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† Foiled Again †

~*~Foiled Again~*~ Foiled Again FanFic


On Tv








Foiled again!

[Rated PG. This story bears only a passing resemblance to the storylines of the ‘real thing’. The absence of ‘technicalities’ is deliberate, mainly because they fly over my head! This story has more of a ‘lifestyle’ focus.]


8.30 am, Wednesday morning. “Ow! God-damn it!!!” Shrieked an exasperated Peter Venkman. Slimer had exacted his gooey wake-up call come revenge on him following some verbal abuse the previous evening.

He hurtled down the stairs of GB-HQ in hot pursuit of a gurgling Slimer. “Wahhh!!!” Slimer squealed as he shot out of the open front door just as Janine Melnitz, their long suffering secretary and impromptu conscience, walked in.

“Slimer, watch where you’re going please!” she called after him, narrowly avoiding being hit by a flying glob of slime. ‘That was a close one!’ she thought to herself. She’d just bought a new outfit and didn’t want it spoiling, well not just yet anyway!

“Morning Peter” she said as she sat down at her desk. Peter propped himself against the bonnet of Ecto-1 and after catching his breath back replied, “Mornin’, I’m gonna get that…!”

Janine interrupted him. “Oh leave it out for goodness sake!” “Can’t you two just learn to get along, it drives me SO crazy!!” She glared at him and he let it drop for the time being.

Hearing raised voices the others wandered downstairs in a slightly dopey manner. They’d had a late bust the night before and were still feeling the after effects, along with being suddenly woken by Peter and Slimer’s antics.

Ray noticed a blob of slime on Peter’s shoulder. “Looks like he got you back for name-calling him last night!” he chuckled. Peter looked down and started towards the stairs. “Yeah, this was a clean shirt too!!” He mouthed some more obscenities and stomped his way up the steps.

Janine always tried her best to ignore the all too frequent kafuffles during her working hours. Especially when Slimer was in one of his more playful moods. The guys, at least when not over-tired were usually sane enough, if a little eccentric here and there.

She decided some coffee was in order, so while the others mused about the previous night’s excitement she busied herself in the kitchen.

A little later, while the guys were out on a bust, Slimer crept back into the Firehall. Janine spotted him and tossed a half eaten croissant left over from breakfast to him. The greedy ghoul scoffed it without a moment’s hesitation!! “Yum, yum!” he bubbled.

The rest of the morning passed without incident, in fact it was much quieter than usual and Janine was glad of the break. The previous couple of weeks had been very busy, culminating with a rather large, not to mention ugly and determined not to be trapped, demonic spectre the night before.

After virtually two hours without a single call, Janine was busy polishing her nails when I wander in to pay a surprise visit on my old friend. I’d been away working in Namibia for a few years after I got divorced and had tried my best to keep in touch. Unfortunately living in the middle of nowhere presents it’s difficulties in that department.

“Hello Janine, long time no see!” I call out. “Clare!!” “Hi, what are you doing here, how are you?!!” We give each other a huge hug and sit down to catch up on lost ground. “I’ve decided to come back here for good.” “It’s been a really great experience, but I decided I was missing my family too much!” I explain, slightly reticently.

We’d been chatting for best part of an hour when the guys came back, even more exhausted than normal. I’d never met any of her employers, since she’d joined them after I left, though of course she had told me all about them in her letters!!

All of a sudden I was surrounded by a gaggle of curious fellows hell bent on asking every kind of question under the sun!! Fortunately Janine came to my rescue with some well-timed coffee.

“Guys, this is my friend Clare, she’s been living in Namibia up to now.” I shake hands and exchange polite greetings with Ray, Egon and Winston in turn. Until it was Peter’s turn that is. In his usual fashion whenever he encounters a new female, he turned on the charm. Fortunately I was ready for it and managed to divert his attention elsewhere, albeit temporarily.

Before we realised it lunchtime was upon us and Janine and I prepared to go to a local café. As we walked towards the door I could’ve sworn I heard Peter mutter “She’s a stunner, I just gotta ask her out!!” under his breath. I smiled and thought no more of it.

