Different Quizzes Mostly LOTR related

Orlando Bloom: you like them dead sexy, with an
orgasmic accent and looks. *drool*

Which guy are you destined to have sex with?
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Woohooo! You got the one thing we all want! Orli
couldn't resist your charms and here he is
putting his shorts back on after your wild love
romp. Lucky you! Tell me, what did he say at
the big finale? He speaks French you know. I
wonder what "OUI! OUI!" sounds like
with a British accent?? I'll go away so you
and he can relax. Grab him quick, before he
gets dressed!

How naked would Orli (Orlando Bloom) get for you?
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You are a Slash Freak. Someone says
"guys" and you think
"Nude". You may have earned yourself
a name on the net but now it would be a good
idea to tear yourself away from your computer
and get a life.

How obcessed with LOTR Slash are you?
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Which Merry (LOTR) are you?

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You speak like Dom! I will now label you goofy,
naughty, and pervy.

Which LotR male cast member do you sound like?
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Merry is your love slave! Oh wow! You got a wild
one here! But wait!! Ain't that Pippin hiding
under the bed??

Which Hobbit Is Your Love Slave?
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Payday. Look at all that peanutty goodness.

What kind of candy bar is meant for you?
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Umm, okay, you are Aragorn..... One suggestion? get a shrink or something for that ADD.
YEAH... It's pretty bad. heh heh

Which Cynical Lord of the Rings Character Are You?
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...you are casually dangerous...you just lie back and let you victims come to you....

what kind of DANGEROUS WOMAN are you?
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Re-did one and heres what I got!!! LOL

You speak like Billy! I will now label you witty,
Scottish, and the perfect Pippin.

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your destiny lies towards pirates of the
caribbean!!! great job!!!

are you destined to love lord of the rings or pirates of the caribbean
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You are Captain Jack Sparrow. You love to drink rum
and you walk around like you live wherever you
happen to be. You are a very dishonest person
and therefore you can be trusted to be
dishonest, honestly... You are very clever and
never forgive people if they betray you. You
are also very agile (good for climbing up ropes
and standing on the masts of sinking boats).

Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?

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You are a complete LotR freak! you spend almost all
your time doing anything that has something to
do with LotR. You know all the details of both
the books and the movies.

how obsessed with LotR are you?
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You have so got the johnny fever! u r just like

Are you a Johnny Depp Fan??? :-P
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HUGE fan of Johnny right?
BRILLIANT! very good you are almost as good as
me...CONGRATULATIONS!!! you know almos
everything about my boyfriend (lol...i'll share
him if you want ;)..just kidding) excellent!

Do you know the personal infor about Johnny Depp?
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You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

You are Don Juan From "Don Juan De Marco."

Woobaby! You are Don Juan - dark and handsome, and the world's greatest lover. Some people find you to be a bit insane (or is that insanely sexy?). While you may not be playing with all 52 cards, don't let that get you down - you're a true romantic at heart.
Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!

This shot was not meant for you
the benfit of the doubt usually but when it
comes down to it you place yourself on top and
do what you have to to keep it that way.

Which Of CAPTAIN Jack Sparrows Lesser Noted Quotes Are You??
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You go dude! Legolas is totaly you! Although watch
out Gimli might pick a fight cuz your and elf.

Are you more like Pippin, Legalos, or Merry?
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You are an owl! Lucky you. You smart person you! good job
Wow, you're an owl. You are too smart 4 me! good

!!WHaT KiND oF HaRRy POtTEr CReATuRE aRE yOU????!!
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You're Haldir!

Which of Peter Jackson's LotR Abominations Are You?
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You are his... Shexy Stare. This is really self-
explanatory, but I'll admit that those eyes
sure have an inviting look to them! ^_~ SHEXY!

Which Facial Expression of Jack Sparrow's Are You?
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Yes, you passed with flying colors, well, it's a
figure of speech (if you had had on flying
colors, you probibly would have died). You
really used tact and poise to make your way
through the smelly, messy, drunk crowd at the
Prancing Pony, congraulations! Oh and on the
side, you are either a shifty, smart, and well
adapting Elf, or a Human with much more cool
than most.

One night at the Prancing Pony...
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YOU ARE A RON-A-HOLIC! Congrats, you know a lot about Ron Weasly/Rupert

The Ron Weasly/Rupert Grint Quiz!
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You are Elrond, keeper of Vilya.

Which of the bearers of the Elven Rings of Power are you?
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You are his sword:
The strong quick blade of steel so bright
With you he did love to fight.

Which of Boromir's posessions are you? (LOTR, of course...)
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Your pirate name is:
Iron Jenny Flint
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you are that person. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

You are Cinderella! You are unique and loving.

~*Which Disney Princess Are You?*~
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According to our research, the origin of the name Gadberry is English and the Coat of Arms contains A red shield with a fess vair gold and black between three silver goat's heads.
We have written an 1800-word history on Gadberry. A small excerpt from this Gadberry family history:
Spelling variations include: Cadbury, Cabbury, Cadbery, Cadberry, Cadburie, Cadebury and many more.
First found in Cadbury where they were anciently seated as Lords of the Manor.
Some of the first settlers of this name or some of its variants were: Joel Cadbury who arrived in New York State in 1853.


You are Daydreamer! Daydreamer is earthly, and
spiritual. She spends her days running through
fields and viewing the world with rose-tinted
glasses. She's known as the hippie of the pony
herd, and always has great ideas for any
creative project! :)

What Custom My Little Pony Would You Be?
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You represent... anger.
You represent... anger. Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to...
freak out easily. Overly emotional about
everything, you're most prone to bouts of
cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be
afraid of the fact that you explode so easily,
but at least you're honest... even if you're
honest about not liking anything.

What feeling do you represent?
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What Jurassic Park Predator are YOU?
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You survived!
You survived!

Would you survive Jurassic Park?
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Celeste: You spend a lot of time concentrating on
your spirituality. Celeste in Latin means
heavenly. Whether your belief is in God, a
Goddess or inner peace, you strive to achieve
peace. Celestial, divine, sublime, harmonious
enchanting: you relate to all of these things.

What Type of Amy Brown Fairy are You?
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you are verry cherry !!! The all time MOST popular
flavor of Jelly Belly bean, then and now. Very
doesnt begin to describe the amount of cherry
flavor that bursts forth with each bite. Its
the reason life really is a bowl of cherries.

what jelly belly are you ?
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Your anime hair color is green.

What is your anime hair color?
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Rikku is who you're most like! You are outgoing and
funny...and are most likely afarid of

What Final Fantasy 10 Character are you?
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Bring Me To Life

*What Song by Evanescence are You?*
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You are... Shapeshifter/Sword!
Good: Can shift to many wonderful attacking
Bad: Can't use magic to attack other

Good: Fast, short, and light weapon
Bad: Range is kind of bad...

Which Magic-weilder/Weapon combination are you?
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The right Vin character for you is Dominic from The
Fast and the Furious. He's one hell of a sexy
man. He's all about his cars...He lives one
quarter of a mile at a time. Take a sexy man
and put him next to a sexy car...damn...that's
a lot of sexy shit goin on. Wouldn't you like
to be the girl he bangs against the car in the
movie? I'd let him man-handle me all he wants.
Oh yeah.

Which character played by Vin Diesel is right for you?
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100!! CONGRATULATIONS! very good =D

Johnny Depp's Movies and characters...now them all?
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