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*Warning: I'm so fucking angry I've resorted to childish namecalling...I don't think I make any real points in this entire article, but I thought I'd post it anyway.

Backstreet Movie Career As Group Ends?
Date: Mar 28, 2003
Source: Fox News

Yesterday, the Backstreet Boys surrendered. Our long national suffering is over. Fuck off. 'N Sync has outlasted their greatest rival boy band. Bull shit. Backstreet is dead. Has this guy been drinking bong water?

But wait, not so fast. While it is true that the Orlando group has announced there will be no new albums, I don't think that's exactly what they said, I read they're "putting off the ablum for even longer" at least one B-Boy wants to try to have a career. Nick Carter, otherwise known as 'the blonde one', Wow. And I thought this guy HADN'T done his research. Oh well. He's still a walking testicle. may try to get himself into the teen movie pool. Over the weekend at least one project was mentioned with his name in it attached to rising cutie Hilary Duff.

This would put Carter into the Freddie Prinze, Jr. category (you remember him) following in the footsteps of Tab Hunter, Jan Michael Vincent and Christopher Atkins. You can almost imagine an agent or manager dreaming of quick profits over the next three years. Then, of course, there will be I'm a Celebrity! Get Me Out of Here Part 3. Cock.

Even as Backstreet collapses, one member -- Kevin Richardson -- has been moonlighting in Chicago on Broadway. One of the others, either Howie or A.J., was recently featured in US Weekly for having cheated on his fiancée. *shakes head* It's not like it was the first time AJ cheated. There was a reason Amanda disappeared all of the sudden...two guesses as to what that reason was. The fifth Boy, Brian Littrell, the one who could sing, is thinking of going out on his own. The one who could sing? As opposed to the other four who got onstage and farted into the mics? I don't understand. The members of 'Nsync are the ones who can't sing. Do your research you ass pimple!

It's not the way the Beatles ended, is it? You may remember how Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync were once compared to them during their frantic heyday. Meanwhile, Backstreet are suing Jive Records, their label, for the second time in their short career. They won the first suit. As one Jive insider quipped to me at the Grammy's: "They've figured they can make more money in lawsuits than in recording." Ooh a "Jive insider" This guys' source was so reliable and respectible he couldn't name them. Ha. I actually kind of pity this reporter. I'd hate to think how many emails from angry teenyboppers he has waiting for him assuming his email addy is posted on the Fox News site......Speaking of which....hmmmm......I gotta go....just thought of ummmmm....... something.....I need to get done. Mwah hah hah hah hah..............

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