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~*~No Deals List~*~

What I Need
PLEASE read TRADING before reading further.
It explains this page. Thanks!

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((Forget About It))

~*~No Deals~*~

JOE BARBARISI: A while back, I got an eMail from this guy telling me he needed stuff on my list. I'm sorry if people can't read, but my Terms for trading explain that I have the lists of what I have but that doesn't mean I'm looking for things on all the people I list collecting things from. So when this guy contacted me and said he needs Bob Crane stuff, I said I wasn't looking for anything on Bob at the moment. I have a right not to! But, I guess some people only want what they want and don't care what others want. Had he offered to buy me something on eBay that I was actually looking for (since he obviously didn't get the hint that I'm colelcting other non-Bob things right now), he chose to get personal. Now I get another eMail from him asking the people who run my Bob site to remove me from the site because I had an attitude with him and I show off what stuff I have but don't trade. If he could read, he'd know I'm the only one who runs the site. Therefore, he sent me an eMail insulting me and lying. I dont need someone to harass me and say I shouldn't have something on my site because I'm not giving in and letting him have what he wants. He expects me to give him what he needs, and I get nothing in return? I have a problem with that. There's always some little group of people who expect to get what THEY want and don't bother to help the pther person out. I have other websites now and I'm looking for other things beside Bob stuff. If he had offered to buy me something on eBay or whatever, I woulda had no problem with that! But, no. That wouldn't work for him. It's easy to throw money in someone's face and make them do all the work of digging out the video, recording it, takign it to the post office and sending it out when all you have to do is send a few bucks. And it's easy to attack someone because you didn't get your way. I'm not at all surprised that he hasn't gotten the things he needs, yet. But then, I guess everyone's just out to get him. lewisw7954 (aka HunneyBunney or something similar to that): I helped this person out because he said nobody else would get back to him about trades. He used different names to try and convince me to trade with him. Once I gave him what they wanted, he continually asked me all sorts of questions, and kept eMailing and IMing me on a regular basis. He wanted more stuff and I said I just moved and don't have time, my tapes are packed away, and I'm not gonna go out and get videos to use and then walk up to the post office in 100+ degree weather. He refused to take no for an answer. He insulted me and called my names on more than one occasion, then acted nice again. He's tried a guilt trip with me, plus said I owe him more stuff, and also said that he works and can't go out and get tapes or whatever to set his VCR, and I need to spend an hour making it for him instead. I don't owe ANYONE, ANYTHING and I'm not gonna stand for someone telling me what I need to do for them! This isn't JUST an hour of my time. It's unpacking the video, taking the time to stop what I'm doing and tape it. Package it. WALK it up to the post office. Walk back. And then probably hear more begging for more stuff! And these people NEVER have anything I want, or it's total crap when I get it. People like this really turn me off trading.
13 Feb. '03 Update: This person continues to harass me even after helping him with his site, etc. His new name is RichardDawsonF (on AOL), so beware. Here is a sample of the harassment:

Subj: Re: RDAN
Date: 2/13/2003 2:52:32 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: RicharddawsonF
take that craping bullshit no trade list thats bad about do that and u never  have to here form me again

Subj: Re: RDAN
Date: 2/13/2003 2:55:22 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: RicharddawsonF
ok i will take down the good report about u on my site and put up a bad report THANKS LISA!

Subj: Re: RDAN
Date: 2/13/2003 2:58:29 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: RicharddawsonF
check my site tommow bitch

If you hear from this person, report them immediately. I am in the process of doing so and on standby for slander charges against him. He put degrading remarks about me on his site, but they were removed when I reported him to his server and various other people.

NICK TREADWAY: I had no intentions of doing this, but this kid continues to harass me and I have the eMails and the Instant Messages to prove it. I've held off reporting him because I figured he would go away, but it seems like every time I block his name, he has another and he's sending me messages with random letters or numbers and then says it was an accident cos my name popped up. My name shouldn't even be on his list then. I tell him to leave me alone, he tells me he's sorry AGAIN and then tells me I'm being mean/rude and says to leave HIM alone. This all started when he was IMing me and pretending to be Richard Dawson. When I didn't fall for it, he suggested we do a trade. I gave in and agreed. We did a few trades and each time I gave him something new, and I kept getting the same stuff from him and all of it had bad lines across the picture so it's unwatchable. He said it was MY VCR's fault, then he said it was his VCR and excuse after excuse until I said no more trades. I removed his link from my site and asked him to remove the photos I leant him. After asking him to do so many times, he finally did. He accused me of signing his guest book in a ride manner which I did not do, and if he had any brains he could have checked the IP address. His guest book also has an entry from Richard Dawson, but this has been confirmed that Richard did NOT sign his guest book. So this kid has cheated me out of trades, harassed and lied to my friends online about me, harassed me in eMails and IMs, impersonated Richard and still has the nerve to say I'm at fault. I will never do trades with this person again, and even though he claims to have no problems with other people, I have MANY people who I've done trades with and I have never had a problem like this. This kid lies and will not give up.
His Site:

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Last Updated: 25 February 2005
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