~*~Weird, Wish & Stupid~*~




The warm California day was coming to an end. My friend Lisa & I stood outside the studio where the then popular TV game show, Match Game 74 was being filmed. As the actors started to come out of the building, I noticed a pretty lady in a purple blouse & a nice looking gentleman in a dark blue velvet jacket that we both recognized as Richard Dawson. We walked up to them & Lisa nervously asked for Richard’s autograph. Richard gladly complied & introduced the lady as Madlyn. I shook her hand & said hello.

As we got our autographs, Madlyn patted Richard on the shoulder & said goodbye. I noticed some chemistry between Lisa & Richard brewing, so I backed away from them. I was looking towards the door when I saw a very sexy man with a blue suede jacket & red vest leaving the building. I did not recognize him, but thought that I should have. Being a leather & suede fetishist since I was a teen, I felt myself getting a little excited before I realized that I had been staring a little too long. The guy looked at me & smiled nervously. I smiled back, but was feeling like a fucking idiot inside. I watched him as he walked by, smoothing his hair with his hand that had a big gold band on it. I felt even more stupid at this point & felt my face turn red.

Lisa ran up to me excitedly telling me that Richard had invited her over to his house for a dinner party the next day & that I was welcome to come over too. It sounded good to me, especially given the fact that there was no food at my place.

“Let’s go get some outfits,” Lisa giddily said, “I’m so excited, I’ll even buy you one on my charge card.”

We went shopping at several stores & because it had been hot that day, I didn’t feel like trying anything on, but Lisa insisted, “Com’on Cheryl, get a blouse at least.”

I picked out a red sweetheart top & Lisa got a pretty lavender outfit. “You know I’ll be wearing leather pants with this,” I told my friend, who was an ardent animal rights activist. “What are you going to eat if Richard serves beef Wellington?” I jokingly asked her.

“I didn’t think of that!” Lisa replied, putting her hand to her face. “Oh well, if I could only have him for desert, I might make an exception for my meatless diet,” she laughed.

That night, I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I could not get that guy I saw outside the studio out of my mind. I pictured that it was my hand smoothing out that silvering brown hair of his. I pictured myself holding him close, taking in the scent of his suede jacket & kissing him deeply as I ran my hands over his behind. The flash of gold ring almost blinded me in my thoughts & I felt my eyes well up with tears. I tried to make sense of it; after all, I didn’t even know this guy. I buried my face in my pillow & fell asleep.

The next day, I pretty much did nothing except go out & get my nails manicured & toes pedicured. I went back to my apartment & turned on the radio. They were playing Barry White’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.” I looked out my window & watched some little black girls playing double-dutch, it was so cute & much more entertaining that anything that was on TV. I went through my closet & took out my favorite pair of leather pants with the flares at the bottom. They looked great with the red sweetheart top that Lisa bought me. It was 7:30 & the phone rang.

Lisa called letting me know that she was on her way to pick me up. I was kind of hoping that there would be some cute guys there to get my mind off of Mr. X who I wished I had never have seen outside that damn studio.

Lisa picked me up in her Dodge Dart. As we got closer to Richard’s neighborhood, people walking their dogs stared as we drove by. I rolled up my window & pretended to go though Lisa’s 8-Track tapes. We finally pulled up to a nice driveway & walked up to the door of a lovely white house. A burly man with long, dark hair opened the door for us. He looked Spanish or Indian.

Richard came up to us, wiping his hands with a white cloth. He said to us, “I’m so glad you could make it, this is my friend John Carpenter, he’ll make you a drink while I make the finishing touches on our dinner.”

I felt wary about this creepy-looking guy & I watched him as he made a Bloody Mary for Lisa & a Margarita for me. Richard’s sons, Gary & Mark sat in the room with us & we made small talk. They were very nice & I was relieved that we weren’t stuck in the room alone with John.

The doorbell rang & John let Gary & Mark’s girlfriends in. A few minutes later, one more person arrived. I felt my stomach drop, as I saw the same guy who had been wearing the suede jacket outside the studio. This time he had on a dark shirt & pants that showed off his great body. Gary introduced him to us as Larry & explained to us how his father & him worked together on Laugh-In. I realized that’s why I though that I should’ve known him. The thought of Laugh-In immediately brought the thought of the dopey German soldier who would hide in the woods with a soggy cigarette. It made me smile.

