If Dolls Could Cry

Title: If dolls could cry.
Author: Roz
e-mail: roz4hobbits@hotmail.com
Completed: Yes.
Characters or Pairing: M/P and some people you don't know.
Slash: Yes.
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, angst, AU
Summary: its Christmas in the real world and dolls are what the public wants.
Disclaimer: Tolkien is a god. I am someone who dabbles in the shallows of the god's greatness and plays with what they create.
In a world both far away and yet very much like the one we live in people made dolls.

Dolls of sport stars pop stars, movie stars and even royalty.

They also made dolls of characters they loved, and on one cold crisp morning two of these labours of love arrived at the WHSmiths display of LOTR memorabilia.

A Merry doll and a small, smiley Pippin doll.

They where sat on the high self of the department stores display and children (and adults) came to touch and play with the dolls.

Laughing and acting out movie scenes.

The two dolls were very content together, and every night when the store closed doll-Pippin would lay his head on doll-Merry's shoulder and they too would talk for hours about nothing and everything.

Then came the Christmas rush.

Every doll on the shelf was sold in a matter of days.

The Frodo dolls went first, they're blue eyes widening as they where snatched and huddled over to the check out.

Then the Sam dolls, with resigned sighs, where sold to keep their masters company in some child's toy box or some adults display case. Then the Orcs for bad little boys who burned girls hair and pulled the heads off dolls for fun. (When ever one of these boys came in Pippin-doll would bury his head in Merry-dolls shoulder and pretend they couldn't see him) Then the Legolas and Aragorn dolls to screaming fan girls, who hugged and smothered them.

Then fathers, pretending to be shopping for children would snatch up the Gandalf dolls chuckling at their brilliance.

Boromir dolls where brought as a last resort for a Christmas present and the Gimli dolls went last, to sullen faced the day before Christmas shoppers who wined and monad.

Merry-doll began to feel safe; nobody had picked out him or his Pippin-doll from there high self and he felt safe. It was Christmas Eve and the shop was closing, he could relax and get ready for a day of partying beneath the battery operated tree with his Pippin-doll and the broken Gandalf somebody had stepped on in the rush.

"Please! Don't close up!" the breathless voice startled him out of his complacency. He and Pippin-doll starred at each other worriedly.

"But you said you'd done your Christmas shopping!" a angry voice was reminding the breathless one.

"But I forgot HIM!" the breathless voice was moaning unhappily.

"Five minuets till closing" the check out woman reminded the breathless voice, a hand appeared at the top of there self.

Pippin-doll squeaked as it grabbed him by the leg and pulled, Merry- doll hung on to him for dear life and they both ended up being held by a middle sized human who was hoping impatiently from side to side and handing over money.

"You only have enough for one," the check out woman said kindly. The human moaned and looked down at them torn. Her partner seemed to make the choice for her, she picked up Merry- doll and throw him down on the counter.

"She'll have the Pippin-doll"

"But Kit I can't not have them both! Its blasphemy their Merry and Pippin! They have to be together!"

"Two minuets ladies"

The money was exchanged and doll-Pippin was carried off by a ranting, raving human, reaching out his little hands and (if dolls could) crying.

Merry-doll sat forlornly on the counter as the check out girl went to close up again.

he thought, remembering what the human had said "Wait! You have to stay open I know my last minuet shopping rights!"

"But sir?" Merry-doll looked up to see the huge hand that grabbed him.

"I'll take this one please"

< NO!> Merry-doll thought he was dropped into a bag, and then into a box and then onto the floor while still inside the dark box. He curled up in the corner and sobbed himself to sleep, never since he had been made had he spent a night with out sweet Pippin in his arms.
"go on, open it!" Roz squealed shoving her present in to Andy's hands, the man looked dazed and then ripped the mass produced packaging from the box. Roz bit her lip, waiting patiently for praise or reprisal.

This was the last presents of Christmas day, their presents to each other.

"a Pippin-doll" Andy obvious distaste was heart-wrenching.

"I wanted to get you the Merry-doll but Kit wouldn't let me!" Roz wailed, snatching the doll from Andy's hands.

Andy shook his head angrily and throw his brown paper package with its hardly festive string at Roz who caught it and glared at him.

She carefully unwrapped the parcel and lifted the lid from the box.

"Oh Andy!"

"I knew you'd like the Pippin-doll better but somebody had brought the Pippin one and…" he trailed off half-heartedly "want to swap"

Roz nodded, shoving the box towards Andy.

He took one look down at the doll in the box and shivered, the forlorn face looking back at him was almost unbearable.

"they look so sad" Roz said softly, gazing at her new toys face.

Andy nodded, then smiled at a wicked idea.

"must have missed each other last night, one night without……" Andy wiggled his eye brows suggestively and Roz desolved into giggles.

The door bell rang and drunk voice outside where lifted in carols as well known as "oh well this is Christmas" and "I wish it could be Christmas everyday"

They pair grinned at each other, before Roz carefully placed her Pippin-doll in the box with Andy's Merry-doll and went with him to answer the door to geeks baring gifts.
Pippin-doll opened his eyes and looked about him. He felt warm, content and safe.


"Merry?" he squeaked before fully adjustable arms captured him in a hug and plastic lips pressed to his own moulded ones.

"Funny" his Merry-doll mused as they parted "I didn't see any mistletoe"

And if dolls could blush, Pippin-doll would have.

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