~*~Chalk It Up~*~




Saturday nights always drew in a nice crowd at the pool hall. Many of the customers where middle-aged men, but many times young teens could be seen frequenting the place.

Alexis had only been working there for about 3 months and was growing to like the job. She herself likes to play a game of 9-ball or straight pool, so when the job offer came up, she made sure she got it. Her job requires her to supervise the hall, distribute the balls and work the register. She only works with her brother, Cecil, during the week, but works alone on Sunday afternoons when the place isn't as crowded.

Tonight wasn't going to be an ordinary night. Alexis was stocking billiard accessories on the wall when she heard a pleasant, masculine voice behind her.

"I'd like an 8 foot table, please."

She turns around and sees a handsome, older looking gentleman standing there with his cue case in hand. "8 foot?" She checks the availability of the tables on her computer.

"Yes, please."

She slides a rack of pool balls across the counter to him. "Table 7. It's right over there against the wall."

"Thank you," he says kindly, with a wink. As he walks away, she couldn't help but look at his ass, wrapped carefully under his tight, black jeans.

Thank you, she thought to herself.

Every few minutes, Alexis looks over at table 7 and watches this man play. She studies every move he makes, watching his face as he calculates each stroke of his cue. For a moment, she'd become lost in his good looks, stranded on some other world as she watches his steady hands move, sliding the cue up between his fingers. He leaves the table for a moment to retrieve a cigarette from his coat pocket, then returns to the head of the table and looks up in Alexis's direction. She quickly looks away, hoping he didn't notice her watching.

Oops. Busted. She carefully looks back at him, only to find him grinning from ear to ear as he lines up his next shot.

Cecil came up from behind her and startled her as he asked, "Can you go around to the tables and empty the ashtrays for me? I've got to pull the quarters out of the video games."

"Sure." She leaves the desk and starts dumping the ashtrays into a small metal pail. She works her way around the room, leaving the outside ring to do last. Although she didn't know it, but the man she was watching was now watching her.

Alexis finally makes it around to the handsome man's table, trying her hardest not to look at him.

"It's about time you made it around to me," he says with a smile.

"Excuse me?"

"I said it's about time you made your way around to me. I've been waiting patiently."

She laughs. "For what?"

"For you to come over. I figured you would since you've been staring at me the whole night." Alexis couldn't help but blush.

"I was hoping you didn't notice. I'm sorry."

He looks at her sincerely and says, "Don't be sorry. That would be like asking you to apologize for being beautiful."

She continued to blush. "I... better let you get back to your game..."

"Can't you take a break? I was going to ask you if you'd like to play 9-ball." She looks at him with surprise. For certain, she thought he'd be angry for her eyes becoming glued to his pants.

"Well, let me finish cleaning the tables, and I'll be back."

He smiled. "Ok." Alexis quickly dumps the ashtrays and washes the pail out in the sloproom in the back. On her way back to the man's table, she fixes her hair in the mirror and grabs her cue case from the storeroom.

"Before I slaughter you," she says as she opened her case, "I think we ought to get acquainted. My name's Alexis. That way when you tell your friends you've been beaten, you can say 'Alexis did it.'"

As he smiles, he said, "I'm Richard. I must warn you, Alexis, I don't lose easily."

She screws her cue together and gives him a competitive grin. "We'll see." He laughs as he racks the balls up into formation.

"I'll be nice to you," he says, grinning like a sly fox, "I'll let you take the first shot."

"Ok." She steps up to the table, takes the cue ball and places it on its mark. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see him leaning up against a post... and looking indescribably sexy. She regains her focus and hits the cue ball into the cluster, getting a good solid break even though she didn't sink anything. "Your shot."

"Alright." Richard steps up to the table as Alexis steps back. They exchange a quick glance as he sets up. "Answer me a question, Alexis."

"Shoot," she says.

"Why is a pretty girl working in a pool hall? Isn't there someplace else more dignified for a... beautiful creature like you to work?"

"Sure," she says. "I could work in retail at Fredrick's, or at a fashion studio in town. But this is my uncle's place and he wanted me to work here." She watches as he sinks the #1 and #2 balls. "Nice shot."

"Thanks. So, the only reason you're working here is because your uncle owns the establishment?"

"Pretty much. But it's ok. No riff-raff comes in here." Richard misses the #3 ball. "Thanks for the set up."

"Sit on it," he says with a big friendly grin. "Do you feel safe here?"

"Of course. Besides, my brother works here, too. Number 4 in the side." And she sinks it.

"Oh," he says, sounding relieved. "So you two work together?"

"5 in the corner. Sometimes. Sundays I work alone."

"Alone? Like... all alone? Wow. Nice bank shot."

