~*~Things That Go BANG In The Night (Summary)~*~

[SUMMARY By Rhonda]

Hogan is supposed to meet his British Underground contact outside the camp, but his contact is shot down and becomes one of the new members of Stalag 13's "glee club"... : ) Well, the contact turns out to be a woman, and this peaks the interest of the men, especially Newkirk. They become friends, but it is uncovered that the contact was born in Germany, then moved to England. Newkirk feels betrayed, and he and the lady are enemies for a brief while. There is a fight scene between the two, but there is no winner. They both resolve their differences for the good of the mission, and each other's company (wink, wink). The mission is to blow up a munitions factory and fuel refinery in Heidleberg (and I hope I remembered to change all the names back!). With only a skeleton demolition crew and supplies, can Hogan and his crew pull of the job without getting caught by the enemy?? We will find out...

The story mostly, though not intentionally, focuses on the Heroes and even more on Newkirk and Freddie. (how's that grab ya, Dawson buffs!!)

Yes, Carter gets to blow up stuff; LeBeau does a little cooking, Kinch is at the radio, and for an interesting change of pace...Hogan does NOT get the girl!! All of our favorite enemies make guest appearances, like Burkhalter and Hochstetter. I tried to write this in the same vain as the old series, but I added some of my own touches. Like for the Carter fans, he finally gets a set of...well, you know. I don't want to give away a whole lot, but it has a happy ending.

Much of this story has been researched. Like dates and names of important people, and service branches. I gave the costume list for those who may not be familiar with the show and have been LIVING IN A CLOSET FOR THE LAST 30 YEARS!!! Sorry...I channeled Sam Kinison for a second. Parts are written in German, and I hope to God my German is right.

Onward to....
--> Things That Go BANG In The Night <--

The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 06 July 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com