
Title: Cozy
Author: Anemone Frost
Pairing: M/P
Rating: NC-17
Summary: 1/1 It's a cold winter night, and Merry knows how to warm Pippin up.
Feedback: Yes, please.
Warnings: PWP
Archive: Ask first.
A/N: An old fic I recently found on a disk. It was one of my first attempts at writing slash/smut. Tied up Pippin=yummy. Enjoy.

Merry groaned as he felt Pippin stir in the bed. Any thoughts of falling asleep soon drifted off as he began to feel the young hobbit shiver. The fireplace was lit, but the air was still chilly from the freezing landscape outside. The wind was howling, and snow was flying past the window. It was always hard to keep a room warm when there was a blizzard. Sighing, Merry rolled to the side and tugged Pippin onto his back. The young hobbit smirked up at him.

"Can't sleep?" Merry asked.

"I'm cold," Pippin replied, rubbing at his arms. "Can you hold me close and keep me warm for a bit?"

A wicked smile grew on Merry's face. "I think I can manage that."

The older hobbit stood up from the bed and took one of the spare blankets, laying it out before the fireplace. He rummaged through the drawer and took out two thin red scarfs and a vial of oil, placing them near the blanket. Merry went back to the bed and tugged Pippin off, who was hesitant. Pippin was staring down at the blanket and scarfs with raised eyebrows. He could tell that his cousin was up to something mischievous by the glint in his gray eyes.

"What are you doing Merry?" Pippin snapped. "I asked you to keep me warm not freeze me to death!"

"Don't worry," Merry chuckled. "You'll be warmed up soon enough."

He eased Pippin down to the blanket, and the young hobbit sighed in content as the heat from the crackling flames grazed over his form. Merry slid in behind him and began to massage Pippin's shoulders. The young hobbit groaned, leaning back into Merry's chest.

"Hm, that feels good Merry," Pippin sighed, "but I'm still cold."

"Really?" Merry inquired. "Well, let's do something about that."

Pippin gasped as Merry tugged at his night shirt, yanking it hard over the young hobbit's head, leaving him in the buff and rather frigid. The young hobbit opened his mouth to protest, but was silenced as one of the scarfs was placed around his mouth, the rest wrapping around his head. He let out a muffled growl and reached up to undo it. Merry quickly grabbed his cousin's thrashing wrists, and firmly entwined the other scarf around them. Pippin tilted his head with a furrowed brow, tightened in confusion and anger. He squirmed under the bonds, but Merry gently grasped his tense arms. Pippin glanced back into Merry's eyes, finding them glazed over with lust. He managed to relax, but he found this to be a strange side of Merry. They had never done something like this before.

"Hm, how beautiful you look," Merry murmured. He nuzzled Pippin's neck and traced circles around the young hobbit's belly with his fingertips, causing Pippin to giggle. "Are the scarfs too tight?"

Pippin shook his head.

Merry griped Pippin's shoulders and crouched away, slowly lowering him until his back hit the fuzzy surface of the blanket. The young hobbit felt his cock swell as Merry rubbed against him, the soft fabric gliding over his growing girth. Pippin shuddered, and his cheeks flushed as heat started to course into his body, causing sweat to break out on his brow. Merry suckled at Pippin's neck, making the young hobbit arch and groan. He thrust his hips upward, attempting to get more contact on his aching member, all ready leaking from the rosy tip. Merry slid down Pippin's body, raining kisses on his rib cage.

"Such a lovely creature you are," Merry muttered between kisses. He moved lower to cuddle and lick at Pippin's belly, knowing that it was one of his cousin's most ticklish spots. A grin formed at Pippin's dulled laugh. "Do you want me to ravish you?"

Pippin nodded hard, writhing in pain from the horrible ache in his cock.

Merry thought for a moment. "No. I think I want to torture you a bit more."