At the café I told Janine about what I thought Peter had said. “He’s just being his usual self!” she laughed. I giggled with her. “Yeah!” “Well he won’t get very far!!” I laugh, recalling her very apt descriptions of his ‘charming’ ways and my previous bad experience with members of the opposite gender.

“That won’t stop him from trying and he can get pretty persuasive, believe me, so be on your guard!” Janine added. We both laughed out loud.

“I think Ray is more my type!” I giggle, slightly embarrassed. “Much more of a gentleman than Peter.” Janine smiled broadly. “He is, but he’s kinda shy too!” We laugh some more before I tell her about my latest African adventures.

After lunch we walk back to the Firehouse. “I’m going to stay with my parents for a few weeks then maybe think about finding a new place for myself” I add to the conversation.

Recalling that my parents only live a couple of streets away from her she responded excitedly, “Great, that means we can have plenty of girlie nights out!” We both agree on that brilliant idea as we arrive back at GB-HQ.

Upon re-entering the Firehall we were greeted rather over enthusiastically by Peter. “Nice lunch ladies?” “Where’d you go?” “Only to Tino’s” Janine replied coolly and noticed his eyes were firmly fixated on me as I watched Slimer making dizzying ‘figure of eights’ overhead.

Ray was on the phone and Janine waited for him to finish. Suddenly I became aware of being stared at and looked over to Peter who smiled cheekily. I returned the smile and turned my attention on Janine’s anguish as she searched for some paperwork.

“What’s the matter?” I ask politely. “Those accounts files, I can’t find them!” “Peter have you seen them?”

Her question broke his trance. “Uh, uh, no, not since you put them back in the cabinet as usual this morning.” He looked back at me and grinned.

“You haven’t hidden them on purpose have you?” I ask Peter a little bluntly. “You’ve got a rather suspicious grin on ya face!”

“No, of course not, why would I do that?!” “Oh no reason as such, it’s just that Janine’s told me all about your peculiar brand of humour that’s all!” I smile at him and a curious expression crossed his face.

He stepped closer to me and asked, “Just what’s she been saying exactly?” “Don’t look so worried, nothing incriminating!” I smile in a, ‘I know exactly what goes on here’ kind of way. He smiled, though I think he knew his cover had been blown!!

Just then Ray finished on the phone. “Ray have you seen those accounts files?” Janine asked, getting more and more frustrated by the minute.

“Err, no, I haven’t…” he replied awkwardly, aware that I was watching his every move. He shouted upstairs. “Egon, Winston, have you seen the accounts stuff?” There is no reply at first.

Just then Egon emerges from his lab carrying the errant files. “Here they are, unfortunately Slimer was inventing his own entertainment down here while you were gone and he, well, lets just say they got a bit messy.” He handed Janine the files. “I cleaned them up for you.” She beams at him appreciatively. “Thanks Egon!”

With that I turn to leave, but before I’d gone two paces Peter hailed me. “Clare do you fancy going to see a movie tonight?” he asked hopefully. Janine glared at him.

“Peter, she’s only been in the country for five minutes, couldn’t you have waited before pouncing on the poor woman!” she scolded the now forlorn looking Parapsychologist.

“But, but..!” he pleaded. “Peter, just drop it will you!!” I tried to stifle a fit of giggles, but I think the others picked up on my struggle to maintain my composure.

“Oh, it’s alright” I soothed. “I don’t mind really.” Janine looked at me rather surprised. “If the other’s are invited as well then I’ll tag along.” Peter’s face lit up. It wasn’t quite what he’d had in mind, but it would have to do for the time being.

“Great! Thanks Clare!!” Janine enthused. “I haven’t been to the movies for ages.” “I’ll pick you up at 7” she said to me. We agreed to meet the guys at the theatre.

As it happened Janine and I arrived with plenty of time to spare. We stood in the lobby admiring the forthcoming movie posters. “When we go in I’ll make sure that I’m in between you and Peter” she advised. “Otherwise you know what’ll happen!!” We giggled over the thought of him trying in desperation to win my affections and awaited their arrival.

