
I woke up all excited! Today was the day I got to go to work with my bestfriend! It just so happened that my friend is a paramedic, and today she was on-call for a fan autograph signing with Billy. I was new in town and my friend didn't want to leave me alone. I was looking forward to riding in the ambulance with her...and to going to Billy's signing too! Going with my friend meant a personal meeting! I was standing to the side watching Billy sign autographs. He was so sexy! The way he talked, and his mouth.....oooh his mouth! It was perfect! The way he licked his lips gave me such visions! I didn't get to meet him before the signing He got there late and was rushed around in preparation for the signing, but my friend assured me that I would get to meet him after the signing. There was a ruckus in the crown to the left of the table. I couldn't tell what was going on! Suddenly some girls jumped up on the table and were grabbing at Billy! "OMG! NOOO!!!" I screamed as Billy fell back on the floor with 4 fighting girls all over him! Billy screamed in a high pitch! I was scared that he was seriously hurt! 6 bodyguards rushed past me, and pulled the girls off of Billy!!! Billy didn't get up! My friend ran to Billy! It looked as if his leg was hurt. My friend motioned for some of the body guards to help her. As they rushed past me carrying Billy, my friend said "come with us Dana!" They got Billy to the ambulance. My friend set him on the gurny in the back of the ambulance. Looking around she couldn't find the other paramedics! She got upset! That meant that she had to drive. She got Billy settled into the back. She told me to get in the back with him! Billy was in pain, but my friend had just given him a pain shot, and I knew he wouldn't be in pain for very long. I felt bad that he got hurt. My friend radio-ed the hospital to make sure they had room for another patient. I heard her say "damn!". She told me that we had to go to a hospital that was at least an hour away, even if she drove fast. Then she shut and locked the door, with Billy and I in the back...ALONE! "Are you ok, Billy?" I half whispered. "I will be", he managed to say. "What can I do to make you more comfortable?" I asked. "Just keep me company....." he said "What's your name anyway?" Billy asked. "Oh, I'm Dana", I replied He tried to smile, but he was really in pain. We talked a bit...then I noticed him feeling more relaxed. "Are you ok, Billy?" I asked again. "Oh yeah", he said. I just laughed. "Come closer over here, Dana, It's hard to hear you from way over there. I was thinking "right! like I'm FAR away from you". lol! I was thrilled that he wanted me closer! I sat on the edge of his gurny. He looked up at me and smiled! I swear his eyes are the most beautiful green eyes I've EVER looked into! I was all excited being so close to him like this! "Nice nipple" Billy said. "What????" I asked as I looked down at my chest. OMG! My bra strap had broken and half of my bra had slipped down in my shirt, showing my nipple very plainly! I just grinned and played it off like I did it on purpose. "Nice of you to notice" I replied with a smile. "Is the other one as nice as that one?" he asked with a grin on his face! "uh huh" I said smiling back. "Can I see" Billy asked. OMG! I was getting so turned on by his words! I wondered if he was always like this, or if it was the pain medicine talking. Either way, I liked it! He looked up at me and started lifting my shirt. I just closed my eyes and let him! "Take your shirt off" Billy said! My pussy was getting wet, and I was already FUCKING HORNY! I took my shirt off, exposing my nipple! Billy reached for me! He ran his hand across my erect nipple and said "oh baby!" Then he pulled the other side of my bra down and carressed that one too! I closed my eyes and just enjoed his touch!' I opened my eyes and looked at him as he said "This is making me FUCKING HORNY DANA!" I blushed. "Look what you're doing to my DICK" he said I looked down at the bulge in his pants! "OMG! It's HUGE!" I blurted out! "Wanna touch it?" he asked. OMG! Billy wanted me to touch his dick!!! I think I wanted to touch it more