
Character: Matt Gavin

"I'm gonna miss you"

"Its past your bedtime David. I Love you Trina."

"Maybe when we get a divorce, you can marry her?"

"She said, you were a terrible lover. She said that's why she choose me."

"There are only 3 fun things in life paisan. Money, Sex, and power."

"I was just yanking your chain."

"Come on david, you know her as well as I do. You were in love with her for christ sakes. Your still in love with her. You think she can take a fuckin hatchet to somebody, and slice them up like a Sunday roast?"

"I didn't expect to go downtown, and sit in a basement, in the Hall of Justice, and watch a tape of my wife fuckin somebody?"

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again. Do you understand me?"

"Ready Darling? We don't want to be late."

"You know what I think it is? Hysterical Blindness."

"Do me a favor Trina? Next time we make love, you introduce me to Jade!"