~*~My Lord And Lover~*~



Juliana was a very ordinary girl, but she had something that many of the other village girls didn't: beauty. She was a commoner, a farmer's daughter brought up on almost nothing except pride and purpose.

At daybreak one frosty spring morning, Juliana began her chores, driving the cattle out to pasture and tending to the laundry. Upon her return from the meadow, she came across a horse standing around a small clump of trees.

She calmly approached the horse, trying not to scare it. Just as she begins to stroke the horse's snout, a voice breaks the stillness.

"Good morrow, pretty maiden."

Startled, Juliana turns around and looks at the young man standing there, smiling with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Forgive me, kind sir. I did not know this-"

Her eyes remain fixed upon the ground as he walks slowly towards her. "You have done nothing that need be forgiven."

She looks at the handsome young man. His hair is short and dark, with slight ripples. His face was that of a Roman god; rugged, chiseled to perfection. His eyes sparkle like the finest emeralds in all of Britain, adding a touch of softness and compassion to his masculine face.

They look at one another for a few moments, memorizing the other's face.

"Please," she begs, "forgive my appearance. I'm a mess."

To her surprise, he smiles sweetly. "A mess is such a harsh name for an honest lass. What is your name?"


His lips crack a smile. "Juliana. That I will remember." He extends his hand to her and says, "I am Richard, Duke of Burgundy."

She takes his hand and curtsies in respect. "Your Lordship."

"No formalities, pretty lady. Richard is all you need remember."

She smiles. "Very well. Richard."

His hands rest on the black leather sword belt synched around the felt sea foam green doublet at his waist. The weight of his body rested upon his right leg, jutting his left leg out. He looks down and away from her, trying to conceal his own shyness.

"I wish I had more time to talk with you. But I must get back to the village."

"Wait," he says, "I'll take you back."

"I thank you for your generosity, but I best return alone."

Juliana starts away towards the hill before the young man can ask anymore questions. He leans on a tree in defeat and watches her run away.

"Methinks my heart's been stolen."

She couldn't walk and think of the attractive young gentleman at the same time. He smelled of the finest fragrances that lingered in her head for hours afterwards. Juliana hoped that she may meet up with him again.


The next day, Juliana was off wandering in the fields collecting flowers when she heard the distinct sound of a horse prancing closer.

"Good day, Juliana!" came a cheerful masculine voice.

She turned to see Richard atop his white steed, dashing and as handsome as the day before. He looked sharp in his tight white riding pants and heavy white silk shirt. His sword hangs on his left hip, giving him a dashing and daring accent.

"Good day, Sir Richard."

He climbs down from his horse and walks over to her. "What brings you out to the fields so early, pretty lady?"

"I like to pick the flowers. And listen to nature."

Richard takes a deep breath and exhales. "It's going to be a beautiful day."

Juliana smiles as she picks a few flowers and sets them in her basket. His charm makes her blush slightly.

"Would you do me the honor of walking with me?" he asks, holding his hands out to her. She places her hands in his and lets him lead her along.

"Can I be honest with you, Juliana?" he asks.


"Since we met the other day, you have... plagued my thoughts so deliciously and sweetly, that I haven't been able to think of anything else."

She giggles a little and says, "I'm sure you say that to all of the girls. You do have a reputation with the ladies in the King's court."

Richard softly pulls her closer to his side. "That's just a tradition, sweet Juliana. True, His Majesty does have many lovely and beautiful ladies in his court, but they are just for show. None of them could be serious about love or marriage. I made a promise to myself when I was 18 that I would not marry unless it was for love and no other reason."

She stops and turns to him, looking into his kind eyes. "You were born into privilege and you would squander it on love? Are you mad?"

"Yes, Juliana. I think I am mad. With a growing passion for you."

She stands in surprise at what he just said. "What?"

"I don't mean to be so direct, but I truly believe that I am... falling in love with you."

She smiles as he takes her hand in his. "But we hardly know each other. How can you be sure that it is love you feel?"

"Because when I first looked into your eyes, I saw the rest of my life. I saw a kindness in your eyes that calmed me, a peaceful and gentle kindness. And that's what I want to live in the rest of my days."

