~*~Into The Heart Of The Devil~*~




It's the same thing every Saturday night. The POW's are rounded up and shown a Nazi propaganda film before they watch one of the boring morale-boosting movies sent from Hollywood. Hogan has always told his men, as well as the other prisoners, to laugh at the propaganda as a sign of protest.

After viewing "Yankee Doodle Dandy" for the fourth weekend in a row, the Heroes return to their barracks, except for Newkirk. The young Brit heads over to see Freddie, who isn't allowed into the movies by virtue of the fact she's the only female in the compound.

"Hey, love. Whatcha up to?" he asks, shutting the door behind him.

Freddie is sitting on a top bunk sewing up a hole in her coat. "Oh, just patchin' up my jacket. How was the movie?"

He smirks and sings, "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy. A Yankee Doodle do or die."

"Oh, no. Not again. Didn't you chums see that one last week?"

"And the week before that, and the week before that. I tell ya, if I ever get a chance to meet James Cagney, I'm gonna belt him."

She laughs. As she looks at his face, she notices something a little different about him. "Hey, did you stop shavin'?"

Newkirk tries to cover up. In truth, he's been trying to grow a beard, but he's not sure what she'll think of it. "No. Why do you ask?"

"Your jaw looks a bit rough."

He hops up on the bunk with her and scratches his chin. "Well, in all honesty, love, I stopped shavin' last week."


"Winter's comin' on and I don't want me face to get cold." He watches her face as she looks at him. "Well, whatdya think? Think you could love a man with a face like a bear?"

Freddie doesn't say anything at first, but she eventually smiles. "It's different. And it's kind of sexy. I guess I'll let ya keep it."

"Oh, boy," he says sarcastically. "Thanks, mum." She reaches up and musses his hair.


He lays down behind her and props his head up on one hand as she continues to fix her coat. Slowly he reaches up and pulls her down next to him.

"If you want me to," he says as he puts an arm under her head, "I'll shave."

She strokes the brownish-red hair on his cheek and says, "No. Really, I think it looks good on you. Different, but very nice."

He smiles and leans forward and kisses her. She starts to laugh and says, "That tickles!"

"That's it," he says. "I'm gettin' rid of it." She pulls him back down as he sits up to leave.

"Oh, no you don't. It means you have to keep kissin' me so I get used to it."

Newkirk smiles. "I see." Freddie wraps her arms around his neck and brings him down to her as his arms go around her. Their warm lips press against one another sensuously, each second bringing more pleasure than the last. Just as things are getting warmer, Carter walks in.

"Hey, you guys." He looks around for Newkirk and Freddie, not knowing they're up on a top bunk. "Guys? Are you in here?"

Freddie hears him and knocks against the bed frame. She's still kissing Newkirk as she points to the two of them.

"Oh, there you are." Carter smiles and heads over to them. "Uh, Colonel Hogan wants to see you two right now. Sounds serious."

Freddie breaks off the kiss, but Newkirk, without missing a beat, moves quickly to her neck. "Thank you, Andrew. We're on our way." Carter smiles again and heads for the door.

Still kissing her neck, Newkirk says, "That man always knows when I'm busy."

"Ok," starts Hogan. "The two of you have never been out on assignment together without the rest of us before, so I'm giving you an opportunity. London has told us that they want to start infiltrating much larger and more important targets. If you decide not to take this assignment, I won't blame you."

"I won't turn it down unless I know what it is, sir," says Freddie.

"This one you might. Ready for this? They want two agents to get inside Wewelsburg Castle."

Freddie's mouth hangs open in shear disbelief. "Wewelsburg? Himmler's fortress?"

Hogan smirks. "That's the same look I had when they told me."

"Isn't that place the heart of the SS?" asks Newkirk.

"Yeah," answers Freddie, "the darkest heart in all of Germany."

"Like I said," continues Hogan, "if you turn this mission down, I won't say a word. But the two of you are going to have to decide that for yourselves."

Freddie turns to Newkirk. She doesn't really want to turn the assignment down, but she knows that he tends to think things out first. "Well. Whatdya think? Should we?"

"I don't know. I'm a little nervous."

"Don't lie. You're really nervous. And quite frankly, so am I."

Newkirk turns to Hogan. "How would we get in, sir? And what would we have to do in order to keep our cover?"

"London suggested 'The Shadow' bring another agent in with her. To act as her assistant, I guess. Maybe train with some of the men, that sort of thing."

"And then we snoop around whenever we can?" asks Freddie.

"Yeah," confirms Hogan. He gets up and stands in front of them. "I want you two to understand that there is a great amount of danger involved. There's a pretty good chance that one of you might not come back. Maybe neither of you."

"I don't like the sound of those odds, sir," says Newkirk.

"Me neither," adds Freddie. Then a smile lands on her face. "But the danger makes it impossible to resist. I'm in, sir."

"Alright," says Hogan. "Newkirk, how about you?"

Newkirk sighs, rubs the back of his neck, and looks at Freddie. "Well... I'm not gonna let her go alone. I'm in, too, sir."

Hogan smiles. "Ok. Tell Kinch and have him get a confirmation message to London."

Later that week, Freddie and LeBeau are in the tunnel putting together an SS uniform for Newkirk.

"I can't believe they want just two agents to sneak into that Hell on Earth," LeBeau says. "That's like asking the two of you to commit suicide."

"Not really. We have no intentions of gettin' caught. But if our cover is blown, then we may have to kill ourselves."

LeBeau is surprised. "I can't understand how you can be so optimistic about this assignment."