It was nearly 8.00 before they came stumbling through the door. The wind had picked up outside and it had given them some interesting hairstyles!!

Without hesitation Peter sidled up to me and put his arm around my waist. Janine was at the Popcorn counter at the time, but when she came back she gave him a sharp kick in the heels. “Ow!” he muttered. He released me as he took a carton of Popcorn from her and pulled a disappointed expression.

Because of their slightly late arrival we had to sit in the back row. Not that that bothered Peter! He was hoping for another chance, however he was most annoyed when Janine ushered me in first. She ‘shooed’ Ray in next, followed by herself and Egon. Egon was always ‘put’ next to Janine, of course! Peter and Winston brought up the rear.

“Never mind” I heard Winston whisper, not so quietly to Peter. Peter had a most forlorn expression on his face. Suddenly his suggestion of an evening out wasn’t going according to plan!!

The movie was good though being out of circulation for a while meant that I’d no idea who any of the main players were. We’d been watching for about an hour or so when Ray ran out of Popcorn. I wasn’t surprised; he’d been scoffing it at a pretty fast rate of knots!!

“Dammit!” he whispered. I’d only been picking at my Popcorn so I squeezed the carton into the drinks holder on the end of the armrest. “Have some of mine” I replied, turning back to the movie.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Janine trying to get cosy with Egon, but I did my best not to pay too much attention!! Another half hour went by without mishap, although by now my jet lag was beginning to catch up with me big time.

I put my hand over my mouth to hide a deep yawn. “Ooh, excuse me!” I whispered as quietly as possible, hoping no one would hear. Unfortunately I wasn’t quiet enough!

“Long day?” Ray whispered. “Mmm, too many air miles!” I replied. “Plus which I nearly always start to doze in movie theatres!” “Must be the…” my voice trailed off as yet another yawn surfaced. “Oooh!”

Fortunately the movie finished ten minutes later. We walked outside into the fresh air and I was glad of it, it was very stuffy in that auditorium.

Peter decided it was a brilliant idea to walk us back to Janine’s car. Foolishly I let Janine and Egon fall behind and Peter was intent on making the most of whatever opportunity might arise.

When we arrived at the allotted space I walked around to the passenger side and waited for Janine to catch up and unlock the door.

Peter went to follow me, more determined than ever, but Ray pulled him back. Peter glared at him, as if to say, ‘let go, she’s mine!’ Ray whispered something in his ear, but I couldn’t hear what exactly.

Janine and Egon were still walking, very, very slowly, towards us. Winston got fed up with waiting and went to fetch their vehicle, leaving Ray to ‘mind’ me so to speak.

I stifled another big yawn. “Ooh, dear me, I think I’d better get my head down ASAP!” I laughed. Ray laughed back, “Yeah!”

Just at that moment I noticed the slight chill in the air and shivered a little. “You cold?” Ray asked. “Oh, no, not especially, it was just so hot in there, that you tend to notice it more that’s all.”

“Here, let me warm you up!” Peter brashly announced. He put one arm around my shoulders and cuddled up to me. “That better?” “A little” I replied, trying not to make too much of a fuss.

“What on earth is Janine up to?” I asked, puzzled. I peered around the van parked next to Janine’s car and looked in the direction I’d last seen them. Janine and Egon had completely vanished. Ray looked over his shoulder and also noticed they’d disappeared.

“I dunno, but knowing Janine she’s probably just sneaked off with Egon for a quick cuddle!!” Peter laughed.

His arm dropped down to the base of my coat and I felt him put his hand up underneath it and around my waist. He squeezed me a little and I tried to divert attention away from my blushing cheeks, “Yeah, she’s been telling me about ‘all that’!!”

Unfortunately for me, Ray spotted a Captain Steel comic in the back of the car parked opposite and walked over to investigate, leaving me to keep myself out of harm’s way.

Before I could start a conversation to distract him, Peter pulled me round behind the van out of sight and put both his arms around me. He leaned closer and went to kiss me, but I turned away.

