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† The Blues Brothers: Another Chapter †

~*~The Blues Brothers: Another Chapter~*~ Moving Blues FanFic


On Tv








The Blues Brothers: Another Chapter

[Rated R]

The Blues Brothers - another chapter.


This work of the writer's mind is basically written for two periods of time to merge. If you know Star Trek like I do you will understand what I mean. Current time mingling with the era of the first Blues Brothers movie. Jake and Elwood Blues released from Joliet Prison once again on good behavior. Burton Mercer, their parole officer, suggested that they take a vacation from Chicago and the surrounding area so the Blues Brothers decided to take a trip east to New York City but first they would detour to the Eastern City of lights, party and magic - Atlantic City, New Jersey. Little did the brothers know that along the way they would meet the guitarist who would change one of their lives for the better for a very long on to this unexpected journey of discovery, finding oneself, finding love where its least expected.


One - Philadelphia.

Barb needed a vacation. South Carolina just wasn't the answer this time. She needed to be alone, so she believed. Just officially awarded her second degree black belt rest was needed. The law firm she worked for was going through some personal problems and most of the staff was let go, but the few members that were loyal and who were trusted and were awarded $2500 a piece and those 5 members were told that in about a month to call for their positions and to rebuild the firm. So Barb got the break she deserved. Packed with cash, her acoustic guitar and some clothes she gassed up the Neon and headed south to Atlantic City.

Chilling on the A.C. expressway she saw this old police car with two guys in there that didn't look like police. But since it looked old she just thought that the two strangely dressed characters where driving an old police car that was out of service. Heading to the Egg Harbor Toll before Atlantic City there was a backup. There was that car again. This time she saw the driver. Thinner than his partner and nice looking she thought...maybe even better without the Ray Ban shades. Both brothers glanced to the blonde, smiled and nodded. The passenger started fiddling with the cigarette lighter but the driver kept his shaded eyes fixed on the Neon and the female inside it. Elwood thought, maybe he would catch up with her in A.C. When the traffic cleared Elwood noticed the guitar in the back and said out loud that he knew it...Jake asked what but Elwood wouldn't answer.

Elwood was fixated on the green Neon and started at the Showboat casino parking lot and went through every level and to the Taj Mahal all the way 4-5 casinos down to Bally’s where he saw the Neon. Elwood recognized the Pennsylvania license plate and of course the Jesus fish; found a spot near by and Jake and Elwood headed on their way. Jake was seriously hungry and seriously mad at Elwood for driving around parking lots for nearly 2 hours. Elwood reluctantly took Jake for some well deserved dinner. As Jake was filling up at the buffet, Elwood was looking down on the casino floor and he saw someone with blonde hair drinking something red...cranberry. Elwood told Jake he'd meet him later and headed down to the casino floor. Catching one of the drink servers Elwood asked what the blonde was drinking and the server replied, "Vodka and cranberry, and she tips every time I bring her one." Making note of this and getting one for himself, Elwood made his way to one of the video slots close by. Jake looking down from the buffet shook his head and laughed even with a mouth full of food...he knew his little brother was up to something. What he had no idea cause Elwood barely spoke to anyone but him, the penguin, Curtis, & the members of the band.


Two - video slots.

Mindlessly kept plugging away at the nickel slot her mind far away from her problems and feeling good from the alcohol noticed a dark suit nearby; She glanced over, "oh my God, its that dude from the old police car." At that moment she hit for a couple of hundred worth of nickels. Giving her a good reason to escape, she took her buckets to the change and out of sight. Not that Barb wants to hide from the tall, dark and handsome stranger, it’s just that she is as painfully shy as her soon to be counter part. Getting her couple hundred tipping the server for another vodka and cranberry and heading to her room. Forgetting she left her comp cards in the machine that just hit. Elwood was in business. He quickly snatched the comp cards, took the one he wanted and left the rest next to the machine and headed back to Jake. By the time she went back to the machine the handsome stranger and her comp cards were history. But just her luck she looked to the side of the machine she was playing and there they were...all but one...the Bally's card. Oh well she thought...maybe her friend was down on his luck or hungry and maybe he could use the comps. Let him have it she thought...Barb was feeling tired but not tired enough to sleep so she headed to her room for her trusty acoustic and headed to the balcony overlooking the ocean and strummed away on some new tunes.


Three - the search.