"My darlin' Louis. Being pessimistic about the situation won't make things any easier. So why not be optimistic?"

He laughs nervously. "I suppose you're right."

Once their uniforms have been made, Freddie goes topside and seeks out Newkirk to begin his crash-course in speaking German. By now, his beard has become even more full, almost hiding any trace of his boyish face.

"So, how much German am I going to have to learn?" he asks.

"That depends," she says. "How much do you know?"

"Let's see. I know, ah... how to say 'Komm und zee heer, fraulein', and ah..."

Freddie laughs as she cuts him off. "I think I know where to begin. I'll just teach you some of the more important phrases you might hear, ok? First of all, if you hear someone say, 'Ihre papiere, bitte', what do you do?"

Newkirk's face goes blank. "Look for you?"

"No. Come on, Peter. This is for real. What would you do?"

He thinks really hard, then says, "I'd ah... papiere sounds like... paper. Oh! I'd show him my papers."

"Right. Now, if someone says to you, 'Wie heissen Sie?', they are askin' for your name. You would tell them, 'Ich heisse Dekker', got it? You won't be going by Peter Newkirk while on this mission, you will be 'The Shadow's' hand-picked code cracker Hans Dekker.

"Right, got it. Ich heisse Hans Dekker."

She smiles with reassurance. "You're catchin' on quick. Almost faster than I leaned English. Ok, someone may ask you what your occupation is or what your job is or even what you're doin' there, in which case they will say, 'Was sind Sie von Beruf?' You will respond by saying, 'Ich bin Kryptograph,' I am a cryptographer."

Newkirk looks a little unsure. "Do you really think I'm going to have to learn a whole lot?"

"No. I'm going to try and be by your side most of the time, so I'll do most of the talkin'. But just incase we get separated, I'll know that you can at least talk your way out of a situation."

"Alright," says Hogan. "Listen closely. Fred, you will escape from camp tomorrow and head into town. You'll meet up with our contact at the Hofbrau. From there, you'll both come back to camp. Acting as 'The Shadow', you'll demand to inspect the prisoners, claiming that you need an expendable, healthy man to assist you on an important assignment for Himmler. You're going to pick Newkirk and insist that he be given an unlimited pass while in your custody. Once you leave camp with Newkirk, the contact will drop you off at the Hauserhauf Hotel. Both of you will hide out there until you leave for Wewelsburg two days from now at 2300 hours. Our contact will drive you both to the castle. Newkirk forged some identification papers for you guys. He'll be posing as a Master Sergeant from the 1st SS Division 'Adolf Hitler,' and Freddie, you'll be your alter-ego.

"Yes sir," she says.

"Inside the castle, you will be looking for anything that can be used to incriminate the Nazis. But you won't be searching alone. The Underground told us that there's an agent already inside who will lead you to most of the classified files and documents. We don't know his name, but he'll identify himself by showing you a white rose sown under his lapel, understand?"

"Right, sir," affirms Newkirk.

Hogan turns to Freddie and asks, "Is his uniform all set?"

"Yes, sir. LeBeau and I finished it yesterday."

"Good. Newkirk, keep studying your German and brush up on your cryptography." Hogan walks for the door, turns back to the duo and says, "Oh, and try not to get caught makin' hey."

Newkirk and Freddie both blush a little. "Yes, sir," answers the embarrassed pair.

The next night, Newkirk spends time going over the details of the mission with Freddie in her barracks. She drills him on his German, which he's seemed to have picked up surprisingly fast in only a week. Looking in her mirror, Freddie trims the blond hair that will stick out from under her hood with a straight razor.

"What are ya doin'?" asks Newkirk.

"I don't want to leave anything stickin' out that might give away my identity. They already know my eye color and that I'm a woman. I don't wanna give them anymore information." She looks at his reflection getting closer to hers in the mirror. "You afraid I'm gonna shave myself bald?"

Stopping just behind her, he says, "No, no. I was just hopin' you weren't gonna take a whole lot off. I love runnin' my hands through those long, golden locks o' yours."

She smiles as his fingers stroke her hair. "Don't worry, love. They're not goin' anywhere. Besides, it's just hair. It'll grow back." She takes the towel off her shoulders and turns around towards him. "Can I make a suggestion?"


"Ditch the beard, but leave your moustache."

"Huh? Why?"

"You'll look sinister and more like the 'new' German man. Here, lemme show ya."

He sits on the table and waits for Freddie to return with a small cup of water, soap, and her razor. She covers his chest with a towel and begins soaping up his face.

"I think I'm more nervous about havin' you shave me than I am of this assignment."

"No need to worry, love," she says. "I'm as steady as a rock." Just to tweak him, she takes the razor and shakes it near his throat.

"Freddie..." he says scolding, but with a smile.

Covering in her best John Wayne impression, she says, "Alright, pilgrim. Here we go." She carefully swipes down the side of his face, erasing the brown hairs on his cheek and trimming just a little bit of his sideburn at the bottom. Slowly and patiently she continues, carving a new man from the beard in front of her. Freddie recognizes the lines Newkirk's beautiful face, like the laugh-line from the corners of his nose to the corners of his mouth. She turns his head and cleans up the other side of his face, doing the same thing to this side as well as his chin.

"Ok," she says as she wipes the excess soap off, "I think I gotcha. Take a look in the mirror."

He gets up and goes to the mirror, smiling at his new look. "Wow." Freddie stands behind him and looks over his shoulder.

"Wait," she says, turning him around. "I missed a spot." She runs her hands up his chest and around his neck, pulling him down a little so she can kiss him.

"Mmm," he smiles, "that's the spot alright. Would you care to miss it again?"

