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~*~Match Game Stuff~*~

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((Match Game 73-78))

~*~Match Game~*~

(I have about 59 full tapes. Some are marked. I'm not as picky when I tape MG, and I often cut off a little bit after they come back from commercial break, when Gene's talking and the very start before they show Richard. Each ep. is about 20 minutes unless noted otherwise.)

~First wheel episode when the panel walks offstage. ('78)[mg11]

~Richard refuses to smile. ('78)[mg7]

~Girl goes with her own answer and the panelists walk offstage. Richard is wearing a nice grey sweater over his button shirt. Looks nice. He laughs a lot when Earl comes on stage and he asks how the mushrooms are coming along. ('76?)[mg11]

~Brett loses her hoop earrings and the cast looks for them during commercial. Richard finds one and wears it. Then he holds up his ashtray and asks who lost a contact lense. ('74)

~Richard calls the producer on stage and debates whether 'toes' and 'feet' match. Pinky wave during intro. ('78)[mg13]

~Richard has on Charles' captain's hat. Spins around in chair. ('74)[mg15]

~Richard has to wear tinted glasses for several episodes because of his eye. ('78)[mg16]

~Richard's final episode. Still wearing glasses. Nobody mentions anything about it being his last episode. He holds a card up at the intro that says 'Fare Thee Well.' They show who will play next time, and Bob Barker is in Richard's place. ('78)[mg17]

~Christmas special where Charles wears a Santa suit. Richard has a brown suit and mustache. ('73)[mg19]

~Gene acts like he's gonna kiss Richard but he doesn't. Richard says he got excited. ('76)[mg20]

~Richard puts a dead fly on his hand and it rolls off. He leans back and pretends to drop it in his mouth and eat it and then says he has the urge to buzz around. ('76)[mg20]

~Gene and Richard do their old man voices. Gene falls backwards, purposely, and Richard helps him up and asks, "Was it good for you?" ('76)[mg20]

~Richard does a Jerry Lewis impression, makes his way around the stage doing a Groucho walk, and does a Dracula impression while biting Gene on the neck. ('76)[mg21]

~Richard is away from his seat and says he was moving his car cos he was double parked. He offers to go move Gene's car. Gene's mic cord gets tangled on girl's leg and she falls on the floor. Richard helps her up. Clip showed in commercials a lot. ('74)[mg21]

~Gene points out that Richard didn't shave that day. Several close-ups of Richard smiling. Blue zipper shirt. Pulls a card out of his shirt. ('76)[mg21]

~Richard holds up card during intro. saying 'I've shaved today' and Gene feels his face. Richard tells Gene to kiss him on the cheek, so he does. ('76)[mg21]

~Match Game _____athon, 8 of the funniest episodes. Including one where Gene calls Richard 'Charles,' Richard gets a hug from McLean, Richard acquires a woman's shoe and clips of funny moments and from an interview with Gene Rayburn. ('73, '74, '75, '78; about 3 hours total)[mg21]

~Richard holds up a big photo of Gene knitting socks. ('74)[mg22]

~Richard and Charles stand and sing a song to the guy who won the super match. The guy hugged Richard and he fell out of his chair. ('74)[mg22]

~Gene takes a sip of Richard's grapefruit juice and says, "Tart" and Richard says, "What did you call me??" ('76)[mg23]

~Richard has a pen cap stuck on his tongue and fiddles with his tie when a sexual answer is given. ('76)[mg23]

~Richard asks Gene to sit on his lap and Gene says no, so Richard gooses him and Gene tells him not to touch him either cos he had been touching Anne, next to him prior to that. Richard put his head on Gene and said some days you can never have any fun. He also asks what the Lone Ranger said to his horse and he had his hand in a gaysh position and Charles said he certainly didn't have his hand like that and Richard joked around about it. ('74)[mg23]

~Richard sinks down in his chair cos a girl hugged him violently. Then he fiddles with his tie. ('76)[mg23]

~Gene stands in front of Richard and blocks him, but the camera manages to get a close-up of Richard. Gene's mic cord gets stuck on the bottom of the lower tier so Richard crawls on the floor and un-hooks it. ('76)[mg24]

~Richard has a flower in his chest pocket. ('76)[mg24]

~Gene takes his brown vest off and Richard puts it on backwards and acts like a monkey. ('76)[mg24]

~Richard tells a joke about a cat running out of gas. ('74)[mg24]

~Richard plays an imaginary keyboard on the desk while Gene dances to music. ('76)[mg24]

~The camera man goes whacky. Richard sweet talks the guy so he gets a close-up. ('76)[mg25]

~Richard wears a 3-piece pink suit. Looks nice. ('76)[mg25]