"Thanks. Yes, all alone. Who are you anyway? My dad?" She misses #7. "Shit."

He smiles. "Your concentration was broken by our conversation. I'm sorry." He takes the #7 ball and sets it back up into position. "Take the shot over."

"I can't. It's the rules."

He smirks. "Rules are made for bending. I wanna see if you can concentrate on this shot just like you concentrated on my butt when I walked in." Again, she scratches. Disappointed, she looks at him.

"How did you know I was watching you?"

"Easy," he says as he takes the cue ball in hand and puts it were he wants it on the table. "The air in the hall changed."

"It what?"

"I felt a subtle change in the air. It's usually caused by someone's body temperature rising or falling. Ever been in a hospital?"


"Do you like being there? Even if you're visiting someone?"

"No. No, I don't."

"There you go. A hospital is full of sick people, some even die. The pressure within the building changes constantly."

"Wow. How can you feel it?"

"The hair on my neck stands up. Sometimes, it's so subtle I don't even feel it at all." He lines up for his shot and giggles. "But when I walked passed you, the hair on my chest stood up."

Alexis finds this comment very arousing. "Really. All of them?"

He smiles at her. "Yes. All ten of them." She laughs a little at his sense of humor. "Do you know you have a very unique laugh?"

Immediately, she clams up. "Do I snort?"

He laughs. "No. You just sound like you enjoy laughing. Very few people laugh like that." He pockets the ball and heads for #8.

"So, I guess you don't want me to stop laughing then, right?"

"Only to catch your breath." Alexis laughs again, making Richard laugh with her.

"You know, Richard. You're really a nice guy. I like being around you."

"Around me, or my butt?" He casually points his nicely toned backside in her direction as he takes his shot.

She looks away. "Please, I'm still embarrassed that you caught me looking."

After he puts #8 away, he turns to her and says, "I never said I didn't want you to look at it either. Don't forget that."

Alexis laughs nervously. "I can't believe you caught me. That's never happened before."

Richard puts away #9. "Well, are you up for another game?" Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Cecil waving her over with a 'what the hell are you doing' look on his face.

"Ah, I'd love to, but I gotta get back to work. My brother, the slave driver, is calling for me." She stands up and takes apart her cue. "It's been fun, Richard." She extends her hand and he takes it.

"It's been... enchanting. Maybe I'll see you some Sunday when I've got nothing to do."

She smiles. "Ok." She takes her cue case and heads back to the register. Cecil immediately starts his interrogation.

"What were you doing?" he asks.

"Nothing," she says in her defense. "That man just wanted to play a game of 9-ball. That's all."

"Look, Lex, you're not getting paid to play with the customers. What if Uncle Wally finds out that you've been playing when you were supposed to be working?"

"He'd probably fire me," she says matter of factly.

"Right. So don't let me catch you playing on the job again. Ok?" Alexis is a little hurt and surprised by her brother's attitude.

"Hold it, Cecil. You were hired after I was, so don't give me orders."

"I'm sorry," he says. "I guess I just don't like older guys trying to get close to you. I mean, you're my little sister and I wanna look out for you."

"I know you do. But it's my life and if I want to play pool with an older man, I will." She smiles and kisses her brother on the cheek. "Thanks for looking out for me though."

24 hours later, around 10:30 p.m., Alexis leaves the register to close the one-way lock on the door. Just as she gets to the door, Richard's figure appears on the other side. She smiles and opens the door.

"Hi Richard. I was just going to lock the door."

"Oh, are you closing up?"

"No. Just fixing the lock so no one else can come in, but those inside can leave. Come on in." She steps back inside and he follows. "I wasn't expecting you here tonight."

"Well," he says sheepishly, "I really came by to see you. And maybe see if you could show me how to do that neat bank shot you did yesterday."

"Sure." As she goes behind the counter, she asks, "8 foot table, right?"

"Ah, not tonight. I'll take a 9 foot, please." She grabs a rack of balls and slides them across the counter.

"Table 4. That one over there."

"Thank you." He picks up the balls and starts to walk away, but turns around and says, "You... wanna play a game?" She looks around the almost empty hall.

"Yeah. If you think you're up for it."

He smiles. "I'm always up for it." She slyly grins back at him and grabs her cue case from under the counter and follows him to his table. "You weren't lying about Sundays being slow. It's dead in here."

"Well, lots of people gotta get up for work tomorrow." She sits on a stool near the table. "What do you do for a living, Richard, that allows you to stay out late on a work night?"

"I'm a professional millionaire." This cracks Alexis up big time.

"Sure you are."

"I am, you know."

"Ok. For real, what do you do?"

As he racks up the balls, he looks at her goofy and says, "I sell drugs to school children." He smiles as she laughs again. "I told you, I'm a millionaire. I don't have to work." He breaks the racked balls all over the table, sinking one solid ball.

