Dead Of Night

Title: Dead of Night
Author: Anemone Frost
Pairing: M/P
Rating: NC-17
Summary: AU vampire fic. (Merry, Frodo, and Pippin aren't cousins.) Pippin is walking home one night when he suddenly feels that he is being followed by someone or something.
Feedback: Yes please.
Warnings: PWP. Mild blood/violence.
Archive: Ask first.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Tolkien.

Pippin shivered as he strolled out of the tavern into the frigid night air, glancing up at the sky. The moon and stars were covered with clouds, leaving the landscape eerily dark. Pippin suddenly regretted staying out so late. There had been rumors passing through the Shire of strange deaths where the victims were bitten on the neck and drained of their blood, but that had only occurred in Hobbiton. It seemed doubtful that anything would happen around these parts. He would be safe.

Halfway down the trail a chill coursed down his spine. Although he couldn't explain it, sudden fear had entered his mind. His heart was pounding furiously, reverberating within his aching skull. Sweat was collecting along his brow and slowly dribbling down his face. He was not alone on the trail. He could sense it. Someone was watching his every movement.

The young hobbit was frozen to the spot, petrified. Pippin didn't know if he should bolt down the path to his home or turn back to head to the tavern. It was a lot closer than his hobbit hole, and he was certain he could rent a room for the night and return home in the morning. A low rustling in the brush made him violently spin around and scramble up the trail, running back to the tavern. A loud whoosh followed and racing footsteps could be heard behind him, crunching leaves and twigs.

Pippin shrieked as a dark shape jumped out of the trees and tackled him to the ground. The young hobbit struggled to free himself of the tight hold, kicking, punching, and screaming for help. He was silenced as a stinging slap slammed over his cheek, making his head violently whip to the side. Tears formed in his eyes at the pain and the danger he was now in. He turned his head and gazed up at a hobbit, the moonlight breaking through the cloud cover and illuminating his pale face. His eyes were bright blue and his hair a dark ebony.

"What do you want from me?" Pippin whimpered, trying to crawl away.

The hobbit griped his shoulders, ramming his back into the ground. "I'm hungry, and you seem like a good enough meal."

Pippin's eyes widened as the hobbit bore a set of fangs. The other hobbit locked his fingers in Pippin's curls and harshly drew his head back, exposing his neck.

`This is it,' Pippin thought. `I'm going to die.'

Then, the weight was gone. Pippin frantically gazed around and found another hobbit throwing the dark haired one into a stump at such a force that the wood crumbled, sending splinters of wood flying in every direction. This hobbit had sandy hair, and he briefly turned to view Pippin, glancing the younger one over with cloudy gray orbs.

"What is the meaning of this Merry!" the dark haired hobbit snapped. "Why did you interrupt me before I could feed?!"

Merry only glared down at him.

"I saw him going down the trail first!" Frodo growled. "If you're out for a meal then go find a different one! This one is mine!"

"He is not yours!" Merry roared, wrapping his hand tightly around the hobbit's neck. Frodo choked as he was hauled off the ground and left dangling in the air. "You knew very well that I've had my sights on this one. I have been watching him. He is not meant to be food. He will serve another purpose, but only for me." He threw Frodo down. "Get out of here. Find another meal to quench your hunger. It should be easy enough for you to do."

Pippin gasped as Frodo flew off into the night air, only appearing as blur. His frightened gaze returned to Merry, who was slowly stalking over to him. Pippin choked back a sob and began to crawl back.

"There is no point in doing that," Merry stated. "You will not escape from me."

Pippin realized that is was true. If he could not get away from the other hobbit, then he would not get away from this one.

"Please, don't hurt me," Pippin begged.
Merry kneeled next to the shaking hobbit, extending his hand to wipe away the tears trickling down his cheeks. He ran his hand over the growing welt, causing Pippin to grimace at the sharp pain.

"I'm sorry for the actions of my friend," Merry murmured. "He will pay later."

"Let me go," Pippin pleaded. "I won't tell anyone that your friend attacked me. Just please, let me be."

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Merry chuckled. "I've become quite infatuated with you."