~Richard salutes and sings "Anchors Aweigh" to a girl. Red corduroy jacket. He holds up an "Applaud" sign at the start when Gene introduces him. ('76)[mg25]

~Richard tries to get the judge to change his mind and everyone boo's the judge. Gene hits Richard a few times. Makes a face at Brett. ('74)[mg25]

~Richard picks cotton off Gene's jacket. Light blue turtle neck and dark blue v-neck vest. ('76)[mg25]

~Woman with puppet is a contestant. Richard makes a little puppet out of his hankerchief and makes a paper hat. He wears the hat. Puts pen in mouth and drinks water while talking and doesn't move his lips. ('76)[mg26]

~Last 1976 Match Game. Charles has a giant bird come down and lay an egg to introduce the 1977 year. Mark Goodson says a few words at the end and then ballons and confetti come down. ('76)[mg27]

~Gene kisses Richard on the cheek twice and Richard stands and hugs Gene and cuddles him. ('77)[mg28]

~Brett and Fannie are missing at the start. Richard talks into a banana like a telephone. ('74)[mg29]

~Richard has on a hoop earring in his ear during the intro. ('77)[mg29]

~Richard has a tea bag in his pocket. Tries to untie Joyce's outfit after Gene loosens the string. ('74)[mg31]

~Richard puts a tie on over his turtle-neck. Gene wears Charles' scarf and fights with the camera. Charles wears Gene's tie on his head. ('77)[mg31]

~Richard wears Brett's glasses and does an impression of her and Fannie does an impression of Charles while Gene reads the question to the bottom tier on his knees. Very funny! Excellent impressions! ('77)[mg31]

~Richard throws Brett's shoe. Gene questions Richard's chair and Richard says the moment he stands up they steal things. He holds up the seat of his chair to reveal the bottom part disconnected and he holds the bottom up to his ear and to his mouth like a megaphone to talk to Gene. ('74)[mg32]

~Richard chases Gene to get him to show he has on blue socks with a brown suit. ('77)[mg32]

~Gene sits down in front of Richard's desk to read him the question. ('77)[mg32]

~First broadcast from 2nd of July 1973. Charles and Brett aren't on this one. Gene calls Richard 'Richard Harris.' ('73)[mg33]

~First anniversary show from 2nd July 1974. ('74)[mg33]

~Second anniversary from 2nd July 1975. Richard is really goofy and laughs a lot. Acts drunk at the start. Puts his head on table and laughs. Hides and playfully tries to punch Brett. He and Charles joke around cos the woman picked Charles for the Super Match and he made a comment about how girls don't wanna pick Richard anymore and how he was big in the 70's but it's Chuck all the way now. ('75)[mg33]

~Third anniversary from 2nd July 1976. Richard laughs a lot at Mary and says she might be asked to be a regular and he'd have to leave. ('77)[mg33]

~Fourth anniversary from 2nd July 1977. ('77)[mg33]

~Fifth anniversary from 3rd July 1978. The Star Wheel is introduced and the panel walk offstage cos it lands on Richard. ('78)[mg33]

~Charles is getting his hair fixed and he's late so Mark Goodson sits in for him at the start for a question. Richard says Charles dressed up as the Fairy Queen for Halloween. He said every day is Halloween with Brett around and she threw something at him. He threw it in the air and ducked and it went down Betty's shirt and he and Gene reached to get it out. At the end, Richard holds part of Betty's chair up to his ear. ('74)[mg33]

~Richard talks in a Russian accent through the whole episode and wears a fluffy Russian-style hat. ('77)[mg33]

~Richard is on the upper tier in the centre. He gives a 'Zipper' answer and stands to check his zipper. ('73)[mg34]

~Richard is in Charle's seat. Gene introduces the celebrities one by one. ('73)[mg35]

~Richard gets a lot of hugs and kisses from girl who wins $10,000 and she sits on his lap during the end credits. ('75)[mg35]

~Richard and Fannie talk about Richard being a feminist and marching, but he marched to an Encino motel. Richard has a mustache. ('75)[mg35]

~Girl wins and starts crying so Richard brings her some tissues. Gene asks someone for the box and they throw it and it hits him in the crotch and he ends up on his knees while listening to the new contestants life story. Richard holds up a card that says 'The ice pack cometh.' After the commercial break, Gene talks in a high voice. ('77)[mg36]

~Gene hits Richard and he falls into Betty's lap. Gene kisses him on the shoulder and he sits up and ribbits. ('77)[mg36]

~Gene said Richard stalls and says "Present" when he doesn't have an answer and he literally draws a blank on the card. Richard gives a bad answer and bets Gene a dollar that it's up there under the number one slot on the Super Match. It's there and Richard throws the dollar into Earl's booth after standing up in a victory stance. ('75)[mg37]