The young hobbit whimpered as he felt Merry's hand wrap around his member, flexing his hand at an agonizingly slow pace. Pippin tossed his head from side to side, moaning low as a warm mouth swallowed the tip of his cock, sucking delicately. Merry released Pippin's member to lap at the liquid dribbling down the pulsing length. A soft groan made him rise back up and wrap his lips around the young hobbit's cock, bobbing up and down at a furious pace. Pippin's entire frame arched with pleasure and his eyes clenched shut, causing tears to trickle down his reddened face. He wanted to grip at Merry's hair, and he wanted to cry out his name, but he could do neither.

The mouth suddenly left his throbbing member, and he found himself roughly turned to his side with Merry spooned in behind him. A popping sound was heard and a slick digit pushed into his passage. Pippin bit down on the scarf and pushed his rear on the pumping finger, trembling violently as it grazed over his sweet spot. This type of contact was new. Pippin was use to making love slowly, gently; not rough and fast. However, he found this extremely erotic and thrust his bottom harder, encouraging his lover to go even faster. Merry smiled at this and inserted another finger, pounding it in as fast as he could. He kept a close watch on Pippin's face though, and was prepared to slow down at the slightest sign of pain. Pippin's entire frame gleamed of sweat, and he suddenly wished the room were a bit cooler.

"Do you want me inside of you Pip?" Merry asked, nipping at his cousin's sweaty shoulder.

Pippin nodded fiercely, letting out a strangled cry that was muffled against the scarf. Tears were sliding down.

Merry raised his head, sucking at Pippin's pointed ear tip as he lifted up his night shirt, revealing his own cock swollen with need. He positioned over his cousin's opening and thrust in at a near savage force, burying himself to the hilt. Pippin jolted at the unexpected invasion and fought to make himself relax. There was a little flashing pain, but it soon passed. Merry held still, giving Pippin time to adjust to his length. Pippin's passage was tight and hot, making it difficult for Merry to take his time. He wanted pound into that taut body now.

"All right Pip?" Merry asked, his voice strained.

Pippin simply nodded and that was all that Merry needed.

The young hobbit's body jerked upward fiercely as Merry pulled out and slammed back in. He snaked his arm around Pippin's waist and pulled him tight to his chest, helping to keep Pippin from sliding along the blanket from his powerful thrusts. Pippin let out a muted squeal as Merry rammed into his sweat spot over and over. Pleasure, white hot, shot through his wriggling body and he clawed desperately at the blanket. Merry slid his hand down, grasping Pippin's straining cock and tugged hard. Spasms racked over Pippin's body at the contact and orgasm washed over him. He shuddered and grew still.

Merry growled as Pippin's muscles became vice-like around his pulsing cock, and he shoved his cousin onto his belly, pumping viciously into Pippin's entrance. The young hobbit mewled as Merry pinned his bound hands over his head and leaned his full weight onto Pippin. His thrusts grew short and frenzied as pleasure grew in his member. He let out a keening wail as his seed spurted into Pippin's warm heat. Pulling out, he collapsed on the side and gently turned Pippin over. He undid the scarfs from his cousin's wrists and mouth, massaging the red areas.

"Hm, how do you feel now Pip?" Merry inquired.

"I feel— warm," Pippin answered, chuckling a bit. "What brought this on?" He took the scarf from Merry's hands and twirled it.

"I've always wondered what you'd look like bound and gagged," Merry replied.

"And?" Pippin pressed, smirking devilishly.

"Exquisite," Merry murmured, leaning down to kiss Pippin.

The young hobbit opened his mouth and allowed Merry's tongue to plunge in. They licked and sucked slowly, savoring each other's sweet taste. Pippin pulled away, nestling between Merry's arm and resting his head on the heaving chest.

"Did you enjoy it?" Merry asked. "I didn't hurt you, did I? I was being— a bit rougher than usual."

"It hurt for a second, but then it was wonderful," Pippin answered. He gazed up at Merry's face, furrowed in concern. Pippin laughed and shook his head, reassuring the older hobbit. "In fact, I enjoyed it so much that we'll have to do it again."

Merry chuckled. "Glad to hear it, Pip. Do you want to go back to bed?"

"Not for a while," Pippin yawned. "It's so nice and cozy next to the fire, snuggled in your arms."

For a brief time they were quiet.


"Yes, Pip?" the older hobbit asked.

"It may be you who ends up bound and gagged next time."


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