Juliana is touched by his kind words, her fingers stroking his strong jaw. "Is what you say the truth?"

"A gentleman does not lie."

She slowly embraces him, feeling his arms envelope her. "At last I have found him. My true love, the Duke."

"My sweet Juliana," he smiles, "consider me not a duke, but your husband Richard."

She beams and says, "Oh, yes. Yes!"

He slowly closes the space between their mouths, inching towards her lips. She doesn't resist him as their lips touch. Her arms curl around his neck as his bind around her waist.

"Oh, Richard," she whimpered as they embraced, "this feels like a dream."

He looks at her lovingly. "My beloved, you stole my heart the moment I saw you. Sleep has not taken me since that night."

She stretches up to kiss him full on the mouth. "Your lips are as sweet as honey."

"That is because I have kissed a flower."

He places both hands gently on her face and ran his tongue over her lips as soft as he could. Her lips parted and kissed it, slowly sucking on it. This drew him closer to her as their mouths pleased each other.

When they released, they continued to walk down to the stream. They find a tree and sit under it, Juliana resting against it and cradling Richard's head in her lap. She strokes his face, making him smile, then lets her fingers touch his neck and chest.

"Come," he says as he sits up, "I have something to show you."

He stands and slowly helps Juliana to her feet. They walk towards his horse and mount up. They speed away to a private refuge that only he knows of. He heads down a deserted and overgrown path that leads to an abandoned castle.

Once inside the high stone walls, he closes the drawbridge and secures it. He returns and takes Juliana off of his steed.

"What is this place?"

He smiles as he sets his hands on her hips. "Home."

He leads her up the stone steps and inside the fortified palace. Though abandoned for sometime, the Prince has managed to make it livable and cozy. Richard leads her upstairs and into his chamber, leading her to his bed. "Lie down."

She sits down on the bed, feeling the cushion.

"This is where you and I will sleep. Together. As man and wife."

Juliana leans back and props herself up the pillows. "That sounds wonderful."

He looks at her with hunger and love in his eyes as he lies down next to her. Her fingers gently touch his smooth face. "Let me please you, Sir Richard."

"More than you already have, my Lady Juliana?"

Her fingers play with the laces on her dress. "Much more. I thought maybe we could... touch each other."

His eyes look down and see her fingers slowly running along the inside of her bodice, gracefully touching her breasts. He squints and bites his lower lip as he watches her hands. She slowly and seductively begins to untie the muslin laces, her white bosoms pushing forth but not out.

"My precious Juliana," he whispers as he buries his face in her neck. Slowly he backs away, just enough to look at her face.

"Let me touch you.... all over...."

"Yes, my love," she says with a smile.

He begins kissing down the front of her throat until he gets to the laces holding her breasts behind the cloth. His slow fingers loosen the laces, her perfect white breasts spilling out. She runs her fingers through his soft mane, urging him to suckle at them. His face falls forward onto her warm bosoms, letting them caress his face. She closes her eyes as she feels his warm tongue licking her nipples. He licked them and teased them until they looked like little pink pebbles.

"Oooooh..." she groaned as she played with his hair.

He continues to kiss her chest as he carefully and seductively unwraps her body from her clothing. As she lies naked on her back, his lies next to her, his eyes examining her small but toned body as his hands rub across her breasts and down behind her. Then he rises to his knees and lazily begins removing his shirt, tossing it carelessly aside. She sits up and feels his chest, letting her hands dance across it and feeling every curve.

"So this is what a man feels like," she says with an excited smile.

Richard smiles as he takes off his sword belt, laying it nearby. He slides her hands down his chest and holds them on top of the hard bulge between his legs.

"No, my love. This is what a man feels like."

Her eyes open wider as she feels the size of his organ. He watches as she unbuttons his tight riding trousers and slides them off. As they loosen, she looks up at him before she continues. He gives her a reassuring nod, telling her to proceed. Juliana's hands slowly enter the front of his trousers and feel for the hard flesh. She watches his face constrict with pleasure as she takes it in her hands and pulls it out into the open. Her eyes are fascinated by its size.

"Do what you will with me, my love," he says, tangling his fingers in her hair.