Jake was fired up at his younger brother...slapping him so hard his hat came off his head..."You moron. You were right next to her, why didn't you talk to her?" Elwood couldn't and Jake knew this so he had to help his brother, but Jake needed a plan. At this point Elwood produced a Bally's comp card. What was he going to do with this but Jake noticed a grin on Elwood's was HER comp card. Taking the card Jake went to the hotel desk and wanted to know if the guest whose name was on the card was staying at Bally's lovely establishment tonight because Jake said he would personally love to return it. Of course with security being so tight there was no way Ballys would let Jake return the card. They took the card and assured Jake it would go to its rightful owner. Strike one, Jake thought, but the ball game has a long time to go. Nine innings of course and extra innings if necessary. Jake found Elwood overlooking the ocean and thinking about the beautiful music it made and the beautiful sounds of the acoustic guitar he was hearing made...he heard it but couldn't find where it was coming from. Jake patted his little brother on the shoulder and said that they would find her...the old fashioned way as the thought came to Jake...the Jesus was another mission from find her. (Barb had a Jesus fish affixed to the back of her Neon.) Just to see Elwood happy would make Jake happy. Barb looked down over the balcony seeing the brothers. Jake looked up and saw Barb...lifting his eyebrow he had another plan...they were on their mission. Jake knew two things, her name was Barb and that she played guitar...he came up with a plan. The Blues Brothers would have to perform.


Four - the music.

The Blues Brothers started to perform on the boardwalk with a boom box with background music, Jake sang and Elwood blew his harp. They drew quite a crowd. Barb watched from the balcony and watched the tall brother blow his harmonica and thought it was the coolest sound she ever heard. Rushing down with guitar in hand it was time to meet these two brothers who shared a love of the same type of music she did. Finding a bench nearby it was time to see what these two were all about. They broke into a rousing rendition of Rawhide and once she heard the tall brother sing she was hooked. He had it all, she thought...but how would she gain the courage to speak to them. Taking a break, Jake and Elwood stepped away from the stage. Jake saw Barb but Elwood didn't because he was fiddling with the equipment. Jake came over to Barb and said, "So you play music, too?" Barb, being so shy, just sheepishly nodded. Jake sat down next to Barb and they slowly started to talk about music and sounds. They exchanged their names and finally Jake said, "Wanna meet my brother?" and Barb said sure...if this Jake was nice enough his brother should be, too. Jake made the introductions...Barb the guitarist, meet Elwood the harmonica player, and my brother. They shook hands and their faces lit up like Christmas trees. Jake, knowing he did a good thing, headed into the casino for some Blackjack. Barb excused herself for a put her guitar back in her room because it so unseasonably warm for early December Elwood asked to walk down the beach with her. As the sun set on the Atlantic Ocean Barb warned Elwood that if he tried anything funny she'd beat him up because she was a black belt. Elwood liked that but assured her he was straight up.


Five - the walk on the beach.

Elwood and Barb walked on the beach; they laughed and discussed everything from music to martial arts. Elwood admitted he wanted to talk to her from the moment he saw her on the A.C. expressway. And formally apologized for taking her comp cards and made sure she got the others opportunity to hold his hand, she grabbed his right hand and said that is why she didn't report it, she new the handsome stranger had them. Trying to pull away, Elwood tightened his grip so they would continue to hold hands on the beach. Finding a dry spot, they took a rest. Elwood, taking his suit coat off laid it on the sand for her to sit on. Elwood squeezed in on the suit coat beside her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. They gazed into the ocean until it was so dark they couldn't see in front of them. Elwood moved so slightly and kissed Barb on the side of the head and said that she was really sweet and hoped they could be friends...she returned his sentiment with a kiss firmly on Elwood's lips...with that slick motion she slid his hat on to her head...Elwood smiled. He liked that he kissed her more...much more deeply this time and whispered in her ear that he would love to see the room Ballys set her up in...Feeling hungry...Barb her response..."Elwood, why don't you join me in some room service, but first...let me see your eyes." Kissing her again even more deeply then the first time, feeling his pants tighten with excitement he said, "Anything". She gently removed Elwood's shades and she gazed into his greenish brown eyes. Feeling his grip tighten along with the hardness in his pants she said its time to get that room service.


Six - room service.

Passing by Jake in the casino...they stopped by arm and arm seeing how Jake was doing. Jake noted to himself that Elwood was well on the way to his jackpot because one he wasn't wearing his hat, Barb which Jake remarked she looked better in than Elwood did and that Elwood wasn't wearing his sunglasses. Barb passed Jake an additional $200 and told him that the do not disturb sign would be on the door. Jake understood this and kept his winning ways. With that Barb and Elwood were on their way. Going up to 701, Barb's complimentary room from Ballys, she let Elwood in. And he rested comfortably on one of the chairs by the window; he loosened his tie, took it off and unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt. Barb called for room service...some bread and 2 shrimp cocktails and 2 sixes of beer. It was going to be a long night. The food and beer would take about 45 minutes Barb moved over to Elwood and kissed him deeply kissing down his neck and kissing him and unbuttoning his shirt, with each kiss they felt like they have been together forever, she slid down him and undid his belt and unzipped his pants revealing "little Elwood" for some well deserved air and playtime. Elwood reveled in this oral pleasure he was receiving and couldn't wait for the next course. Before he released room service knocked on the door. Elwood swung away from view still in the same chair. Barb paid room service and put the do not disturb sign on the door. Putting the food aside and sharing a beer...Barb needed to continue what she started. Back to tasting Elwood, he moaned in delight as she pleasured him harder and he finally released into her mouth. Good to the last drop she remarked...a sign of a good musician. Elwood smiled at this, finished the beer and slid Barb onto the bed. Removing the rest of their clothes Elwood started his onslaught of the girl in the Neon. Elwood then showed Barb personally why he was such a good harmonica player, orally satisfying her to the deepest depths of her soul.


