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† A Midsummer's Night... †

~*~A Midsummer's Night...~*~ A Midsummer's Night... FanFic


On Tv









[Rated-PG; Author’s note, this story is set before the film.]

Chicago. I am on my way home from work after a hefty week and very glad that it is now Friday. I share a flat with a pretty blonde, 26-year-old Louisa. We have known each other since our school days back home in England.

The next afternoon we set off for our two-week break, us both working for the same company made that easier. We intended to spend our spare time going on day trips, since we’d had a rather expensive safari to Southern Africa only three months previous. While on the way back from Lake Michigan, we stopped in a roadside bar/club for a break. We were both fairly tired and sat at the bar for a while. I overheard some guy chatting to his girlfriend about the band that was due to appear later. I mentioned it to Louisa and we decided to stay and watch the show.

About half an hour later a right motley crew of guys wandered in, whom I assumed were the band. Two guys dressed in black suits and hats wandered up to the bar and spoke to the bartender who went and fetched this rather odd looking guy from the back. Louisa and I were too busy chin-wagging about our recent holiday to get a fix on their conversation but they all disappeared out the back only to re-emerge on the stage.

The band set up their stuff and while they made ready for a sound check, the two guys in suits came back to the bar and ordered a few drinks.

We were reminiscing about our close encounter with a rather angry Elephant charging through the camp one night, and as we laughed over it I could see both the guys who were standing behind Louisa, frowning and staring at us as if we’d been laughing at them, which of course we weren’t.

I glanced back and Louisa turned her head slightly for a brief moment but neither of the men said a word, so we carried on chatting for a while.

Presently one of the band members called to the two guys, “Jake, can you give us a hand here!” The chubbier of the two guys walked over to the stage and started fiddling about with one of the instruments. His companion, a tall, dark and handsome looking guy turned his back to the bar to watch the proceedings. “ELWOOD!” barked Jake from across the room. His call made us both jump as we were again wrapped up in one of our adventures. Elwood noticed this and smiled before walking over to his friends.

Once he was out of earshot I said to Louisa, softly “He’s kinda, cute.” “Yeah”, she replied, pausing, “But I think his pal is nicer!” We grinned at each other cheekily and we were both thinking the same thing, what would it take to ‘pull’ these two we wondered.

Just then the peculiar looking bar-owner put the Juke Box on, which started playing some soft Soul music, which Louisa and I both love to bits. We started swaying to the music and silently singing along.

Seeing this, Jake and Elwood came down off the stage and headed straight for us. They seemed to know without having met us before that we loved this kind of music as much as they did (as we were later to learn).

Jake instructed the Bartender to fetch us two more of whatever we were drinking and they pulled up two barstools and sat in front of us. “So, where you two from?” asked Jake. I looked at Louisa briefly and said “Well…” hesitating, I was a little unsure of the situation despite what we’d said earlier. “England originally, but now we live in Chicago.” “Hey, so do we!” Elwood said. I was stunned by the fact that he’d actually spoken, because up to this point he hadn’t uttered a word.

At that moment one of the guys in the band shouted “Sound check guys?!” Jake and Elwood got up and started towards the stage, they turned and smiled at us before raising the roof with a blistering version of ‘Jailhouse Rock’. By the time they finished testing all the sound equipment it was nearly 7pm and was beginning to get dark outside.

Jake and Elwood came back and sat with us until I said “Hey, you guys hungry?” I was starving by this point. “Sure” they said together, so we all got up and trooped round to the take-away stall outside in the car park. We came back with a Burger and portion of Fries each and sat tucking into them while the band went and got theirs.

“You’re on at 9.30” said the bar-owner to Jake, who did a ‘thumbs-up’ as he had a mouthful of Burger at the time!!

We sat and chin-wagged to Jake mostly for what seemed like ages. Elwood only nodded in agreement here and there. While I was relating a tale from our African safari I noticed that Jake was paying a fair bit of attention to Louisa. I could tell from the look in his eyes, which I could just make out behind his shades in the dim light, that he was interested in her.

