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~*~Family Feud Stuff~*~

What I Need
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((Family Feud 76-85/94-95))

~*~Family Feud~*~

(I have about 89 full. Mixture Early/'77/'78/'79/early '80s, Mid/early-mid '80s, Celeb/mid '80s and some '94s. I rarely tape the intro. of the show where they have the families up in their spots sitting and whatever, and I usually edit out the sponsor parts in the end credits. Saves space. All eps. are about 21 minutes unless noted otherwise.)

~Over a week's worth of ones where Richard has sore ribs' including the one where he wears a giant pair of gag glasses and one where he has to have someone stand in for him while he goes backstage to fix his brace. (Early)[ff13]

~Richard's suprise birthday when Mark and Gary bring out a cake at the end of the show. (Early)[ff3]

~Richard's 47th birthday when Mark wheels out a cake at the beginning. (Early)[ff24]

~Gary comes out behind Richard during the intro. and juggles. (Early)[ff21]

~Several days of balloon episodes where Richard ties one to his ear, ties one to the front of his shirt, ties one to his finger, or walks around holding a big bunch of them 'til they fly away. (Early)[ff6]

~During the intro., a guy posing as a cop tells Richard he has to recieve a ticket and the cop messes up the dialogue and makes Richard laugh. Very funny when Richard can't stop laughing. (Early)[ff22]

~Cake up front on the stage and Richard continually puts his fingers/hand in it when he goes near it. (Early)

~Richard wears a light blue turtle-neck and a blue ABC windbreaker jacket. (Early)[ff24]

~Richard cracks up during final round and says he's having a break-down. While introducing the 2nd family, he finds a tag sewn to his jacket sleeve and has to pull it off. (Early)[ff22]

~Sammy Davis Jr. comes out in Richard's place and Richard lets him do the first question while he watches and laughs from offstage. (Early)[ff8]

~Richard sees something shiney on the stage and crawls around looking for diamonds, then crawls towards woman. (Mid)[ff1]

~Karen comes onstage to kiss the guys and Richard kisses her in dipping fashion. (Early)[ff17]

~Someone brings a frog in a cage onstage and Richard talks to it. (Early)[ff17]

~Several Hetfields vs. McCoys with pig in cage on stage and Richard lays down next to it and shows it the stuff he got from the families. (Early)[ff21]

~Funny moment when Richard plays an air cello. (Celeb)[ff16]

~Christmas episodes with holly decorated stage. (Early)[ff16]

~The board is crooked so Richard has to walk up and fix it. (Early)[ff15]

~Richard starts laughing at podium and has to read the question several times before finally walking up the stairs to compose himself and comes back down still snickering. (Early)

~Several Celeb eps. from earlier year with ruffles on tuxedo. (Celeb)[ff14?]

~Richard takes a fondness to a squishy lemon packet. He let's one of the family members introduce the family and Richard stands behind the table with the family. (Early)[ff14]

~At the very end, Richard says you shouldn't smoke in the audience and he takes a puff of his cigarette and takes it on stage with him. (Early; Currently I can't find this one)

~Richard says how annoying it is when people pull a string of gum out of their mouth and he says it's a telephone line impression. (Celeb)[ff13]

~Girl during fast round says 'sh!t' and Richard corrects her and holds her mouth shut. (Early)[ff13]

~Richard explains how he was cut shaving and shows the little cuts in a close-up during the intro. (Mid)[ff21]

~Someone gives Richard a can with a tongue that comes out for licking envelopes and he goofs with it. (Mid)[ff21]

~Richard nibbles cutely on the corner of his card. Has to stretch for time so he literally stretches. (Early)[ff20]

~Richard steals a girl's lollypop at the podium and eats it. (Early)[ff20]

~Richard plays the air harp. (Celeb?)[ff19]

~In accordance to the answers, before a commercial, Richard hiccups, coughs, sneezes, stretches and then says to get the camera off him. (Early)[ff19]

~Richard does his Donald Duck impression and says, 'I've been a bad, bad boy.' (Early)[ff19]

~Someone gives a bad answer and Richard walks off the stage. (Early?)

~Richard talks about how he went to Hawaii and shows a photo of him waving on a sailboat. (Early)[ff18]

~Richard kisses girl at podium and says he's just practicing. (Celeb)[ff11]

~Richard tries to juggle at the end of an ep. and it doesn't turn out. (Early?)[ff8]

~Richard mocks someone and yells 'PASS!' real loud. (Early)[ff9]

~Early Celeb. ep. with no tux. (Celeb)[ff9]

~Richard comes out and spins around and checks his zipper. Says he had a feeling it was down but it wasn't. (Early)[ff9]

~Richard tells a rather sexy joke for his intro. (Early?)

