
We had been practicing our dance routine for about an hour now. We were all sweaty, even with the air conditioner going. I decided to remove my shirt. I was wearing my sparkly white exercize bra, so it's not like I was indecent or anything. Still, as Orlando watched me remove my shirt, I could tell it was turning him on. I turned to look at him and he smiled and tried to ignore the way he was feeling right then. I still had on my hip-high white leather pants, and ankle-high suede white boots. Orlando was wearing a white shirt that looked like it was ripped across the front. It was sexy and yet classy. He also had white leather pants on. "Well, lets get practicing" I said. We turned the music back on and got to work. We faced to the left with Orlando standing behind me. There was a hip-roll, and a pelvic thrust forward, in this move. As I began the next move, I felt Orlando's hands on my hips! He pulled himself right up against my ass!! I could feel his throbbing dick up against me! I put my hands on top of his hands on my hips! I closed my eyes and laid my head back onto his right shoulder. He kissed me on the left side of my neck! His hips began to move in a circular motion behind me, rubbing his hard dick up against me! I slid my hands off of his hands, to his sides, to his ass and squeezed his nice firm ass!! "MMMMMMMM" He whispered. Orlando took his right hand and slid it in front of me to my pussy! He rubbed up and down on my pants over my pussy! I got so wet!! With the other hand, Orlando unzipped my pants and slid his hand into my thong! I couldn't help it, I gushed all over his hand! He bit my earlobe and whispered "niiiice". He used my juices to slide his fingers from my clit down into my pussy! Up and down went his fingers sliding in and out of me, up from my clit and back down into my pussy! I breathed heavily, trying not to be too loud. He slid his fingers out of my pussy, and turned me around to face him. He looked into my eyes and removed his shirt, and threw it to the side. He gently pushed me back onto the floor next to his bed. He reached for the edges of my pants,took hold of them and slid them off of me! I unhitched my exercise bra and let it fall to the sides, exposing my tits and firmly erect nipples to him!! Orlando took his pants off and climbed ontop of me! His sweet sweat drove me crazy!!! I reached up and once again squeezed his ass!! He raked his tongue across my nipples as he pushed his hard dick up against my stomach! It was warm and pulsating!! He looked my into the eyes as he parted my wet pussy lips! I breathed with excitement! I had thought so many times about being FUCKED by Orlando, but I never thought it would happen!! We had been friends for a long time, and I didn't think he saw me that way! I guess I was wrong, but I'm glad I was!! During all our practices, I was careful not to let him catch me looking at him as he moved in certain positions! Sometimes we would practice in sweats. Orlando would wear a jock-strap underneath. As we moved together I could see the outline of his dick and his ass!! I knew he was well endowed and awesomely muscular, and the thoughts I always had then would make me so wet that sometimes I would have to "take a break" to go relieve myself in the bathroom! Now I was wondering if during all his "breaks", if he was doing the same thing! He opened my pussy and thrust his dick inside! I was already so wet that he slid all the way in! I bit my lip hard, to keep from screaming out! His Mom was downstairs! She knew we were up here practicing as we usually did on Saturdays. I didn't want to give her any reason to start checking in on us! Orlando FUCKED ME FURIOUSLY as if he had been storing all his energy up just for this moment!!! He drove me crazy with passion as his dick rammed into my pussy!! I held onto his ass, helping him to shove deep into me!! My hips thrust upwards, meeting his with every push! I climaxed and arched my back as I came! Orlando took my tit in his mouth and sucked it as my orgasm sent me into a sexual frenzy!! As my orgasm subsided, I whispered "OMG Orlando!!!" He responded with a deep forceful thrust into my pussy! I moaned again! We were FUCKING harder now, heavy breathing and moaning is all we could hear..or WANTED to hear! We were so busy FUCKING that we didn't hear the door open quietly, or the figure quietly sit on the edge of the bed watching us! Orlando rolled his hips and thrust in and out of my pussy! HE FELT SO DAMN GOOD!!! Another orgasm hit! I started to scream-out