The Usual Suspects

Character: Dave Kujan

"This I had to see for myself."

"You know damn well what I think."

"I want to know why? 27 men died on that pier from what looks to be 91 million dollars worth of dope that wasn't there?"

"Verbal I know you not telling us everything, I know you know something."

"Let me get right to the point, I'm smarter than you, and I'm going to find out what I need to know, and I'm going to get it from you wether you like it or not."

"The guy I know is a cold blooded bastard."

"So don't sell me the hooker with a heart of gold"

"My bet is he's using you because you're stupied and you think he's your friend?"

"Not from me, you won't get no immunity from me you piece of shit."

"Who's Keyser Soze?"

"Yeah a big fuckin rat."

"I'll tell ya what I know, stop me when this sounds familiar? Der was no dope on that boat."

"I don't buy that reform story for one minute."

"Because your a cripple verbal, because your stupied. Because your weaker then them."

"A rumor is not a rumor that doesn't die."

"The cripple did you see him? the cripple which way did he go?