Sensing my nervousness he brushed the hair off my face, “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to jump in before you were ready.” I looked up at him and smiled.

“Look you’re a nice guy, but it takes me a while to get to know people ya know.” “I’m not one of these people who can just DO that sort of thing that’s all.” I was really hoping to make him think twice.

“That’s OK, I understand, but sometimes you have to take opportunities when they happen.” “I don’t get the chance very often, guess I shoulda taken things a bit slower huh?” “Well I...” I fumbled for an excuse.

He rubbed my back affectionately and smiled boyishly. I almost felt angry with myself, after all it’d been nearly 5 years since I’d had a date and he was kinda cute!!

“Peter…”. Before I could finish we both heard Janine’s voice approaching. Peter put me down in a hurry, not wanting to get another kick from her!! We hurriedly tidied ourselves up and stood beside Janine’s car, while Ray wandered back from staring at the comic.

“And where’ve YOU been?!” I asked, mockingly. Janine smiled at me and I smiled back. We both knew perfectly well without having to say a word!!

We bade farewell to the guys and Janine dropped me off back at my parents place. We’d agreed to meet up again at the weekend, since I had to start looking for a job.

Friday night arrived and after putting on my brand new sparkly black dress I went to meet Janine at the Firehouse. I stepped through the door and was greeted by a rather over excited Slimer.

“Hi, Slimer!” “Janine about?” I ask, not expecting to get a sane answer to a perfectly sensible question.

Slimer gurgled for a moment and flew off in the direction of Janine’s desk, which was unoccupied. “Jaaaninnnee, goooone upppstaairss!” he managed to sputter out in his usual incomprehensible manner.

Slimer shot up to the next floor via the fire pole and was met halfway by Peter who on hearing my voice had decided to come down the quick way.

“Slimer!” he yelled as he got his shoulder coated with goo! “Oh dear!” I laugh. “Looks like he’s popular, again!”

Peter had a very disgruntled expression on his face. He was adamant this time that nothing was going to stop him from trying to persuade me to go on a proper date with him.

“I expect that happens a lot huh?” I ask. “Wha… oh, yeah, I’m gonna get him back good and proper first chance I get!!”

Taking off his spoiled jacket he stood next to me grinning cheekily. I hoped that Janine would reappear and save me from being at his mercy any longer. Unfortunately she didn’t.

“Was Janine up there?” I ask, breaking his stare. “Huh, oh, yeah, in Egon’s lab.” “Are you two going out?”

“Yes, we’re going to a nightclub.” I regretted telling him that, I felt sure he’d try and tag along, and sure enough…!

“I don’t mind escorting you two lovely ladies!” he blurted out before I could distract him. Just then Janine walked down the stairs wearing one of her ‘posh frocks’, followed by Egon in a suit.

“Forget it Peter, we’re going to have some fun, not provide you with entertainment!! Janine scolded and then greeted me. “Hi Clare, you all ready to go?” “Yes, whenever you are” I replied. “Egon’s coming with us.” She slid her arm under his and smiled at him. “I called for a taxi, should be here in five,” she added. I nodded in agreement.

Hearing heated voices Ray came sliding down the fire pole, making sure Slimer was nowhere near it as he’d only just got cleaned up after being covered in slime earlier in the day.

“Off out?” he asked Janine. “Yeah, we’re going to Bransky’s, wanna come?”

“Hey, how come he gets invited and I don’t!” Peter barked. “Because he knows how to behave himself basically!” Janine replied, equally indignantly. “If ever we’re out with you, you always try and…oh why am I wasting my breath, you know perfectly well why!” Peter pulled a disappointed expression. Admittedly he had ‘misbehaved’ on the last few social occasions!

The taxi arrived and I followed Janine out the door. Egon walked behind, followed by Slimer who seemed hell bent on hugging us before we left. Ray chased after him, “Slimer no!!” he called out. He got right outside before persuading Slimer to stay back at the Firehouse!!

After Slimer went back inside Ray suddenly recalled Janine’s invite. “Can I still come?” he asked. “Sure” Janine replied, smiling at me.

