull shit."


"Yeah you're alright."

"What the fuck does that story have to do with anything, huh? Why are you telling me this? Who cares? You're right about one thing. A man will do anything for a beautiful woman, and the more beautiful the woman, the more he'll do. But if you spoke to every con in the joint right now, the reason they're behind bars is because of a woman…and dogs."

"Yeah dogs. I almost killed my next-door neighbor because his door kept shiting in my yard. Dogs cause a lotta fights too."

"That's right."

"Well that was your mistake, baby, you loved him too much. I'd rather be in heavy like than love. Love has no middle ground. Heavy like stays the way it is, never gets any better never gets any worse. It's a safer bet."

"Help me? Hey you're the one who's tied up. I'm the one with the gun. You're the one who's been good all these years, and what do you get for it? Nothing! Don't you see? People don't stay together because of love, they stay together because they're scared shit of being alone."


"Not now, doc. Why aren't you afraid to die?"


"To my husband. I know that you've been unfaithful to me, I've known that for a long time, but now I know there's someone special in your life, someone that you really care about. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to give you children, but you new that when you married me, maybe she can give you children. I can't live like this any longer, that why I've decided to take my life. What is this? You were gonna kill yourself?"

"Not yet."

"You better stop pushing me. I told you how you're gonna die. It ain't gonna be that easy. I'm gonna hafta tear your clothes off, and then I'm gonna hafta rape you, and then I'm gonna hafta put a bullet in the back of your head. Does that sound like fun, baby?"


"I'm sorry I hung up on you."

"No, I didn't hurt her."

"Ok, go ahead."

"No, I don't think less of you because you gamble."

"Of course I trust you."

"I gotta do it, doc."

"I don't pay taxes."

"No, I didn't read too much of it."

"No, I didn't get a chance to bring it, doc."

"Because I just didn't think of it, okay?"

"You stop yellin at me. I'm sorry I didn't bring the book with me, I got a lot on my mind lately. Stop breakin my balls."

"This doc's driven me crazy. He's driven me crazy, you hear me? He bought me this book for my birthday, The Road Less Traveled. He said, 'read the book, read the book, but read the first line. Don't forget to read the first line.' I open up the book, I read the first line. 'Life is difficult.' That's it, I threw the book in the garbage. Just because you write a book, doesn't mean your smart, ya know?"

"That's right. Lets get something to eat I'm hungry."

"Where's the bread?"

"It's white. The bread, it's white. You people make a million dollars a year and you don't know how to eat right. Unbelievable. Let me tell you something, I've been into health food long before everybody else was into it. People thought I was crazy, now they look at me differently. Is there a knife around here?"

"Make myself a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich, ya know. Yeah, let me tell you something, one of the healthiest things you could eat, peanut butter and jelly. My mother use to give me this when I...I like the creamy you got the crunchy. No, see they had to mess with it. Peanut butter's been around a hundred years, they had to fuck with it, and put crunches in it. Can't be well enough alone, ya know? Very good for you...good."

"Here, you can have half my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Go ahead, knock yourself out."

"That's you problem, baby."

"For get it. You're not gonna trick me."

"Alright, you want me to feed you?"

"It was a joke. I'm sorry."

"What's alright."

"Oh, right."

"I'm okay."



"Hey...hey c'mon...stop the bull shit...okay...just stop, 'cause I know what you're tryin to do."

"No, no, no, yes you are."


"I wanted to be one of the little kings."

"Every Sunday my mother and father would take me and my sister to church, ya know. And we would see all of them standing on the corner, playin cards, shootin the breeze. Everybody respected these guys, they had it all, the money, the clothes, the cars, everything. My father would say hello to them, ya know. He didn't like them too much, but I would say, 'daddy I wanna be like one of them, everybody treats them like kings'. My father said, 'no, Anthony, only in this neighborhood do the little kings mean anything, outside this neighborhood they're nobodies'. He was right. I miss my father."

"Yes he was, thanks."