~Richard can't stop laughing at an answer a family gave and he has to recover from it at the podium. In fast round, the question is 'A dive in a swim meet' and the guy says 'Swan dive.' The second time, Richard says 'A dive in a swan meet' and laughs. (Mid)[ff26]

~Richard comes out and undoes his vest to show how short the new tie is that he got with the suit. Mocks Hungarian woman. Sits on step, during end credits, and signs little kid's cast. (Early)[ff27]

~Christmas setting. The computer is broken during the fast-money round so they have to use hand-written cards. (Early)[ff27]

~Commercial with current Richard as the host of the Family Feud Thanksgiving Day marathon. Clips of FF and Richard at table giving 'Love' sign. (Current)[ff28]

~Richard plays with a bear-shaped bottle of bubbles and when the inside white rim of it pops up, he puts the cap back on and says the bear's getting excited. (Mid)[ff28]

~Richard can't stop laughing at a stupid woman during the final round because she says completely horrid answers such as socks only last for 2 days. She gets a total of 13 points. (Mid)

~Christmas setting. Ahead of schedule so Richard does a silly magic trick for laughs. At the end, he gets on his knees and does his Tattoo impression. Funny! (Early)[ff29]

~Christmas setting. Aired on New Years' but filmed prior to that. Richard comes out with cigarette, takes a drag, breaks it and puts it out. Says he's gonna quit on New Years'. (Early)[ff29]

~Richard playfully boxes with guy at the very end. (Early)[ff30]

~Richard gets a stuffed monkey from a family and he wears it around his neck for most of the show. (Mid)[ff32]

~Richard thanks a guy for returning his lost wallet to him. Talks about how people are nice enough to tell him his collar was messed up and he says, "My WHAT is open?" and turns to check his zipper, then jokes about it. (Early)[ff31]

~Someone says another name for the police is "dick" and Richard doesn't wanna say it. (Early)

~Family wins with first player in fast money and Richard lets her give answers to see how she does. The girl says an answer already given and he tells her to try again, and then he says, "Say...." or "Try...." and gives her the #1 answer for each question, then tells her how good she did. Gives woman a can of soda at end. (Early)

~Guys pick Richard up when they win the big money and hold him high up in the air. He laughs a lot when they put him down. (Mid)[ff32]

~1979 Valentine's Day celebrity special with Richard wearing a ruffle shirt and tux. (Early)[ff33]

~Richard fakes a faint on the stage and Gene has to bring him water and help him drink it. (Mid)[ff33]

~Family gives Richard a visor and he puts it on backwards for a minute. Cute! (Mid)[ff33]

~Richard takes his suit jacket off and wears an LA Dodgers jacket during the whole show. Also gets a horn and blows it. (Mid)[ff34]

~One-hour 1994 new Family Feud episode with Richard back as the host. (FF94)

~One-hour 1994 episode where Richard introduces his son Gary, Gary's wife, and their daughter. Richard tells about how his daughter Shannon had a nightmare and he hugged her and she told him to shave. (FF94)

~One-hour 1994 episode where Richard shows a clip from when a woman gave a stupid answer during the fast round and Richard cracked up and fell to his knees laughing. (FF94)

~1994 episode where Richard tells a joke about his cat running out of gas. (FF94)

~Christmas show. Richard plays with the hanging decorations and they fall so he tries holding them with his pocket, then stumbles playfully. Puts a big bow behind his ear. (Early)[ff34]

~One of the family name boards gets stuck half way. Richard comes out and goes up the stairs and pulls it shut then says he has to do everything. Indian family on so he does his Indian voice a lot. (Early)[ff34]

~Howard tells Richard that she was gonna do something and Richard tells her to do it, so she gets embarassed and whispers to him. He turns around and fiddles with his zipper and then up at the podium, he says, "The most popular zipper--answer!" and the woman walks away before he tells her what the other family is gonna do and he shouts for her and looks under the podium trying to find where she went. (Early)[ff35]

~Richard is presented with a hat with Ram horns on it from a very loud, to the point of amusement, family. (Mid)[ff35]

~Richard mocks one of the answers because someone said a 'fan' is used to pick up dust, so he pretends to use a fan on the floor. (Early)

~Richard acts like he can't remember his first wife's name. A guy asks him to repeat the question and Richard gets testy and says, "What are you? A smart a$$?" but they censor the bad word. Seems kinda moody. Does his Donald Duck voice a lot. (Early)[ff36]

~Richard insists that the guy explain what he was thinking of if he didn't know the question since he wanted it repeated. Another moody moment, but he had a point. (Early)[ff37]

~Richard mentions that the guy and girl in one of the families has their name tags switched cos they didn't realize it. (Early)[ff37]