"But how?" Pippin inquired. He remembered then. Every night in the tavern he had noticed a strange hobbit always glancing over at him. "That was you?"

Merry nodded. "I've also followed you home many nights and watched you undress from the window." Pippin blushed. "How I longed to enter and ravish you. You're so beautiful."

Fear clouded over Pippin's mind. What did this creature have in store for him?

"I don't understand," Pippin stammered. "What do you want from me?"

"To make love to you, and to claim you as mine forever," Merry answered.

"You can't mean that—" Pippin whimpered.

"Oh, but I do," Merry chuckled.

Merry latched onto Pippin's shoulders, lifting him roughly off the ground and dragging him into the woods. Pippin squirmed, but he couldn't free himself. Panic spread throughout his mind. They were traveling further and further into the forest, and the light from the tavern dwindled to nothing. It was nearly pitch black under the cover of the trees but a different, yellow glow grew in the distance. Pippin's eyes widened in awe when they stepped into a grove with dozens of candles placed on various stumps and stones. The young gazed back into Merry's face, giving him a pleading look.

"Please, don't hurt me," Pippin choked, fighting back a sob. Tears had already sprung to his eyes and were trickling down his flushed cheeks. "Let me go. Please. I beg of you."

"Don't cry," Merry soothed, lowering the hobbit to the ground. He extended his palm and gently wiped away the tear trails. "I can't deny that there will be a bit of pain, but I promise that there will be much more pleasure. I assure you."

"No, I don't want this," Pippin cried, violently shaking his head.

Merry's eyebrow cocked. "Do you find me hideous?"

"No—you're— very handsome," Pippin stuttered, shocked at the question.

"A shy one eh?" Merry laughed, kneeling next to Pippin. "You shouldn't be so frightened. I can sense that you're a virgin. I'll be very gentle with you."

"I— " Pippin began.

He was silenced when Merry lowered his head to capture his lips in a soft, yet firm kiss. The young hobbit's lips parted in shock, and Merry slid his tongue in to glide across Pippin's. Merry pulled back, and Pippin eyed him more closely, glancing over his features. Merry smiled and continued stroking Pippin's trembling cheek. Those gray orbs staring back at him seemed so familiar.

"You're really terrified of being harmed," Merry whispered. "Why? You can tell me."

Pippin clenched his eyes shut to fight back the tears. "When I was fourteen years I wandered out into the woods at night to steal mushrooms from the neighbor's garden. A group hobbits captured me, intent on raping me, but this other hobbit came out of nowhere and fought them off with such amazing strength. I never had the chance to thank him for he took off afterwards. I can only recall— " Realization dawned on Pippin. The hobbit who had saved him all those years ago had the same eyes and shape. "You? It was you who saved me?"

"Aye," Merry cooed. "From the first moment I laid eyes on you when you were a lad I fell in love. However, I knew you were far too young at the time to be taken. I had to wait and in that time I vowed to watch over you and protect you with all my might."

Pippin was amazed at what he heard. Never in his life had he encountered someone who showed such concern for his well-being and such love.

"I love you, Pippin," Merry murmured. "I don't want to force this on you, yet I don't want to give you up either. I could give you a chance to live a better life. You will never grow old or sick and you'll spend eternity with me. You'll never be lonely."

"—Lonely," Pippin muttered, fresh tears sliding down.

"Yes, I have noticed for a long time that you have been lonely," Merry replied, licking at Pippin's neck. "You were always searching for someone to spend the rest of your days with but no one wanted you that way. Male or female—they just wanted you for the night, but I want you forever."

"How do you know all this," Pippin choked.

"As I said before, I've been watching you," Merry laughed. "I can give you what you desire. Be mine, Pippin. Be mine."

The voice of the hobbit was hypnotic and Pippin felt himself grow weak under the tone. He was terrified but another part of him desired to be loved, and the hobbit before him was offering him just that. Merry had been like a guardian angel to him.

"I—want to be yours— but I'm scared," Pippin stuttered.