~Richard's chair keeps squeeking and he says he sat on a seagull. ('73)[mg37]

~Richard stands up to show his rear because his answer was 'rear end.' White pants! ('74)[mg39]

~Richard has on someone's glasses during the introduction. ('76)[mg38]

~Richard keeps saying the same punch line and gets the audience to repeat it. He gets up to leave at one point. Does his Laurel and Hardy impression quite a bit. ('74)[mg39]

~Richard makes a joke about his divorce petition saying how he'd wanna make love and his wife would laugh. ('74)[mg39]

~One of the contestants looks a lot like Richard and Brett comments on it. ('76)[mg39]

~Richard's answer is 'B!tch' and he asks Betty to walk it after the show. Gene makes a few comments about Richard's new mustache that's still growing out. ('73)[mg40]

~Richard has on Brett's glasses and Gene makes him give them back to her so she can see. Richard says she won't like what she sees. ('73)[mg42]

~Richard stuffs his mouth and does his Godfather impression. Fanny kisses him. ('77)[mg42]

~Richard tells the viewers to write their letters of complaint to the judge and gives his name and the address since he wouldn't let his Richard's match. ('77)[mg43]

~Richard wrote part of the question as his answer by mistake, and didn't realize it until it was too late. He tried to swear to the judges many times that he meant to write something else which was the correct answer, but they kept buzzing him and he was upset about it. Richard got on his knees and punched Gene in the butt several times to demonstrate a question's answer. ('77)[mg43]

~Richard gives "A$$" as his answer with a silly explaination and Gene laughs it off. ('73)[mg43]

~Richard acts like Brett during a question and he wears her glasses, pretends to drink her water and tries to talk like her. Betty acts like Charles and wears his hat and glasses. ('77)[mg43]

~Pat Harrington makes a joke about Diana when a girl choses to stick with Richard for the super match. ('73)[mg45]

~Gene tells everyone to stop hitting the microphones and Richard gets his sleeve stuck on his and then he keeps hitting it. He tells Gene he has something on his finger and when Gene holds his finger close to Richard, Richard pretends to bite it. ('77)[mg46]

~The contestant does his Paul Lynde impression and Gene and some of the others do theirs. ('73)[mg46]

~Richard nearly starts a riot over the judge's decision to not match 'finishing school' after they matched other similar answers. The bottom tier refuses to take their cards down. ('77)[mg46]

~Richard was afraid of a big guy when he gave the wrong answer and he said everyone else gave the same answer so it wasn't just his fault. He asked Gene if the guy was looking at him and he tried to hide his face. Fannie started to give her answer and stopped to let Richard mumble some more and Gene said the guy was still looking at him. Richard acted innocent and scared and didn't look at the guy. ('77)[mg47]

~Richard puts on some glasses with wiggly eyes. ('77)[mg48]

~Richard laughs and has to wipe his eyes after Marsha says an obscene answer and a big OOPS! covers her card on the screen. ('77)[mg48]

~Richard holds girl's arm after she kisses him and Gene is tugging on her other arm. Richard yells that they wanna be alone. ('77)[mg48]

~Charles and Betty trade places and confuse Gene. A contestant's name is Sandy and Gene can't say her last name, so Richard says her last name is Beaches. Gene doesn't get it right away. ('77)[mg50]

~Girl likes Richard and he goes to kiss her but has to fight his way through Gene and says it was worth it. ('77)[mg51]

~Richard whispers to Barbara that a good answer for the Super Match 'Chester ______' is 'Drawers' and she says it, causing Richard to fall back onto Betty and laugh hysterically. He tries to whisper another one and Gene chases him away from her. ('77)[mg51]

~Richard gives a 'feather duster' answer and says it's something he uses in bondage. ('77)[mg51]

~New Years' and the new Match Game '74 sign comes down as the panel throws confetti and walks around celebrating. ('73)[mg53]

~Richard laughs a lot because of overly-excited woman. ('74)[mg53]

~Richard gets embarassed when the question is 'Her heart belonged to daddy, but her ____ belonged to Richard Dawson' and Fannie said, 'Baby.' ('77)[mg54]

~Gene calls Richard 'Chuck' and can't get the name right so Richard says to call him 'Frieda.' Gene asks for Richard's answer and Richard said he already showed it. He makes a trumpet sound with his hands. (77)[mg54]

~Older woman is overwhelmed by the Super Match and they all have her sit down, take off her shoes and put her feet up. Richard is extra sweet to her and gives her a kiss. ('77)[mg59]

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Last Updated: 08 December 2004
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