~Richard opens an ABC umbrella during his intro and looks at the audience through the clear section, then spins it around. Asks if it's still rainging outside and inside. Does a pirate impression with the umbrella as the peg leg. Poses with the umbrella. (Mid)[ff37]

~Richard gets a map to find his way to a woman's house and tells her he'll be too old to interest her. Cues for commercial in French. (Early)

~Richard puts on a hat with a bow on the top and when the bow falls off, he wears it on his forehead for the entire show. (Mid)[ff38]

~Richard tells girl cop that she can frisk him, and he asks if he can frisk her too. They put their hands on each other's hips. First time the first person in fast money made it without the use of the second person. Richard has the guy with the cue card come up onstage so he can show the audience the 'louder' sign since Howard was telling him he had to be louder. (Early)[ff38]

~Richard gets a small Rose sticker and puts it on his jacket, then on his cheek, then on the middle of his forehead. (Mid)[ff39]

~Richard tells about how he was on McCloud with Richard Van Vleet and RVV shot him with a blank and a piece of it went throu Richard's shirt and he still has a scar. He told people not to groan cos he gets lucky by showing the scar. (Celeb)[ff39]

~Richard gives the camera guy a hard time about his sore tooth. At the end credits, Richard is playing with a stuffed elephant. He kisses it and sees if it can fly by dropping it. (Early)[ff39]

~Guy's answer to 'something little boys like that little girls don't like' was "Balls" and it makes Richard look awkward and explain "baseballs, footballs" and he laughs. (Early)[ff40]

~Richard gets a golfer's hat that makes him look like an English fella. He tries to find a winning lollipop from the tree and can't so he tosses them on the floor and pretends to trip on them later. (Mid)[ff40]

~Girl sings a high note for Richard. Other girl says he should hear her in the shower and he says alright and asks when's a good time. Family has a strong Boston accent and girl says "go to parties" and Richard jumps cos it sounded like "go to potties" and he explained what she said. (Early)[ff40]

~Richard gets a hat, from one family, that has a dolphin coming out of the front and back, and the other family gives him a sailor's hat. He alternates between them and wears them at the same time too. Does duck impression by just squatting. (Mid)[ff40]

~Richard tells a guy in the audience 'As long as you don't get it on me, do what the hell you want.' He has a jacket on that's darker than the rest of his suit. Guy shakes Richard's hand weird and Richard says 'sure sure, thank you' and says the guy's a maniac trying to steal his ring. Woman in fast money says something people pinch is 'rear ends' and Richard acts like he's gonna pinch hers. (Early)[ff40]

~Girl in family hugs and kisses Richard a lot when he comes out. Another girl walks away from the podium before saying if they're gonna pass or play and she comes back and hugs and kisses Richard while rubbing on his chest and talking sweet to him. Girl in fast money walks away and gets confused, and the guy playing looks like he's gonna throw up so Richard turns him the other way. (Early)[ff40]

~Richard shows the mark he got on his hand from feeding his pet 'crocodile' Bruno, backstage. He gets a giant toothbrush, a cop hat and a bullet-proof shirt as gifts. Talks about how he collapsed onstage when a woman gave the 'September' answer. (Mid)[ff40]

~Richard thanks Canada, puts on girl's big pair of glasses, plays with girl's little koala, does a silly kid's voice and drags out the fast round for suspense. (Early)[ff41]

~Richard jokingly says his mom hammered a barrett in his hair and it kept his hair very neat, and she would give him long evening gowns. (Early)[ff41]

~Richard puts on a pair of someone's glasses. (Early)[ff41]

~Richard learns some sign language. Gets a visor and a frisbee from a family. Can't see with the visor on so he wears the frisbee on his head. (Early)[ff42]

~Richard cracks up during the fast round when someone says a bird that likes being near water is a canary. Makes jokes about it after the show. (Mid)[ff43]

~Richard pulls an April Fool's joke by getting the two guys at the podium to whipser the answer to him. (Early)[ff43]

~Richard brings Mark and Cathy out onstage to announce their one-year anniversary. One of the questions has to do with animals and Richard does his monkey impression. Comes out of the audience and gives older girl, who looks like a kid, a lollipop. (Early)[ff43]

~Richard gets a rose and puts it in his inside jacket pocket and puts it in his mouth before he goes to a commercial. (Early)[ff44]

~Richard has on a dark blue suit. Gets a duffle bag from a family. Puts on someone's eyeglasses. (Mid)[ff44]

~Richard wears a big puffy Italian hat. (Mid)[ff44]

~Richard goes over to the family's huddle and tells them the other family is gonna play since they didn't stick around to find out. Then he runs back over to the other family. (Early)[ff45]