"So, what did you do to become a millionaire?" Richard walks around and inspects his possible shots.

"Ever watch television?"


"Ever watch that show, a few years back, about a bunch of prisoners in a war camp?"

The show is slowly coming to mind. "Yeah. The one set in Germany?"

"That's the one." He puts another solid ball in the pocket. Richard stands up straight, turns towards her, holds his cue like a staff with his one hand hooked in his belt loop and smiles. "Recognize me now?"

"Holy smokes!" she says. "You were that little French guy!" His chin drops to his chest as he breaks out laughing.

"No," he says, "I was the fat German guard."

Once they both stop laughing, she says, "So you played that English fellow? What was his name...."


"That's right. Newkirk." She looks him over as he bends down to take another shot. "You look so much bigger in real life."

"I think I'm offended," he replies with a smile.

"No! That's not what I meant. I mean you look taller and... thicker in person."

"Thick?" He misses his shot, prompting Alexis to walk over to the table.

"Yeah, you're a 3-dimentional person now. On t.v., you're only 8 inches high and flat." She sinks a striped ball in the corner.

Richard lays his cue down on the next table and waves her over. "Come here for a moment." He takes her hands and puts them on his chest. "Am I thick enough?" She looks at his chest for a second, then up to his eyes. "Go ahead and squeeze me. Or pinch me. But please don't tickle."


His voice is warm with English charm and it soothes her instantly. "It's alright. I want you to see how real I am. Go on. Touch me." She looks around and sees that the hall is empty now, the last person leaving their rented cue and balls at the counter.

Her mind, now calm by the emptiness around them, let's her continue as she says, "Alright..." Slowly, Alexis runs her hands horizontally across his chest, over to his muscular shoulders. She squeezes them gently, feeling the firm tissues underneath. "Wow."

"Keep going," he says softly. "I won't stop you."

"Keep going? Where else can I go?"

"All over my body." Alexis's body temperature was rising rapidly. Here she was, a bright, intelligent girl, standing so close to a man whom she hardly knows and wanting him in the worst possible way. She steps closer to him and puts her arms around his waist, her chin almost resting on his chest. He looks deep into her eyes as he reaches behind him and takes her hands from his waist and moves them down to the place that she couldn't stop looking at.

Her eyes opened a little wider. "I don't know if I should-"

"Shhhhh," he says tenderly. "It's alright, Alexis. I want your hands to explore me, ever inch of me." He lowers his lips towards hers and says softly, "Let me be your playground tonight."

This is the sweetest invitation to love she's ever heard. "What if we get caught?"

Richard touches his lips to hers as he speaks. "That's when you know you're doing something right." Alexis stands on her tiptoes as she kisses him sweetly. He holds her tight, his hands rubbing all over her back as he gently pushes her back against the table.

"Richard, can I take your shirt off?" she asks quietly as he kisses down her neck.

"Yes," he hisses. He backs away from her neck and watches as her hands slowly unbutton his blue shirt. His hands brush her long dark hair back and bring it over to one side. Once she opens his shirt, she plants a wet kiss in the center of his chest, moving over to his right nipple. "You know, I've always had a fantasy about making love on a billiard table." Alexis smiles as she hops up onto the edge of the table, pulling him a little closer.

"Why don't we make that fantasy come true?" He smiles as he starts to pull her sweater up and over her head, pulling her hair out of the collar and letting it fall free over her shoulders and bare chest. Her fingers touch his soft, warm skin as her mouth tugs on his long necklace. Richard cranes down and kisses her softly but deeply, his tongue playing along with hers in a sensual game of 'tug o' war'. As he continues to probe her mouth, he starts to unbutton his pants. She stops kissing him just long enough to watch him kick off his shoes and take his black jeans off, revealing the massive length between his legs. "Oooooh, Richard."

With a look of hunger in his greenish eyes, he starts unbuttoning her hiphuggers. Alexis leans back on her hands, watching him work her pants loose from her hips. He smiles at her as he pulls them down and off smoothly. With one finger, she motions him near. "Come here and love me." He curls one side of his mouth as he slowly chases her back onto the green felt. Alexis starts shoving the balls off the table and into the pockets so nothing will get in their way. After all the balls have been cleared away, she rests back on her hands again and watches Richard slowly stalk up her body, taking time to kiss her naked legs, her hips and belly, moving seductively up to her chest. He crawls between her thighs and presses his body down onto hers, pushing her down with her hair falling all around them. She can feel the cold metal of his necklace between her breasts, drawing a gasp from her lips. He brushes some of her hair off her cheek and kisses it, moving sensually down to her neck. All Alexis can do is run her hands through his hair and hold him close, enjoying the feel of his weight on top of her. Gently she begins licking his neck and ear, getting a few small, guttural moans from him. She can feel his hard muscle stiffening against her even more.

