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Dreams Of Hope (chap 4)

Things were getting heated in the small baggage car. Preston still had the dreaded revolver pointed at Sully’s head from across the car.

“Preston what are you doin’?” Sully asked nervously, staring at the former banker.

“I think that would be pretty obvious Sully. It appears that I am fixing to shoot you, does is not?” Preston smiled that smudge smile that Sully and the rest of the townsfolk detested. Silence elapsed for minutes. Sully stared the man down, trying to find a weakness.

“Why are you doin’ this.” Sully questioned him, diverting his eyes toward the modern style revolver. “And how did you know what I was doin’ and where I was? I haven’t told anyone anything except my family about this.” His eyes darkened with anger as the banker threw his head back and laughed.

“That is my secret. You’ll be dead and I’ll finally be able to do my deeds for the townspeople of Colorado Springs without your interference! Mr. Cooper was right, revenge is sweet!” He finished, looking up at the ceiling with a satisfied grin on his face. ‘Cooper…the children’s last name…which could only mean…’ Sully’s head jerked up, “Ethan Cooper?!” Preston’s face went white.

“What do you know of Ethan Cooper?”

Sully straightened up to his full height in anger. “Ethan Cooper, the lying con man, the biological father to my children, the man that stole all the money from the church auction, the man who left his wife Charlotte Cooper, the man who tried to steal the heart of my wife, the man who tried to take *my* children from me. That is what I know of Ethan Cooper.” He finished, getting angrier by the second.

‘Sully, I love you. I’ll love you forever...I don’t know…if I can...make it, hurry Sully…it’s Ethan….’ Michaela’s words came back to him from his dream.

Sully’s eyes shot back to Preston who was cowering to the back of the car, he started shouting at the top of his lungs. “Ethan has Michaela!!! What has he done to her?! Where is she, tell me now!!!”

Preston’s face was growing whiter by the second and Sully grew angrier. The revolver grew limp in Preston’s hand. Sully looked down at it and decided to make a move to grab it. Preston grabbed it with both hands and tried to steady it; Sully took a step back.

“Give me the gun Preston.” He said firmly as he tried to move to grab it again. “N…, my part of this deal was that I got to get rid of you, and Mr. Cooper got Michaela. My end of the deal is far sweeter. I’ve been waiting a long time for this….” The sound of the gun cocking eerily echoed throughout the car.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

He looked down to the gun; Preston’s finger gripped the trigger. Everything was still a blur.

The car suddenly jolted, Sully looked out the window and realized what was happening. He looked ahead and saw train cars crashing and piling into each other. “Preston the train is coming off the tracks! Jump out!!!” Sully screamed above the screeching of the wheels.

Preston gave him an expressionless look. Another violent jolt made him fall to the ground hard making the gun go off. Sully tried to dodge the bullet, but from the impact of the jolt, he fell to his side. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and looked down to see blood oozing from his shirt sleeve. He looked up from his shoulder and the car started to tip to it’s side. Looking around he desperately searched for something to protect him from the crash, it was all happening so fast. One final jolt and the whole car was on it’s side, sliding through the open field. ‘Michaela…I love you…”


“Katie, must we keep playing these...checkers?”; Asked Cloud Dancing.

He and Katie had been playing checkers all day long. It had taken a couple of games for Cloud Dancing to figure out how the game was played, but after those games, Katie was up for some stiff competition.

“Cwoud Dancin, you’re gettin’ good! Why do ya wanna quite now?” Katie asked looking up at her elderly opponent.

“Katie you have won this game many times, and I have won it three times…” He started. Katie just gave him a “so what” glare and looked at the clock above the mantel piece.

“Well…I guess we can stop now, we gotta eat somthin’ anyway! See look at the clock! Poppy said when the biggest hand touches the one and the two, an’ the smallest hand touches the six means it’s time for supper!” She said smiling, proud that she could show off her most recent piece of information.

