Chapter 1

Dana was in the music store looking at CDs. She was new in town, and all her music was still packed away. She was looking for something to listen to while she unpacked. Fumbling through the RNB section, she came across "Montel Jordan's" CD "This Is How We Do It". It was one of Dana's favorite songs. Holding the CD in her hand, and looking up, her eyes met the most gorgeous set of deep blue eyes she had EVER seen!! For a moment, all she could do was stare! The owner of these eyes, smiled at her. She sheepishly smiled back. "What have you got there?", the voice behind the eyes, asked. "This Is How We Do It", she answered. "hmmmmm, don't think I've heard that one", he replied. Just then, the owner of the shop walked up and asked if they needed any help. "I think I found what I was looking for", Dana said. "Would you like me to play it for you over the store intercom system, so that you can make sure that you found what you were looking for?", the owner asked. "Sure" Dana replied. The owner took the CD to the store office. Suddenly the store owner appeared again. "Uh, I just got an emergency phone call, and I have to leave for just a moment. The CD should start playing any second now. I'm going to lock the store up until I get back. You're welcome to stay in here while I'm gone if you want to, but you'll be locked in until I return", he said. "Fine with me" Dana and the blue eyed guy said at the same time. They all laughed. The store owner left, and the music began to play...LOUDLY!! Dana began to sway her hips to the rhythm, as she fumbled through more CDs. "What's your name?" came the question from the blue-eyed guy. "Dana...what's yours?" Dana asked. "I'm Elijah", the guy said. They both smiled. Dana was really starting to get into the music now! She was rolling her hips and running her fingers through her hair! Dana began to move erotically with her dance moves! Elijah watched every movement of her sexy tight body!! Dana closed her eyes, and bit her lip as she let her hands roam her body as she danced...rolling her hips and going down to the floor and back up again, flipping her hair! Elijah noticed an increasing swelling coming from his pants! He was getting really turned on by the sight occurring before him!! Dana opened her eyes to see Elijah watching her every move! The look in his eyes was burning desire! Dana was feeling it too! Elijah rubbed his throbbing dick through his pants!! Dana couldn't help but notice how huge and hard it was!! She wondered if this gorgeous guy knew how to use it to please her the way she liked to be pleased! Seeing him run his fingers along his dick, made Dana extremely wet! She almost moaned with excitement as he looked at her!!

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