Chapter 1

Title: Like this 1/2
Author: Roz
Completed: yes
pairing: M/P
Slash: yep.
Rating: R
Over all rating: NC-17
Genre: angst, romance
Summary: Pippin has a rather unsettling dream….but was it a dream? Or something else.

"Hold still!"

"I am still"

Hot breath near his ear, and the soft press of lips to his cheek.

"So how does one kiss?" he asked, suddenly burning at the closeness of the others body and unsure if he should have asked.

"Like this" hands cupped his face and pulled him close, gently probing lips pressed to his; He gasped and an enthusiastic tongue, taking advantage of his open mouth, invaded.

Pippin sat up gasping; nightshirt clinging to his sweat soaked body He reached up and touched his lips, he could have sworn they were swollen and kiss - bruised.

Groaning, he slumped back down into the bed, waiting for his breathing to even out.

It wasn't as if it was even a good kiss.

Or at least what he imagined a good kiss would be.

Kissing should, at least in Pippin's mind, make everything clear, be gentle and tender with enough love to make his heart weep.

But Merry's kiss had been confusing, hard, forceful and full of lust.

And Pippin wanted more.

Another memory hit him, the smell of damp earth filling his nostrils, the feel of fingers tugging at his curls.

Merry kneeling above him, touching his face with soft hands, thanking him for something.

Pippin closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. It was impossible. His mind was racing. Was it possible that he was 'in love' with Merry? It could not be! He loved his cousin, of course, they were family! But was he 'in love' with him? The way a lad was with a lass?

The dream came back to him.

The unmistakable look of lust on Merry's face haunted him.

Moaning Pippin curled into a ball fighting a growing erection.

'Think Farmer Maggot's dogs!' He told himself reverting back to his form of controlling his desires.

But the image of the vicious, spittle-mouthed dogs was replaced by a warm recollection of Merry grabbing his hand and pulling him on to whatever mischief he was planning.

Pippin could practically feel the firm pressure of Merry's hand in his as if Merry was there with him in the bed now, holding his hand.

Reaching over to whisper sweet things into Pippin's ear as his hands began to travel down to Pippin's chest, resting his palm upon Pippin's pounding heart.

"Darling" dream Merry breathed and Pippin closed his eyes, losing himself in his fantasy.

Familiar hands reached down to grasp his erection and move up and down in a comfortable, well-known rhythm as a probing finger touched at his puckered entrance.

Pippin gasped and bucked his hips, wildly thrusting upwards in the hope of some release.

"Mer…Merry!" he cried as a finger brushed against his sweet spot.

A part of his mind chided Pippin, horrified he was pleasuring himself while thinking of his cousin but Pippin took no notice, to far gone in his passion to listen or care.

With a powerful thrust Pippin came, biting his lip to keep from screaming.

Lying still in his bed, limbs spread out in any which way, covers and cushions strewn over the floor, sweat rolling down his face and chest, hands sticky with his release Pippin opened his mouth.

"Merry….." the name died on his lips instantly and tears began to roll down his face and neck, falling on to the mattress and evaporating into nothingness.

Pippin wished to fall into nothingness at that moment, he was so filled with loathing and self-hatred.

Wiping his hands clean on the sheet of his bed Pippin stood up on trembling legs and pulled down his nightshirt from where it had ridden up in his sleep.

Wiping away his tears on the back of his hand Pippin glared at the room.

Picking up the nearest thing, a candlestick as it happened, Pippin hurled it across the room where it hit the wall and bounced down on the floor.

Pippin slid down onto the floor, sobbing angrily.

This wasn't the way it was supposed to be.

Chapter 2
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