We didn’t have much time to talk as Richard has finished setting the food on the table & called us all over. I must rave about what an excellent cook he was. He served avocadoes stuffed with shrimp salad, potatoes au gratin, & a nice rare prime rib. It was so great to have all this, as I had been living on a diet of macaroni & cheese all week. I noticed Lisa trying to be as polite as possible to our wonderful host & eating most of the Cesar’s salad he provided.

After dinner, we all went to the living room where some of the guests were smoking & drinking coffee. I sat next to Larry who had been drinking a little wine & was opening up a little & asked him where his wife was.

“She’s at her mother’s with the kids,” he said to me.

“Oh,” I replied, thinking, “Kids too, Damn.”

Richard’s sons excused themselves as they left with their girlfriends to go to the movies. Richard kissed his sons good-bye & saw them off. John said he had something to do too, probably sensing that neither Lisa nor I were interested in spending any time with him. John left & as Richard was getting cozy with Lisa, on one couch, I was finding myself still attracted to Larry, as we sat on the other couch.

“Those are nice pants,” Larry said to me in his soft sexy voice, “I’ve never seen anything quite like them.”

I felt a lump in my throat as he spoke to me & was feeling quite uncomfortable with Lisa & Richard making out on the couch. Lucky for me, they got up & went to another room.

“You do your own nails?” Larry asked me.

I told him how I got my finger & toenails done that day. I slipped off my shoe & showed him my shinny red toenails.

“I ran out of polish for mine,” Larry joked.

I felt more at ease with his comment & I laughed.

“I am staying here tonight, there’s no reason for me to go home to an empty house,” Larry explained to me.

“Then take off your shoes,” I said as I went for his foot.

We each pulled off a shiny brown shoe & pulled off his socks too. I took a little bottle of lotion out of my purse & started rubbing his feet.

“I hope you don’t mind, I said, but I love feet, just as I love suede; like the jacket you were wearing when I saw you yesterday.”

“I thought I had something in my hair or hanging out my nose & that’s why you were staring at me,” Larry said.

“I was staring at you because you are beautiful,” I said as I rubbed his feet.

“That feels nice,” he said as he leaned back against the couch.

As I started to kiss his toes I said to him, “I’m just into your feet ok? I know I can’t have you.”

“This is so relaxing & I’m flattered that you find me attractive,” he replied.

I just looked at him realizing that it was not the wine, but he was just very tired. After rubbing his feet a little while longer, he fell asleep.
I quietly got off the couch & went to the kitchen to pick at leftovers & get some iced tea.

After I stuffed myself with more of that great prime rib & Cesar’s salad, I was bored. I went back out to the living room & watched Larry sleeping on the couch with his hands folded over each other. I was still admiring him, when I heard a noise. It was Lisa’s voice but it sounded primal. I snuck down the hallway & noticed that Richard’s room was opened a crack. I couldn’t believe it! I was still bored so I peeked through the crack. Richard was lying on his back, naked & Lisa was next to him stroking his cock up & down.

Richard looked really hot as Lisa took some kind of lube that made his cock glisten & stroked him. His eyes were closed & he was breathing heavy. Lisa slid between his legs & started kissing his balls. She took his stiff dick into her mouth & started licking & kissing it. Richard ran his fingers though her hair as she did this.

“Ahh yeah, suck it,” he said softly.

I was getting excited by his dirty talk & felt a funny feeling in my stomach that wasn’t indigestion.

“I’m coming…ahh, oh god,” Richard went on as his breathing became shallower as he shot his load in my friend’s mouth.

His body became rigid & he looked really hot as he came. He rolled over & got on top of Lisa, kissing her from head to toe. He caressed her neck with his lips & moved down to her breasts as his fingers went between her legs. He rubbed her inner lips & she started losing control of her body. His lips moved down to her belly, her thighs, & then to her secret garden. Her body started to rock & shake with every caress of Richard’s tongue. She moaned in a way many women do when they are about to cum. She pressed her hands against Richard’s head as her body let loose with a powerful orgasm. I was jealous of her & pretended it was Larry eating me out.

Richard turned her over on her back & entered her from behind. Luckily it was at an angle where I could see Richard’s juicy ass pumping back & forth. My friend moaned with pleasure as Richard’s thick manhood slid in & out of her. He played with her clit while he pumped & made her cum again.

I was really jealous, but forgot about that when I heard Richard saying, “I’m gonna cum all over your ass.”

