He Chose Me

The room was crowded and extremely noisy! I made my way to my seat. I had the luck of getting a 2nd row seat! As the lights dimmed, a "hush" fell upon the crowd. Spotlights were circling the stage. They stopped in the middle of the stage, where Elijah stood. The crowd went crazy!!! We all jumped up and screamed "Elijah!!" Elijah smiled and introduced himself to his fans. More roars swept through the stadium! The concert was awesome! I'd never seen anything like it before!! Elijah began to sing one of his new songs. It was flashy with a foot-stomping tempo! We were all into the song! Elijah sang of needing a special girl to warm his bed! The lyrics were so sexy and stimulating! Elijah walked to the edge of the stage while singing. He looked right at ME and pointed! OMG!!! I was shaking with excitement as he sang "With u in my bed, I will never be cold! Wrap ur arms around me, and my heart will u hold!" The music was blasting and my heart was pounding!! After that song, Elijah disappeared behind stage for a second. Then he returned and began another song. A minute later someone touched me on my arm. I turned to see who it was. It was one of Elijah's body guards. I freaked for a sec when he asked me if he could speak to me for a minute! He took me by the arm and led me to the back of the stadium and down a long hallway full of people in uniform. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I had done wrong! I couldn't think of a thing...wait! Could he possibly have heard me yell "FUCK ME ELIJAH!!" at the beginning of the concert???? hmmmm....No way! There were too many of us screaming things out. I dismissed that thought right away. We arrived at a small office. He told me to sit down and that he would be right back. I was nervous and a little bit upset about missing the rest of the concert. It was almost over. A frown rolled across my face at this thought. Moments later the bodyguard returned. He told me that the reason he had brought me there was that Elijah had requested to meet me! OMG! I thought! I was stunned! I guess the guard could see that on my face. He asked if I was ok. "yyy-yeah", I slowly said in a state of pure shock! "U want to meet him don't u??" He asked. I just grinned, and he laughed. "Stupid question, I know." He said. "Elijah will be here in a few minutes".... Just wait here". A flood of emotions filled me entirely! "shock, disbelief,excitement, horniness, and fear"....all at once! I felt like I would vomit any second! OMG! How I wanted to be with Elijah! I had dreamt of this for so long!! I wanted to feel his hands maneuver me! I wanted to roam the expanse of Elijah's muscular body! As these thoughts took shape in my mind, I became so sexually arroused that I thought I would cum right there!!! Suddenly the door burst open, and Elijah stepped into the room and slammed the door behind him! I immediately stood up! My face was brighter than a cherry! Elijah grabbed my shoulders and slammed me up against the wall! He thrust his lips to mine and began to kiss me with such force! His lips parted! Out of his mouth came his tongue....it slipped into my mouth! I took it in thirstily! As he firmly presssed his body up against me, I could feel the stiffness of his dick! Both of his hands reached around me and squeezed my ass!! Pulling me to him, he pressed his dick up against me!! I was so wet I would do anything he wanted me to do! His jaw was powerful as he sucked my lips! Our tongues danced the tango in record time! One of his hands remained on my ass! The other one worked it's way up my chest to my breasts! With one hand he unbuttoned my shirt! His hand slid in and under my bra!! He pulled his tongue out of my mouth and kissed his way to my chest! Taking my tit out of my bra, he began to nibble on my nipple! I moaned , closed my eyes and bit my lip! He licked my nipple with little flicks of his warm wet tongue. I reached up and turned the light off. The only light we had was the dim light coming through the smoked glass window of the office door. We didn't need to see with our eyes.....we were seeing with our sense of touch!! I had one hand on his ass pulling him to me, and one hand roaming his hot sweaty back! It felt incredibly good to have Elijah all over me like this! He smelled so good...cologne mixed with sweat!! I pulled his shirt up and off of him! The warmth of his smoothe muscular back, made me wet with desire!! Elijah suddenly ripped my shirt right off of me!!! He kissed me with the lust of a hungry tiger on the prowl!!......my neck, my lips, all over my face and down my chest! OMG!! Elijah is such a good kisser!!! He undid my bra and let it drop