Scarred City

Character: Lieutenant Laine Devon

"John you got to pick up the pace".

"The conclusion of a gun battle with five armed felons".

"How do you think we managed to kill all these perbs and never even raise an eyebrow?"

"Nobody gives a shit!"

"Look at the rap sheets John. Their career criminals. When we kill shitheads like those, their mothers are a little relieved."

"Oh John, every member of this unit was hand picked by me. I know your capable of doing the job and doing it correctly."

"Well you didn't have a problem of covering your ass last week. "

"Oh, really? How do you figure?"

"I like you John, I really do. Your a pain in the ass but I know where your coming from. You'll stab me in the chest before you stab me in the back."

"We obtained a wallet of Rapheal Soto. He is running an angle on kidnapping and armed robbery. The powers that be want a message sent. The warrent itself of course, is pretty much bullshit."

"We hit em at dawn, when their good and sleepy. There will be guards and lots of guns alright."

"Alright we move out at 0:300."

"I got bitched out by the chief today. You want to know why? Not for shooting 12 people and losing 2 hostages, but banging up 4 cars this month. They are not counting bodies they are counting dents you see."

"Some hooker watched us waste a drug dealer and complains as a matter of policy. The unit gets crippled because of a bullshit investigation. The mayor doesn't want to authorize but has to."

"I put the lives of two whores on the amount of good we did here today."

"Dead cops are to public. Of course, I'm not totally discounting the idea."

"I've never given you my back John. Oh, I'm a chest stabber too, you'll see me coming."

"Well, Rapheal Soto was a publicly violent man. I'd like to think we all will sleep a little better knowing he is not shooting up the town anymore."

"Yeah, S.C.A.R.'s a selective crime unit, we only target chronic violent offenders. We wouldn't be having this conversation if I thought you fit that profile."

"I'm sorry about your girls, but it was an accident not a message."

" Really? we're cops not assassin's."

"UNFUCKINLEAVEABLE! I don't think he's that stupid. He was a deranged cop killer with the city on his back. He's got to turn up."

"You send Speedy and Fahr over to the tit bar. Maybe they can come up with an address on the pros."

"Information sam, Give them information!"

"Yeah, well you will like it a lot less, if you try to roll out on me now."

"Listen go hook up with Bobby and go torch Traces apartment. And maybe we'll figure out where he goes."

"I like that Janice. Blame it on a dead guy."

"Fuckin Chief. Now I have to hold his hand through all this butt fuck operation."

"Don't work on it Sarg. fuckin do it! If some sector cop picks them up, its going to be a bitch to get them killed."

"He went through our guys like a fuckin chainsaw."

"Replacing them ain't hard sarge. Its training them. I wish I could train them to do what he just did. This was fuckin beautiful!"

"You had a shot at it. Your boys couldn't even kill a goddamn whore."

"I had you pegged right from the start. You got pure talent. I wish you were just a little more disciplined but ahhh, having the titty bar guy call us was brillant."

"I'm not going to make a move but i'm not giving up my gun."

"You know John considering the fact your not a psychotic killer a lot of people have been shot the past few days."

"No way John, your not going to shoot me. You know why I know that?"