His breathing became irregular again as he pulled his dick out & came all over. I was pressing myself against the wall at this point, but I figured I’d better sneak away before I got caught.

I quietly made my way back to the kitchen for another glass of iced tea. I was sweating a bit from watching that hot sex scene. I took a drink, put my glass down & turned around. Larry was behind me & I jumped because he spooked me.

“What were you doing?” He asked me, “And don’t say getting tea, you naughty girl.”

He put his hands on my hips, feeling the leather I was wearing. His face was so close to mine, I thought he was going to kiss me. I almost started to swoon as he took me into his arms & kissed my forehead. He led me into the spare bedroom where I stripped down to my underwear laid down next to him.

He said to me, “Stay here & behave, no more spying on people ok?”

I felt no shame as I put my arm around him & fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up, my hand still on Larry’s stomach. As I kissed his shoulder, he moaned & turned over. I got up to get dressed & pee, and then headed for the kitchen again for more leftovers. Richard & Lisa were in there having coffee & donuts. They offered me some, but I hate sweets & asked if I could have more leftovers for breakfast.

“Please take the rest of that roast with you, I have another dinner party coming up for business associates & I don’t want this food getting spoiled,” Richard said.

“At least I got something good to take home,” I thought to myself.

Lisa got ready to take me back to my place. Before I left, I went into the guest bedroom again. Larry was still asleep.

“Damn this guy must work long hours during the week,” I thought.

I embraced him & kissed him on the cheek.

“I have to go now,” I said softly.

“Ok,” he whispered in my ear as I held him, “It was nice meeting you, behave, ok?”

I kissed him on the cheek again & he quickly kissed me back. I got up & left. I thanked Richard for his kindness & hugged him good-bye. On the drive home, Lisa wanted to tell me how hot her night was. I listened & smirked as she didn’t give full details, but I already knew.

“How was your night?” She asked.

All I could say was, “Weird.”

That evening laying in my bed staring at the ceiling, I felt like a great burden had been lifted off my chest. The pressure was still somewhere else though & as I moved my hand down south, I had a clear picture of the imaginary lover I would have tonight.

Wish I’d Never Met Him


The phone rang as Lisa was finishing her laundry at home.

“We need you at Republic Studios tomorrow, they need someone to take over for the other tech who got fired today,” the voice on the other end of the phone told her.

“Oh goody,” Lisa responded, “Just what I want to do, rig wires.”

“Hey don’t kill me, I’m just the messenger,” the voice answered back.

“I know,” said Lisa, “I need the extra cash anyway.”

As she hung up the phone, Lisa wondered if she would ever find a job she really liked. Getting paid for working in the student library of college didn’t pay enough, though she liked it best because the library was quiet and rarely anyone came by to bother her. She liked being alone; the boys at school were too immature for her. There was a nice, mature man she had met long ago, but because of his busy schedule, their paths had ceased to cross years ago.

1974 was a year cherished by Lisa for many reasons. All of her US Bonds had matured, so the money was good and her meeting of the man who would change her life forever, Richard Dawson. That night had a strong effect on her friend Cheryl also. The man she fell for, Larry Hovis was unavailable and although somewhere deep inside she was still bitter, she managed to deal with her love life a great deal better than Lisa had. “What a bitch,” Lisa thought. Though they were still good friends, Lisa couldn’t understand how she could treat her current beau so cruel. Vincent was gorgeous, long shinny black hair, green eyes, and a sweet personality. His multi-ethnic, Asian-Hispanic look was one of a kind, though he was a bit too thin for Lisa’s personal taste. Cheryl would constantly pull his hair and push him away when he tried to show any public affection. “Maybe she thinks that Larry is widowed or divorced now and might see them and she doesn’t want that,” Lisa thought to herself.

Lisa put the rest of her laundry away and was feeling disgusted. She lay down on her bed and started to think about Richard. She hated herself sometimes for punishing herself like his, but she couldn’t help it. She wondered if Cheryl did the same thing with Larry. “It can’t be the same,” thought Lisa, “Cheryl only met Larry once, I was seeing Richard on and off for about 6 months.” He just became busier and busier, until, POOF! Nothing. She thought she was being a liberated woman by not calling him for a long time. After a while she did try to call just to say hello and his number had been changed. She didn’t want to go to his house and embarrass Richard or herself in front of his sons, so she never went there to see him. She pictured Richard holding her in his arms, charming her, telling her funny stories, and making love to her. Lisa started to cry and tears ran down her cheeks until she fell into a dreamless sleep.