to the floor! I untied the string holding his pants up! He unbuttoned my jeans! I slipped my hands into his pants along his hips and slid his pants and boxers off at the same time! Elijah stepped out of them! He pulled my jeans and panties down past my hips......then he stood up, raised his leg, and putting his foot on the crotch of my panties, forced them to the floor! He stood on them as I lifted both feet out of them! His hand slid down my ass to my thigh, just above the back of my knee! Elijah lifted my thigh and rested my leg on his hip! "OMG!!!!! IS THIS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN?!" I thought. He slipped two fingers into my pussy! I moaned and rolled my tongue across my teeth and lips!! I took his dick into my hand and slid my hand up and down it!! It was a magnificant dick, and I wondered if it would fit inside of me without hurting me too much!! I told myself that I didn't care if it hurt! I wanted Elijah to FUCK ME right there, right then!!! I brushed his dick up against my pussy! Elijah removed his fingers. His tongue and mine, began to dance again! I put his dick into my pussy, and he drove it into me with the force of a rampaging rhino!!! "uh!" I muttered as he reached the depths of my pussy!! In and out he thrust his dick!! My hands ...on his ass helping him thrust into me!! Elijah moaned as his dick enlarged the walls of my pussy!! "Ur so tight!...I love the way u feel!!" He said as his breathing became heavier! His dick pounded into my pussy and my ass bumped up against the cool wall! Then he thrust his dick way into me and grabbed my ass with both hands lifting me off the floor, and carried me to the desk! He pushed everything on the desk, onto the floor. He set me on the desk and pushed me back. He scooted me up further onto the desk, and climed up on the desk with me! He lifted my legs up to his shoulders, and leaned forward nearly folding me in half! Then he FUCKED me like there was no tomorrow!! Dark light dark light, went his dick into my pussy! He rolled his hips and thrust into me! I never wanted this to end! He looked into my eyes as he dove into me! I could see the desire burning in his eyes! I was feeling the same way! My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I felt the climax of the moment hit me like thunder! I moaned and begged him not to stop! My warm cum flowed from my pussy, down my ass and all over Elijah and the desk! As another orgasm hit I thought I would explode!!! My entire body tightened up! Elijah, feeling me tighten, rammed himself into me faster and harder!! This added to our sexual chemistry!!! The sweat rolled down Elijah's face and back! This was the sexiest sight I had ever seen!!! Suddenly, as I was coming into another fantastic orgasm, Elijah shoved his dick way up into me and held it there! He threw his head back and moaned deeply as he shot a mother-load of hot liquid magma into my hot wet pussy!!!! We came at the same exact time!!! It was perfect!!! Elijah lowered my legs, and let his dick slide out of me. He stood next to the desk. He took me by the hand and made me sit up. I leaned on his sweaty chest and put my arms around his neck. I gasped for air as the blood rushed through my body! Elijah put his arms around me and leaned his head ontop of mine. "Thank u" he whispered. "No, thank U" I replied. He brushed the hair away from my sweaty face and kissed me softly. A knock came at the door..."Elijah....hey Elijah, we gotta go man. Say good bye to the girl". Elijah looked at me and said "I don't even know ur name". "Dana....my name is Dana" i said. He smiled at me. "Dana.....that's a beautiful name. It fit's u perfectly". I smiled back. "Thank u Elijah". I said. We started to get dressed. Elijah turned around to look at me, and saw that I was standing there looking at my shirt. It was ripped down the middle. Elijah said "Now we can't have u going home like that, can we?" I just smiled. He gave me the shirt he had worn during the concert. "Here, put this on". And he handed me the shirt. It smelled like Elijah! I felt like I was all wrapped up in him again! I was totally elated by his gifts....BOTH OF THEM! Then Elijah opened the door and motioned for the bodyguard to enter the room. "He'll give u a ride home", Elijah said. "Ok" I replied. Elijah gave me a tight squeeze. He said "I'll see u at the next concert,Dana". I smiled and replied "Oh, I hope so Elijah!" "The car's waiting" the bodyguard said. Elijah looked at me smiling as he left the room. On the way home, in the limo, I was silent. I had a warm satisfied smile on my face, and the greatest memory EVER, playing in my mind!!...................
