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List Of Episodes (seasons 1-6)

In order the way they aired!

Season 1

1. 1/1/93 Premiere/Pilot (2 hours)

2. 1/2/93 Epidemic

3. 1/9/93 The Visitor

4. 1/16/93 Law of the Land

5. 1/23/93 The Healing

6. 1/30/93 Father's Day

7. 2/6/93 Bad Water

8. 2/13/93 Great American Medicine Show

9. 2/20/93 The Cowboy's Lullaby

10. 2/27/93 Running Ghost

11. 3/13/93 The Prisoner

12. 3/27/93 Happy Birthday

13. 4/10/93 Rite of Passage

14. 5/1/93 Heroes

15. 5/8/93 The Operation

16. 5/15/93 The Secret

17. 5/22/93 Portraits

Season 2

1. 9/25/93 The Race

2. 10/2/93 Sanctuary

3. 10/30/93 Halloween

4. 11/6/93 The Incident

5. 11/13/93 Saving Souls

6. 11/20/93 Where the Heart Is (2 hours)

7. 11/27/93 Giving Thanks

8. 12/4/93 Best Friends

9. 12/11/93 Sully's Choice

10. 12/18/93 A Christmas Tale - Dr. Mike's Dream

11. 1/1/94 Crossing the Line

12. 1/8/94 The Offering

13. 1/15/94 The Circus

14. 1/22/94 Another Woman

15. 1/29/94 The Orphan Train

16. 2/5/94 The Buffalo Soldiers

17. 3/5/94 Luck of the Draw

18. 3/12/94 Life and Death

19. 3/26/94 The First Circle

20. 4/9/94 Just One Lullaby

21. 4/30/94 The Abduction (2 hours)

22. 5/7/94 The Campaign

23. 5/14/94 The Man in The Moon

24. 5/21/94 Return Engagement (2 hours)

Season 3

1. 9/24/94 The Train

2. 10/1/94 Fathers and Sons

3. 10/8/94 The Cattle Drive - Part I

4. 10/15/94 The Cattle Drive - Part II

5. 10/22/94 The Library

6. 10/29/94 Halloween II

7. 11/5/94 A Washington Affair (2 hours)

8. 11/12/94 Money Trouble

9. 11/19/94 Thanksgiving

10. 11/26/94 Ladies' Night - Part I

11. 12/3/94 Ladies' Night - Part II

12. 12/10/94 A First Christmas

13. 1/7/95 The Indian Agent

14. 1/14/95 The End of the World

15. 1/28/95 Pike's Peace

16. 2/4/95 Cooper VS. Quinn (2 hours)

17. 2/11/95 What Is Love?

18. 2/18/95 The Things My Father Never Gave Me

19. 2/25/95 Baby Outlaws

20. 3/11/95 Bone Of Contention

21. 4/8/95 Permanence of Change

22. 4/29/95 Washita (2 hours)

23. 5/6/95 Sully's Recovery

24. 5/13/95 Ready or Not

25. 5/20/95 For Better or Worse (2 hours)

Season 4

1. 9/23/95 A New Life

2. 9/30/95 Travelling All Stars

3. 10/7/95 Mothers and Daughters

4. 10/14/95 Brother's Keeper

5. 10/28/95 Halloween III

6. 11/4/95 Dorothy's Book

7. 11/11/95 Promises, Promises

8. 11/18/95 The Expedition (2 hours)