We had a really good time at the club. Plenty of dancing! Janine even persuaded Egon to dance for a couple of the slower tunes!!! It wasn’t really his kind of thing, but he made the effort for her sake.

All of a sudden a really slow, romantic song started playing and Janine hugged Egon closely, the two of them swaying gently to the music.

I was in need of a breather so Ray and I went and sat down in a quiet corner, leaving Egon and Janine to their dancing.

“Look at those two, what a pair of lovebirds!” I giggled. Ray looked across at them. “Yeah, Janine’s really sweet on Egon.” “He likes her a lot too, but he’s not so open with his feelings as she is.”

Suddenly Ray shifted the topic of conversation slightly. “I know Peter’s been trying to get your undivided attention ever since he saw you and I noticed that you didn’t exactly resist, but…” his voice trailed off, unsure where he was heading with his line of questioning.

“Oh, well, I was only being polite, I don’t fancy him or anything” I replied, though I had to convince myself that I didn’t. “Why do you think I insisted on the rest of you joining in the other night?” I tried to dissuade his curiosity.

“Yeah, you’re right, I just wondered that’s all...”.

Ray beamed at me, “I thought you and Janine did a good job in fending Peter off tonight actually, he was practically drooling all over you!” “Yeah, started making my skin crawl” I laughed, lying just a little. “Never mind he’ll get over it!” Ray chuckled.

“Is he always as ‘forward’ as that?” I ask, half knowing it was a silly question. “Unfortunately yes, he never seems to be able to keep a girlfriend for longer than five minutes, though with his all too frequent back-chatter that’s not surprising.”

I felt sorry for Peter. “Well he’s bound to meet the right one some day.” Ray looked at me knowing I meant every word of it.

“Mmmm…I guess we all will, one day.” “Well I think Egon has already!” I giggle, “Look at ‘em now!” We glanced over and saw that Janine had got Egon well and truly in her grasp, though he wasn’t exactly ‘saying no’ either!!

“I’ve never had much luck in that department” Ray admitted, forlornly. “Well neither have I, I was married a few years back, but it didn’t work out” I replied.

“It was kind of why I went to Africa, to escape and get my head together.” I suddenly found myself letting on more than perhaps I should, but Ray had made me feel quite at ease and I’d spoken before thinking.

“You shouldn’t have had to do that!” Ray barked, his anger aimed at my ex, even though he’d never met him.

“Well, we all make mistakes, though I have to say I messed up big time on that one!” I laughed, trying to hide my awkwardness.

Ray pondered for a moment, he was beginning to realise that there was more to me than he’d been aware of at first.

“Peter wouldn’t be right for you” he said, taking me by surprise. “Err, no, I noticed!” “He’s nice, but he’s to obvious, too…” I fumbled for the right word.

I sipped at my drink for a moment and heard Ray let out a deep sigh, I turned to him and was about to enquire why, when he cut in “Would you like to go out sometime, to the movies or…?”

“Wha…oh, well, yeah, OK, I don’t see why not” I replied, slightly taken aback. “Great, I’ll have to check the work roster, but…” his voice trailed off. He didn’t like the way his job kept interfering with social activities and this time it was more frustrating than usual.

“Well, whenever you’ve got a spare evening” I reassured. “I’m on the verge of getting a job sorted, but it’ll be a 9 to 5 one, so I shall have the evenings to myself.”

I smiled at Ray who was feeling very pleased with himself, and proud that he hadn’t ‘bottled out’!! He smiled back and we leaned closer…

Just then Egon and Janine joined us, breaking the spell that had bewitched us both. “Had enough?!” I ask. “Yeah, I think I wore him out pretty good!” Janine replied. I had to admit Egon looked a little worse for wear.

I stifled a yawn. “Why don’t we go back to my place for a drink?” Janine suddenly announced. “It’s on the way back to the Firehouse anyway…”

“Yeah, OK, why not!” Ray accepted, before Egon had even registered the question. We took a cab to Janine’s. We could’ve walked the short distance, but thought better of it at this hour.