9pm came along and they asked if we were gonna be here all night, we said yes and they went off backstage to get ready for the show.

After they’d gone I told Louisa that I’d noticed Jake looking at her in a rather ‘friendly’ manner, however she told me that she’d noticed Elwood doing the same at me!! We both laughed about it for a moment and turned to watch the show.

The gig went down really well. Lots of folks got up and danced, including ourselves.

It was nearly 11pm before they finished and the place started to empty slowly at first, but more and more drifted outside to the hot-dog stall.

The band were still packing up when Jake and Elwood reappeared. They both looked surprised to find us still sitting at the bar, evidently they hadn’t expected us to hang around. I wasn’t sure if we’d made the right decision in doing so, but they seemed ‘gentlemanly’ enough.

The bar-owner came up to Jake and handed him their pay for the show. $200 wasn’t much to split between them all, but it would keep them going for the time being.

“Let’s split man” Elwood said to Jake. We all looked at him and Jake’s expression said it all “Hey, not yet, let’s spend some time here first”. Here meaning with Louisa and me of course. Elwood relented and we all chatted for about half an hour before Elwood’s patience ran out and he got up and started towards the door, motioning for Jake to follow. “Looks like my brother wants to go” said Jake. So we all got up and followed Elwood.

Outside in the car park Elwood had parked their car, coincidentally, right next to Louisa’s. We walked to the back of the cars and Jake said “This yours?” to Louisa “Yeah” she replied. Goodness knows how he knew!!

I was standing at the rear passenger side of Louisa’s vehicle and I could only see Jake and Louisa, Elwood had completely vanished. Suddenly I felt like I was being watched and as Jake and Louisa talked some more, I turned my head and saw Elwood standing right behind and staring at me.

I smiled at him and turned back, waiting for Louisa to finish her conversation with Jake. I was too distracted by Elwood being behind me to notice that Jake was moving in on Louisa. When I did take notice it was too late, he’d got her well and truly in his paws!! Eh up, I thought.

I cleared my throat, in an attempt to bring them to their senses, but it had no effect first time, so I did it again only louder. Jake looked at me as if to say “What’s the matter babe?” I was still a little apprehensive about the whole thing. I was rather unaccustomed to this sort of thing. It’d had been so long since I’d had a ‘boy-friend’ so to speak that I’d got completely out of practice. I liked Elwood, but didn’t dare turn round to give him the opportunity. It would have to wait for the right moment, if there is such a thing. I could only hope he didn’t think I was being ‘funny’ with him.

“Come on Jake!” said Elwood, sounding a little frustrated. I looked at him and we smiled at each other our expressions saying “What a pair of lovebird’s!”

Jake glared at Elwood who instantly got the message. Jake was intent of spending a few restful hours (or not, depending on your point of view!), with Louisa. Elwood knew that once Jake set his mind on something there was no budging him. Jake and Louisa looked at Elwood and me as if to say “What’s the matter with you two?” Presently Louisa remembered that I was a little more reserved about this sort of thing and smiled at me and said to no one in particular “Why don’t you two boys come back to my place for a night-cap?” Jake needed no persuasion!! “Sure, why not” he said looking at Elwood who had a not so surprised, but rather exasperated look on his face. I could tell he was as apprehensive about it as me.

We climbed into our respective cars and Louisa led the way back to our flat on the outskirts of the city. It only took about an hour to get back and I was glad for it, I was by now feeling very uncomfortable about what may happen next.

When we arrived Elwood put their car round the back, out of sight of the road, in case any cops should pass by. By now the air had a distinct chill in it, even though it had been so hot during the day, so we all hurried inside.

The spacious flat we lived in impressed Jake and Elwood tremendously. To them this was a palace, normally they were restricted to cheap motels and only then when finances allowed. “Wow, nice place!” exclaimed Jake. Elwood nodded in agreement.

“Well…” I said, pausing, I looked at Louisa hoping she would know what to do next. I’d been in far more nerve-wracking situations, but this was an experience that was testing me to the limit. I knew Louisa liked her fellas and had always been the centre of attention when we were at University, but this was a little ‘more’ than usual.

