
Title: Firelight
Author: Anemone Frost
Pairing: M/P
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Merry is trying to sleep, but Pippin is feeling a little frisky. Pippin is in for a surprise.
Feedback: Please.
Warnings: Graphic sex.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Tolkien.

Pippin grumbled as he stirred in the soft, feather bed. It was the middle of the night, and he couldn't fall asleep. For a while, he laid there, bored, contemplating what mischief he could cause to pass the time. A smirk grew on his face as he turned his gaze to Merry. The older hobbit was sound asleep, but Pippin had a plan to remedy that.

The hobbit turned on his side, extending a hand, trailing it across the rising chest before him. He slipped a hand under the front of the shirt, grazing his fingertips over hardening nipples. Using his other hand, Pippin slid it down, slipping under Merry's cotton nightshirt, playfully, yet roughly, griping his cousin's member.

"Wh–?!" Merry gasped, jolting from his sleep. "Oi, Pip, what are you doing?!" He reached under the sheet, and swatted at his cousin's hand, eliciting a sharp yelp. "Stop that!"

Pippin pouted, rubbing at his hand, "Aw, but I'm bored Merry."

Merry scowled, "Well, do you want to know what's really fun? Sleep. I suggest you do it, before I throw you out of this bed, Peregrin Took."

The older hobbit rolled on his side, shutting his eyes. Pippin inched forward, rubbing against his cousin's back, moving the other's curly hair aside to kiss at the exposed neck.

"I can't sleep, though," Pippin murmured in between kisses. "Why do you have to be so grouchy about it?"

"I'm grouchy because I'm tired, Pippin," Merry replied, trying to shake his cousin off. "Look, I promise I'll return your affections in the morning, but not now. I'm so weary."

"Liar," Pippin hissed, nibbling on Merry's ear.

Pippin reached back down, finding his cousin's member still hard. Merry let out a soft moan as Pippin's hand circled his flesh, moving up and down at an agonizingly slow pace. A groan of protest came from Merry as the silky hand left him, and the warm body scooted away. Merry rolled over, glaring down at his cousin, who was on his side, facing away from Merry.

"Why did you stop?" Merry growled.

"I think you're right," Pippin said, faking a yawn. "It's late, and you're tired. We probably should get to bed if we expect to get up in the morning. Goodnight, Merry."

The younger hobbit let out a startled gasp as he was violently spun onto his back. Before he could wriggle away, Merry quickly lowered his full weight, trapping the hobbit underneath. Pippin fought to keep back a smile, but was soon giving off squeaks of laughter that he was trying to stifle.

"What's so funny?" Merry inquired, his voice husky.

"You are," Pippin snickered. "I thought you said you were tired?"

"Well, it seems you've managed to wake me up," Merry murmured, a tint glowing in his eyes.

"Oh, are you going to punish me?" Pippin taunted. "What do you have planned? Taking me over your knee?"

Merry smirked before lowering his head, capturing Pippin's lips in a brutal kiss. Pippin was taken back by Merry's rough action, but found himself responding to it nonetheless. He whimpered, opening his mouth to allow his cousin's tongue to thrust in. Merry's hips began to grind into Pippin's pelvis, causing his own member to become hardened.

Sweat beaded on Pippin's brow, and he struggled to remove his nightshirt, suddenly becoming very overheated. He gave a startled squeak as rough hands grasped the shirt, tugging it over his head, but leaving it tightly wrapped around his wrists. His hands were forced over his head, and he gazed up at Merry, who was bearing a wide grin as he tied the fabric around the bed post. Pippin strained against the bonds, but his wrists were too tangled in the shirt to remove them.

"Merry, what are you doing?" Pippin whimpered, becoming uneasy.

The hobbit grinned, lowering himself back on to the quivering form beneath. "Punishing you; what else would I be doing?"