We spent ages at Janine’s chatting over a pleasant bottle or two of wine. “You’ve redecorated this place since I was here last?” I asked.

“Yeah, got fed up with staring at the same ol’ stuff!” she replied. I noticed a picture of her and Egon taken at her last birthday party at GB-HQ and smiled to myself.

Egon realised that the time had marched on and tried to suggest that he and Ray head back to the Firehouse.

“We’ve got a bust to do tomorrow morning” he began. “Egon, it’s only a few blocks away, it’s not like we gotta go miles and start out real early!” he retorted, making it obvious to all that he didn’t want to go anywhere that involved leaving me behind!

Ray’s outburst took everyone by surprise. He wasn’t normally given to snapping like that. Evidently something was on his mind. Egon looked at him, concerned that perhaps some supernatural force might be at work. As it turned out, it was nothing more than a simple case of the heart beating faster than usual!!

“Look, why don’t you all crash out here, I’ve got a spare room and plenty of extra blankets and stuff?” “Clare told her parents she might stop over here anyway.” Egon had more or less dozed off anyway, so we had little choice in the matter.

I’d only been asleep for about 20 minutes or so when something woke me up with a start. I put it down to sleeping in a strange place, but I soon realised I wasn’t alone in the room.

All of a sudden something, or rather someone clambered up beside me, but on the outside of the bedding.

I opened my eyes and could just make out Ray staring at me in the dim light. “Something the matter?” I ask, sleepily.

“I just wanted to keep you company that’s all.” He pulled his borrowed blanket over himself and snuggled down. “Well, I’m afraid I’m not very good company at this time of day” I laughed.

Turning onto my back, I closed my eyes and tried to go back off to sleep, but was interrupted by an arm being wrapped around my shoulders. “Mmm…” I muttered, sleepily.

Rolling onto my side I turned my head so I was face to face with Ray. He pulled my face to his and kissed me very gently. This time we weren’t interrupted!!

I pushed the duvet down slightly and put my arms around him. “That feels good!” he muttered. “Feels even better in here” I whispered seductively and started to unbutton his shirt.

Realising he was still on top of the bed instead of in it, he pulled his shirt off, removed the remainder of his attire and crawled under the duvet.

It felt so good to have a partner again after so long. Despite all that had happened in the past I missed the company at night. I had to admit though that Ray far outstripped my ex and Peter for that matter! He was far more sensitive and caring, the sort of person who would go to great lengths to please.

“Hello again!” Ray joked. “We shall have to stop meeting like this, people will talk!” I giggled back. A little bit of humour settled us both into a more relaxed mood.

I’d forgotten I was wearing my nightshirt, until Ray put his hands up under it and tried to lift it off over my head. Unfortunately we got stuck so I had to sit up and take it off!

After I snuggled back down again Ray half rolled on top of me and gave me the most passionate kiss I’d ever had in my life!!

Unable to resist, I returned the kiss and put my arms around him. I allowed my hands to wander up and down his back, steadily progressing lower with each movement.

Ray let out a soft moan as I caressed his rear, “Mmmm…”. He put one leg over my waist and as we kissed our hands explored every aspect of each other’s bodies. “I could get used to this” I smiled. “So could I!” he replied.

We must’ve made love about half a dozen times over the next couple of hours or so. To tell you the truth, with all the excitement I kinda lost track!!! All I know is I was thoroughly exhausted, but extremely satisfied!!!

The next morning Janine came in with some coffee for me and was most taken aback when she spotted Ray!!! Fortunately I had already woken when I heard her get up.

“Ray, what ARE YOU doing!” she barked at the stunned and still half asleep occultist. As if she need ask!!

Janine pulled an apologising expression. “Look, I’m really sorry, I don’t mind if you two want to get to know each other on a more personal level, it was just a gut reaction.”

“That’s alright, I should’ve picked a better moment!” Ray replied, hugging me. “Just don’t tell Peter!” he pleaded. “Please!” “He’ll never give it up!! Janine and I sighed at the thought of Peter’s relentless teasing!!!