The alarm went off at 6am. This made Lisa angry, as she hated getting up before 10. Her classes were all night based, which many adult students do. She got up and got ready for her temp job at the studio. The crew was going crazy when she arrived there because they where all in a frenzy about working with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Lisa could have cared less as she dragged her ass to the wire rig and started working. She heard one of the trailer doors open, so out of curiosity, Lisa turned her head and saw a familiar figure walking in the distance. She felt her stomach drop and thought to her self, “No, this cannot be.” The figure came walking back as Lisa stood there with her jaw open. It was Richard! He smiled at her and nodded with a cigarette in his hand to her because he didn’t recognize her at first. She said his name and Richard recognized Lisa’s voice.

“Darlin Lisa, it’s so good to see you again,” Richard cheerfully said to her.

Lisa had a thousand thoughts going though her head as they stood face to face. She wondered if he was just pulling a “Hollywood” on her, she wished she had worn something different, she wanted him right there…

“You look great Richard,” was all Lisa could think to say at the time.

She was not lying either, Richard was a little older, a little more gray, but that just added to his charm.

Richard touched her shoulder and said, “We’ll talk later love.”

As Richard touched her, Lisa thought that she was being healed by a messiah.

The day was long and tedious. Lisa’s stomach was in knots at the thought of Richard being so close but yet so far away from her one and only true love. She wondered if he’d meant it that they would talk later. At 7:45pm, the studio finally wrapped things up. Lisa didn’t know whether to curse or cry about her day. Richard was nowhere to be found, and Lisa was sore and disgusted. She went home that might and jumped into the shower. She found herself crying again with images of Richard leaving the set with some little slut. She could not sleep that night until after 3am.

Her alarm went off again in a few hours and Lisa felt sick as she tried her best to look better this time in case she saw Richard again. She looked at herself in the mirror and reminded herself not to cry, as it would smear her mascara.

The set was a little bit calmer that day and it seemed almost no time had gone by before it was lunch.

Out of nowhere, Richard tapped her on the shoulder, “I wanted to take you to lunch love, but these people wont give us time, want to share a sandwich in my trailer?”

Lisa spirits were uplifted as she followed him to his trailer. Lisa made herself a lettuce and tomato sandwich, but was too excited to eat.

As Richard sat down to eat, he asked Lisa, “So what have you been up to all these years? You wouldn’t even know it because you look so good.”

Lisa told him about how she returned to school to become a veterinarian and was working part time, helping out in studios.

“Well darlin, I don’t think you should be rigging wire, with your pretty face, you should be in front of the camera,” Richard told her.

Lisa thought, “Always the charmer, I hope he’s not BS-ing me.”

“Richard, I thought that we could talk later,” Lisa bravely told him.

“Sure Lisa, let’s go out for a drink after work,” Richard replied.


Before long everyone had to be back at his or her stations and Lisa prayed that the workday would not last long. A little after 6pm, the studio wrapped things up. Lisa felt lucky that things were going better today and had a renewed sense of energy within her.

She waited a while for Richard and started to feel upset when he didn’t show up for a while. Finally Richard appeared.

“Sorry love, somebody wanted an autograph,” Richard told her.

Lisa had immortalized Richard as a star before they met; now she immortalized him as a man.

“Is it ok if we have drinks in my hotel room love?” Richard asked, “It will be quieter there.”

Lisa agreed and they took off to the hotel where Richard was staying.

Richard poured some chilled Rose wine for both of them.

“I’m feeling a little achy, do you mind if we lie down on the bed and talk?” Richard sweetly asked.

Lisa found this a bit strange, but she was achy too and didn’t mind laying with Richard in the past, so why should she now? As they got comfortable on the bed, Lisa nervously tried to put into words how she was feeling. Richard stroked her back and told her to just relax.

Richard moved in close to her and whispered, “It’s alright, darlin.”

They kissed and Lisa felt a warm rush going through her body. Lisa ran her hands over Richard’s ass. No one had an ass like he did and she loved it. Richard unbuttoned Lisa’s shirt and planted kisses all over her neck and chest. Lisa reached down to feel the hardness between Richard’s legs. Richard gasped and they both rushed to get all of their clothes off. Richard made sexy faces as Lisa stroked his cock and made her way down to suck it.