Pippin opened his mouth to protest, but was instantly silenced when Merry plunged his tongue into the tiny mouth. The hobbit shuddered, pushing his tongue against Merry's. Any fear in Pippin's mind had evaporated. Why should he be afraid? It was silly. Merry would never hurt him. He mewled as his cousin's finger traced over his growing erection, a light, teasing touch.

"Merry, please," Pippin begged, straining under the bonds. He was close now, and it felt as if he would explode. "Oh, please."

Merry laughed, drawing his hand away. The younger hobbit groaned at the loss, but soon let out a strangled yelp as a finger pushed into his tight passage. A burning sensation coursed through his lower region, making him grit his teeth, and squirm to get away from the intrusive digit.

"Relax, my beautiful Took," Merry whispered, pressing a gentle, apologetic kiss on the trembling lips. "Just relax a bit. I don't want to hurt you." A smile grew on his face as he caressed Pippin's cheek. "I want this `punishment' to be pleasurable for the both of us."

Pippin took in a slow breath, forcing his muscles to relax. Another finger slipped in, stretching the heated passage. The hobbit panted as the digits brushed against his sweet spot, sending a wave of pleasure shooting up his body. His cock was throbbing unbearably, and he was close to coming. The fingers left slid out his entrance, making him quiver at the feeling of being empty, though something harder and wetter replaced them.

"Tell me what you want Pippin," Merry growled, gliding the tip of his erection across Pippin's hole.

The teasing friction drove the hobbit wild. He was in unbelievable pain, greatly needing release. It felt as if his entire lower region would burst if Merry didn't relieve him. "Oh, please, Merry," Pippin pleaded.

"Please what?" Merry hissed, thrusting hard, but still not penetrating.

"Take me Merry!" Pippin cried, tears spilling down his cheeks. "Please, take me!"

At that Merry slowly slid into Pippin's passage, gasping at the exquisite heat that surrounded his member. Pippin sobbed as Merry began to thrust in and out.

"Am I hurting you?" Merry asked.

"No, just don't stop," Pippin stuttered. "Please....I need....."

Merry seemed to understand Pippin's plea. He wrapped his hand around Pippin's aroused member, jerking it in rhythm to his thrusts. Pippin cried out, bucking, gasping, encouraging his lover to increase the pace, each thrust striking the spot that created spasms of ecstasy. The hobbit pumped frantically into the tight passage, clenching his teeth as his seed spilled out, shuddering as pleasure spread through his body.

He gently pulled out, knelt between his cousin's shaking thighs, and took Pippin into his mouth, sucking and stroking the engorged member. Tears seeped down Pippin's chin and moaned audibly at the warm wetness closing around his aching cock. His dark, brown curls stuck to his forehead in a sticky mess from the sweat tricking down. He wanted to touch Merry so much, to run his hands through his cousin's silky curls, but it was impossible, and he could only squirm under the erotic torture, gripping at the fabric around his hands. It wasn't long before he was sobbing Merry's name as he came, sighing in content from the sweet release.

He let out another groan as Merry delicately caught his lower lip between his teeth. Pippin shifted in the bed as Merry gradually untangled his hands from the nightshirt.

"Are you alright?" Merry asked, gazing over his cousin in concern.

"A little sore," Pippin replied, rubbing at his reddened wrists, "but other than that I'm fine." A sneer formed on his face. "I must say, Merry, I rather enjoyed that punishment, if you could even call it that."

"I thought you would," Merry chuckled, holding his cousin in a tight embrace. "You didn't really expect me to harm you, did you?"

Pippin frowned, "You had me frightened for a moment with that shirt stunt, but no, I guess. You just took me by surprise is all." He placed a warm kiss on Merry's lips. "I must admit, I did relish it after becoming used to it. I'll have to annoy you more often."

Merry laughed and kissed his cousin's head, nuzzling the soft curls. "Will you be able to sleep now? Pippin?" He tilted his head, finding Pippin's eyes shut and his chest slowly rising up and down. "Unbelievable."

The hobbit gave another laugh before drifting off himself, arms still woven protectively around his love.


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