"No I wouldn't."

"I can't."

"I have no problem with that."

"That's not the way I work."

"That's enough!"

"Well there's making love and then there's fucking. There's two different things, and a man will say or do anything before he cums, but once he cums he wants out. If he says different he's lying."

"I only go with hookers."

"You give them money, they give you what you want. It cuts all the bull shit."

"Do what."


"Boy, you're really something else."

"Yeah, yeah I talk, a lot."

"I'm a little bit of both."

"That's me."

"Do I what?"

"No, by the time a woman want to cuddle with me, I got my key in the car door."


"No, I can't."


"Anything I want?"

"Blow jobs?"

"Let go of me, you slut."

"Don't laugh at me, you fuckin slut. You should have been faithful, you deserve to die."

"Stop it. You're trying to trick me."



"'Cause a man gave me half the money up front."

"No, but that doesn't matter that's the way it's always done."

"Because, why would you hire someone to kill you?"

"What are talkin about?"

"You're fuckin lying to me."

"You're twisting everything around. One more word and I swear I'll..."

"Oh yeah, yeah we'll find out right now bitch. Shit. What?"

"Doc, I need a session right now."

"Yes, I need you. Could you talk to me please?"

"Yes, I'm gonna be nice."

"Yes, I called my cousin, I put the bet in, it's okay."

"Listen, she watched me. You hear what I said? She watched me climb over the wall, she saw me on the monitors, she told me she hired me."

"She saw me..."

"The money..."

"But I gave my word."

"A doctor? You a degenerate gambler. What kinda doctor are you?"

"You're good at school, I know."

"Stop blaming my sister. You know what happens when you mention my sister's name. You can't mention my sister. On and on with my sister, it wasn't her fault."

"Flush it? Flush what?"

"A plummer?"

"What shit?"

"Doc, I don't know what the fuck you're talkin about. All I know is that if I don't pay them back the money they're gonna kill me."

"Stop it with the book, doc." I can't hear it any more. I didn't bring the book. I don't wanna read the book I don't give a fuck about the book."

"You really want your husband dead, Maggie, huh?"

"Then how about I take the hundred and fifty thousand and leave you the gun. You think you could do it? I could teach you. All you have to do is squeeze this trigger here just an eighth of an inch."

"And no matter how much money he thinks he's got, no matter how tough he thinks he is, no matter what he accomplished in his whole life, means nothing, if you squeeze this. You can do it."

"Yes you can, Maggie. Anybody can kill."

"You're telling me that you would rather die that kill him?"

"You know what your problem is, huh? You're not mad enough, Maggie."

"Think about it. Five million dollars. You know how much fun he's gonna have with all that money?"

"It doesn't bother you that after you're dead, he's gonna be enjoying time with his new girl friend?"

"They're not even gonna remember you. C'mon, they're gonna make babies together, Maggie."

"You're too pure, Maggie. My sister was pure like you, and the real world swallowed her up."

"Shut up about my sister."

"Mind your business about my sister."

"I didn't do anything."

"That's enough! I warned my sister to stay away from him, but she didn't listen. She said that they were in love, and they were gonna get married and live happily ever fuckin after. Just like you did. My sister was pure. She was the only thing I had left in the world. He knew there was a contract out on him. That's why he kept her with him every minute of the day. He knew I couldn't touch him with her around. So I went to his apartment and I waited in the darkness, and I said a prayer to myself that he would be alone when he walked through that door. And when I heard those keys and I heard the laughing, I knew it. I knew my prayers weren't answered."

"Don't move asshole."

"Get away from him, Maria."

"You fucked a lot of people."

"You stole money from people that trusted you."

"Now it's my problem. I gotta pay them back the money or I'm dead."

"Maria, get away from him."

"Put the gun down."

"It's time."

"You should've taken my offer."

"I got no choice."

"I got no fuckin choice."

"C'mere you."

"I gotta do it or I'm dead, c'mon, move."

"I gotta kill you."