because it felt so FUCKING GOOD!!!! Orlando immediately clasped his hand over my mouth, and kept FUCKING ME!!! My eyes rolled into the back of my head!! I slid my hands up Orlando's sweaty back! He had so many delicious muscles to feel on! We were thoroughly enjoying eachother when we heard the bed creak! We looked up to see Elijah sitting there watching us and stroking his hard cock through his jeans! I was a little startled at knowing Elijah had seen us like this! Orlando didn't seem to care though! He just turned back to face me, and kept right on FUCKING me!! I was still looking at Elijah in shock! To get my attention back, Orlando gave me an almost painful deep thrust into my pussy!! "UH" I uttered, as I again looked into Orlando's eyes! He stuck his tongue out and began to lick me up my stomach! I tightened up with pleasure at this new sensation! Once again I hit an orgasm!!! I looked up at Orlando, and then at Elijah, as I gushed warm creamy liquid all over myself and Orlando too! Elijah was biting his lip! He had his dick in his hand and was jerking-off frantically, as he watched me being pleasured by Orlando!! Watching Elijah jerk-off, and with Orlando FUCKING me at the same time, I was brought to orgasm after orgasm!! "OMG!" I thought! "Will we do this at other practices now? Will Elijah tell anyone? Will Orlando's mom find out??? She'd kill me!" Then Orlando moaned as he shot into my already overly wet pussy!!!! He let colapse ontop of me as he let out a deep breath. We were both exhausted! Elijah went to the bathroom to clean himself up. Orlando asked if I minded Elijah being there watching. "No, not really. It was weird at first, but when I saw him jerking-off, I got even more turned on!" I replied. "What! He was jerking-off in front of you??? U saw him??" Orlando seemed a little angry. I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. "Hey! Orlando! It's ok....can u blame him??" Orlando looked down "No.....I guess not" He said. Then we heard his mom coming up the stairs calling out "Hey, I have fresh baked cookies if anyone wants some". Elijah appeared out of the bathroom. Orlando quickly handed me my clothes and started putting his on! I ran to the bathroom! His mom knocked once then opened the door and walked in. "Did u hear me?" she asked. "Yes, that would be great" Orlando spoke up with a smile. "Where's Dana?" she asked as she looked around the room. "She's in the bathroom" Elijah declared. "Oh" Orlando's mom said as she left the room. On her way down the stairs she called out "I'll be right up with the cookies!" After I had cleaned up, I came out of the bathroom....looking half way embarassed and not looking at anyone. I walked over to the window and looked out. Orlando came up behind me. He put his arms around me and whispered "You ok?" "Yeah" I replied,still not turning around. A moment later Orlando's mom appeared with a tray of cookies and 3 glasses of milk. She set them on the table. "Here's some cookies for everyone" she stated. "Thank you" I said as I turned around. She smiled and shut the door as she left the room. I sat down backwards on a chair with my arms folded on the back of it. Orlando looked at me and grinned. I grinned back. He walked over to me and kissed me!...tongue and all!! My heart was pounding! Then he handed me a cookie. I laughed as I said "Thank you". We started giggling and talking about what had just happened. Orlando admitted that he'd been thinking about Fucking me for awhile now, but the time just never seemed right. Then he snapped jokingly at Elijah!.."and what the hell are you doing watching us!?" Elijah laughed "Oh, like I'm supposed to walk into your room, see you FUCKING a beautiful girl and just turn around and walk out?!" "Yes!" Orlando said " your Mom wouldn't have asked me what was wrong and why I was leaving so soon" Elijah retorted "Oh, had'nt thought of that" Orlando laughed....."That's all I need ...for my Mom to walk in and see my dick sliding into Dana!" he laughed "OOPS! I slipped and fell and my dick just got stuck there!" "Yeah, she'd really believe THAT one!" we all laughed at Orlando's comments. After a little bit, I told them this practice was over and I was going home to shower and take a nap. "Ok", Orlando said as he stood up. We hugged and kissed for a few minutes. I smiled at him as I walked out of the room. "See you at school Monday", Orlando called out. "You sure will" I yelled back. All I could think about now, was........what will our next practice be like!.............