We all sat on the sofa for a while and chatted, though Elwood never spoke, just nodded and frowned as he’d done earlier.

Jake started to get twitchy and obviously wanted Louisa’s company for himself, so I said “Right, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had enough excitement for one day I think”. I stood up and started towards my room. I patted Louisa on the shoulder as I walked behind, wishing her luck.

Louisa told me the next day that as I went into the room Jake looked at Elwood and motioned for him to follow, but he didn’t, well not at first. “Go on!” he said in a low, but gruff voice. Elwood joined me after protesting at being forced into it. He have preferred to take the initiative himself.

“Oh, hi!” I said, rather startled, as Elwood opened the door. He made a face and told me that Jake had practically dragged him in here, he said it loud enough for Jake to hear, though as I looked through the gap between him and the door that Jake and Louisa were too preoccupied to notice. I heard them go into her room soon after.

Elwood and I sat on the bed for a moment, I wasn’t too keen on getting myself involved as I’m not one for casual ‘one-off’ relationships. I told him this and he said it was OK and that he understood.

Elwood went out into the lounge and curled up on the sofa. I came out and threw a blanket over him, “You’ll get cold” I said. He sat up and smiled at me in a very boyish manner, I could tell what was going through his mind. I turned and started back slowly to my room, trying not to make too much noise, I didn’t want Louisa and Jake to raise their suspicions.

I’d just about got to the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned round and Elwood was right behind me. “What’s up?” he said softly. I sighed and we went into my room and he shut the door quietly behind him.

“Elwood, I do like you but…” I paused and sat on the edge of the bed. In the moonlight streaming in through the gap in the curtains I could see his cute face as he knelt in front of me. “I’m just not used to this sort of thing that’s all.” Elwood looked at me reassuringly. He put his hand on mine and stood up on his knees. Then he gently put his arms around me and kissed me softly.

The next thing I knew I was laying on the bed, enthralled in a passionate embrace. His hat came off as we cuddled up, so he put it on the bedside table along with his sunglasses. I thought he looked just as cute without them!!

He looked down at me and said, “You don’t like audiences do you?” I looked at him, not following his drift. “You prefer to be alone with someone.” “Oh!” I said, catching up. “Well…yes.” By this point we were both fairly ‘wound up’ and started to undress each other.

We spent several minutes in our birthday suits, Elwood taking great delight in giving me an all-over body massage!! I think he was mostly trying to settle my anxiety. It helped and I plucked up the courage to caress his chest and back in return. I pulled the duvet over us, as I was getting cold. When I stopped shivering he said, “Mmm, that’s better” and snuggled up to me.

As we kissed, a soft moan came from Louisa’s room. I looked at Elwood and he looked at me and we couldn’t help but chuckle. I hoped we wouldn’t give the game away ourselves!!

Working from my head down he kissed me all over. I flinched a few times because I’m terribly ticklish!!! We couldn’t keep ourselves from chuckling every time I twitched, so he carried on to make me do it all the more!! When I’d had enough I pulled him closer to me and licked the side of his face. He looked at me and I gazed back in a seductive manner. He smiled back, contentedly.

Elwood nuzzled his face into my shoulder, while I put my arms around his waist and caressed my way down his back and squeezed his bottom. When I did this he uttered a soft moan that told me he desperately wanted to make love, he half rolled over to let me get at his underside. We spent the next few hours satisfying the burning passion we now both felt for each other.

When we’d thoroughly worn ourselves out, we cuddled up and settled down to sleep.

The next morning we were woken by the sound of Louisa making breakfast in the kitchen. We got up and joined her and Jake in the lounge. Jake greeted us with a cheeky smile and said, “I was beginning to worry about you two!” “I couldn’t hear anything!” “You shouldn’t have been listening!” I replied. Trying to hide the fact that we’d heard them!!

We all ate a hearty breakfast and sat in the lounge wondering quite what we should do next.

I asked Jake, quite innocently “So, when’s your next show?” He looked at me and somehow guessed that I was thinking that any minute they were gonna split. “Oh not for a coupla weeks, somehow we gotta make that $200 stretch the distance.” Elwood looked at me in a forlorn manner, knowing full well that there was no way it would.

