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About Ashes!

Hi everyone! As you can see my first web page is starting to get up and running. (Giving myself a moment to cheer) (Oh by the way, in the picture, I'm the one in the hat closest to the camera, that was taken last night (5/2/03) at the Lindale Tx. Rodeo!)

My name is Ashley Martin, I am 15 years old, and as I said before, this is my first web-page ever! (Messa I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have your help! I felt like such an idiot. lol) I have been homeschooled all my life, and I am in the 9/10 grade, unlike some homeschoolers I know, my favorite subject is NOT math, but writing and reading!!!

Anyway, I go to Community Presbyterian Church, in which my Grandaddy preaches, and my Nana playes the piano. (

I have two brothers and one sister; my sister is 13, My older brother is 16, (Yay! I get rides to the mall/theater!) And my youngest brother is 8, and being at that age, very annoying!

I am currently writing my first official fanfiction, (some of them being thrown away before the first chapter ended) which by the support of all my friends from the DQ message board, is coming along. (Hayley and Messa and Gina y'all are the best!) The story is called "Dreams of Hope". Though I'm not near finished with it yet, I have put it on this site for your enjoyment, and I should finish it sometime this year.

Some of my favorite things to do are, chat with all my friends, hang out on the Dr Quinn message board, go to scheduled chat on the Dr Quinn site, and anything else to do with Dr Quinn, ummmmm besides Dr Quinn stuff, along with my friend Mandy I like croc hunter (G'day mate!) hehe (insider), and I love to read a WHOLE lot, I like to play raquet ball and run in the mornings at the athletic club, ummm I love to chat with my friends (I will always like to do that) And, when I feel like it I like to do arts and crafts. And I also like to call my cousins. (Libby, Anna, Vick, Lydia, etc) I have recently been pursuing modeling and acting. Both which have fell out from under me but I'm not giving up!!! (Melissa we are SO going to get that part with Jane ;)) Anyway, my favorite movies/shows consist of Ice Age, Gone With the Wind, Monsters INC, Shrek, The Core, The Emporer's New Groove, Rode to Eldorado, The Sound Of Music, (The Hills are aliiiiive with the sound of muuuuuusic! Mandy hehe) 24, JAG, Dr Quinn, 7th Heaven, Borrowed Hearts, lets see........I'm sure there are others, but it's still early and my mind is still But I think that's all there is to know about me, except for the fact I stand 5'8", I have blue eyes and blonde hair....Ok Ok Enough rambling! I guess that is all, e-mail me your comments about my site, (e-mail address below) God Bless America!!

Lotsa hugggss!