~Richard eliminates the family members to find which one owns the cello up front. The girl plays a song and Richard throws the mic and says it shouldn't be used after such a good song that the girl played. (Early)[ff45]

~Richard drags out the fast round right before the winning points are scored and he jokes around with the player, then has the guy call the answer. Different announcer. (Early)[ff45]

~Richard puts his hand on pregnant woman's stomach at end of show. Finds cigar on steps when he comes out at start. During the fast round, he says "treat people teach dogs" instead of "trick." (Early)[ff45]

~Richard laughs trying to call an answer and can't stop. He walks offstage and talks to himself then acts a little goofy cos the family gave horrible answers. (Early)[ff46]

~Richard gets on the floor to sign a girl's cast. Hums while he does it. Has a tan jacket, brown shirt and black pants on. Two people give him a flower during the intro. (Early)[ff47]

~Richard wears little sunglasses with Snoopy on them. Asks to see woman's dress at podium cos it has a slit high up the front. He says he loves fabric. (Early)[ff47]

~Richard sits on the front step with three little kids at the end of the show and hands them each a lollipop and offers the little boy a cigarette. (Early)[ff48]

~Richard has a tune play while a girl belly dances. He has it played, instead of the theme, at the end of the show and he dances with a drink. (Early)[ff50]

~The lights dim and Richard makes an eclipse of the sun comment. Makes a joke about a girl's vinyl boots by asking if she knows how many vines they have to kill to make them. (Early)[ff50]

~Richard gets a pair of cowboy boots and Gene helps him put them on. They fumble over each other trying. (Mid)[ff50]

~Richard makes fun of the one family's answers and says he's not well during the intro. Richard gets oysters as a gift and eats one. Gives one to Gene. Richard makes a silly comment and Gene tries to hug Richard. (Mid)[ff52]

~Nobody understands a question after the first few tries so Richard tears it up. He prays that they understand the new one. (Mid)[ff52]

~Richard wears an Arabian-style turban. (Mid)[ff52]

~Richard wears sunglasses through the entire episode. (Early)[ff52]

~Richard and a guy play with yo-yo's. Richard hits himself in the shin. (Early)[ff53]

~Richard is named an honourary Godfather and kisses each of the five guys twice on the cheek. (Early)[ff54]

~Richard reaches in the lollipop box and scareams, then says there's a racoon in there. (Early)[ff54]

~Howard kisses and hugs Richard a lot at the end of the show. During the fast round, the clock reacches 0 and goes down to 97. (Early)[ff55]

~Richard finds a cigarette butt on the stage and asked who smokes onstage. During the fast round, Richard asks Gene to explain why the person gets 15 seconds. Gene doesn't know the answer Richard gives him a hard time and an imaginary lump of sugar and say you get 15 seconds because he asks for it. (Early)[ff56]

~Richard gets a harmonica from a family and he tries to play the Family Feud theme. He gets a very tiny harmonica too, and puts it in his mouth and does a little tune. (Early)[ff56]

~Buzzers don't work on the first question so Richard suggests doing another question and guy on speaker calls him "Rich" when he asks RIchard if he has another question. (Early)[ff56]

~Richard gets a sword as a gift from a family and he has Gene lay on his back with the Family Feud board game on his stomach and an apple on the box. Richard cuts the apple while it's on Gene. (Mid)[ff58]

~Richard wears a mask on a stick during the whole episode. (Early)[ff59]

~Richard says there's a shoe thief cos a girl has her shoes off. At the podium, he says he's gonna read the question now, but first a few impressions and says he's kidding. (Early)[ff59]

~Richard wears a crown. (Mid)[ff59]

~Richard says he looks like a sissy when preparing to throw a football to Gene. During a question, he meows, moo's and tweets. (Mid)[ff59]

~Richard is late getting to the podium after a commercial and a puff of smoke comes out of his mouth when he says it's nice up there. Girl feels his face to check for a beard. (Early)[ff60]

Family with red hair gives Richard a puffy red clown's wig and he wears it for the first part of the show. (Mid)[ff60]

Audience laughs when Richard comes out and says intro and he says it's because it took him ten takes yesterday to say a complicated line and he memorized it overnight and can say it now. (Early)[ff60]

~Woman in wheelchair is at the head of the family on the right. (Mid)[ff61]

~Richard moo's during a question about animals. (Early)[ff61]

~Richard swings the mic and stand at the front of the stage before the fast money round. (Early)[ff61]

~Richard comes out with a piece of plastic or something in his mouth and says he got braces. He goes over to greet a family and spits it out on the floor. (Early)[ff61]

~Bulb fell out of main board when Richard came out. He holds it up and says he has an idea. (Early)[ff61]

