Games Of Power

Title: Games of Power.
Author: Roz
Completed: yes
Pairing: M/P
Slash: yes totally
Rating: NC-17
Genre: kink, role-play, sex!
Summary: the boys do a little role playing. .
This was a favourite game of theirs to play, different each time as they became more daring in their demands, realising how far they could push before the boundaries were broken... Pippin curled about himself under Merry's piercing gaze, suddenly shy about his nakedness.

"Stand, lad!" Merry said briskly and Pippin did as he was told, trembling from the cold.

"Sir?" he asked, watching Merry from under lowered eyelashes as the older lad walked around him, inspecting his naked body. "You'll do," he said finally after many moments.

Pippin looked at him wide eyed. "Sir, what do you mean?" Merry walked closer till he was pressed against the body of his new `servant'; with one hand he stroked the boy's back in a soothing manner and with the other he gripped his flaccid penis.

"It is a great honour to be chosen to grace my bed." "Sir! Please, I beg of you, don't," Pippin cried out weakly, hardening against his will in the expert hand.

"Think of the perks if you let me play with your sweet body," Merry said enticingly, his hand on Pippin's back moving lower to rest on the lad's rump. Pippin squeaked and shook his head.

"Then think of finding yourself another job if you don't!" Merry growled, digging his nails into the soft cream-coloured flesh of Pippin's behind.

"Will you come to bed with me?" he asked again, voice low and eyes dark with lust.

"Yes sir," Pippin sobbed brokenly. He did not want to lose his job for he liked the work he did here, and he found the master's son handsome, but he did not like to be forced in such a manner. Why couldn't Meriadoc have wooed him instead of come upon him in the night and trapped him so he could not say no to him? He was led down a hallway and into Meriadoc's bedchamber, then pulled towards the bed where, to his horror, he saw that upon each post had been tied white strips of material to bind the master's latest victim to the bed. This confirmed Pippin's suspicions: whatever was about to happen to him would hurt, for why else would he need to be tied down?

He crawled onto the bed and lay down on his back, but Meriadoc rolled him over on to his stomach and took his left hand, binding it to the bed post before doing the same with his right hand and both feet. Pippin was completely vulnerable, and with no means of escape he squeezed his eyes shut and waited for something. He did not have to wait long.

Satisfied his new bedmate was securely bound, Merry began to strip off his clothes, watching in delight as Pippin squirmed.

"I've noticed you in the kitchens," he began conversationally, unbuttoning his shirt, "with sweat gleaming upon your brow and I knew I had to have you in my bed, no matter what it took."

The words had a strange effect on Pippin: they excited him and he ground his hips down into the mattress hoping to find some relief for his suddenly straining erection.

Merry finished undressing and went to the bedside table where he collected a small bottle of oil and then crawled between Pippin's legs. He uncorked the bottle and drizzled some oil onto his fingers.

"Have you ever done this before Pippin, let another lad touch you?"

He brushed one finger against the lad's opening.

"No sir, it's wrong sir" Pippin whispered, and hissed when one finger entered him.

"It's not wrong, it's natural" Merry said, "and I know you've thought of boys before."

Pippin gasped. How could his master know these things? "Yes sir I have," he said miserably.

"Well I have thought of you Pippin" Merry said, adding another finger "and all the things I would do to you."

A third finger, and Pippin buried his head into a pillow to muffle his cries. But then Merry changed the angle he thrust his finger in at and Pippin bit down into the pillow as Merry's fingers brushed against something that caused fire to burn in his veins. Merry withdrew his fingers and positioned himself, sliding inside the boy before he could protest.

Pippin howled at the burning pain inside of him and struggled, which only seemed to excite Merry more, for he pulled out then thrust back in. Pippin cried out suddenly, for amongst the pain there had been a spasm of pleasure. Merry's thrust hit him again on that spot inside and Pippin jerked, suddenly wishing his hands weren't bound so he could grip the pillow or mattress, but as he was he could only clench his hands into fists and scream as the spasms washed over him.

Merry was panting now, near his release and then he stopped, entire body tensing, and shot his seed deep within Pippin. That feeling was enough to tip the young Took over the edge, and he buried his head in the pillow as he came.

Pippin's next conscious thought was of Merry untying him and kissing his wrists and ankles. "I'm sorry," he whispered drawing Pippin into his arms and stroking his hair softly "I was rough."

"I liked it, but next time I get to be the master and you're the servant!" Pippin laughed, snuggling closer to Merry and falling asleep in the arms of the person who loved him the most and who thought up the most wicked games.

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