
Title: Toys
Author: Roz
Completed: yes
Pairing: M/P
Slash: yes totally
Rating: NC-17
Genre: kink, toys and hobbit sex.
Summary: Pippin decides to pleasure himself but things don't go quite as he plans…..and then Merry shows up.

Pippin gave a soft groan and pressed a finger inside himself, the oil he had coated his hand with making it easier. Another finger stretching and massaging, a third and he moaned slightly against the intrusion.

A few thrusts of his finger and then Pippin with drew them and wiped them on his bed sheets.

The thing sat gleaming from the oil he had coated it with, Pippin raised himself up and pressed the tip of the thing to his opening. Slowly he sat down upon it, getting used to the feeling of being filled and stretched, the queer pain it brought him.

Soon though the pain had disappeared and Pippin sat down upon it completely, taking all of it inside of him.

Suddenly his whole body felt like it was on fire, he tingled all over, his legs trembled and then gave out beneath him and he was pitched foreword.

It took him a few moments to capture his breath, Pippin tried to sit up but it happened again and his lower half became a trembling mass. Pippin grabbed the bed sheets and clenched it in his hands as spasms of pleasure wrecked his body.

A few more moments and, with his legs still trembling, Pippin reached behind himself to tug the thing from inside himself, but all the oil he had used had made it too slippery and when he had pulled it slid back to hit that spot inside him that left Pippin digging his hands into the mattress and begging for release.

He tried rolling over in hopes that the thing would be easier to pull out but rolling only caused pain so he lay on his front sweat rolling down his back, the thing buried deep inside him and his body weak and trembling.

And that was how Merry found him only moments later, he had come to see if the noises his cousin had been making had been from pain or if he had a lass in the room he wouldn't mind sharing with Merry.

But the site of Pippin beautiful and moaning in the throws of his bitter sweet pleasure made Merry forget all about lasses, it was deeply arousing sight especially when Pippin turned his head and licked those plump red lips of his, eyes half glazed from arousal.

"Take it out Merry, please" his voice was husky and he bucked his hips in a most enticing manner, Merry bolted the door and crossed to the bed. Intent upon helping Pippin he pushed the boy's legs apart and began to with draw the toy Pippin had been pleasuring himself with.

Pippin mewled softly and Merry felt a delicious felling in his stomach, he thrust the toy back into Pippin. Pippin gave a husky cry and looked back over his shoulder at Merry with wide eyes, Merry lent forward to kiss his shoulder blade and whispered

"If this was what you wanted Pippin, you should have come to me I'd have gladly given it to you"

Pippin's eyes grow wider still and he opened his mouth but what ever he had in mind to stay died on his lips and became a strangled cry of his cousin's name as Merry moved the toy, thrusting in and out.

Merry rubbed him self through his breaches, thrilling to the sounds of his name on Pippin's lips and the way the younger hobbit writhed beneath him, digging his nails into the bed and panting hard.

Pippin looked back over his shoulders and licked his lips again, this time as an invite.

"Take it out Merry" he sighed "take it out and you be in me"

Merry didn't need to hear anything else, with one hand he withdrew the toy and throw it somewhere no longer caring as with his other had he unlaced his breaches and positioned himself at Pippin's opening.

Pippin felt the thing being withdrawn and whimpered a little at losing the wonderful feelings inside of him, but then he was filled again with something much warm and bigger than the toy had been and the fire in his belly rekindled.

He moaned Merry's name and pushed back upon his cock eager to take every inch of Merry inside of him, Merry groaned and grasped Pippin's hips, thrusting forward deeper into him, Pippin gasped and then cried out in pleasure as one of Merry's hands left his hip and slid under it to grasp his erection and pump it in time with his thrusts.

Pippin groaned and rocked his hips "Merry! Merry" he moaned and tightened around his cousins cock as he spilled his seed into Merry's hand, Merry throw his head back as he thrust one last time into Pippin's willing body and spilled inside of him.

He pulled out and rolled on to his side, pulling Pippin to him and kissing the young Took, a kiss which Pippin responded to with great enthusiasm.

"I'll ask you nest time Merry, I promise" he said ernestly before laying his head on Merry's chest and closing his eyes, presently his breathing shallowed and Merry realised he was asleep.

Merry grinned bemusedly, so Pippin meant for there to be a next time….well Merry certainly wasn't going to object, he kissed his new lovers curls and closed his own eyes falling into a blissful sleep filled with all the new things he and Pippin could do together.

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