Richard gently placed his hand on her head as she sucked him off; she cradled his tight balls in his hands as he came.

“Come here,” Richard whispered.

He held Lisa close as he placed kisses over her shoulders and breasts. He put his fingers in her private spot that he remembered made her hot. She was stroked and caressed to ecstasy and Richard made her feel like she was dreaming when he climbed on top of her. Lisa savored every minute, every stroke of his body; she loved the way his legs were intertwined with hers.

“Ahh, I never want this to end,” Lisa whispered in Richard’s ear.

He pulled out and his warm cum spurted onto Lisa’s stomach. He wiped her off with a towel and then they fell asleep in each other’s arms.


Richard woke her up around midnight. He was kissing and caressing her from behind. He was hard again and Lisa was immediately turned on. Richard cupped her breasts as her entered her from the side. His body was so close to hers. He made love to her slowly; Lisa felt every inch of him inside of her. He played with her spot again until she came and he came soon after.

At 7am Richard’s alarm went off. Lisa realized Richard did not have to be at the studio as early as she did.

“Oh I’m going to be late,” she told Richard.

“Late for what?” Richard asked, “Don’t tell me your really going back to the studio.”

“Why not?” asked Lisa.

“I thought you just took the job there to see me,” replied Richard.

“What?” Lisa asked, “I didn’t even know you were going to be there.”

“We’ll darlin, I misunderstood then,” Richard went on to say, “You know my lady friend is coming to see me today.”


“Shh, darlin, security is gonna hear you,” Richard responded, “I will set you up with another studio so that you don’t look bad for not showing up, ok?”

Lisa thought she would cry, but she didn’t; she just grabbed her purse and left.


As she drove off, she thought of the day Cheryl and she drove in her Dodge Dart to go to that dinner party at Richard’s house.

“Damn!” she thought, “I wish I’d never met him now.”

Lisa went to the one person who could always help her out in times like these. As knocked on Cheryl’s door and she let Lisa in. Cheryl immediately sat on the floor, pissed.

“What happened to you?” Lisa asked, “Vincent had enough of your shit and leave?”

“No Vince is at work,” Cheryl replied, “You are not going to believe this story.”

“Try me,” Lisa said, as she sat down next to her friend.

“You know my cousin Shane is an actor,“ Cheryl explained, “Well, he is doing really bad, I mean he can’t pay his bills or anything. Well, he said this producer was going to get him on a show because he felt bad for him and was just trying to help him out.” Well, while this guy trying to help my cousin out with an acting job, it turns out that the show is supposed to be “real” people, not actors and the guy trying to lend a hand to by cousin is fired.”

“Oh that sucks,” Lisa replied.

“That’s not all of it, you know who the producer was, it was Larry Hovis for that fucking gay show, Totally Hidden Video.” I feel so bad for both of them. Now I know why I never forgot Larry after that night at Rich…

“DON’T say his name, ok?” Lisa said, I just saw him for the LAST time.”

“Ok then,” Cheryl replied, “Want to binge on some chocolate?”

“Chocolate never sounded so good in my life,” smiled Lisa.


“This is stupid,” Lisa remarked, “Let’s go to the studio and bitch at the people who fired Larry.”

Cheryl and Lisa had been sitting around Cheryl’s house, eating chocolate and being disgusted over their problems. Cheryl’s cousin, an actor, was given a helping hand by a producer who just lost his job because of his kindness.

“There is nothing we can do,” Cheryl replied.

“Well lets go see if Larry is ok anyway,” Lisa told her friend.

“HE WILL NOT EVEN REMEBER US!” Cheryl lost her cool and began to cry.

About that time, Vincent, Cheryl’s boyfriend walked through the door. Normally, Vincent was very affectionate toward Cheryl, but today he was distant.

“We need to talk,” Vincent told her coldly.

“Oh just get the hell out!” Cheryl yelled at him, “Take your shit and get out.”

Cheryl had wanted to break up with him for weeks, but waited it out. She knew he had had enough of her hair pulling and nastiness. As he packed his personal things and walked out the door, leaving his key behind, Cheryl felt relieved.

“I’m not leaving you alone after that,” Lisa told her friend.

“Good, I don’t want you to go,” Cheryl said.

