Hey there sports fans! That's right, I is back. And I is an edjimicated young womans now. I is more smarter than you is. I received my AA degree in fine arts last week. Yay. Go me! Soooooooo......backstreet......world......is..........moving..........kinda........slowly..........lately. You know, slow. Like the speed Kevin usually speaks. I know I know. That one is getting old. I need some new material. Okay, first order of business. Would you look at the size of those nostrils on Brian's offspring? He must take after his daddy. Awwwww......lucky little boy. But Baylee? Bayleeeeeeee? At least spell it the non-hick way. Baily. There ya go. Nice, normal name. Oh but what do I know? My kids are going to be named Taco, Chalupa and Bean Burrito. Seriously. They are. Anywhooooooooo....lets see. What else is happening? What else what else what else?? Howie is putting out a solo album I hear. Yay! My favorite Backstreet Boy! You know, after AJ. Ha. Still, I'll be in line for that one. It's going to be a bilingual album. Way to go Sweet D, can't wait to hear it! Sweet D. How long has it been since you heard that? I just listened to the gay ass conversation mix a few days ago, so it hasn't been long for me.
I don't know what else I wanted to comment on but there must have been something else. Bear with me here for a minute.......*checks Backstreet.net*.........OH YEAH! Okay read this:
Question - Are you jealous of him [Ja Rule]?
DMX - I'd be jealous of the Backstreet Boys when they sold more than me...The only reason you think I'm jealous of you [Ja Rule] is because you know you sound like me. That's common fucking sense, man. You think Backstreet Boys are jealous of N'Sunk or whatever the fuck they name is? Fuck no - they have better things to worry about...
Q - Your label has been dissing you lately. How do you feel about that?
DMX - ...Goin' back to Backstreet. They made their label huge and brought them in shitloads of money and now they can't record, I heard, because their label is fucking them around. I feel them. They're real mutha fuckas in their own way, but their management "team" refuses to recognize that shit. I feel [for] those men or boys or whatever the fuck you wanna call them. We give our souls to our music. We put our lives on the fucking wax and [the labels] treat us like shit...
YES! I couldn't have put it better myself. Okay well maybe a little better, but I have years of straight A's in English classes behind me. Ha. But seriously, I agree with everything he said. I suspected as much, that their label was fucking them over and it had nothing to do with them "not feeling ready" to put out another album. Oh yeah, and I also think DMX secretly has a giant poster of BSB hanging above his bed. He seems to use them as examples quite often. Alright....I think maybe I just forget everything else I wanted to talk about. Oh well. Look at this:
MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE! ....yes I just got back from seeing Finding Nemo.
Annnnnnnnd......that's all for now.
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