"If you insist." He smiles as he puts his arms around her tight and kisses her deeply. The excitement that was building up to their mission electrified each pass of their tongues. It was almost too erotic to resist.

"We better not," Freddie warns as she backs away. "We can't afford to screw this job up."

Newkirk sighs and says, "Yeah, you're right." He squeezes her shoulders just slightly. "I can't wait until this is over. Then we can go back to just being a couple of prisoners and we can sneak away with each other again."

"You read my mind," she says with a smile.

Roll call, 1700 hours (5 o'clock p.m.), following day. Hogan, his men, and Freddie all retreat inside barracks #2 for the start of what has become known as 'Operation Snowjob.'

"Freddie," directs Hogan, "get down in the tunnel and change into 'The Shadow.' LeBeau, give her a hand."

"Oui, Colonel." The Frenchman and Freddie open the hatch and go underground.

Hogan puts a hand on Newkirk's shoulder. "Newkirk, you remember what you're supposed to do?"

Appearing to be more confident than yesterday, he answers, "Yes, sir. Freddie and I went over every detail this mornin', and I'm goin' down right now to go over them again."


Newkirk proceeds down the ladder and into the tunnel and over to where LeBeau is waiting for Freddie.

"Hey, love," says Newkirk, "when you get a chance, I'd like to go over the mission details again."

A voice dressed with a German accent comes from behind the curtain. "Right. I'll be out in a second."

Freddie emerges wearing her new SS uniform and carrying her infamous black hood. Just as LeBeau grabs for her hood, Newkirk takes it. "I got it, Louis." LeBeau lets him take it and heads back upstairs.

"Ok, let's take it from the beginning," Freddie starts.

"I don't need to go over it again," says Newkirk as he looks down at his feet.

"But I thought you said that-"

"I just... wanted to come down here and," Newkirk looks behind him to make sure they're alone. "See if I could sneak a kiss before you put on your mask."

A smile slowly crawls onto Freddie's face. Then she motions him forward with her index finger, watching him smirk as he steps closer and into her arms. "Better make it a good one. I don't know when we'll be alone again."

Without hesitation, Newkirk seals her mouth with his lips, kissing her gently but deeply. He's trying desperately not to become aroused, but he couldn't help it. With her in his arms, he steps back until he sits down on a tabletop, pulling her towards him. As she kisses his cheek and down to his neck, he asks, "Freddie love, do you think we got time for a quick roll in the hay before you go?"

This stops Freddie cold. She immediately ceases kissing him and says, "No. We gotta stay focused on this."

He sighs with disappointment and leans back on his hands, but then she gets an idea. "Wait. Maybe later, when we get to the hotel, alright? But I'm not promising anything." She taps his chest teasingly.

Newkirk smiles and whispers, "Ok." She hands him her hood and he helps her put it on. She turns around, letting him lace up the back. Hogan and the others all come down into the tunnel just as Newkirk finishes tying her hood.

"Ok, Fred," starts Hogan, "all set and ready to move out?"

"Yes sir."

"Great. Here's the kickoff. You'll go into town on foot and meet Hildebrandt at the Hofbrau. You won't know him, but he'll know you. He'll approach you and say, 'Excuse me, Captain. I have lost my collar tab. Have you seen it?' And you will answer, 'I'm sorry, Sergeant. I have not.'"

"Right. Got it."

"Then you'll come back to camp and demand to see the prisoners. Hopefully the rest will go just as smooth."

"It will, Colonel," she assures. "It will." Freddie grabs her loaded Luger pistol and puts it in her holster. "Don't worry, mates. I'll be back soon." As she turns to go, Newkirk grabs her hand.

"You be careful, Freddie. I mean it."

She squeezes his hand and places her other hand on top of his. "Haben Sie Vertrauen, liebchen. Have faith." Slowly she lets his hands go, slips on her leather gloves and into the darkness she runs.

As he watches her escape into the night, he clenches his jaw shut then says, "Alright, mates. Let's do it." He heads back upstairs, the others follow along.

Finally, after a long half an hour walk, Freddie makes it into town. As she walks down the street, every soldier on patrol salutes her, some out of fear, others out of respect.

She reaches the Hofbrau and proceeds inside to wait for her contact. There are a couple of SS men sitting at the bar, enjoying a drink. Freddie finds herself a table and sits.

"Excuse me, Captain," comes a voice from behind her. She slowly turns around to see a young looking man standing there. "I have lost my collar tab. Have you seen it?"

"I'm sorry, Sergeant. I have not." She motions for him to sit with her. In a low voice, she asks, "You must be Hildebrandt, yes?"

"Yes. You are Papa Bear's agent?"

"That's right." She leans into him and says, "Are you ready to get going?"

"Yes, ma'am. My car is right outside." He stands up and escorts her out of the bar.

At Stalag 13, Hogan and Newkirk sit at the table in their barracks. Newkirk looks at his watch nervously.

"She should be here any minute now," he says anxiously.

"Relax," says Hogan. "Everything's going according to schedule." As soon as the words leave his lips, Schultz comes in and announces roll call.

"Everybody out! Time for roll call! Raus, raus, raus!"

Newkirk and Hogan exchange a glance, then stand up and head outside. Waiting outside the kommandant's office with Klink is Freddie and Hildebrandt.

"Are these all of your prisoners, Klink?" asks 'The Shadow.'

The monocled kommandant looks over the prisoners and says, "Yes, Captain. We even have a female prisoner if you're-"

"That won't be necessary, Colonel. The men will do fine. Only room enough on this mission for one dominant female." Freddie leaves Hildebrandt and Klink and heads over to the men.