~Richard comes out laughing and says this could be a giggley day. He has a hard time remembering how to pronounce a family's last and first names. (Early)[ff61]

~Richard puts on wiggley antennae. Wears them on his head, then around his neck, and then on his forhead. (Mid)[ff61]

~Richard has to plug his mic back in after a commercial and yelps when he does it. Gene gives the address where to write to be on the show. (Early)[ff61]

~Richard puts on a Baltimore Orioles ball cap. (Mid)[ff61]

~Buzzer doesn't work so Richard makes the sound himself. He makes a pop sound before going to commercial. Girl during fast round says the Smothers Brothers are a brand of cough drops. Richard questions her and she says they do, then he shows her his card and asks if she was thinking of that and she gave up her argument quickly. (Early)[ff62]

~Richard tells girl during the fast round to put her finger on his face so people know he doesn't wear make-up. (Early)[ff62]

~Richard has trouble remembereing how to pronounce a girl's name and she gets testy so he makes fun of her by saying a word in a question the wrong way. After a commercial, Richard says he was out kissing the audience and he's exhausted and aroused. (Early)[ff62]

~Richard jokes by showing the Family Feud board game, with the back facing the audience and he puts it behind the podium and says, 'Take two!' and shows it the right way. (Early)[ff62]

~Guy tells Richard that his mother said she'd love to keep her slippers under Richard's bed and he pulls a slipper out of his pocket and gives it to Richard. (Early)[ff62]

~Richard mentions Werner Klemperer as being the original sauerkraut. (Mid)[ff62]

~Richard mocks guy's Battle of the Bulge answer since Bulge isn't a place, and it's on the board. Richard asks the guy ifhe knows what it's about and the guy pointed to the front of his pants and Richard said he doesn't need to get personal with him. Richard keeps asking how much the girl's answers weigh after one of his jokes bomb. (Early)[ff62]

~Richard jokingly reads some of Gene's diary entries that he left in Richard's dressing room, including one where Gene hates Dawson and one where he was going to go see Pat Sajak the next day. Guy played football for the Baltimore Colts. (Mid)[ff62]

~Family gives Richard a kissing fish. (Mid)[ff62]

~Richard delivers some lollipops to old woman in audience and bursts into a song to her. He hits a bad note at the end. (Mid)[ff62]

~Both families can't get a right answer to gain control, but they finally do. (Mid)[ff62]

~Richard asks girl if flowers on her dress were real or silk and she said she thinks they're felt. Richard jumps and says not to dwell on the past. Girl has a big bow on her neck and Richard fiddles with it and pulls it tight. (Early)[ff63]

~Richard says he's aroused when a girl keeps jumping up and down and says he can't read the question with her doing that. During the fast round, a girl jumps up and he says he used to be a boxer and he'll knock her out if he goes down. Money from last round doesn't show up so Richard jumps to try and get it to show. (FF)[ff63]

~Richard shows his lighter that he received from Sammy Davis Jr. (Early)[ff63]

~Richard puts on a hat and wiggles his eyebrows. Kisses the girls at the podium twice, then kisses the buzzers and then the microphones. Sings 'I've got the music in me.' Makes a joke about a radio station and it bombs. Makes a comment at the end about national exposure and says we'll never know what they're talking about. (Early)[ff63]

~Guy says "The Flying Elephant" instead of "Dumbo" and Richard jokes about it. Richard reaches his hand up to the middle of his back to scratch it regards to the question. During the fast round, he says they'll have a meeting afterwards since they buzzed before he cued it. An answer was revealed before he called it and he commented on it. (Early)[ff63]

~Family Feud 25 Year Anniversary Marathon with the 25 best clips. Clips include: Sammy Davis Jr. introducing Richard and doing a question while Richard watches from offstage; Richard purposely falls on his face when an answer is revealed; Richard falls to his knees from laughter when the the "September" answer is revealed; Gene dances; Cake fight; Richard gets an Awesome Dawson t-shirt; Richard and Gene eat oysters and get a little silly; Two familes sing songs for Richard; Man auctions off a hat; Richard gets an armadillo hat from a little boy in a wheelchair and he puts it on; Richard introduces Caryn and almost kicks her in the rear; Richard and woman hide behind card just before she wins; Richard tells how he went to the toidy with his mic on once; 94/95 Feud where Richard explains he can't kiss the girls because he only kisses his daughter's mommy now; Richard introduces Fannie Goodson; Richard fixes the crooked board; Richard missing catching a football; Computers are broke so cards are used instead of a board during the fast round; Rihard slices an apple with a sword on Gene's stomach; 94/95 Feud where Richard makes his return to the set and is emotional; plus a couple more. Episodes include: First aired episode from 12 July 1976; a contestant hangs all over Richard; Richard puts lipstick on Gene and Gene kisses him; Richard meets his current wife, Gretchen; Richard's ribs are hurt and his brace slips and Caryn has to do a couple questions while he goes backstage to fix it; Hatfield's vs. McCoys, with a pig in a cage on the front of the set; final episode of the original run from 14 June 1985 where Richard starts to cry at the start during a speech, and also at the end during his farewell speech. He hugs Cathy at the end of the show before grabbing some tissues and turning away from the camera. Very touching. [ff64]

