Elisha Cuthbert

24 was compelling viewing in 2002 (and by all accounts, barring those who didn't like it the first time, 2003) for many reasons; one of them - at least for a lot of the show's male viewers - was the scrumptious Elisha Cuthbert as Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland)'s troubleprone teenage daughter Kim. She may have been a tad dim, but when her and her mother's car went off the side of a road, had she been blown to kingdom come that would have ruined the show for me... great was my relief when she survived. And Elisha's back for the second day. Time for me to reserve my Sunday nights again.

Recommended viewing: Along with 24, Elisha's been in the TV shows Popular Mechanics For Kids and Are You Afraid Of The Dark?, and Canadian movies like Airspeed and Nico The Unicorn.

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Email: cindylover1969@yahoo.co.uk