Hogan, with his men around him, asks, "Hey, kommandant. What's this all about? We just had roll call a little-"

Freddie, completely submerged in her character, snaps back. "When you are to know anything, we will tell you. Until that time, shut up!" She steps in front of the men and inspects them as she continues. "I am looking for a man who can assist me on a very important mission. Someone strong, quick on his feet, courageous. And I was told I would find such a man here at Stalag 13."

"Go home, lady," shouts Hogan. "Nobody here wants to help you."

"Ruhe (Silence)!" she shouts back. Freddie swiftly walks over and gets into Hogan's face. "One more outburst from you, and I'll see to it that you never leave the cooler alive. Am I being clear enough for you?"

As she steps back from Hogan, she looks at Newkirk and barks, "You. Take two steps forward. Stand at attention. Mach schnell!" Newkirk looks at Hogan, then obeys. In a softer tone, she asks, "What is your name?"

Playing along, he gingerly answers, "Newkirk, Peter. Corporal, RAF. Serial number 401797."

Walking slowly around him, she continues her inspection. "You look like a... healthy, physically fit young man. Are you a boxer by any chance?"

"No. But I've fought hand to hand with your goons on the streets of London."

She laughs. "I see you know the Master Race very well."

"Well enough to know I hate your kind," he fires back. They stand with eyes locked for a few moments, a careful combination of love and loathing, then Freddie turns back towards Klink.

"This man has all the qualities I'm looking for. His temper might come in handy. See that he is issued a pass. I will take full responsibility for him until my mission is completed."

"But, Captain," inquires Klink, "what if something should happen to you and he escapes. Then my perfect record will be destroyed!"

"My dear Colonel Klink. Would you like to call Himmler and explain to him why I-"

"No, no. Please, take Newkirk. He is yours."

"Thank you, Colonel. I wouldn't worry too much about him."

"Why not?"

"He's expendable. We won't let your perfect record be tarnished. If he tries to escape, he'll be shot." Newkirk is led into Klink's office by a couple of guards, who are followed by Klink and Freddie. LeBeau, Kinchloe, and Carter huddle around Hogan.

"Well," assures Hogan. "So far, everything's falling right into place."

After leaving Klink's office, Newkirk, Freddie, and Hildebrandt pile into the car and head out of camp.

"Weiterfehren (Drive on)," Freddie commands as she turns her attention to Newkirk. She takes the leather glove off of her left hand and touches his hand. "How are you holding up, darling?"

He gazes into her eyes, the only part of her that he recognizes. Taking her hand, he says, "I'm fine, love. You?"

"Once we get to the hotel, I'll relax a little." Newkirk leans back in the seat and pulls her down to his chest, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"I wish you weren't wearin' that mask," he says. "I'd kiss you."

She giggles a little. "I just wish I wasn't wearing it. So constrictive. Not to mention it does keep our lips apart." One of his strong hands rests on her back while the other holds her head to his chest. Through her hood, she can hear the gentle, steady drumming of his heart, calming her almost to the point of sleep. "This is why I put myself in harm's way. To protect those I could never live without."

At the Hauserhauf, Hildebrandt checks into a private suite, while Newkirk and Freddie share a room. With them, they have brought Newkirk's uniform, a dossier of false information that's to be slipped into the files at the castle, a camera, and an extra Luger just incase.

Inside their room, Newkirk flops down on the bed and stretches out. "Ahhh, it always feels good to sleep in a regular bed."

"That's part of the reason I took this assignment," she says as she opens a suitcase. She starts tugging at the ties on her hood. "Can you give me a hand, love?"

He gets up and stands behind her as he unties the hood. Carefully, he loosens it and lets her slide it off her head. He turns her to face him, running his hands through her matted hair, fluffing it a little and smiling.

"There you are," he says. "You know, you're the most attractive Nazi I've ever seen?"

"Yeah?" She rubs her hands up his chest, then down and around his waist. "Well, why don't you bring your lips down here and let me curl your moustache." One side of his mouth raises in a smile as he moves in close to her. Their mouths meet, both smoldering with desire. Freddie moans as Newkirk's tongue passes through her lips and starts massaging her tongue, sensually coaxing hers into playing along. She could have left him there forever. His hands hold her firmly against his body as they continue. She could feel how much he wanted her just by having him hold her close.

"Peter," she says as he continues to kiss her, "I don't know if this is such a good idea..."

"Please, darlin'," he pleads softly, "we're all alone. No one's around."

"I'm not afraid of getting caught," she says, "I'm just worried that my concentration on this assignment will be broken."

Newkirk backs away from her lips, holding her face gently in his hands. "Angel, the job starts tomorrow night." A kind smile graces his mouth. "In the meantime, concentrate on me."

Freddie stands in contemplating silence as she looks deep into his emerald eyes. Her fingers play with the hair behind his ears, stroking the few strands that curl up and around them. "I suppose you're right, liebchen. The castle will still be there tomorrow and so will the mission."

"That's right, love. Unless, of course, the Allies bomb the bloody place, then we can go home," he answers with a smile. His hands rest upon her shoulders, his fingers dancing around the outside of her ears. "I'm sorry if I sound pushy, but I can't help it. Any chance I get to be alone with you means everything to me. That's the only time I feel remotely normal."

Freddie puts one finger over Newkirk's lips. "Shhh. You don't need to apologize. You're right, I shouldn't be so wrapped up in these affairs all the time. I hate going out on these sort of missions, but I go knowing that the war will end sooner and I'll be saving someone's life. But, I don't know what tomorrow will bring, so I better enjoy my life right now and all the time I can with you."