Merry's face lit up with joy, and he bent down to fiercely kiss Pippin, who jerked away in shock at the force. "Forgive me. I will go slower with you. I wish to bring you across and to do so, I will have feed from you. There will be pain at first, but you will grow accustomed to it after a while. Making love for the first time will also have its unpleasantness, but I assure you it will soon be replaced by unimaginable pleasure."

"I—would like to try," Pippin muttered, blushing. "I don't know if I'll please you though."

"Oh, sweet one, you will always please me," Merry answered, gently pushing Pippin on his back.

Merry covered Pippin's form with his own, placing his hands at either side of Pippin's head to help keep some of the weight off the young hobbit. Merry felt himself harden as his pelvis came into contact with Pippin's, causing the young hobbit to gasp at the feeling of hardening girth being pressed into him. The older hobbit smirked at Pippin's gasp and leaned down to capture his lips once again. Pippin returned the kiss, pressing back with his own growing passion and urgency. For a long time they remained that way, tangled in each other's arms and delivering slow, delicate kisses of tongue and lips, stroking each other's hair and body with exploring hands.

Merry suddenly pulled away, smiling down at the panting hobbit below him and the bulge starting to grow in Pippin's trousers. The hobbit slowly began to unbutton Pippin's shirt, exposing more of his neck and chest. Merry pressed his palm against Pippin's chest, relishing the feel of the pounding heart beneath, knowing well that when the night was over it would beat no more.

"I'm going to start feeding," Merry stated, lowering his head near Pippin's neck. He felt the young hobbit tense, and applied a little more weight to pin Pippin in case he tried to escape. "I won't take much—just a little at a time."

Pippin glanced down and immediately shivered in fright as he saw two fangs sprouting from Merry's mouth. A pang of dread coursed through his mind as he saw the sharp teeth descending for his neck. With lightening speed Merry sank his fangs into the tender flesh, eliciting a sharp cry from the young hobbit. A stinging sensation had exploded into his neck, making more tears dribble down his cheeks. The blood that flowed in his veins was being sucked out, and he felt himself growing weary. Sucking noises echoed in the air as Merry drank greedily, savoring the sweet taste of the hobbit's blood streaming into his mouth.

Merry snaked his hand down to Pippin's crotch and gave him a hard squeeze, making him cry out again but this time in pleasure. It distracted him from the burning agony, and he begged for more, which Merry eagerly gave. An ache was growing in his cock, and Pippin bucked his hips, pleading for more contact. Merry quickly unlaced the young hobbit's trousers, and reached inside to wrap his hand around the pulsing flesh, making Pippin scream at the contact. No one had ever touched him like that before.

"Oh Merry," Pippin moaned.

Merry drew away from Pippin's neck, lapping at the remainder of the sweet blood trickling from the puncture wounds. Pippin's cheeks turned crimson when he finally realized that his intimate area had been exposed and shyness crept over him, causing him lower his hand in a feeble attempt to remove Merry's from his swelling cock so he could try to cover it.

"What is wrong?" Merry asked. "You do not enjoy my touch?"

"No, it's not that," Pippin whimpered, averting Merry's gaze. He rubbed at his throbbing neck. "It's just—I'm not much to look at— "

"Don't say that about yourself," Merry chided. "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes on, and I have been around a long time. I've wanted to touch you for so long. Please, let me continue."

Pippin weakly nodded and removed his hand, lying back in the grass, trying to relax himself. He lifted his hips, allowing Merry to pull the trousers off and toss them aside. The young hobbit arched his back when a wet tongue slid from the base of his cock to the rosy head, licking at a droplet of pearly liquid leaking from the slit. Pippin shot up when Merry's warm mouth engulfed his entire member and started bobbing up and down.

"No, no, too soon!" Pippin whined, pushing hard at Merry's head. "Please, stop! Please! Oh!"

Merry reluctantly complied, giving the head a soft kiss. "Very well. What do you wish to do now?"

"I would like to undress you if you'll let me," Pippin replied, biting his bottom lip.

"I would enjoy that very much," Merry cooed, "but let me get this garment off you first."

