Chapter 2

Title: Like this 2/2
Author: Roz
Completed: this chapter, yep
pairing: M/P
Slash: yep.
Rating: NC-17
Over all rating: NC-17
Genre: angst, romance, smutty pwp.
Feedback: yes please! On list or e-mail is fine.
Summary: in which we find out on which side Merry's bread is buttered and we get a quite nice memory of his.

It had all started innocently enough, Merry reasoned.

He and Pippin had been hiding in the hayloft, they were playing a game with Fatty, but the Boldger was taking so long to find them Pippin was all but asleep.

To pass the time they had asked each other question, the questions becoming more and more personal to Pippin had finally said.

"I saw you out the back of the Green Dragon with Falco Boffin, kissing him."

Merry had jumped at that and looked down at Pippin who was nestled into his side, using his chest as a pillow.

"You shouldn't have been spying." he said, caught off guard.

"I wasn't spying, I was looking for you." Pippin said and Merry felt his heat flutter and then sink, he began to wonder just how much Pippin had seen.

He and Falco had been pretty drunk, but sober enough for Merry to drag him out back and take his pleasure, he hoped Pippin had only stayed around for the kissing.

He opened his mouth to ask but Pippin cut across him.

"What's it like…being with a lad I mean?" Pippin asked, raising his head from its resting place on Merry's chest.

"Like being with a lass but nicer" Merry shrugged uncomfortably.

"How many lads have you been with?" Pippin inquired with a sudden look of interest in his eye.

"Three," Merry said quietly, and then asked "And how many have you been with Pip?"

At this question Pippin blushed.

"None," he admitted shyly "and only one lass and that was simply kissing"

Merry was silent, merely toying with Pippin's curls and stroking his back, Pippin made a sound of enjoyment and wiggled closer.

"She didn't like my kisses."

"Foolish lass." Merry chuckled good-naturedly "Who wouldn't enjoy a kiss from you?"

Pippin screwed up in face in fury.

"She said I couldn't kiss! That she'd have had a better kiss from a drunk duck!" tears began to leak from his eyes but he wiped them away quickly At the sight of them, Merry felt anger boiling up inside but suppressed it.

Gripping Pippin's face between his hands he forced the young Took to look at him.

"Tell me, Pippin, does this girl mean anything special to you?" Merry almost dreaded the answer but Pippin blinked away his tears and shook his head.

"Then don't cry, sweet!" Merry exclaimed, cradling Pippin to him with a fierce passion.

Pippin looked up at him with wonderment as if seeing him for the first time in many years and Merry found himself looking back identically, wondering when Pippin had become so desirable.

The young Took clenched and unclenched his fists, gripping Merry's shirt between his closed hands.

"Merry," he said softly, avoiding the elders' eye "would you teach me how to kiss?"

This innocent request set Merry to hardening practically instantly and he had to free himself from Pippin's hold to make sense of what was happening, rolling away, and calming his breath, Merry looked over his shoulder.

Pippin was sitting, legs splayed out in front of him waiting for whatever Merry would say.

"Yes." he finally whispered, hoarsely. Pippin threw himself into Merry's arms laughing and wiggling trying to get into the best position.

They ended up pressed against the barn wall; Pippin seated in Merry's lap pressed up against him and running his hands up and over Merry's shoulders trying to decide where he should rest them.

Finally Merry grow tired of this fidgeting and grabbed Pippin's hands, interlacing their fingers together.

"Hold still!" he growled playfully, Pippin looked indignant.

"I am still" he squeaked but Merry wasn't interested in arguing, he lent over softly to kiss Pippin's check, caressing the youth's skin with his breath and groaning as Pippin responded, arching into him.

"So how does one kiss?" Pippin asked, squirming closer and biting his lip softly. "Like this" Merry dropped Pippin's hands and cupped the lads face between his own palms and pulled him close, gently pressed his lips to Pip's; the Took gasped and Merry, taking advantage of Pippin's open mouth, invaded.

Pippin yielded to his touch, wrapping his hands around Merry's neck and sighing contentedly as Merry's tongue tickled the roof of his mouth.

Pulling back Merry smiled broadly as Pippin giggled and touched his lips with a growing smile.

"Merry that was lovely!" he said, Merry looked disappointed.

"I was going for a lot more than just lovely Pip."

But Pippin was leaning in again and Merry consented happily, running his hands up and down Pippin's back, grinding his hips into Pippin's and gasping out at the delicious contact.

"Merry," Pippin said, placing a tiny kiss to his cousins pointed ear "I'd like to try something, would you let me?"

"What do you want?" Merry asked sharply, ready to object.

Pippin blushed and ran his hands over Merry's chest, teasing the erect nipples.

"I'd like to try and…" Pippin's voice failed him and he tried again but his voice was hardly more than a breath "...suck you."

Merry shivered at those words, spoken with such innocence but in his mind eye he could already see Pippin's curly haired head bobbing up and down, feel the warm mouth encircling him.

It also answered his earlier query about how much Pippin had seen that night out back of the Green Dragon.

He looked at Pippin, eyes half closed in lust and nodded.

"You have to tell me if I'm doing this right," Pippin said softly crawling from Merry's lap and spreading his legs. "I'm not as experience as Falco I fear."

The ties on Merry's breaches offered little resistance to the Took's skilled fingers and Merry wondered if Pippin had ever done this before but he knew that the youth was still a virgin, Pippin had told him as much.

Pippin gaped at Merry's erection as he freed it from the constraints of the tight breaches, he had never seen another male's penis before and was curious.

He touched it experimentally and was rewarded by Merry bucking up into his hand and moaning.

Lowering his head Pippin attempted to swallow Merry's erection whole, but the Brandybuck stopped him, panting.

"No Pip, just lick..." he groaned and dug his fingers into the soft curls atop Pippin's head.

Pippin obeyed and lent down, running his tongue slowly over Merry's hardness, delighting in the shiver that ran through his cousin as he did so.

Pippin had been rather worried about the taste but Merry didn't taste all that bad, a little like salt and soap.

Pippin began to become more adventurous with his licks and kisses, before finally taking the head of Merry's erection in to his mouth and sucking.

Merry cried out; bucking up and coming, pulling so hard on Pippin's curls the Took worried his hair might be pulled out.

But he had other things to worry about, he was unsure what to do with Merry's seed, he didn't want to swallow it, but spitting it out would be rude.

Finally when he noticed Merry watching him with concern Pippin swallowed fearing the worst but again was surprised that it was as horrible as his sisters had told him.

Sort of salty, like a lot of Merry.

"Pippin..." Merry said gently and bundled the Took up into his arms, kissing him soundly as Pippin began to grind into him, desperate to relive himself of his own erection.

The barn door banged open.

"Are you in here?" Fatty called, Pippin scrambled off Merry quickly and the Brandybuck stood up; lacing up his breaches and smoothing back his hair.

"Up in the hay loft " Merry called, and then turned back to Pippin, stealing a chaste kiss before Fatty was half way up the ladder.
Now Merry was travailing to the Great Smials, intent upon returning the favour Pippin had bestowed upon him.

Chapter 1
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