Newkirk takes her hands. "Freddie, I won't ever make you regret a single moment we've shared."

She smiles. "I haven't yet. And I know I never will."

He licks his lips very seductively and smiles like a schoolboy. Taking her into his arms again, he whispers, "Let me make the most passionate love to you."

She sighs, smiles, then says, "Ok. You talked me into it."

Just as he leans in for another kiss, Newkirk growls and teasingly pecks at her lips. He pulls her towards him as he backs up and sits on the desk. Freddie stands between his legs with her arms resting on his shoulders as he kisses the front of her neck.

"Ja, Liebling. Liebe mich. Die ganze Nacht (Yes, my love. Make love to me. All night long)."

The sound of her speaking German sends his head swimming in love instantly. A moan escapes his throat as he kisses her lips a little harder. Freddie runs her hands through his hair, compelling him to stand up.

"You make it so hard for me to be a good boy," he says.

She snickers. "I don't like good boys."

Newkirk lifts Freddie up and wraps her legs around his waist as he starts for the bed. "Would you prefer that I be... a naughty boy?"

"Very naughty," she groans. He stops at the side of the bed, falls forward and slams them both down onto the mattress. As they hit, Freddie groans again and messes up his hair. "Ja, du ungezogener Junge. Du bist mein (Yeah, you bad boy. You are mine)..."

He smiles at her sweetly, his face laying on her chest, completely oblivious of what she just said, and says, "You sure know how to turn me on." Immediately, she starts laughing. "What's so funny?"

"I just said you were a bad boy."

"Oh. Well... I think it worked."

With his body lying between her legs, she says, "Believe me, I know it did." She bends one leg at the knee and lays the other one flat. He runs his hand down her side, down to her hip and down to her crooked knee. As they lie there, he unfastens her Sam Browne belt and tosses it aside. Newkirk moves his body further up so he's now nose to nose with his love. Underneath his weight, she can feel his fingers working loose the buttons on her jacket and opening it wide. Freddie reaches up above her bed and grabs the brass rails of the headboard. She closes her eyes as she lets him do whatever he wants to her.

"I need to feel you close to me," he whispers gently. Freddie's mouth drops down to his ear, nibbling on it and kissing it. Her hands reach down and pull his gray sweater up towards his head. Pushing himself up onto one hand, Newkirk helps her remove his turtleneck with the other. Finding it hard to control herself, she quickly starts on his undershirt, getting no protests from him as he starts kissing and suckling her neck. She works the shirt free from his pants and tugs it upwards, sliding her hands underneath it and feeling his hard body while pushing it up. A deep-throated moan finds his vocal cords as her mouth gnaws at his tight, naked chest.

"Tear me to pieces," he hisses as he watches her playfully tongue his nipple.

"I'd tear you up, darling, and put you back together... just to tear you up again." He closes his eyes and laughs softly.

"I don't care what you do to me. Just as long as you do it." As she continues feeding on his warm flesh, he loosens her tie and starts unbuttoning her shirt.

"You want me really bad, don't you?" she asks as he plants a wet kiss for every button that's undone. She runs her fingers through his hair and tugs on a couple small handfuls of it.

He's about ready to unhook her bra when there is a knock on the door. "It's me, Hildebrandt. Let me in, quickly!"

"One moment," answers Freddie, pushing a stunned Newkirk off onto the bed. She buttons her shirt halfway up as he lays bare-chested on his back; he's very, very angry.

"I was afraid this would happen," he thinks to himself. "All I wanted to do was to make love to you and get your mind off the mission tomorrow. This bloody war is gettin' in the way of everything."

Freddie lets Hildebrandt in. "What's wrong?" she asks seriously, closing the door quickly behind him.

"I was just down in the bar, and there are Gestapo agents downstairs. I think they are looking for you."

"For me?" she asks.

"Yes. I heard something being said about 'The Shadow.'"

Newkirk, who's stewing over the contact's untimely interruption, says, "What do you want us to do?"

"Well," says Hildebrandt, "I think we should sneak out and head to Paderborn tonight."

"And start the mission early? You're outta your mind," says an ornery Newkirk.

Freddie tries to calm him down. "Peter, relax. It might be the only way to avoid capture and exposure."

Newkirk lays his head back down and tries to get his mind off the sex he won't be having anytime soon. "Damn it!"

"Are you ready to leave?" she asks Hildebrandt.

"Yes. Are you?"

"Let me get him changed into his uniform. I'll get you when we're ready. Verstehen (Understand)?"

"Ja." He lets himself out the door, and back down the hall to his room.

"Come on, Peter," Freddie says as she grabs the suitcase with his uniform. "Get changed." Sighing heavily, he obeys. She tosses his undershirt to him and he regretfully puts it on.

A few minutes later, 'The Shadow' and SS-Hauptscharfuhrer Hans Dekker emerge from their room. They go down the hall and retrieve Hildebrandt and head out of the hotel, completely undetected.

In the car, on their way to Wewelsburg, Freddie goes over the last few details of the assignment with Newkirk. He starting to become less upset about their moment being interrupted and a bit more centered on the mission.

Before they knew it, they were within one mile of the castle. "We're almost at the castle," says Hildebrandt. "It's down this road, all the way at the end."

Almost too evil to look at, the SS-Schule Haus Wewelsburg slowly comes into view. Shrouded in darkness and medieval mystery, the castle sits on a cliff's edge, looming high above the seemingly peaceful town below.

Newkirk looks out his window at the castle's main gain, dipped in torchlight. "Blimey. This place would even scare a dead man."