"Put the gun down. You're fuckin dead. You hear me?"

"You're fuckin dead."


"Stop it. Get away from her."

"Maria. Maria, get down. Maria, get away."

"Maria. Maria."

"I had to do it. I'm sorry. Forgive me. I had no choice. I had to do it. It's my fault. If I would've left the apartment my sister would be alive now."

"When I shot him he pulled the trigger on my sister."

"Well I had no choice. Just like now, I got no choice."


"I didn't want to hurt you."

"Help me?"

"Help me..."

"She's got me, Jack."

"You should've been faithful."

"He's very good."

"He's very good."

"Jack there's some people in this life that you can fuck with, and some you can't. I'm the can't. Give me the gun. C'mon downstairs, c'mon move, c'mon move."

"C'mon. You cheap bastard, you offered me 25 thousand. You got a hundred thousand in the safe?"

"I told you he did."

"Well you heard it from my lips."

"Just admit it and be a man."

"No. I never met you."

"You gave it to someone to give to me."

"I don't give names."

"I said I don't give names."

"Because I said so."

"Alright you want it this way, huh? You admit to your wife that you hired me. You hear me?"

"Say it. You're dead. You hear me? C'mon, talk to me, c'mon talk, say it, tell her."

"What the hell is the matter with you. We had a deal. Now, do you want him dead? Yes or no?"

"The way I feel right now, I wanna kill both of you for nothing. You two deserve each other. Okay, you want your husband alive? Then I want my money. C'mon, where's the safe?"

"Then go get it now. Let's go."

"Shut up."

"Open the safe, c'mon, now."

"Well you better remember it because I'm gonna put a bullet in the back of your husband's head."

"I said open it."

"Cut the bull shit. I want my money or he's dead."

"C'mon. Say goodbye Jack."

"You what?"

"This I wanna hear."

"Yeah, like what?"

"Don't honey her."

"Never mind that c'mon open that safe, Jack."

"Then I guess you're gonna die."


"Sue me. open that safe."

"I'm sorry. I'm in too deep, Maggie."


"Get my money ready."

"The deal's off."

"The deal's off, c'mon."

"She's dead."


"So you are the one?"

"Just pay me."

"It wasn't the money."

"Did you know that your wife was gonna kill herself before I got here tonight? I saved her life."

"Well how do you know she's dead?"

"Why don't you go upstairs and make sure? G'head. Afraid to get up close? Afraid to get in there? Got no guts, Jack? I mean men like us were not afraid of nothin, right?"

"That's right. You're not like me. You never kept your word in your life. You sucked the life out of everything that comes near you."

"I'm the man with the gun, and the one with the gun makes the rules."


"Thanks, and so are you."

"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do to you."

"I woke her up. It's over, Jack. Get back where you started from, with nothin. Oh wait a minute, I was wrong, you still got Debbie."

"Take it easy."

"Mag, take it easy."

"I don't think so."

"Hey look nobody's dead yet, okay? It doesn't have to end this way."

"You're just a little crazy right now."

"C'mon, I can't let you do this."

"You don't deserve it, but I'm gonna do you a favor, Jack."

"You never killed anyone before."

"Shot him in the back of the head, he'll die fast."

"So long, Maggie."

"You piece of shit. I knew she wouldn't kill you."

"You listen to me and you listen to me good. You ever come back here and touch her in any way, you hurt her. The next time you see me, you won't see me. Understood?"

"Now get the fuck outta here."

"Want me to give you a life, Jack, huh? I'll take you for a ride and this one's on me."

"Just thought I'd hang around awhile in case you might need me. Were you aiming at those monitors?"

"I saw everything, I was in the back. It was very good."

"Well where you gonna go? What are you gonna do?"

"Ya know...umm...ya know what happened between us when we were alone in the bedroom? It's been a long time since I've been with a woman like that."

"It was nice. Ya know maybe...umm...when things settle down maybe you and I could go out...ya know for a cup of coffee or something."

"See you around."