A giggle rose in Pippin's throat as Merry removed his shirt, leaving him completely nude. The young hobbit reached over, unbuttoning Merry's vest and shirt with trembling fingers. Shrugging his shoulders, Merry made the shirt and vest slid off, letting Pippin run his fingertips along Merry's chest and hardening nipples. Merry felt himself grow even harder as Pippin leaned down to take one of the nubs into his mouth, nipping and lapping at it teasingly, lowering his hand to gently massage the bulge in the velvet trousers.

"Hm, that feels wonderful," Merry sighed, threading his fingers through Pippin's silky curls. "Keep that up love and the night might end early."

A smile grew on Pippin's face as he worked on the fastenings of Merry's trousers, raining light kisses on the hobbit's belly as he slowly descended to Merry's waist. Merry lifted his hips, giving Pippin the opportunity to pull the trousers off. The young hobbit's eyes grew large at the sight of Merry's cock fully erect and leaking profusely from the head. Merry saw the frightened look on Pippin's face and cupped his cheek in reassurance.

"You don't have to do anything that will make you uncomfortable," Merry stated firmly.

Pippin licked his lips. "But I want to, really."

Sticking out his tongue, Pippin gave the hard length an experimental lick. It wasn't as bad of a taste as he assumed. It tasted like skin, except a little salty and bitter from the semen. He wrapped his lips around the head, sucking hard and twirling his tongue around the slit. Merry threw back his head in moan, locking his fingers in the soft curls. Pippin winced at the slight pain from his hair being tugged, and he got the message not to tease. The young hobbit took more of Merry's cock into his mouth, gagging slightly as it hit the back of his throat.

"So good," Merry groaned as Pippin bobbed his head up and down. The wet heat was exquisite. It had been a long time since he had such intimate contact. "As much as I want you to continue, you must stop. I have other things in mind for you my little beauty."

Pippin withdrew and grunted as Merry practically tackled him to the ground in a brutal kiss. The young hobbit parted his lips to slid his tongue into Merry's mouth, enjoying how their tongues twined together. Pain shot through his rear as a slick digit pushed up his passage. He grunted in misery and tried to scramble away but Merry held him down.

"Ow, it hurts," Pippin grimaced.

"Sh, I know darling," Merry soothed, kissing Pippin's wrinkled brow. "Try to relax, and there won't be as much pain. If it hurts too much I can always stop. I won't be disappointed. I don't like seeing you in pain."

It was tempting to ask Merry to stop, but Pippin wanted to make love with the hobbit. He trusted Merry, and the hobbit had been gentle with him so far. He could see the concern shining through the gray eyes.

"Keep going," Pippin mumbled.

The digit began pumping in and out, making Pippin grit his teeth at the burning sensation of being stretched. He wondered how anyone could possibly find this pleasurable, but he would endure it for Merry. Then, a wave of pleasure coursed through his form as Merry's finger grazed over his sweet spot. He groaned and thrust his hips, trying to embed the finger further up his entrance.

"You like that?" Merry growled, adding another finger and thrusting harder.

"Yes," Pippin hissed.

Pippin moaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain as Merry sank his teeth into Pippin's neck, feeding again. The pain wasn't as great this time but he was growing weaker from the loss of blood. The digits were withdrawn and replaced with something harder and wetter as Merry positioned Pippin's knees to his chest.

"I love you," Merry spoke softly. "Forgive me—for the momentary pain I'm about to cause."

A scream pierced the night air as Merry's cock shoved into Pippin's narrow passage. His tissues were being torn and the agony was unbearable.

"Please, wait," Pippin cringed, digging his nails into Merry's arms. "No more. Not yet."

"I'm sorry," Merry whimpered. "It will get better. I promise."

He wrapped Pippin's legs around his waist and leaned down to lick away the tears from Pippin's eyes, allowing the hobbit time to adjust to his girth. Merry nuzzled Pippin's neck, whispering soft endearments while lapping at the two punctures from his teeth. The urge to pound into Pippin was overwhelming but he fought it. He didn't want to cause Pippin any more misery. When he felt the young hobbit was ready, Merry slowly withdrew and pushed back in, causing Pippin to hiss.