She leans forward and kisses the shaft of his stiff cock as if to thank it for the pleasure she is about to receive from him. She takes his flesh in her hands and kisses down to the head, her tongue licking the glistening moisture from it. Carefully he pushes forward and slides the full length of his hardness between her lips and into her mouth. Juliana begins working him, using her tongue, teeth and lips. This, too, was pleasing her and making the fire between her legs burn hotter. Her hands gripped his hips and his behind, making him moan as she pulled him closer.

"Oh, my love..."

She could have sucked on him forever, the flavor of his cock more enticing than wine. He backs away and pulls himself from her mouth.

"Lay back, my princess," he directs. "I promise to be gentle."

She obeys him and watches as he parts her thighs. He looks sweetly at her wet sex as his fingers gently stroke down the inside of her thighs and down to her hot, pulsing node, giving her a jolt of pleasure the likes of which she had never known.

"Mmmm..." she sighs. "...touch me.... again..."

He rubs the wet, silky underside of her clit. "How is that, my lady?"

Juliana closes her eyes as she lets the sensation sweep over her. "...Oooohh..."

He slowly but firmly rubs his thumb over the tip of her sensitive kernel, making her body twitch. "Aaah!"

He moves his steady fingers down to her orifice, still tantalizing her nub. He carefully and slowly slides two fingers inside of her, feeling her chasm throb as he manually strokes her.


Richard moves his face close to hers and kisses her on the mouth as his fingers massage her from the inside while his thumb rubs the smooth, fleshy bump just above. Her hips lift with every one of his penetrating hand movements.

"Ohhh...oooh.... Richard..." she moans.

"Yes, my love?"


He carefully draws his fingers out and brings them to his lips. She watches as he starts to lick the wetness from his fingers. Juliana pulls his hand down between both of their mouths and starts to lick, too. He proceeds his washing, letting his tongue touch hers as they share the juice. As they kiss, he crawls between her thighs, resting his hardened organ on her leg, her depths burning uncontrollably with wanting.

"I want you..." he sighs as he presses his hot tongue inside her lips. She quickly began stroking it with her tongue just as she did with his rigid cock.

He raises his hips just enough to let his hard muscle fall into position, then lowers himself gently and penetrates her nether mouth. His eyes clamped shut and his mouth opened with the stimulation.

"Aaahhhh! Oooh!" Juliana moans, feeling his hardness probing her deeper than his fingers.

"Yes, Juliana..... yes....."

Richard rocks her slowly and deeply. He tries to push himself as far as he can into her, hoping to create more delight for his mistress.

"...Oh....oooohhh....aaahhh..." she pants as she holds him.

His hands plant themselves on the bed by her hips as her legs spread wider, allowing him to thrust harder and faster. The feel of his hips hitting against her was a delight in itself, as was seeing his hard body hover over hers. Never has anything in the world felt this incredible.

Juliana's body demanded more pleasure from his hungry loins. "...Oh.... ahhhhh!.... deeper... my love..... please..."

This excited him and compelled his body to drive her a little harder, delivering a steady rhythm of snapping thrusts and pulsating waves into her body. She answered each wave with a moan.

"...You... are going... to make... me... come..." he huffed. "... I can't... stop..."

Without warning, her orgasm began, strong and heavy. She shook from the intense sensation, her mouth paralyzed open and only able to utter a few sounds. He rammed into her cleft faster, trying to prolong her pleasure.

"....Oh.... oooohhh.... aaahhh!!!"

As her tighness constricted around his swollen cock, he came, flooding her depths as he shouted, "....Ahhhhhh!... my... sweet.... love....mmmm!"

They both rode each other until the flames of their passion died slowly. He remained between her shaking thighs, looking at Juliana whose face showed complete and total satisfaction.

"Juliana," he says as he catches his breath, "I love you."

The young girl smiled as she pulled him down onto her, kissing his soft lips. His arms rested on either side of her head as she said, "I love you."

He rolls off and lies beside her, touching her face, still panting from ecstasy. They lie naked and alone, free to touch each other and thrill each other for as long as they wanted without any interruptions from the world outside.

This is the peace that Richard, Duke of Burgundy had dreamed of.

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 04 September 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com