"Do you still think we shouldn't do this?" he asks innocently.

She looks up at Richard, his face shadowed by the overhead lights, and answers truthfully, "No." With her free hand, Alexis strokes his face and plays with his ear. "Do you think you can... sink your shot?"

"Oh, yes." As he leans down to kiss her, she can feel his hips move up, then down as he enters her slowly, filling every available space. He continued to kiss her hungry mouth as his body moved at a leisurely pace over and in hers. Their bodies moved as one in a slow, smooth fluid-like motion. "I need you so much," he whispers. Alexis can only answer his sweet plea with a pleasurable sigh. "I've been alone for too long, Alexis. I want someone who can love me for a long time."

"Let me be the one, Richard," she says breathlessly. She tilts her head back as far as she can as he pleases her, kissing her neck and nibbling on her chin. The thought of their age difference never once entered her mind. In all honesty, they weren't all that far apart; Richard's 44 and she's 25. This is the first time that she's felt sexually attracted to a man over 30. He starts rocking her body a little harder, making all the balls in the pockets rattle.

Richard looks deep into her dark eyes, hoping to use her gratification to propel himself into bliss. Alexis looks back at him with a gaze full of fire that was burning out of control. His face tenses a little as he closes his eyes and sets his body into that final, incredible rhythm. She holds him close as she can as she receives his pulsating body. The empty pool hall was soon filled with their erotic and deafening chorus of moans and wails.

As the fire of passion slowly died down, Alexis opens her eyes as she felt Richard's head resting on her shoulder. She could see small droplets of sweat running down his sideburns and off the back of his neck, dampening the hair that curls at the collarline.

"Oh, my God," she says, catching her breath. "That was amazing."

"Oh, yeah," he says. His mouth finds hers and gives her a slow, deep kiss. His arms slide underneath her back and hold her, letting her hair tangle around his hands. Slowly and carefully, he gets off of her and stands down onto the floor. He's still watching Alexis lay on the table as she looks back at him, smiling with satisfaction as she eyeballs him putting his pants back on. She reminds him of what Cleopatra must have looked like after she made love to Antony, coming so close to surrendering the entire Roman Empire to her in the heat of excessive passion.

The smiles slowly fades from her face. "Richard, this may sound a little strange, but... I feel terrible."

He looks concerned as her sets her clothes on the table. "What's the matter? Did I hurt you?"

"Oh, no. I mean that I don't know if we should have done what we did." Richard grabs his shirt and starts to put it on. Alexis scoots down the table and sits on the edge as she puts her clothes on.

"I don't understand what you mean, Alexis."

"We don't know each other," she says. "I made love to you as if we'd known each other for a long time. I'm sorry."

"No, darlin'," he says calmly, "it's ok. You needn't feel guilty." He leans up against the table as she throws on her sweater. "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

She looks at him as she straightens out her shirt. "I don't know. I've never really thought about it before. Why?"

"When I first saw you, I felt as if I'd known you all my life. Like I remembered you from some other time or place. I was immediately drawn to your beauty and warmth. I recognized those things and how... you felt against me." He can see that she's still confused. He raises his hand to her face and strokes it softly, "If anyone has to apologize, it should be me." Alexis smiles at him and pulls him close to her.

"Why don't we forget about it. I think what happened tonight was just one of those fantastic, spontaneous things."

"Yeah." He returns her smile with a kiss. "So do you think spontaneity can lead to some fantastic permanent things?"

"Like what?"

"Oh, like maybe the two of us seeing each other on a regular basis. You wouldn't believe how lonely I get just sitting by the fireplace alone."

"Aw, you poor thing," she jokes. Then she looks at him seriously. "I don't want to be lonely anymore either."

Richard helps her off the table and takes her into his strong embrace. "Alexis, I promise you that you'll never be lonely again. I'll give you anything you want, all you need do is ask for it."

She runs her fingers across his soft mouth. "You don't need to give me material things. All I want is you, Richard." He kisses her fingers and smiles.

"If that's all your heart desires, then that's what I'll give to you." Alexis leans in and kisses his bare chest as he leans down and kisses her head. They stand in silence as they hold onto each other.

"So," says Alexis, "why don't we close up here so you can walk me home."

"I got a better idea. Why don't we close up and we'll walk to my place. I got a red felt pool table we can try out."

"Ooooooo," she says with a laugh. "Should I bring my cue stick?"

"No. You can use mine," he says with a seductive grin.

As they head for the door, Alexis turns out the lights in the hall and says, "I think I better bring my own anyway... just incase we really want to play pool."

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 03 November 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com