In the lounge Egon was sitting on the sofa with a mug of coffee. He too had a slightly ‘more than pleased with himself’ expression on his face!

“Don’t say a word!” Ray begged his unsuspecting colleague. After a moment Ray noticed Egon’s expression.

“Never mind me, what happened that made you smile like THAT?!” He turned round and grinned smugly at Janine who now bore a telling sparkle in her eyes. She stifled a giggle and vanished into the kitchen.

“You dark horse!” he exalted, giving Egon’s shoulder a cheeky slap. “So you finally made your move then?!” Egon glared at him for a moment, but couldn’t hide the ‘it’s not the first time’ look about him.

After breakfast I headed back to my parent’s place while Janine and the guys returned to the Firehouse. Peter and Winston, who were understandably curious, greeted them. Slimer meanwhile was too preoccupied with a large sandwich to notice.

“Hey, good night was it?!” Winston asked, noting the sparkle in Janine and Egon’s eyes. “Yeah” Janine replied. “I think Clare and I wore these two out dancing!” she added, stifling a small yawn.

Peter was looking very disheartened, having been forced to miss out on the excitement. However he soon forgot about it when he noticed the telling sparkle in Ray’s eyes. He guessed straight away what had been going on between him and me.

“Where’s Clare?” Peter asked. “Gone back to her place” Ray replied. “Oh OK” Peter smirked.

A little later Peter cornered Ray in the basement, intent on giving him the ‘third degree’. He walked up behind Ray who had his attention fixated on a trap and tapped him on the shoulder. Ray flinched in startled surprise and Peter pinned him to the wall.

“OK, funny face, I wanna know exactly what happened last night!” Peter demanded. “Peter, calm down, we went dancing that’s all!” Ray sputtered.

Ray knew how ‘funny’ Peter could be if anyone got in the way of him and a girl!! “Don’t try to fool me Ray, you spent the night at Janine’s with her!”

“Yeah, but…!” He couldn’t hide the obvious. “You rotten…!” Peter shouted and went to clout Ray but his hand was met in mid air by Slimer. Gloooopppp!!

“Euyuck!!” Peter exclaimed. “Slimer, I’m gonna get you for this!!” Slimer dived up the stairs and Peter followed.

In the garage Egon and Winston interrupted Peter’s pursuit. “Lemme go!” he pleaded. “Peter your behaviour is most unscientific!” Egon announced.

Ray came up from the basement and Peter tried to lunge at him, but Winston held him back. “Hey, cool it man!” Winston soothed. “What’s Ray done to get you so mad?”

“I think I stepped on his patch” Ray offered forlornly. “He’s mad cos I went out with Clare instead of him.”

“You did rather MORE than just go out with her!” Peter shouted at full volume. Winston looked at him and then turned to Ray with a look of sheer amazement.

“Way to go Ray!” Winston laughed. Ray smiled and his face turned a very deep shade of burgundy. Peter tried to get away again.

“Hold it!” “Now we’re getting to the bottom of this, you’re jealous!!!” Winston giggled and Peter tried to hit him as well. “Cool it, right now!” Winston demanded.

“Peter, you’re not the only guy around here ya know, we are allowed to have dates of our own!” Ray responded.

Peter stopped struggling. “Yeah, but you knew I liked Clare, but you dived in headfirst anyway!!”

“Peter, Clare’s not interested in you, she told me!” Janine shouted from her desk. Peter made a face. “It’s not fair, why do all the decent and good looking girls go for someone else!”

“Well maybe if you stopped trying so hard…” Janine advised. Peter glared at her, but realised she had a point.

“OK, OK, looks like I lost out this time.” “She’s all yours Ray” Peter relented. “Thanks Pete!” Ray beamed. Janine looked at him, she’d never seen him so all fired-happy before.

Peter disappeared upstairs to wash off Slimer’s goo, Ray went back into the basement and normality, such as it is, returned to the Firehouse.

****The End****

(Story Copyright © 2002, CJ Inc.)

And We're Wearing Sunglasses!

Take Me Home!

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Last Updated: 18 June 2002.
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