"How does it feel?" Merry inquired.

"It's still uncomfortable," Pippin sniffled, "but it's starting to feel—different." He gave a sharp cry when his sweet spot was struck again, replacing the agony with white hot pleasure. "Oh, do that again! Please!"

Merry chuckled, thrusting back in hard, eliciting a moan from the young hobbit. "Better?"

"Yes!" Pippin wailed. "Oh, don't stop Merry! Do it harder!"

"I have no intentions of stopping," Merry snickered. "Hm, you feel so good Pippin."

Merry's hips pumped furiously at an unbelievable speed, making Pippin scream until his throat was sore. Sweat broke out all over Pippin's body as his cock throbbed painfully. He longed for release from the sweet agony, and he reached down to stroke himself only to have Merry bat his hand away. Pippin pouted but smiled when Merry nipped at his lips.

"Tsk, tsk, love," Merry chuckled. "Patience is a virtue." His eyes darkened with lust. "I'm going to mount you."

A growl surged in Merry's throat as he pulled out of Pippin, flipping him onto his belly and bringing him up on his hands and knees before ramming back in. The force jerked the young hobbit forward roughly, and Merry dug his nails into Pippin's hips to keep him from flying forward. Pippin could hardly believe the strength of the hobbit behind him but, then again, Merry wasn't an ordinary hobbit.

"Am I hurting you?" Merry groaned.

"No," Pippin mewled. Over and over his sweet spot was struck. "Oh yes! Oh—hm—hm—ugh—"

Pippin's head jerked as Merry's fangs sank back into him. This time it seemed to mount the pleasure spreading over his body. The land around him was becoming blurry, and it was becoming harder to keep himself up as his limbs began to grow lax.

"Merry! Merry!" Pippin chanted as climax drew near. "I love you!"

Merry sank his teeth in further, drinking the dwindling amount of blood left in Pippin. The young hobbit's mouth flew open in a silent scream as spasms racked over his body, and his seed spurted onto the ground. After shocks came over his body and darkness settled over his eyes.

Pippin woke to a coppery liquid draining into his mouth. There was a terrible hunger pang in his belly, and the liquid helped ease the pain. The young hobbit's eyes flew open to view Merry hovering over him, keeping his wrist positioned over Pippin's mouth. He was drinking Merry's blood. Pippin pulled away, raising his hands to touch his teeth, finding sharp tips.

"How do you feel?" Merry asked, cuddling closer to Pippin. "I hope I didn't cause you much harm."

"A little but it turned very enjoyable," Pippin sighed. "So—I'm like you now?"

"Yes," Merry answered, grinning widely. "You are immortal and will spend eternity by my side as my mate. We are bound together by blood."

Pippin smirked and playfully knocked Merry onto his back, straddling his hips, grinding his rear over Merry's penis.

"My, you're a frisky one," Merry chuckled.

"It seems you are too," Pippin giggled. "You're growing hard again."

Merry tugged at Pippin's head, bringing him down to a fiery kiss. Their tongues slid together, tasting each other's blood while Merry's hands roamed to Pippin's rear, giving the cheeks a good squeeze. Merry pressed his erection into Pippin's tight opening and thrust up hard. Pippin broke away from the kiss to gasp. The young hobbit placed his hands on the ground to give himself leverage as he rode Merry's cock.

Above in the treetops, Frodo watched the two. He leaned back when he felt another form press up against him and cool breath blowing over his cheek.

"Good evening Sam," Frodo stated. "Find a good meal?"

"It was suitable enough," Sam answered, pulling Frodo tighter to his chest. "What's going on here?"

"Merry has found himself a mate," Frodo chuckled. "I suppose he's made a good choice. It's about time he found one. He's been lonely for so long."

"The young one is pretty, but not as pretty as you Frodo," Sam murmured, rubbing Frodo's thighs.

"Hm, let's return to our dwelling," Frodo groaned, arching into Sam's chest at the teasing touch. "I don't want those two hearing us carry on as such. Besides, it will be daylight soon."

"As you wish love," Sam answered.

The two darted off as heated moans echoed in the air.


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