than he wanted me too! "You'll have to undo my pants, Dana, cuz I can't bend right now. Carefully I undid Billy's pants, and took his dick out! "OMG! Billy! It's huge!!!" I said. He grinned at me. "Will you jerk me off, Dana?" he asked. "HELL YES!" I said rather loudly!"shhhhh" Billy said. "Oh yeah,...we don't want my friend to hear". I said. I grabbed hold of his cock and rubbed it up and down vigorously! It felt so good in my hand! My pussy was wide awake and juicing! Billy moaned! "Does this hurt?" I asked "No, no...keep it up, it feels so good!" he replied. His dick was throbbing in my hand as I manipulated it! "Let me see your pussy" Billy said next. I pulled my pants down. "Take them all the way off" Billy said. So I did. "Have you ever been eaten-out?" he asked. Blushing...I said "no". "Can I eat you?" he asked. OMG! I WAS FUCKING HORNIER THAN I HAD EVER BEEN!!! "Yes" I said..."how do we do this?" I asked "Just put you pussy on my face" he said. So I climbed on the gurny and leaned my pussy over Billy's face! Billy took his hands and spread my pussy lips apart!!! He flicked my clit with his tongue! "OMG!" I moaned. "That feels sooo good!" I said. Then Billy licked my pussy...from my pussy hole up over my clit! With no warning at all, my cum gushed from my pussy!!! I was having my first orgasm, and OMG!! It felt so good!!! Billy licked and sucked at my pussy!!! He ran his tongue up and down my pussy and TONGUE FUCKED ME!!!! "I want to suck your dick, Billy" I moaned!! Then I turned over in the "69" position, so that he could eat my pussy while I sucked his dick!!! I licked my lips and took his dick into my mouth! He moaned quietly! I sucked as I moved his dick in and out of my mouth! I licked up and down the shaft of his dick! We were breathing heavy and our hearts were pounding! Billy began to roll his hips to the rhythm of my sucking! OMG! That was adding to my pleasure!!! Another orgasm hit! I tightened up and stopped sucking for a moment, as I enjoyed the pleasure cumming!!! Then Billy said "I NEED TO FUCK YOU, TASHINA!!! PLEASE!" I stood up and climbed on top of Billy! My knees were on the gurny on either side of Billy! He spread my pussy lips as I lowered myself onto his dick! Slowly I went down on his dick....pushing it up inside my pussy!! I moaned as I went down! His dick was huge and it filled me totally!! OMG! It felt so good!!! Using my leg muscles, I rode him! Up and down I went, sliding his dick in and out of me! I closed my eyes, threw my head back, and bit my lip as another orgasm hit, and my warm cream ran down Billy's dick and thighs!!! "oooooh" I moaned! Billy began to massage my clit as I moaned!! "uhh uhh uhh uhhhhhh!!!" My orgasm increased intensly!!!!!"OMG BILLY!!!!!" I screamed! I took it for all it was worth!!! Feeling Billy tighten underneath me, I looked down at him to see his eyes closed, and him straining too!!! He shot his hot liquid into me and moaned loudly!!! OMG!!!!! HE LOOKED FUCKING SEXY!!!!!! As the orgasms subsided, I colapsed ontop of Billy's chest. I just laid there breathing hard! I could hear Billy's heart racing, and feel his warm breath on my face. Looking at my watch, I noticed that time was almost up. I sat up and looked at Billy. He pulled me down for a kiss. His warm wet lips satisfied my last desire! I climbed off of him and quickly got dressed! "Um....Dana...can u help me please? I can't exactly get myself put back together here", Billy said. "Oh, sorry Billy, I forgot", I replied. We had both just barely got dressed when the ambulance came to a stop. Billy smiled at me, and I smiled back. "Can I call you later, Dana?" Billy asked. "Yes!" I squealed! Billy laughed. I gave him my phone number just as the ambulance doors opened. My friend stepped in. "I hope the ride wasn't too uncomfortable for you, Billy" she said. "No ma'am, it was wonderful", he replied with a smile. My friend looked at him funny and then looked over at me...I was blushing like hell! "oooooook" she said as she prepared to move Billy out of the ambulance. Billy waved at me as they took him into the ER........

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