Cloud Dancing started looking uneasy. He expected Sully or one of the family to be home by that time. “What does your father give you to eat for…supper?” He asked her.

“Well, sometimes mama fixes chicken…but it isn’t always good. And sometimes we go to Ms. Gwace’s kitchen! She’s got good chicken!” Katie answered him.

‘Maybe I will meet Brian or Matthew in town…’ “Katie, would you like to eat at Grace’s for your supper?” Asked Cloud Dancing relieved that he didn’t have to do any cooking.

“Sure! Can I bwing my doll Annie pwease? She’ll be very good I promise!!” Katie asked with pleading eyes. Of course Cloud Dancing like Sully could never resist those adorable eyes, so he consented. After grabbing the Bostonian china doll they walked out to Cloud Dancing’s horse, mounted and started to ride into town.

Katie who was comfortably mounted in front of Cloud Dancing looked around the forest as her companion drove toward their destination.

“Cwoud Dancin’! Look!!” Katie called softly, pointing to a clearing in the forest. Cloud Dancing peered over to where she was pointing and saw a mother deer and her fawn.

“Would you like to go see them?” He asked. Katie nodded furiously and with some help, slid down off the horse.

“Be careful, do not scare them, they may run. Be very quiet.” He told his young charge. Katie looked at him, bent down and picked a few blades of grass and quietly tip-toed her way toward the clearing; the mother deer cautiously looked up when she heard small footsteps coming towards her and her baby. The doe didn’t bolt but just stood there, as if not quite knowing what to do. Katie timidly approached the pair and slowly lifted her hand to the young fawn. Cloud Dancing watched in awe as the fawn approached the little girl without hesitation ate from her hand. “Váótséva ma'heono hova, the deer is her spirit animal.” He quietly murmured to himself.

Katie looked back at Cloud Dancing with a solemn expression on her face. She sat down on the ground next to the deer, and the fawn came and nestled in Katie’s lap. She softly stroked the animal’s back and neck.

Cloud Dancing came behind Katie and sat down softly beside her.

“You’re father once told me that Brian befriended a fawn when he was your age.” Katie looked up at him intrigued. “Bwian had a baby deer?” She asked. “Yes. He found him when the fawn was hurt. He took him to your mother and she helped it. Your father told me that Brian named his deer after him.”Cloud Dancing smiled.

“What poppy’s name Cwoud Dancin?” She asked innocently looking down at her new friend.

“Byron.” Cloud Dancing told her quickly.

“Bywon?” She looked up at him again with a strange look on her face.

“Yes, your father said he never liked it much, he decided be called by his second name.”

“Oh I know what it is!! It’s like mine! Kathwine Elizabeth Sully! Mama calls me that when I’m in twouble.” She finished with an impish smile.

Cloud Dancing chuckled at her statement and looked around to enjoy the scenery. Katie looked back down at her friend but her head came up in an instant when the thought struck her. “Cwoud Dancin, since Bwian named his deer after Poppy, I’m gonna name my deer after Mama! Her name is gonna be Michaewa!” Katie finished, feeling very proud of herself.

Her companion looked at her with pride; “I like that name too,” He started. “Lets go into town now. I can see that you are hungry.” He finished.

Katie looked at her growling stomach. “Okay…” She answered reluctantly as she picked herself up. The fawn joined her mother as Katie followed Cloud Dancing back to the horse. Katie turned around for an instant. “Bye Michaewa.” She called softly.


Isabel looked at her charge with a tired sigh. Things had been scary the past couple of hours. Michaela had developed a high fever as a result of her head injury. The doctor had come and stayed with her until the fever finally broke.

“The fever didn’t last too long. So she shouldn’t have any side effect from that;” The doctor told her. “But regarding the head injury – there is a high possibility that this could result in mild amnesia.”

Isabel sighed again. Michaela’s face was changing from it’s deathly whiteness to a slight shade of pink.