~Guy says "frog" for a three-letter animal. Next guy says "alligator." Several stupid answers make Richard giggle. (Early)[ff65]

~Richard can't stop laughing, even when he tells the losing family goodbye. The question was 'name something some people don't want you to do in the car' and the guy said 'talk.' Richard said he sees some guy getting in the car and saying hi and being yelled at to 'SHUT UP!!' He tells the losing family that he's not laughing at them. (Mid)[ff65]

~Richard lets four young guys come up and take turns break dancing in front of the stage during the intro. At a commercial, Richard gets down on the front of the stage and moves his feet like he's break dancing. (Mid)[ff65]

~Richard gets passionate kisses from the four women in one of the families and he says the show's been on the air for about a year and a half and that was the first time he got aroused during the introductions. (Early)[ff65]

~Richard talks about the card he got from Gene welcoming him as a U.S. citizen and jokes that Gene only welcomed him on air because he gets paid to talk on camera. Richard gets a certificate stating that he's an honourary lieutenant colonel in the Alabama state malitia. He says just to call since he tapes a lot of shows. Richard makes a joke about a dog and does a silly stance. (Mid)[ff66]

~Richard gets a Cabbage Patch Kid from a family and he pulls out the pacifier and puts it in his mouth. Before a commercial, the booties fall off the doll and Richard just stands there holding it. (Mid)[ff66]

~Richard dances a little on two occasions and does some silly things to go along with the answers he gets. He laughs at the answers during the fast round. During the end of the show, he says his goodbye and signs from one of the seats in the audience. (Mid)[ff66]

~Richard shows his new American passport and the photo on it. (Mid)[ff67]

~Richard makes a long speech at the start of the show about a girl who was sexually molested when she was hitchiking and how the judge let the guy get away with it. He tells the viewers and audience that people will start looking for other judges because a person hitchiking wants to get from one destination to another, and that's it. He gets very serious about it. (Early)[ff67]

~Richard demonstrates how you have to spit when you go to the dentist. (Early)[ff67]

~Richard drops the board game box and says it was an Earth tremor. Makes camera get a close up of girl's blue eyes. (Early)[ff67]

~Girl gives Richard a keychain affixed to a square backing and he attempts a magic trick by holding it up, putting his hand over the front and with his other hand he flips it so when he uncovers it, the keychain isn't showing. (Early)[ff67]

~Richard welcomes a little old lady hooked up to oxygen in the audience and asks if she likes lollipops but she says she's too old for them, so he gives her his flower. (Mid)[ff67]

~Richard recieves a hacky sack and can't get the package open. He does and puts the sack on his foot and doesn't do anything with it that way he won't look silly. He gives it a little kick and before the commercial he puts the plastic from the package on his nose. (Mid)[ff67]

~Richard does a little singing. Mentions Larry Hovis as his best friend. One of the questions was about what you do when you're walking alone and get scared and Richard said you can never whistle when you're scared and he was trying. He said if you carry a big stick you're never scared, but if you leave it at home, then he tried to whistle. Drinks from a cup, after woman does, before fast round. (Mid)[ff68]

~Richard playfully flirts with ten year old girl. After commercial, he isn't on cue and you hear him offstage saying he'll be right there. The camera shows him up in the audience kissing a bunch of girls and says "Two more!" and then gives an extra kiss to a third girl. Makes fun of guy cos he kept bending down to touch the mic with his nose. (Early)[ff68]

~Richard gets a big chocolate kiss and he holds it to his mouth and says he will only appear on the magazine if he can be on the cover. (Mid)[ff68]

~Richard introduces one of the staff guys who's getting married soon and the guy gives Richard a sincere kiss on the cheek. (Early)[ff69]

~Richard sings 'Piano' to the tune of 'Tomorrow.' (Mid)[ff69]

~Richard has to staple a letter back onto the family's name on the board. He staples a card to the front of the stage. (Mid)[ff69]

~Richard wears a hat with a stuffed whale on it. Says he wish he knew a nautical swear word at one point. Talks like a pirate. (Mid)[ff69]