The main entrance to the castle was a couple of huge wooden doors with the SS rune and swastika carved into them. Above the doors, was a large black window drape with the evil SS rune in white, as if reminding the visitors to the castle who they were going to encounter.

The gate guard sees 'The Shadow' in the back seat, and quickly ushers the car through the gates. Hildebrandt parks the car inside the castle walls and lets Freddie and Newkirk out of the back. Just as they are about to unload their luggage, a uniformed junior officer and a couple of his guards stand in formation.

"Welcome to Wewelsburg, Captain," says the junior officer. "Heil Hitler." Freddie salutes and lets the guards approach and take care of the luggage. "This is indeed an honor. This way, please."

The officers invited 'The Shadow' and MSgt. Dekker to dinner that evening. Much of the conversation centered around the future of the SS, the Reich taking second place to the Elite Guard.

Freddie engaged in some of the conversation, even answering a few questions about why she wears a hood.

After the post-supper glass of brandy, Newkirk and Freddie retire to their rooms. They accidentally found them to be connected.

Newkirk, trying to mask his nervousness, sits in Freddie's room while she sorts through the false documents.

"How long do you think we'll be here, love?" he asks, his feet propped up on the window ledge.

"Well, I wasn't expecting the officers here to be so friendly," she says, "so I don't think we'll need to stay more than a night. Maybe even leave tomorrow night."

"Friendly? You mean, you like these guys?"

"Of course not. I mean that it won't be very hard to persuade them into letting me take a look at some very classified files."

"Oh." He looks back out the window again when another question pops into his head. "Does Himmler know you exist?"

She looks up from her papers and over to Newkirk. "No."

His eyes get wider. "He doesn't?"

"No. Every time I become 'The Shadow', I have to do the world's most dangerous juggling act. I have basically fooled everyone in the Weirmacht and the SS into believing that I am Himmler's aide. But he has no knowledge of me whatsoever. All of his top officials know of 'The Shadow', but because they fear her so much, they don't mention her to him. I have to keep his staff in a constant state of fear in order to make every mission work."

"Oh, my God," he says. "I had no idea."

Early the next morning, 'The Shadow' was being shown around the castle by a young SS-Hitlerjungend, who couldn't have been more than 19 years old. As 'The Shadow' listened intently to all that the young man was saying, Freddie felt sorry for this boy who had been swept up in a whirlwind of hate, lies, and murder.

After their small tour, the young man left Freddie and Newkirk with one of the school's headmasters to discuss business. Newkirk tagged along behind and listened to Freddie engage in a conversation with the colonel.

The colonel lead them into a small conference room and closed the door behind them. He immediately goes over to Freddie and asks, "Do you like flowers?"

Freddie thought this was a bit strange, but she answers anyway. "Yes. I do."

"So do I," says the colonel as he lifts up his collar. "Especially white roses..."

She looks at the mark under his collar tab; a small embroidered white rose. "You are with the White Rose?"

"Yes. I am Klaus von Mueller, your contact. We don't have much time, but you must leave now!"

Newkirk's ears go up at the sign of trouble. "Leave? Why?"

"Himmler has been notified of your presence. He is on his way here from Berlin."

Freddie couldn't believe her ears. Her mind was a wash of thousands of emotions all running together. Could this be the time she'd been waiting for since her mother's murder? Was this her chance to finally put to rest the anger she'd been carrying since she was 13? Was she finally going to confront her mother's murderer face to face?

"How could they have known?" asks Freddie, teetering on the brink of destructive anger and fear.

"Hildebrandt is a double agent," says Klaus. "He told the school officials last night of your orders."

"That bloody twister," says Newkirk, ready to go after the double crosser.

"Please, fraulein. You must leave now if you want to save yourself."

Very solemnly, she says, "No. I won't leave. I owe it to my mother." Turning her attention to Newkirk, she says, "Come, we must hurry. We will finish the mission we were sent here to do. Then you'll go back to camp, and I will confront Das Teufel (the Devil). Alone."

"Fraulein, you'll be sending yourself to an early grave! You mustn't!" says von Mueller.

"No, Freddie," protests Newkirk. "I'm not leavin' without you."

"Peter," she continues, "if anything should happen to me-"

"Nothin's gonna happen to you. I won't let it." They stand in brief silence and look at each other.

"If anything should happen to me, save yourself and get out of here. Go back to camp and go on with your life as if nothing happened." She touches his face. "Promise me." He looks shocked as he hears her request. She hurries out of the room, with Newkirk in a confused daze right behind.

The pair of Allies walk briskly down the hall and to their room. Inside, Freddie gathers the false documents and puts them back in the dossier and heads out of the room again. They both head for a file storage room to place the documents. "Let's make this quick," she says on the fly.

They make it to a deserted room that contains several file cabinets and maps of important strategic targets for the Luftwaffe's buzz bomb program. She motions for him to fold up the maps and put them into the dossier as she takes the fake papers out and put them into their appropriate locations.

"Let's step it up, Peter," she says as she gathers her stolen information. "We haven't go a whole lot of time."

As they're walking down the hall, they are stopped by a very handsome radio operator who asks for some help with a broken transmitter. Newkirk's face lost its color very quickly as Freddie told him to go and lend a hand. He grumbles as he follows the man to the radio room.

Freddie heads back to their rooms to start gathering their things for a quick, and possibly loud getaway. As she turns around from locking the door, she's surprised to see Hildebrandt standing there with a gun pointed at her.

"I was wondering where you went, fraulein," he said, almost in a charming tone. Her body goes numb with fear and anger. "Did you enjoy your tour?"