“Where do you belong Mrs. Michaela Sully? Why have you been brought here?” She got up from her comfortable rocking chair and went over to the large, Victorian styled window seat.

“How is she?” Inquired a voice from behind her.

‘That man…’ She thought. “Mr. Cooper,” She started without changing her position. “I have no idea “how she is”. The doctor told me there could be mild amnesia.” She turned and looked him in the eye coldly. “Sir, what exactly is going on? Why is this lady here?”

Ethan looked at his maid with the same coldness. “Ms. Moore that is none of your concern: I assigned you to be Mrs. Sully’s chambermaid and that is all. Now be sure to give Mrs. Sully the best of care. I need to go back to work.” He left the room in a hurry. Isabel walked back to Michaela who seemed to be showing some signs of recovery.

“Mrs. Sully please wake up.” She looked toward the open door from where her employer exited. “I need to find out where you live so I can get you home where you belong.” As if on cue Michaela’s eyes shot open. Isabel almost fell off the bed in surprise.

Michaela looked around the room. “Where am I?” She asked slowly.

“You’re in San Francisco ma’am.”

“Why am I in San Francisco? And who are you?”

Isabel looked into Michaela’s eyes. “You honestly don’t remember do you?”

Michaela shook her head no then tried to sit up. “And above all why does my head hurt so much?”

Isabel ignored the question. “Mrs. Sully…” She started.

“Forgive me for interrupting but I’m not Mrs. Sully. You must have me confused with someone else!”

Isabel looked at her harder. ‘The girl has amnesia...’ “Ms. Michaela is it then?” She asked.

“Actually it’s Doctor, Dr. Michaela Quinn. But you can call me Dr. Mike.” She stated in a matter of fact tone.

“Ok then, Dr. Mike. What do you last remember before you woke up here?” Isabel asked quietly.

“I was on the stage to the Colorado Springs territory. They are in need of a doctor there. How did I end up in San Francisco if I was on the stage to Colorado Springs?” Michaela asked. Isabel looked at her charge closely. ‘She may be from Colorado Springs…perhaps she has family and friends there...’

“Perhaps you might have taken the wrong coach Dr. Mike,” Michaela looked more puzzled than ever. “Would you like me to send a telegram to Colorado Spring to tell them of your mishap, and that you’re arrival will be postponed?”

Michaela’s eyes lit up. “Oh yes! That would be such a great relief to me!” She tried to sit up again but pain showed in her eyes in her attempt.

“You need rest Dr. Mike.” Isabel decided to come clean after seeing her charge in such pain and confusion. “Dr. Mike a couple hours ago you were brought here by my employer Ethan Cooper. You fainted and bumped you head rather hard on the bedpost, in result gashing it open.”

Michaela’s eyes grew big.

“You developed a fever and nearly died within this short amount of time. You lost a lot of blood.” Isabel looked at Michaela, whose eyes had suddenly become wet.

“Impossible!” She said in a shaky voice. “I fell asleep on the stage coach…someone must have kidnapped me.” A sharp pain shot threw her head and tears began to come. “Can you find my medical bag?” She asked sharply.

Isabel nodded and went over to the small pile of luggage. Going through the large trunk she saw a small black bag in the bottom of it. As she picked it up a small stack of photographs fell from a small leather pouch. The first one that caught her eye was a picture of Michaela, an Indian looking man, and a small child. She turned it around to see if anything was written on it. Some small print read, “Michaela, Sully and Katie Sully. Colorado Springs 1873.” Isabel gasped. ‘Her family…’ She walked slowly over to Michaela’s bed, still studying the photograph. She handed the medical bag over to Michaela, and then walked over to the window.

After studying it more she looked back at Michaela who was giving herself an injection of morphine. “Dr. Mike…I’m going to run to town to send that telegram, I’ll be back shortly.” She stated as she got up to walk to the door. Michaela sleepily nodded her consent and laid down and gave into her drowsiness.

To be continued.... Chapter 5