Seven - next morning.

Morning? Already? Elwood thought. They made love all night. Room service was awaiting them and Jake was banging on the door. It was time to leave...but since Jake saw the food and the happy couple as, Jake put it, didn't want to eat they just wanted each other more and more so Jake helped himself to their Continental Breakfast. Jake said not to mind him...they didn't...Elwood followed Barb into the shower to continue what was happening all the previous night. As they kissed and Elwood pressed himself against Barb and into her at the same time the both of them knew this would be the last time they would be together as Elwood explained earlier on the beach that they had to "keep moving" but he didn't want Barb to forget him. And after last night she never would. Elwood and Barb emerged from the bathroom glowing and Jake said he thought he would have to call security because they were making way too much noise. Barb squarely landed Jake with a pillow. She helped Elwood dress making him look as hot as he did last night. She closed $500 and her cell phone number in Elwood's hands believing he would lose it or forget about their night. As she hugged Jake, tears welled in her eyes with the sense she would never see the Blues Brothers again. She would see one of them again but when? Jake passed her to Elwood who removed his sunglasses to reveal tear-filled eyes, kissed her very deeply and whispered that he loved her and they would meet again and he would remain faithful. Take care, God Bless were wished ,they kissed again and Elwood and Jake were gone.


Eight - the long ride back to Philadelphia.

The ride took forever back to Philadelphia. She planned to stay in A.C. much longer but the past 36 hours felt more like a lifetime she was exhausted and wanted to get on with her life. Grabbing a bite at a rest stop her cell phone rang. It was Elwood. She cried when she heard his soft tones. He spoke only words of love to her and that he didn't forget her or her phone number. That as soon as things were settled he would come to Philadelphia to see her. But the next time it would be alone. Elwood didn't know this, Jake certainly didn't know and Barb just had that gut feeling. They exchanged I love yous over the phone and said goodbye for what Barb was almost sure it would be the last time. She continued her ride back to Philadelphia. The world seemed different. It was time to move on. But she didn't. She heard from Elwood periodically but the calls became more and more less frequent because of them moving around so much and one day about 4 months later her phone rang.


Nine - the call.

It was the NYPD. They asked Barb if she knew of an Elwood J. Blues. She said yes, about 3 or 4 months ago. Upon his arrest in New York City her phone number was on Elwood. He needed someone; because that someone was Barb because she was all he had left. Elwood had learned that Curtis and the penguin had gone to their final reward but so did Jake. On March 5th Jake was found in his jail cell of passed on due to heart failure and the system had released Elwood on his on recognizance. But later he was picked up on a vehicle violation and had the Blues Mobile towed. So the police called Barb. She was told about Elwood's fate and asked to speak with him but he was in no shape to talk. Well, she needed to speak to Elwood. But had no idea what Elwood had to say to her. Elwood cried softly into the phone...his apologies and blurted out about Jake. Barb broke down. Told Elwood that she needed to speak to him and he said he really needed her which made her feel good because Barb was carrying Elwood's baby. She told him that she would pay for his train ticket from Penn Station to 30th Street Station and she would pick him up in 3 hours and then she would tell him her news. Thye met to solemn hugs and got to Barb's Neon. Elwood said he was hungry and that they should eat and talk. She held him in the booth of the diner as he cried over Jake, Curtis and the penguin. She needed to tell him about the baby, Elwood deserved to know. As he took slow methodic bites of his toast Barb took a deep breath, took Elwood by the hands and slowly told him the news that in about six months he would be a father. Elwood breathed, "Atlantic City." Barb shook her head. He never even asked if she was sure it was his, it goes without saying they had made a solemn promise of faithfulness when they both upheld. Elwood made plans to make residence in Philadelphia, get a job at Barb's karate instructor's place of employment and call Burton Mercer to tell him he was settling down and wrote the same letter to every member of the band...asking them to come play at his wedding in June, which for old times sake they obliged.


Ten - the future and post log.

Barb and Elwood were married in June. In September Elwood Jake Blues, Jr. was born. He had blonde hair but looked just like Elwood. Elwood played the harp to the baby as he slept. Elwood settled down; stayed on the right side of the law. Visited Jake's grave often...Barb and Elwood had arranged to have his body buried in Atlantic City where Elwood J. Blues had found himself. His life, his love, his future, his destiny and his mission from God complete with a reward of Baby Elwood.

****The end...or just the beginning.****

(Story Copyright © 2002, Barb Inc.)

And We're Wearing Sunglasses!

Take Me Home!

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Last Updated: 07 September 2002.
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