9. 11/25/95 One Touch of Nature

10. 12/9/95 Hell On Wheels

11. 12/16/95 Fifi's First Christmas

12. 1/6/96 Change of Heart

13. 1/13/96 Tin Star

14. 1/20/96 If You Love Somebody

15. 1/27/96 The Iceman Cometh

16. 2/3/96 Dead or Alive - Part I

17. 2/10/96 Dead or Alive - Part II

18. 2/17/96 Deal With The Devil

19. 2/24/96 Eye For An Eye

20. 3/9/96 Hearts and Minds

21. 3/23/96 Reunion

22. 4/6/96 Woman Of The Year

23. 4/13/96 Last Chance

24. 4/27/96 Fear Itself

25. 5/4/96 One Nation

26. 5/11/96 When A Child Is Born - Part I

27. 5/18/96 When A Child Is Born - Part II

Season 5

1. 9/21/96 Runaway Train

2. 9/28/96 Having It All

3. 10/5/96 Malpractice

4. 10/12/96 All That Glitters

5. 10/19/96 Los Americanos

6. 10/26/96 Last Dance

7. 11/2/96 Right or Wrong

8. 11/9/96 Remember Me

9. 11/16/96 Legend

10. 11/23/96 Tempest

11. 12/7/96 Separate But Equal

12. 12/14/96 A Place To Die

13. 12/21/96 Season of Miracles

14. 1/11/97 The Dam

15. 1/25/97 Farewell Appearance

16. 2/1/97 The Most Fatal Disease

17. 2/8/97 Colleen's Paper

18. 2/15/97 Between Friends/A House Divided (2 hours)

19. 2/22/97 Hostage

20. 4/5/97 The Body Electric

21. 4/12/97 Before the Dawn

22. 4/26/97 Starting Over

23. 5/3/97 His Father's Son

24. 5/10/97 Moment of Truth - Part I

25. 5/17/97 Moment of Truth - Part II

Season 6

1. 9/27/97 Reason to Believe

2. 10/4/97 All That Matters

3. 10/11/97 A Matter of Conscience

4. 10/18/97 Comfort of Friends

5. 10/25/97 Wave Goodbye

6. 11/1/97 A Place Called Home

7. 11/8/97 Lead Me Not

8. 11/15/97 A Time to Heal - Part I

9. 11/22/97 A Time to Heal - Part II

10. 12/6/97 Civil Wars

11. 12/13/97 Safe Passage

12. 12/20/97 The Homecoming

13. 2/28/97 Point Blank

14. 3/7/98 Seeds of Doubt

15. 3/21/98 7 Kinds of Lonely

16. 4/4/98 Life in the Balance

17. 4/11/98 Happily Ever After

18. 4/18/98 Birdman

19. 4/25/98 Vengeance

20. 5/2/98 To Have and to Hold

21. 5/9/98 The Fight

22. 5/16/98 A New Beginning

The way they *should* have aired:

Season 1 (season premiere - Jan. 2, 1993) (21 weeks) (17 episodes)

1) The Pilot - 2 parts (Pilot)

2) The Epidemic (Epidemic)

3) Cowboy's Lullaby (CL)

4) The Visitor (TV)

5) The Prisoner (Prisoner)

6) The Great American Medicine Show (GAMS)

7) Father's Day (FD)

8) Law of the Land (LOTL)

9) The Healing (Healing)

10) Bad Water (BW)

11) Running Ghost (RG)

12) Happy Birthday (HB)

13) Rite of Passage (ROP)

14) Heroes (Heroes)

15) The Operation (Operation)

16) The Secret (Secret)

17) Portraits (Portraits)

Season 2 (season premiere - 9/25/93 ) (35 weeks) (24 episodes)

18) The Race (TR)

19The Offering (TO)

20) Saving Souls (SS)

21) Sanctuary (Sanctuary)

22Orphan Train (OT)

23) Halloween (H-1)

24) The Incident (Incident)

25) Where the Heart Is - 2 parts (WTHI)

26) Giving Thanks (GT)

27) Best Friends (BF)

28) Sully's Choice (SC)

29) Dr. Mike's Dream - A Christmas Tale (DMD-ACT)

30) Crossing the Line (CTL)

31) The Circus (Circus)

32) Buffalo Soldiers (BS)

33) Another Woman (AW)

34) Luck of the Draw (LOTD)

35) Life and Death (LAD)

36) First Circle (FCi)

37) Just one Lullaby (JOL)

38) The Abduction - 2 parts (TA)

39) The Campaign (Campaign)

40) Man in the Moon (MITM)

41) Return Engagement - 2 parts (RE)

Season 3 (season premiere - 9/24/94) (35 weeks) (23 episodes)

42) The Train (Train)