~Richard puts on a snow hat and shakes his head back and forth to make the pom-pom on top move. He puts on a woman's glasses and pretends he can't see and fakes a trip at the front of the stage. He puts on another woman's pair of glasses and looks moody. (Early)[ff69]

~Richard gives lollipops to a little girl who was at his house before with her dad. Family gives him a german helmet and he puts it on backwards and says it's Darth Vader. Guy says a porcupine is a hairy animal and Richard laughs and stops the clock. (Mid)[ff70]

~Richard tells the woman to try again during fast money and then realizes he made a mistake and gives her extra time. (Early)[ff70]

~Richard goes into the audience to inspect an old lady's gray box of money. He gives her fifty bucks for her charity. (Mid)[ff70]

~Richard introduced Gene's aunt and uncle and gave them lollipops and perfume. Gene kissed Richard's arm cos he had made a mistake and Richard teased him about it and told him not to wipe his nose on his sleeve. (Mid)[ff71]

~Richard wore a black turtle-neck and a red jogging suit all through the show. He says had worn it on a show he recently did and someone didn't think he'd wear it out in front of everyone. (Early)[ff71]

~Richard calls Gary onto the stage and has him introduce himself. Gary says his last name is Dawson and Richard questions him about it and then he says his last name is Smith. (Early)[ff71]

~Richard says he was playing Backgammon in his dressing room with Howard and someone came in and he told him to get out and asked how he got in there. Then he found out it was an actor from the show 'Fish' and he appologized on the air. (Early)[ff72]

~Richard takes polaroid photos of the home audience. (Early)[ff72]

~Richard checks his zipper when he gets a lot of applause. Girl gives him a Dolly Pardon doll and he makes a comment about it falling over. Richard and 17-year old girl flirt and talk about her answer and her boyfriend. (Early)[ff72]

~Richard tears up his card cos he gets bad answers and threatens to strike anyone who gives another stupid answer. Guy, during fast round, says a bath takes seven minutes and Richard makes a long pause. (Mid)[ff72]

~Richard says he hates a judge who's a smart @$$ and gets beeped. (Early)[ff72]

~Richard gets a deck of cards and plays a hand of poker with a girl who doesn't know how to play. He says what the wild cards are, which are all in his hand, and he wins and says she has to take her dress off. (Mid)[ff72]

~Someone gave Richard the Hogan's Heroes record which he sang on and he swore on his two son's lives that he didn't have a copy. He had one but then he didn't, and he couldn't find another. (Mid)[ff73]

~Richard shows an artistic photo of Mark and his band-mate after they renamed their band. (Mid)[ff73]

~Richard reads the answers at the end of the show and says, "A donkey, mule or a jackass. But, enough about me." (Mid)[ff43]

~Richard gets a yellow bucket with a handle from a helmet and says it's like the ones they wore in Hogan's Heroes. (Mid)[ff73]

~Richard feels bad for the losing family so he gave them all a couple lollipops and collected $1 from Gene and then $4 from another staff member and gave each of the family members $1. (Early)[ff73]

~Richard uses the podium and table to lift himself up in an attempt to make him as tall as the guy at the head of one of the families. At the end of the show, he stands on a chair and goofs around next to the guy. (Early)[ff73]

~Howard gets hit in the head by the Feud board and Richard calls him up on stage and gives him some first aid stuff and a kiss. (Early)[ff73]

~Richard gets some food and he and Gene try it. Gene falls over like he was poisoned and Richard puts his foot on Gene. He goes backstage and brings out a cup of apple juice to the podium and tells the girls that it's just apple juice cos he doesn't drink. He acts like the card is stuck to his hand and he can't get it off cos he's sticky. (Early)[ff73]

~Richard staples an "i" and a crooked "t" back up on the family's name board. At the end of the show, he kneels down with two little kids and they kneel to, so he says they ruined the joke. (Early)[ff74]

~Richard brings out a big pink blow-up Easter Bunny and gives it to a little girl in the audience. (Mid)[ff74]

~Richard gets a lips pillow and a pin. Has woman pin it on him and he gives her a sensual kiss at the podium after asking if it was good for her. Says he likes girl's dress and gets a good look as she walks away. Hums a little tune and acts silly throughout the show. (Early)[ff75]

~The board doesn't work so people have to turn it manually from inside. Richard gets a stuffed unicorn and has to give it a name. (Early)[ff75]

~Richard focuses on a 16 year old girl and says that when she becomes a woman, he'll be dust and there'll be just a little gameshow box and him and the 12th Edition. Guy gives him a card for two free dinners and Richard says he coulda just took a card from some other business and filled it out for a cheap gift. Richard shows the girl's boyfriend's photo and makes a comment about his name and jokes about anyone seeing him commit any crimes. Game goes on for 6 rounds, going back to the head of the families again. Money is won in the first round of fast money cos the woman gave all the number one answers. (Early)[ff75]