Lisa watched TV, as Cheryl went to her room. She lay on her bed wondering why Lisa and her had to be in front of that CBS studio that day in 1974. They were both only 18 and thought everything was for fun. Over a decade later, nothing much seemed like fun to either of them.

The next day the girls decided to take a drive. There was a park with a lake nearby and Lisa wanted to look at the swans. It was a beautiful day and Cheryl felt like things would start to turn around for her. On a bench not too far away, Cheryl noticed a cute guy giving bread to the ducks. As she walked closer, she noticed that he looked very familiar. The guy looked up at Cheryl and smiled.

“Anyone sitting here?” Cheryl asked.

“No,” the cute guy replied, “Want to keep me company?”

The guy introduced himself as Daniel and seemed very sweet. Lisa was still occupied with the swans, so she didn’t mind being alone for a while. As they got to talking, Cheryl learned that Daniel was a make up artist on TV and movie sets. Daniel reminded Cheryl of Larry and she made sure they switched phone numbers before he left.

When he was gone, Lisa walked over to Cheryl and said, “I’ve seen him before when I worked on sets, he’s very nice.”

“He seems very nice,” Cheryl beamed.

“I wish I could meet someone nice,” Lisa half joked as they left the park.

After Lisa dropped Cheryl off, she went home. Within a few minutes of walking through the door, the phone rang.

The voice on the other end said, “Lisa, you’ve got to come back to the Running Man set, Richard Dawson is unbearable to the crew and insists you come back.”

Lisa couldn’t believe what she was hearing, she said she’d be there tomorrow and hung up. She didn’t know what to feel, she wanted Richard, but was tired of his stupid games.

“If nothing else,” she thought, “I’m still getting paid for this.”

Meanwhile Cheryl received a call from Daniel, “Do you want to grab something to eat?” he asked her.

“Sure,” Cheryl tried not to sound too excited.

Daniel picked her up and they had a great time together. For the first time, Cheryl felt genuinely happy with a man instead of just thinking of him as arm candy. Daniel took her to a dock and fed her fried seafood from his fingers. A while later they were making out, their mouths greasy from the fried food.

“You’re a lot of fun,” Daniel said to her, “You’re not prissy like a lot of girls are and you don’t tease your hair either, I like it natural, the way you wear it.”

Daniel played with her hair and Cheryl asked if he wanted to go back to her place. Daniel smiled and said he needed to stop at his uncle’s house first. They pulled up to a house on Sleepy Hollow Road. Daniel held Cheryl’s hand as he walked her to the door. He let himself in and told Cheryl to have a seat on the couch; he would only be a minute. As Cheryl waited, an older man came into the room and said hello.

Cheryl looked up at him as he asked her, “And you are…”

“Cheryl,” she told him, “We have met before, do you remember me, Larry?”

“Um, I don’t think so,” he said to her.

He looked at her for another minute and said, “Oh Cheryl, I didn’t recognize you without your leather pants, how have you been?”

Cheryl told him that she was ok and thanked him for trying to help her cousin and that she was sorry for what had happened.

“Well, that’s how stuff goes sometimes, we all do stupid things,” Larry tried to be upbeat.

“I see you’ve met my uncle Larry,” Daniel said to Cheryl.

“Yes, we crossed paths a long time ago,” Larry said, “I’ll let you two go now, nice seeing you again.” Larry waved as he left the room.

“Ready?” Daniel asked as he took Cheryl’s hand.

As she got up she thought, “Am I ever!”

They went back to her place and started kissing again.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want, but I’d really like to spend the night with you here,” Daniel whispered.

“There is nothing that I don’t want to do with you,” Cheryl replied as she kissed Daniel’s neck.

She removed his shirt and started kissing his chest. She felt the tension building in her that had haunted her for over ten years; she knew she had to let it go tonight. She unbuttoned her blouse and unclasped her bra. Daniel gasped and began sucking her nipples. Cheryl undid Daniel’s jeans and started stroking him.

“I think that we are moving too fast,” Daniel breathlessly told her.

“Let me just get you off,” Cheryl replied.

Her hands wouldn’t let go of him. Daniel was already too turned on to say no, he unzipped Cheryl’s pants and played with her hot, wet spot. Cheryl held Daniel close to her, touching his ass with her free hand and stroking his cock with the other. Cheryl felt her self about to come as she called out Daniel’s name and told him not to stop. Soon Daniel reached his orgasm also.