She says nothing, not even blinking. Her mind was already formulating a plan of action. She quickly points towards him, making him turn around. Then she pulls her silenced .45 from her shoulder holster and pumps five shots into his chest and face, killing him instantly.

Going over to inspect her kill, she puts her gun away and drags the lifeless body over to a chair and struggles to get him in it. She eventually leans him back in the chair and faces him towards the door. Freddie then gets the idea of putting her mask over his face, fooling anyone who should came into the room that 'The Shadow' was murdered.

Once she ties the mask on Hildebrandt's head, she steps back to look at the scene. She hears footsteps getting closer, so she hides behind the door. She watches as the doorknob turns and the door opens.

"Freddie?" asks a familiar voice.

"Oh, no. Peter. It's not me in the chair!"

Newkirk steps further into the room and rushes towards the body. "Freddie, oh God!" She runs up behind him and tries to grab him and hold her hand over his mouth, but he elbows her in the stomach, dropping her to the floor. Frantically, Newkirk unties the hood, rips it off and sees that it isn't Freddie. "Hildebrandt? What the-" He turns around and looks down at his coughing girlfriend on the floor, holding her belly.

"It's not me," she struggles to say. Newkirk rushes to help her up.

"Damn it, Freddie. I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

"I know. He tried to jump me. Come on. Let's get out of here." She grabs her hood, throws it on, and leaves the room with Newkirk. They run down the hall and turn a corner, where Freddie stops.

"What's wrong?" asks Newkirk, trying to pull her along.

"There he is," she says, pointing down the hall. Newkirk looks down the hall and sees the figure she was pointing at: Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler himself. "Get out of here, Peter. Do what I told you."

"No! I'm not leavin' without you!"

Their argument attracts the attention of the party down the hall. Freddie hears someone shouting for them to stop and surrender. Both the scared prisoners start running down another hallway, chased by several SS men with guns. They duck around another corner and stop to regroup.

"Now what?" asks the frightened Englishman. Freddie looks out a window down to the almost empty courtyard below.


He shoots her a scared look. "Jump?" She opens the window and looks out some more. It's about a 15 foot drop from the ledge to the ground below. She climbs out and hangs by her arms, waits, then falls.

"Hurry, Peter!" she quietly shouts up. She watches him as he climbs out and does exactly what she did. Once he touches down, the pair hide behind a car and wait for a chance to escape, but a loud siren goes off and search lights go on. Freddie opens one of the car doors and says, "Quick, get in!" She hops behind the wheel and starts the engine, getting the unwanted attention of the two gate guards.

"Nein! Halt!" they shout. One of them opens fire as Freddie takes off towards them.

"They're shootin' at us!" says Newkirk.

"Very good, Watson!" Freddie says sarcastically. She pushes him down to the floor and yells, "Stay down!" She drives the car straight towards the guards, making them jump out of the way and continues through the closing wooden door to the road outside.

Outside the castle's parameter, Freddie guns the motor and speeds off towards Heidleburg, and the comforting confines of Stalag 13.

"Ok, Peter," she says, breathing a sigh of relief, "you can come out now. We're clear." Newkirk comes up from clinging to the floorboards and looks around.

"That was too close," he says.

Back at camp, Hogan and the others await the arrival of 'The Shadow' and her aide.

"I hope nothing went wrong," worries LeBeau. Kinchloe tries to ease his friend's fears.

"Don't worry. Freddie's got the situation under control."

Hogan, who's been secretly worrying about his two agents since they left, tries to put on a brave front for his men. "They knew of the danger involved. But I think Kinch is right. Freddie's got a knack for staying calm and cool under very intense situations."

As Hogan speaks, LeBeau hears a noise from down one of the tunnels. He goes to investigate and finds that it's Freddie and Newkirk running back from the outside.

"Colonel!" shouts the happy little Frenchman. "Newkirk and Freddie! They're back!" LeBeau ushers them both over to the table and pours them both some coffee.

"How did it go?" asks Hogan.

"Fine," says Newkirk, "until the contact in town turned out to be a Gestapo man."

"What?" asks Carter.

"It's true," explains Freddie. "Hildebrandt was a double agent. Turned us in when we weren't around."

"So what happened?" Carter presses.

Looking back at her friend seriously, Freddie says, "I neutralized him."

"We ended up climbin' out of a window and blastin' our way out of the castle," says Newkirk.

"Were you able to get your hands on any files?" asks Hogan.

"Yes, sir," says Freddie. "I sort of 'barrowed' a map of strategic areas in and around London that were to be passed onto the Luftwaffe. And I took a few photos of the interior of the castle. London may be interested in them as well."

Hogan smiles and puts a hand on Freddie's shoulder, and one on Newkirk's. "Nice work. You came out against the odds. I'm proud of you."

Newkirk and Freddie remain in the tunnel long after they have returned from the mission. They have since changed back into their own uniforms. He's sitting silently on a bench as she comes around the corner from the dark room, developing pictures from their assignment for Hogan.

"Hi, Peter." Silence, no response. She looks at him again. "Peter, I said hello."

He quickly looks up at her, then back down to his feet. "Oh. Hello."

Freddie sets the film down and goes over to him. She can see that something is obviously bothering him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothin'," he snaps. "I don't wanna talk about it." He gets up to leave but she stops him.

"Hold on a second," she orders. "Something's eatin' at you and I wanna know what it is."

Newkirk keeps his back to her and puts both hands on top of his head, sighing loudly. "Freddie, I don't want to talk about it. Alright?"