~Richard laughs at a woman's answer and she tells him not to laugh. He gets a Sox hat and a jacket with his name on the back from one family. (Mid)[ff75]

~Richard loses it during the fast money round and falls to his knees over the 'September' answer to the 'During what month of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant?' question. (Early)[ff75]

~Richard says his suit has a slit but no pocket and he gets a woman stick her hand in and find out. Then he asks if it was good for her. (Early)[ff75]

~Richard throws the board game to the front of the stage, at the producers, instead of backstage and says he was close to being free of them. He tells them not to throw it back because he has things to do. He writes a girl out a ticket in a real ticket book that Caryn had went and got. Blows a kiss to a girl's friend. (Early)[ff76]

~Richard comes out and shows that he found a black slip backstage and it belongs to a woman in one of the families. (Early)[ff78]

~Richard introduces some breakdancers and Gene comes up to the front of the stage and breakdances. Richard tells him to get on the floor and spin. (Mid)[ff78]

~Richard gets a lollipop shaped like a named woman and he shows the audience real fast. (Mid)[ff78]

~Richard annunces that the show movied from studio 54 to studio 57. (Mid)[ff79]

~Richard gets a desert hat with a flat over the back of his head. Checks himself out in the monitor. (Mid)[ff79]

~Richard gets a yellow fireman's hat and put sit on. A guy brings Richard a bike and does a trick on it before giving it to Richard. Richard rides it around to the right of the stage, around the back and comes out on the left of the stage. You get to see a bit behind the dim backstage sides. (Mid) [ff80]

~Richard hits a softball with a bat during the end credits and tosses the ball. (Early)[ff80]

~Richard tears open the Family Feud board game to show people what they're paying $18 for. Nothing is in the box. (Early)[ff81]

~Richard gets a bunch of little blue fuzzy stick-on guys and he puts a bunch on his suit and keeps sticking on to his forehead. (Mid)[ff82)

~Richard gives a young guy a hard time and teases an English guy. He kneels and sings to a woman and then has her fix a clip under his coat and tells her not to get involved. He says she already has one Englishman and not to be greedy. (Early)[ff82]

~Richard gets some clips that go on the ends of his collar and he acts like the girl screwed one into his neck. (Mid)[ff82]

~Richard gets an umbrella hat and he puts it on. (Mid)[ff82]

~Richard comes out with white tape on his hands, his arm in a sling made of string and a piece of white tape across his forehead. He said he had been jumping off a building with the umbrella hat on. He said it looks like a wok and he's taken up woking. Woman in audience makes a wok joke. (Mid)[ff82]

~Richard gets a mustard bottle with a string that shoots out so it looks like mustard is squirting. Richard sings part of the 'Preacher Man' song and does a little dance during the fast round. (Early)[ff82]

~For the 8th year of Family Feud, Gene has Richard sit and watch a Tv with a recording from Mark Goodson who was in New York at the time. He said a poem, made a toast and lead a standing ovation for Richard. Richard thanked his staff and crew. (Mid)[ff82]

~Mark and Cathy subsitute one of the families and suprise Richard with a cake for his birthday. Then Gary comes out from behind the family board and Richard starts crying and explains that Gary lives in England. Howard and a friend also make an appearance to wish Richard a happy birthday and Howard reads a letter Richard had written predicting a cake and a land-slide win by Carter on the 4th of November. The date was off, but he got his cake anyway, and he said they should just do two questions and two fast money rounds since they wouldn't have time for everything. So that's what they did. (Early)[ff83]

~Richard has an 'I Love Family Feud' pin on that blinks and he said he wore it in the shower and made a comment about getting it staying on. (Mid)[ff83]

~Richard gets a box of cookies and tapes the box to Gene's hands. He goes offstage and finds that Gene is free and has smuggled some cookies, along with the other cast members. (Mid)[ff84]

~Richard gets a gumball machine telephone. He talks on it before the commercial. (Mid)[ff84]

~Richard stears the camera and rides it like a motorcycle. Close-ups as the camerman turns the camera on Richard. (Mid)[ff84]

~Richard gets a glass of Hershey's kisses and he gives them out and eats a couple. When a girl whispers "menstrual cycle" in his ear to see if she can say it, the audience laughs and he pretends to drink the kisses and then spits a bunch back out. (Early)[ff85]

~Richard drops his card and tells a girl he isn't trying to look up her skirt. (Early)[ff85]

~Richard has to move a woman's hand up off of his butt during the fast round. She grabs on to the back of his jacket and pats his butt several times. (Mid)[ff85]

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Last Updated: 08 December 2004
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