43) Fathers and Sons (FAS)

44) Ladies' Night - 2 parts (LN)

45) Cattle Drive - 2 parts (CD)

46) Bone of Contention (BOC)

47) Halloween II (H-2)

48) The Library (Library)

49) Money Trouble (MT)

50) Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving)

51) A Washington Affair - 2 parts (WA)

52) First Christmas (FC)

53) Indian Agent (IA)

54) The End of the World (TEOTW)

55) Pike's Peace (PP)

56) Cooper vs. Quinn - 2 parts (CvsQ)

57) What is Love (WIL)

58) Things My Father Never Gave Me (TMFNGM)

59) Baby Outlaws (BO)

60) Permanence of Change (POC)

61) Washita - 2 parts (Washita)

62) Sully's Recovery (SR)

63) Ready or Not (RON)

64) For Better or For Worse - 2 parts (FBOFW)

Season 4 (season premiere - 9/30/95) (35 weeks) (25 episodes)

65) A New Life (ANL)

66) Traveling All-Stars (TAS)

67) Mothers and Daughters (MAD)

68) Brother's Keeper (BK)

69) Halloween III (H-3)

70) Dorothy's Book (DB)

71) Promises, Promises (PrPr)

72) The Expedition - 2 parts (Expedition)

73) One Touch of Nature (OTON)

74) Hell on Wheels (HOW)

75) Fifi's First Christmas (FFC)

76) Change of Heart (COH)

77) Tin Star (TS)

78) If You Love Someone (IYLS)

79) The Iceman Cometh (IC)

80) Dead or Alive - 2 parts (DOA)

81) Deal with the Devil (DWTD)

82) Eye for an Eye (EFAE)

83) Hearts and Minds (HAM)

84) The Reunion (Reunion)

85) Woman of the Year (WOTY)

86) Last Chance (LC)

87) Fear Itself (FI)

88) One Nation (ON)

89) When a Child is Born - 2 parts (WACIB)

Season 5 (season premiere - 9/28/96) (37 weeks) (24 episodes)

90) Runaway Train (RT)

91) Having it All (HIA)

92) Malpractice (Malpractice)

93) All that Glitters (ATG)

94) Los Americanos (LA)

95) Last Dance (LD)

96) Right or Wrong (ROW)

97) Remember Me? (RM)

98) The Legend (Legend)

99) The Tempest (Tempest)

100) Separate, but Equal (SBE)

101) A Place to Die (APTD)

102) Season of Miracles (SOM)

103) The Dam (Dam)

104) Farewell Appearance (FA)

105) The Most Fatal Disease (TMFD)

106) Colleen's Paper (CP)

107) Between Friends/House Divided - 2 parts (BtF/HD)

108) Hostage (Hostage)

109) The Body Electric (TBE)

110) Before the Dawn (BTD)

111) Starting Over (SO)

112) His Father's Son (HFS)

113) Moment of Truth - 2 parts (MOT)

Season 6 (season premiere - 9/27/97) (34 weeks) (21 episodes)

*note - there was an 8-week hiatus including 4 weeks for Magnificent 7 and 3 weeks for the 1998 Winter Olympics, plus 1 week for an Angela Lansbury Christmas Special which interrupted the normal running of the season.

114) Reason to Believe (RTB)

115) All That Matters (ATM)

116) A Matter of Conscience (AMOC)

117) Comfort of Friends (COF)

118) Wave Goodbye (WG)

119) A Place Called Home (APCH)

120) Lead Me Not (LMN)

121) A Time to Heal - 2 parts (ATTH)

122) Birdman (Birdman)

123) Civil Wars (CW)

124) Safe Passage (SP)

125) The Homecoming (Homecoming)

126) 7 Kinds of Lonely (7KOL)

127) Seeds of Doubt (SOD)

128) Happily Ever After (HEA)

129) Life in the Balance (LITB)

130) Point Blank (PB)

131) Vengeance (Vengeance or Legend II)

132) To Have and to Hold (THATH)

133) The Fight (Fight)

134) A New Beginning (ANB)