“Well, I gave $150 to the band, we owed them that much” said Jake, breaking the silence.

I think they must’ve been thinking that we expected them to cut us in as well, because as I looked across at Louisa she said “Well, we’ve both got good jobs, we’ll pay our own way.”

“You wanna come with us?!” exclaimed Jake. “We’re on the run from the cops you know” Elwood added. “I know” said Louisa. “But I think as long as you boys stay outta trouble for a while we’ll probably be OK.” It was worth a try.

“The only way we’ll be safe is to hop States” said Jake. The cops won’t go over the State line ya know” Elwood said to me. “Oh” I replied, not really paying much attention due to sleep deprivation. I woke myself up with a cup of coffee and the thought that we’d soon be on our next adventure.

Jake decided we should go to Wisconsin as there are lots of remote towns where we should be safe for a few days at least. We went in Louisa’s car, to minimise the risk.

After a long drive we found ourselves in a small fishing village on the shore of a small forest clad lake. There was only one motel, and we took the last two rooms. Louisa and I split the cost between us to save Jake and Elwood from spending their precious $50.

We all wandered down to the lakeshore and sat at a picnic table enjoying the late afternoon sunshine. It was just a nice temperature and much less humid than in the city.

Elwood turned and put his feet up on the bench and then put his head in my lap, which made me jump as I was looking the other way at the time. Louisa giggled and Jake smiled at me.

I looked down at Elwood who was smiling up at me in that boyish manner of his. I tapped his nose and said “Gotcha!” He wrinkled his face in bemusement.

Just then a Raccoon came out from the undergrowth and walked behind Elwood and me. “Good afternoon” I said in a soft voice. Louisa chuckled with delight, “You’ve got such a way with animals!” she said. Jake had a cheeky look on his face when I turned back and then he looked down at Elwood and raised his eyebrows a few times in a mischievous manner. Elwood grinned back.

We remained by the lake until it got to around 6pm. A delicious smell of cooking came wafting through the trees, so we got up and herded into the only restaurant in the village.

We spent several days at the lake and I finally got some decent sleep. Elwood let me off after the first occasion!!

During the journey back we stopped off at a small roadside shop for some refreshments and a leg-stretch. Elwood and I were sitting in the cool shade offered by an outbuilding enjoying an ice-cold Coke while Jake and Louisa sneaked off and were gone for quite a while. The reason best known to themselves, though I had a pretty good idea why! At least Elwood and I managed to restrain ourselves during the day!!

Elwood finished his Coke and gave me a hug and a kiss. We both realised that we were beginning to feel much more for each other than we’d perhaps intended at the start. The look of love was in both our eyes. At that moment Jake and Louisa reappeared looking understandably disheveled.

I looked at Louisa as if to say “Honestly! Behave yourselves!” She looked back at me with an extremely contented expression. Jake looked a bit worn out, though in this heat I wasn’t too surprised. She’d probably let him do all the hard work!! And why not I thought to myself!

Louisa drove us back and along the way Jake dozed in the front passenger seat while Elwood and I chatted quietly in the back.

We stopped again briefly to refuel and Jake and Elwood went into the shop to freshen up in the washroom. I talked to Louisa when she came back from the till. “So, what happens now?” “Well, Jake and I have decided to live together for a bit.” came the reply. “I said they could stay as long as they want and if they ever need a place for the night…” pausing. “Elwood can sleep in the lounge if you don’t want to be ‘in each others pockets’ so soon.” “That’s very kind of you” I said. “But don’t let them take advantage.” “Oh, I don’t think they’d do that, in order to keep out of the cops way they tend to move around a lot. I think we’ll be lucky to see anything of them.” “True” I replied.

We set off again and I wondered what the future would have in store for us as we raced along with the setting Sun on our faces.

****The End****

(Story Copyright © 2001, CJ Inc.)

And We're Wearing Sunglasses!

Take Me Home!

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Last Updated: 19 December 2001.
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