Kelly Rowland

The other founder member of Destiny's Child, Kelly has successfully emerged from the shadow of Beyonce with the smash hit "Dilemma" (which, in addition to being a duet with the ever-killable Nelly, is notable for being one of those records where the title is never mentioned in the lyrics) and the moving "Stole" (which should have been a #1 but wasn't). In movie terms, the chocolate-hued Miss Rowland may have to take her customary position behind BK, unless Freddy vs. Jason turns out to be a really, really good movie...

Recommended viewing: The comedy Beverly Hood (as "Girl #2). And all her videos. And that edition of the US magazine King wherein Kelly unleashes her inner babe...

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"No matter what I do, all I think about is you..."

The Official Kelly Rowland Site
Fantastic Kelly Rowland
Absolute Kelly
