Part 1

Dana stood on the balcony of her home in the mountains, looking at a gorgeous sunset. Dinner was nearly ready. Billy would be there soon. He had promised to spend the entire weekend alone with her. They had spent much time together lately, but Billy had been doing a lot of promoting his movies, and had been away most of the month. She missed him being around so much, and he was truly missing her. A knock came upon the door. Dana turned and ran to the door! As she opened it she saw Billy standing there...chin down, eyes looking up with a gorgeous smile upon his lips! He threw his luggage inside and slammed the door! He grabbed Dana with BOTH hands and greedily sucked upon her warm wet lips! His hands roamed her body! Dana melted in his arms. She felt his dick throbbing up against her! She grabbed his ass with both hands and firmly pressed herself up against Billy! She wanted to feel it all!! Billy's tongue parted her lips and entered her mouth roaming around freely! Dana's tongue danced with Billy's tongue! Billy ran his hand along Dana's ass, and then up and around to her chest! He caressed her firm breasts! Soft moanings were coming from Dana as her excitement grew! Billy suddenly picked her up and took her to the king sized bed in the bedroom! He gently laid her down then lowered himself down upon her! Dana moaned softly as she felt his hard manhood press against her. She was eagerly awaiting what Billy's body was promising to give to her! She unbuttoned his shirt and placing her hands on his abs, ran them up his muscular chest and through his full chest of hair! Billy moaned softly at her erotic touch! He pulled her silk shirt over her head and off of her, and tossed it to the side....exposing her erect nipples to his tongue! Flicking his tongue across her erect nipples made her breathe heavily and moan louder! Dana grabbed Billy's ass and pressed it firmly against her again! Billy moaned at this! Then she slid her hands around to his zipper and undid his pants, and pulled them down off of him! Billy did the same with her pants! Skin to skin now, the excitement of both was filling the room with such passion!........ Dana spread her legs and bent her knees, giving Billy full access to the desired spot! He took his dick in one hand and gently rubbed her wet slit with it! Dana moaned and licked her lips as her eyes rolled into the back of her head! "mmmmm mmmm Billy", she breathed! "Do you like that Dana?" He whispered "Oh yeeeesssss" was the reply. "Tell me what you want Dana, tell me what you want" Billy said as he watched the pleasurable expressions appear across her face! He leaned down and kissed her passionately. She bit his lip, ever so erotically! She tightened beneath him as the first orgasm hit! "UUUH UUUH BILLY!" Dana screamed!! "Let it go baby!" Billy said as the warm cum gushed from between her legs! "I wanna feel you inside me Billy..NOW!!! PLEASE!!!" Dana begged! ..... At this request, Billy inserted his ROCK HARD DICK into Dana's pussy (I hate that word, but don't know what else to use)! He THRUST HIS COCK ALL THE WAY UP INSIDE OF HER! Dana, scream "OH YES!!" as Billy dove into her repeatedly! She tightened beneath him, as ANOTHER orgasm hit!! "Take it all, baby, take it all!" Billy yelled as he felt her orgasmic wave hit her hard! He banged away at her!! The cool breeze blowing through the sheer curtains, was a welcome feeling, as the sweat from Dana & Billy, ran down their faces and backs! It was dark out now, and the moonlight shown through the balcony door. Billy whispered "I want you on the balcony!" He stood up, letting his dick slip out of her! Dana laid there for a moment, just staring at Billy's HUGE, WET AND VERY ERECT PENIS!! Billy took her by the hand, and led to the balcony! There, he bent her over the railing, and rammed his dick into her!! Dana moaned with pleasure as the erotic sensations washed over her! Billy grabbed both of her breasts, and carressed them as HE FUCKED HER!!! Dana, moaned, and closed her eyes! DEEPER AND DEEPER , FASTER AND FASTER BILLY FUCKED HER!...till she thought she couldn't take anymore! Again, she tightened as YET ANOTHER orgasm hit!! "YEEEESSSSS BIIIILLLLYYYY!!!" she screamed!!! Billy thrust ALL THE WAY UP INSIDE OF DANA as he shot hot thick cum into her!!!! "UUUUUHHHHHH!" Billy moaned as he let if all shoot out!! Then he stepped back, letting his cock, once again, slip out of her. Dana's legs were shaky from the pleasuring he gave to her! She turned to face him. Billy wiped the strands of hair from her sweat soaked face, and gently kissed her. Then he lifted her off the ground, and carried her back to the bed. Gently he laid her down. Kissing her once more, he climbed into the bed next to her....and smiled...................

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