Out of breath and sweaty, they kissed some more before falling asleep in their half dressed states.

“Good morning Lisa.”

Everyone on the set was unusually nice to Lisa that day. When she went to move some heavy wires, she was told not to, that someone else would take care of that. She was told to go to Richard’s trailer right away.

Lisa didn’t even finish knocking when the door opened and Richard pulled her inside. It was still early but there was a bottle of Champagne chilled which Richard took some, mixed it with orange juice and handed Lisa a glass.

“What is all of this?” Lisa asked.

“Darlin, do you know what today is?” Richard cheerfully asked her.

“Monday?” Lisa replied.

“Lisa, today is the anniversary of the day we first met,” Richard said to her.

While the events of the day were never forgotten, Lisa had long lost track of the exact date of her first meeting with Richard.

“Com’on darlin’, it’s too early for a pretty girl like you to be working,” Richard said to her as he led her out of the trailer and out of the studio.

They got into a limo and Richard held her close.

“I’ve been so stupid Lisa, please forgive me,” His voice muffed by his face being buried in her chest.

Lisa didn’t know what to do except stroke his thick hair. The limo pulled up to a little beach house.

“I rented this for our little anniversary darlin’,” Richard told her, “I want to make everything perfect for you.”

As she stepped inside the house, Richard led her to a futon and had her take off her shoes and relax. He brought her a tray of cold melon balls for her to enjoy as he rubbed her feet. Lisa didn’t know what had come over Richard, but she loved every minute of it. He trailed his kisses from Lisa’s foot to her waist, and gently undid her pants. He slid them off of her and enjoyed the sweet sensation of her wetness. Lisa felt weak in the knees as Richard brought her to her peak. She wanted to do the same for him, but he insisted he must pleasure her to make up for all the hurt he had caused her. Lisa took off her shirt and Richard reached around and undid her bra. He had her turn over and rubbed her back with warm oil. Lisa hadn’t felt this relaxed in ages. She felt sleepy as Richard cuddled close to her. The sound of the soft wind outside put her to sleep.

Meanwhile Daniel was enjoying his time with Cheryl. As he embraced her, he told her that it was not that he didn’t want to; he just hadn’t made love in a long time and didn’t want to rush it. Cheryl played with his hardness and whispered in his ear, “Let’s just do 69 then.” Daniel again too turned on to resist, buried his face in Cheryl’s shaved pussy as she sucked long and hard at his perfect manhood.

Daniel teased her back and forth between his tongue and his fingers. Cheryl licked the taint skin under Daniel’s balls, which drove him crazy. As his shaft slid in and out of her mouth Daniel moaned that he was about to come. The vibration of his moans made Cheryl’s pussy tingle and she came just as Daniel shot his hot load in her mouth. Daniel came up and kissed her. Cheryl laid her head on his chest to hear his heartbeat.

When Lisa woke up, she smelled food. She saw Richard setting a hot meal on the table and waved for her to come over.

“Look what I made for you darlin’,” Richard proudly said, “Wild mushroom lasagna.”

Lisa couldn’t believe it, but she was hungry and happy to be presented with such wonderful fare. Richard poured her a glass of red wine and lifted his glass to propose a toast of him finally coming to his senses and realizing what true love is. Lisa was scared that someone would shake her and wake her from what seemed like a dream.

Richard romanced her for the rest of the week until he had to take her home.

“Darlin’, I have to go to New York for a week, but I promise you, I will be back to spoil you even more,” He told her.

Richard kissed her good bye. Lisa was happy, but felt a bit uneasy about him being gone. She hoped he was telling the truth this time.

As the next two days went by, Lisa could not contain herself, she had to tell Cheryl about what happened. Cheryl almost didn’t answer her phone as she was feeding her homemade shumai to Daniel. As she reluctantly answered, she was happy to hear that it was Lisa and that her experience with Richard had gone well. Lisa spoke quickly about their week together. She was obviously overjoyed. Lisa’s doorbell rang and she had to go, much to the relief of Cheryl who was anxious to get back to Daniel. Cheryl hung up the phone and continued to happily feed her new beau.

Lisa answered the door to find a man with the hugest bouquet of flowers she had ever seen.

When she placed them down, she opened the card, which read, “Miss you, and never want to be far from you for too long ever again, love, Richard.”

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 04 November 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Charlemange "BlaqueNico" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com