She's had enough of his sudden sharp attitude and she's not going to waste anymore time with it. Going about her business, she says, "Fine. Probably nothin' important anyway-"

"Damn it, Fredricha," he yells. He turns around towards her. "Alright. You wanna know what's botherin' me? I'll tell you."

Freddie's getting a little angry with him. "Please do," she fires back.

He steps closer to her and says forcefully, "I never got to make love to you the whole time we were out."

"So?" she yells back.

"So?" he echoes in disbelief. "Is that all you can say to me? So? Don't I matter to you anymore?"

Throwing her hands up in the air, she says, "Mein Gott, Peter. After all we've been through, you're gonna question my love for you now? Just because you and I didn't make love one time?"

He steps very close to her, close enough to kiss her. "There's only one thing I wanna know. Do you love me?"

Her eyes narrow. "What the hell do you think?" she answers back harshly. Her response segways into their first shouting match.

He grabs her by the arms and says, "Answer me! Do you love me? Yes or no!"

"Yes, I love you!" she says, batting his hands off. "I love you so much, it hurts!"

His voice gets a little louder. "Well, show me!"

"Fine!" She grabs him by the lapels of his jacket and pushes him fiercely up against a support beam. Her hands leave his jacket and pull his face down to hers so she can kiss him deep and savagely. As their lips continue to press together, her hands go back to his jacket, pulling him away from the beam and throwing him into the dynamite room with such force that he trips and stumbles to the ground.

He looks up at her with surprise, but then gets mad again. "What, you think you're tough?"

"No," she answers back, "I know I am. On your feet, Corporal. I'm not done with you yet." Slowly he responds, his face looking like he's gearing up for a scuffle. He wrinkles his nose and juts out his jaw.

"If you're not careful, Sergeant, I'm gonna rip the shirt right off your back."

"I wish you would!" she shouts back.

They lunge at one another, their hands grabbing at the other's jacket and tugging at them. Once the coats are off, they step back and get ready to square off again.

"Get over her, you twit," she yells. Newkirk isn't sure what's going to happen as he steps closer, so he balls up his fists just incase she swings at him. Suddenly, she grabs him by the arms and throws him down onto an ammo crate and straddles him as she pulls his sweater up and over his head. After she tosses it on the floor, she brings his face close to hers, smirking a little as she strips him of his undershirt.

"You bastard," she says, her teeth clenched together tight, their noses just touching. "How dare you ask if I love you. I'm gonna beat any doubt out of you right now." She runs her tongue roughly over his mouth until he opens his lips and lets her inside to play with his.

He grabs her and rolls her off onto the ground. "Not unless I beat it outta you first, you bitch." He forces his whole weight down onto her, pinning her arms above her head and sealing her mouth with his. She struggles at first, but decides against it, letting him control her.

"I thought you wanted to rip my shirt off," she says.

"Don't worry," he reassures her. He lets her hands go and proceeds down to her shirt, quickly unbuttoning it. She wraps her arms around his head and continues to kiss him as he rolls over onto his back, bringing Freddie with him and laying her on top of him. Still they kiss as they both remove her shirt.

"Let's finish what we started, Peter," she whispers as his hands unhook her bra. He rolls them over again, putting Freddie on her back once more, his mouth going for her naked breasts.

"God, yes. And don't stop me this time," he begs.

"I won't, liebchen."

"Even if there's an air raid. I won't stop, I swear it."

"Yes..." she gasps.

He gets up and rests on his heels as he starts to unbutton his trousers. Freddie sits up and twists her body around and turns off the lights while still lying on the ground. Thinking she's trying to leave, Newkirk grabs her by her belt and pulls her back so she, too, is resting on her heels. He pulls her between his knees and presses his body hard against hers, his hands sliding up her naked chest and his mouth kissing her neck, making her moan. Freddie closes her eyes and tilts her head back and rests it on his strong shoulder, one hand lost in his hair and the other groping his backside.

"Oh, God," he whimpers, "this is all I've been thinkin' of." He lets go of her breasts and sets his hands on her flat stomach, feeling her skin get warmer with every pass of his hands.

"Peter, do you doubt my love for you now?" she asks with her eyes still closed.

"No," he whispers. "I'll never doubt it again."

Her hands refuse to let go of him as he makes her body squirm with every kiss. Newkirk's fingers drop down to her belt and begin unfastening it as quickly as he can. In a matter of seconds, her pants are unbuttoned and unzipped. Freddie lets go of his backside and takes his hand and slides it inside her shorts to that warm, wet spot. She gasps again as she holds his hand firmly in place while he massages her slowly. He bites at her neck and holds one breast in his hand as he works her.

"Please, Peter," she heaves, "I need you so."

Newkirk closes his eyes. "I need you now more than ever..." he whispers. He sits up on his knees and pushes his trousers down and she slides her pants and shorts down to her knees. As he slowly pulls her back against him again, she can feel his warm extension grazing her buttocks. Carefully, he guides them both to their feet without letting go of her. Newkirk backs up against a table, gently caressing Freddie's hips with his hands, and lurches forward to sink himself deep inside of her as he continues to kiss and nibble on her neck. She can hear his breathing get heavier with each gentle stroke he makes. Freddie brings both arms up and reaches back behind her and wraps them around Newkirk's neck as she turns her body towards the table. He stays behind her as she leans on it, allowing him to work and please her body until both of their bodies shook and exploded with fulfillment. And when it was over, they rested until their souls stirred their bodies to crave each other again.

Their long overdue sexual encounter lasted for over two hours, but neither of them cared. It beautifully broke the tension caused by the mission.

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 14 October 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com